
Naruto: Starting as a Root trainee in a White Room Program( Rewriting)

Word Count- 22.2K(Includes the story only) Mc will be a root trainee in a special program, it's similar to the white room in Classroom of the Elite, failing will probably mean death. The timeline is the same as the Naruto gen but Mc got transmigrated in a body 5 years older than the Naruto generation on the day of the Nine-Tails incident... Romance? Maybe but later in the story, Harem? will see but probably not, so don't get your hopes up. I am not gonna dump information all at once, in fact, I will give it in a subtle manner, at least try to. Update schedule will be erratic and chapter lengths are 1.5k+ in the least. Read the auxiliary chapter or serially the first one to have an idea of what to expect from the story.

Desire96 · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

1.Death is just a beginning... Right?

{Rock Lee: "Okay, if I can catch all twenty of those leaves before they hit the ground, then Sakura will fall in love with me. But if I cannot, then she will never return my feelings!" - Forest of Death, Chunin exams, Episode XXX}

In a vast expanse of nothingness, ironically a white figure could be seen, upon closer inspection one could see a female humanoid-like being lying on a bed with her one head facing sideways. After what could be said to be a moment or an aeon later, a figure materialized beside the bed.

The figure was also humanoid with white hair, he looked like an adult in his early 20s but the white hair on him seemed not natural colour but rather hair which was drained of its vitality. He passed off as a young man rather than an old due to the athletic body he seemed to possess.

He opened his eyes and looked around peering into the abyss of nothingness, various expressions like shock, disbelief and joy could be seen on his face in slight succession till they got replaced by smugness when seeing the figure lying on the bed.

"So, you have actually come" The female said possessing a beauty that could easily seen as average by a regular mortal, those who can see underneath the underneath would be shocked as such being looked perfect on many scales, yet average to an average person.

"So I have" The man briefly replied, the former smugness replaced by a serene look.

"You are an idiot, did you know that ?" She asked but already knew the answer, "The line between genius and idiocy is a blur, people like to give tags based on results, rather than process" He replied.

"Indeed, even then, this is just a different level of foolishness I have seen in a mortal in a long time, the one who is neither naive nor ignorant" 

"So, how do I address you?, [Calculator] " He asked

"Call me Ciel and cut that formality crap" The lady huffed and rolled her eyes.

"Fine, not like I am a fan of that either, I just presumed you are those stuck-up type of people who let power get to their head" He smirked

"Having pride is very necessary, but letting it get to your head and cloud your judgement is just foolish." She said as a matter of fact, "Anyway, let's move on to the elephant in the room"

The man's eyes widened, and seems to look around, then after a moment he looked sheepish, "Right... It's been a while since I have interacted properly with another being, so I don't exactly know the meaning of that phrase, but seeing that there is not an elephant as far as I could see and calling this place a room, is far-fetched, I will assume that you are talking about my reincarnation... or is there actually an elephant in the room that I cannot perceive?" He said shamelessly

The divine being's eyes twitched but her expression returned to normal, "Yes" She said

A helpless expression could be seen on the man's face but that was replaced by a Smirk and he nodded.

There was an awkward silence for the next few moments which turned into hours, neither saying anything, waiting for the other to make their own move, after passing of 100th hour, the man sighed, "You win" He simply said and a smug expression could be seen on the lady's face which went as quickly as it arrived.

"You really are patient for a mortal... anyway, It's been a while since I have seen a mortal causing their own reincarnation, I can't look into your past either... I checked your world to at least get an idea of your previous incarnation" She paused and seeing that he didn't comment anything, she continued.

"Your world really was awesome for a mortal world, a Virtual World that felt as real as the real world for mortals, Time dilation feature to make quick progress for human civilization as a whole, Npcs which felt as real as real people, This is any otakus wet dream, but what did you do?, you actually used that time dilation function to improve your skills... Where everyone was using those to... copulate for days, you were actually doing instinct training... There's one thing to be an otaku, but actually trying to copy one fictional character's skill... That also for fucking 500 years... Tell me are you really a mortal?" She seemed to have gotten emotional for some reason, but after a moment she composed herself.

"This Virtual world was actually randomly generated after the initial design and was expanding at a fast rate every second of the day, Creating new life forms, NPCs, languages, history, ancient texts... The AI was actually created by mistake, but its capability surpassed any lifeform seen before in your world... You on one of your adventures found ancient texts and somehow started to decrypt them, after a while, somehow you got information on reincarnation and of my existence briefly." 

"It was probably fate that somehow that information got there, but you actually believed the randomness of an AI and decided to follow the ritual mentioned and now you are here" She looked at him questioningly, wanting to know his motives...

"I learned everything I wanted to and got bored of that world, I have a strong gut feeling that this thing is gonna work, plus my instincts generally don't betray me, anyway, what is happening to that Virtual world, I feel like it's getting more real than the real world of that world," He asked

"Well, that Reality or 'Virtual World' is increasing the grade of its own level of Reality, Each idea has a grade and after reaching a certain threshold, it merges into different layers of Reality, That 'virtual world' of yours is becoming a higher grade world than the 'real world' of your universe itself." She said and before the other could continue with his questioning, she cut him off, "Now, let's move on with reincarnating, state your 3 wishes, also 1 wish can't contain multiple wishes I am gonna send you a version of Narutoverse."

" 1. I would like to be transmigrated with my memories

2. I would be transmigrated into a boy of 5 years old

3. The boy I transmigrated shouldn't have some genetic or chronic defects or illnesses. "

After saying that, he heard 'Sayonara' and the scene changed with him being in a classroom.

"-noble purpose of safeguarding Konoha from the shadows, each one of you has the potential to reach Jounin level and I believe that you will become excellent Ninjas, on that note let's end today's class, It's all for the Konoha!"

"All for Konoha!" Everyone chorused, so did I.

My memories were in fluxing and I got the gist of it, '10,000 children, 200 classes, assignments...'

'This is insane, I don't even have memories before I got into this institute, probably everyone's memories were erased.

"Today we will start with the Leaf Concentration exercise, I expect everyone to get the basics down at least in 3 days" Sensei's expression changed, "Those who won't get it will have to go through some resilience training" 

"Also, we are gonna start the point system I mentioned half a year ago, You can exchange them from the shops or exchange centres to buy anything"

"1st place gets 50 points, 2nd 49 and so on, any doubts?" He asked and when nobody said anything, he gestured to follow him.

Even if this place looked like a classroom, there was no window, they were clearly in a faculty that was closely packed.

"I believe that everyone can at least move their chakra in their body at this point, so you just have to move it towards your forehead and make the leaf stick, It sounds simple, but it is a more practical kind of thing than theoretical as it is the most basic level of control of chakra" Rat-masked Sensei said.

We finally arrived in a big closed room with trees present and artificial light on the ceiling.

"We have already gone through releasing chakra from main chakra points, In this exercise, the first step is that, after that, you have to Visualize your chakra interacting with the leaf rather than Dissipating in the air, Now Everyone, take a leaf and start this exercise"

Kids ranging from 5 to 8 years old could be seen doing what the teacher said. The First one to Complete was an 8-year-old with blonde hair who probably had done this before his memories were removed.

After a few hours, our protagonist also completed the exercise, coming in 15th Place and getting 36 points.

'Chakra is weird' he thought

"Kids, today's session is going to be over now, we will have Conditioning after Lunch, We will also start your sparring sessions Next Week, Also, the earlier 3-day mark to complete this exercise is shifted to 2 days and seeing so many of you have completed this, for now, you are dismissed."

Our protagonist with average looks and who didn't look cute even as a 5 year old started walking towards Cafeteria.

The points could be used to buy many things, but the main attention-grabbing thing here was food... Yes, this is the main reason everyone wants to complete the exercise quickly apart from not going through Torture... err- Resilience Training, yes, exactly that.

Anyway, Food here is actually divided into Ranks, from F to S rank..., F and E ranks are Normal foods, but starting from D rank foods include Chakra, they do have some effect on development but the main thing is that deliciousness level gap between D rank and E rank is like difference between heaven and Earth!.

A normal average F-rank meal costs 1 point and the same for E rank is 5 points, and D rank costs 25 points.

Surprisingly or Unsurprisingly, Jutsus or training manuals are cheaper than foods of the same ranks!

'I need to think about a goal in this ninja world, becoming stronger is a must, so that's a given, maybe Eating all different kinds of food in this world? Just this D rank Fried Rice is comparable to the top meals I ever had!, But, let's focus on the main problem now, I am definitely or most probably a root trainee... If I knew that being a root trainee gives good food, then I would have been the first to get kidnapped... anyway I can't hide my progress here as There are CCTVs everywhere, even in bathrooms, do these people like seeing Kids taking a dump?' He shivered.

'Anyway, even if I hide my progress, there will come a time when I will be found out and in the worst-case scenario, my memories are gonna be checked! that's the last thing I want, That is even considering that I would be a genius or something, I mean, I would be right? NO! Let's not get arrogant, I wasn't even first, even if this was my first time manipulating chakra, plus seeing that failure means Getting Tortured, I won't be surprised to see many kids who will keep up or even surpass me, this is the best environment to produce quality shinobi quickly, My only advantage is my ability to learn and my familiarity to Fighting, also my instincts that I have honed which I could still feel that in this body, so it's probably on the level where a soul can retain my instincts. Anyway, time to go back to training'


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was it Dio?

Do tell me your thoughts on this, also, Mc will get the same conditioning as other trainees, so his only advantage is his mental energy if you want to give him high chakra reserves which he will probably have due to that reason. Also, no 8 gates or something as I believe that will require some insane level of physical conditioning, coz if not then, I don't see a reason why Danzo won't create an army of such ninjas who can get a considerable boost on that front... I mean Third Gate does replenish your chakra Right? or was it Second Gate?

Also, Do remember that Shikamaru was a genius of a level never seen before, so his Chakra should be majorly Yin(mental part), so do make your preposterous statements taking in mind this fact.

Anyway, I have mentioned the timeline in the Synopsis, but Mc here doesn't know that, No he doesn't have a name yet, he is called by a number for now...

Can you guess the Number?

Lol, I feel like Dora the explorer from asking these questions in such a manner...

Also, He won't learn Rasengan as a kid... I mean come on, that jutsu requires a Jounin level of Chakra, as Kakashi mentions, also, learning it will require more level of chakra, as with just one try you will exhaust a considerable amount of your Jounin level of Chakra(Yes, there are steps for learning it, but still, it takes more amount that your usual jutsus), Anyway, You can forget him learning it until he has Jounin level chakra, his current chakra is academy level, also,

What should be the gap between the chakra levels between Genin, Chunin, Jounin, and Elite Jounin(Yes, I am gonna say A ranks are these in this fic) and Kage level? I decided on 10 times increase for the first three, any opinions?

Anyway, peace out :)

Word Count: 1916(Doesn't include Author note or the quote at the start)

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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