
Naruto: Shadows Of Perfection

Isaac is someone who possesses an unwavering pursuit of perfection. His obsession extends beyond mastering jutsu; he seeks to perfect not only himself but also the world around him. However, Isaac's perfectionism becomes a double-edged sword, threatening to consume him. Isolation and inner turmoil ensue, prompting Isaac to confront the shadows of his own obsession. Will Isaac follow through with his Eternal Quest for perfection? Or will he fall short, embracing what he hates most, imperfection?

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59 Chs

The Script III

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Chapter 47: The Script III


"What do you think?" Nagato asked Konan, seeking her view of Isaac, his story, and his plan.

Isaac and Nagato discussed things for a long while, the former basically telling him about the Eye Of The Moon plan.

However, despite Nagato agreeing to the cooperation, he was still wary as he sought Konan's opinion.

"I... I don't know," Konan shook her head, seeming somewhat uncertain herself, "He doesn't seem like he's lying but his plan..."

The plan seemed too extreme to Konan but not Nagato who frowned in deep thought for his thought process is equally extreme.

Yahiko's death had convinced Nagato that his philosophies about achieving peace were foolish; the world would never willingly end the cycle of death and hatred it had operated on for so long.

Only through direct experience of war and all the losses and agonies it brought could anyone truly desire peace. Intending to personally bring that level of despair to the world.

Therefore, although Isaac's plan is different, it still gives Nagato a view of a whole new world... Maybe only in illusion can there be peace.

"I'm the key to his plan for only I can control the Demonic Stature Of Outer Path with my eyes, and I think I can verify the authenticity of his words through my eyes... If all true," Nagato made his purpose clear.

"I will follow your steps," Even if Konan is doubtful, she still had Nagato's words in higher regard. She was extremely loyal and would never disobey his words.

"With his help... Hanzo will fall soon, very soon, our revenge is near," Nagato muttered as he closed his eyes.

Isaac also closed his eyes as he went to sleep, having gone back to the safety of a safe house nearby, and sent White Zetsu to keep an eye on the Village of Rain, thus leaving him all alone.

By Isaac's side stood many clones, seemingly protecting him in his clones. However, Isaac only got to close his eyes for a second before opening them again.

'Aghhh, my head hurts... Even my soul is in pain,' Isaac couldn't help but muse in his mind, unable to speak, 'The technique is too imperfect.'

Isaac had never felt more uncomfortable in his life, the amount of sacrifices he had to make to ensure a better future... He was truly like a saint who never fails to put himself down the very next moment.

'Maybe I overestimated the capabilities of my eyes? Even after using the Active Eternal Refinement on the technique for so long, it's still garbage... Even with such eyes, I am still garbage. There are too many things to perfect about me that it would take endless years to perfect myself fully.'

"He's awake," Standing before Isaac was one of the clones who said as he pressed a button on a machine before him, "Inform the rest to start the reverse summoning procedure."

No, wait... It's all wrong. Isaac did close his eyes, but why did the environment around him change completely when he opened them again?

Isaac opened his eyes to a completely different environment, what seemed to be a research facility with dozens of Isaacs walking about, all wearing white coats.

And why did Isaac feel so uncomfortable? He felt that way because he opened his eyes inside a tube that was filled with some kind of liquid, a Nutrient Tank.

There was a breathing device attached to his face as well as several tubes attached to his back as well as several parts of his body, ensuring stable functioning.

You can imagine how you'd feel if awakened to something like that, it's terrible.

The Nutrient Tank was then opened from above, upon which the clones held Isaac before the Tank was emptied, all the liquid within flowing through a pipe by the side.

The clones disconnected the tubes attached to Isaac before bringing him out, and only then did they disconnect the breathing device, allowing Isaac to finally breathe on his own.

It was... It was very difficult as Isaac's face scrunched up into a frown, his breathing very irregular as he forgot how to breathe.

However, Isaac does remember how to breathe. He was just breathing in the other body after all. It's just that his current body had forgotten how to breathe.

The breathing device did all the breathing for him for the entirety of the past year and more, thus why he was struggling with something as instinctive as breathing.

"One minute!" A clone suddenly reminded, "Still a few minutes left until the body suffers brain death. Hashirama's cells are likely to delay that, but it's better to act quickly."

"Perform the Summoning!" Isaac nodded as he barely managed to breathe out those words.

The clones nodded as several specific ones assembled together in a circle, their hands reaching for the ground.

The contact with the ground caused their hands to light up, leading to numerous dark symbols to erupt from them, quickly forming a massive runic seal that soon lit up.

The brilliance of the Runic Seal didn't manage to mask the appearance of a body within the seal, the body of Isaac.

The clones seemed to have expected that as they quickly took off its clothes and quickly took the body to the same Nutrient Tank, making sure it survives, though not before taking some of its blood.

The body wasn't breathing at all, as if nothing but an empty husk though by the relatively healthy glow on most of its skin, it seemed to have been breathing recently.

Brain cells are very sensitive to a lack of oxygen. Some brain cells start dying less than 5 minutes after their oxygen supply disappears. As a result, brain hypoxia can rapidly cause severe brain damage or death.

That's what would've happened to the body if not for the Nutrient Tank, the same thing that kept Isaac alive for more than a month.

And now we have an issue, there were two Isaacs in the facility, both flesh and blood, not like the rest of the purely chakra clones, so which of the two is the original?

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