

Year 28 since Konoha was founded.

On a stage surrounded by many people, 2 brothers stand. One brother with short, snow-white hair stood behind the other with long black hair. These two brothers, Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama were currently announcing something monumental; the ascension of a new Hokage.

This trade of power which is among the highest in the world, only below the Daimyo, (A/N: Which I find laughable) could be said to be one of the greatest events in all of Konoha history; the greatest of course being the founding of the village.

"People of Konoha! I stand before you today not as the God of Shinobi or the most powerful man in the world, but as another villager. I, Senju Hashirama, founded this village with Uchiha Madara in the hopes of ending all wars and stopping your children from dying at the hands of shinobi." Hashirama spoke into the newly invented fuinjutsu microphone.

"Since the beginning of time, even before the Sage of Six Paths, war has persisted. 1000 years of devastation ended by the alliance of our two clans! Without a war happening in the past 28 years, I have decided it is time to let someone else be favored." Hashirama passionately spoke.

"My brothers and sisters, the time has finally come to pass the power of the village to someone else!" Taking off the Hokage hat, Tobirama, already dressed in his Hokage robes, stepped forward and knelt on one knee beside his brother.

"Today! 28 years after the founding of Konoha! I present to you the second Hokage! SENJU TOBIRAMA!" Hashirama yelled in excitement.

There was a moment of brief silence before deafening cheers and roars echoed across the village.

At the same time…

"Waaa! Waaa! Waaa!" A newborn baby cried out in pain and surprise. 

"It's a boy!" A nurse smiled as she held the baby. The mother, looking faint and frail, weakly reached out for the child. Seeing the woman reach for her child, the nurse gave the boy to his mother and went to prepare the child's crib.

Feeling the gentle embrace of his newly recognized mother, the boy stopped crying and deeply looked at her before slowly closing his eyes in acceptance, and going to sleep. Although the baby's behavior was odd, the mother had no way to know this as this was her first child.

Seeing the baby asleep, the mother also closed her eyes to wait for the nurse to come back, for she was exhausted from having to push her new bundle of joy out of his old apartment.

When the nurse finally returned while wheeling in a baby cart, the mother had accidentally fallen asleep in exhaustion. Seeing this, the nurse gently took the baby from the mother and placed him in the cart-bed. Then she went back to let the mother rest.

Several hours later when the mother woke up, she called the nurses and for her child. Usually, babies need to stay for examination from 24 to 48 hours, however, some babies who have had more chakra can leave as early as 3 hours after birth. 

It was even rumored that the Hokage, Senju Hashirama, left the care of their clan doctor after only 10 minutes. Although this was only a rumor, many people believed this because of Hashirama's exceptional vitality. 

When the nurse heard the new mother ask if her child could go home early, her face twisted. "Hada-san, unfortunately, your child has an unheard-of condition. He has no chakra veins or chakra to speak of. We need to keep him for a while longer to ensure he is healthy enough to leave."

The mother, Hada Amaya's face became aghast when she heard her son had no chakra veins. It was well known that all beings since the time of the Sage of Six Paths have had chakra, without exception.

After waiting several more hours in distress, Amaya's husband, Hada Orochi, arrived at the hospital. Although it was cruel for him, he was required to attend the Second Hokage's ceremony as a shinobi of the village. 

After learning the situation from his wife, he was equally worried. Becoming a ninja was a dangerous occupation and not all parents were happy that their children wanted to be ninjas, going on missions and dying at a moment's notice. However, not having chakra veins could have unknown dangerous side effects. 

A medical ninja came to talk to the couple after sleeping in the hospital till the next morning, exactly 24 hours after their new son's birth. "Hada-sama," the medical ninja addressed Orochi, "Your son seems to be just as healthy as any other baby boy, and regardless of our checkups, he seems to be just another little bundle of joy."

Hearing the good news, the Hada couple sighed in relief and followed the medical ninja to their child. Although their concerns were still there, when they finally saw their child wiggling ungracefully, all their concerns could wait. 

"Well, since your baby's situation has been cleared, do you want to name him now or later?" The nurse questioned the couple, somewhat embarrassed for taking their child away for testing so soon after his birth. 

"Yes, his name is Yori, Hada Yori," Orochi said resolutely after glancing at his wife. The medical shinobi nodded and wrote the child's name on a clipboard. 

After a few more health questions, the medical ninja sent the new family on their way.

Hada Orochi and Hada Amaya were 20 years old this year and were considered an average couple considering their ages. Getting married at 17 was considered young but acceptable, and anything after that before thirty was considered normal.

Although the average lifespan of civilians had skyrocketed to around 60 years since the creation of villages, traditions that have been at play far longer than the village, state that marrying young leads to a prosperous life.

After feeding and putting Yori to sleep, Amaya went to do some chores, and Oroch went to report to the new Hokage.

Although the Anbu had yet to be formed, he was a mission ninja, who had the strength of what would be called a jonin in the future.