
Naruto: Shadows Of Perfection

Isaac is someone who possesses an unwavering pursuit of perfection. His obsession extends beyond mastering jutsu; he seeks to perfect not only himself but also the world around him. However, Isaac's perfectionism becomes a double-edged sword, threatening to consume him. Isolation and inner turmoil ensue, prompting Isaac to confront the shadows of his own obsession. Will Isaac follow through with his Eternal Quest for perfection? Or will he fall short, embracing what he hates most, imperfection?

VQuintessence · Komik
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59 Chs

Hypocrisy I

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Chapter 29: Hypocrisy I


"We are all hypocrites. We cannot see ourselves or judge ourselves the way we see and judge others." ~ José Emilio Pacheco

The brave died very quickly... Not quickly enough to not realize that, leaving him in Blood and Tears, just like many on the battlefield, and just like many Uchihas... Isaac can not protect them all.

However, he can lower the casualties as he finally joined the battle himself, deeming the use of illusion to be mostly useless as many must've realized the weakness of his technique.

It's quite simple, just a subtle distortion of the person's senses and balance.

In their view, it may appear that their attacks are heading directly to their opponents when, in fact, their senses are distorted ever so slightly, leading them to miss and make mistakes.

What differentiates the technique from most other illusions is its instant casting time, and it even trumps Sharingan as it doesn't require eye contact.

However, the illusion is very very easy to counter as even a subtle disruption of one's chakra flow can break it. The illusion is very subtle after all.

That's also what makes it dangerous though as it's very difficult to detect and easy to cast, thus Isaac could simply cast it at a moment's notice, at the perfect time, just moments before their attack.

That makes sure they can be affected by the illusion for at least a second, a time long enough to ensure their death.

Only that way can they truly fall under an illusion for everyone in the world knows of the horror of the Uchihas, thus they know to regularly disrupt their chakra when confronting them.

The way Isaac does it makes it difficult for the enemy to disrupt their chakra, not impossible though.

Therefore, it was no surprise when the enemy started disrupting their chakra more often, some keeping their chakra entirely irregular even if that impacted their combat capabilities.

Isaac gently pulled out his blade from the brave man's skull, letting the body fall to the ground.

It was a simple short sword, tainted with blood, dripping from it... Until it didn't anymore as the blood evaporated, a burst of lightning surrounded the blade as Isaac tapped the ground.

And then he swung his blade, so perfectly that the unsuspecting enemy could do little but watch as anything they found themselves trying mattered little in front of Isaac's Sharingan.

Even if a large part of the enemy's focus was on him, Isaac was not only able to evade their attacks of utter despair but also able to take out a life or two amidst the battle.

All because of Isaac's illusion, a different kind of illusion, something he used a while ago when he went to the Daimyo's mansion alongside Minato and his team.

It's what Isaac calls Projection techniques, a subsidiary of illusion techniques that don't directly interfere with the target's senses.

Thus why more than a dozen Isaac appeared throughout the battlefield. When the enemies try to attack who they perceive to be the real Isaac, their attacks end up wasted.

The Isaacs were like cockroaches, unkillable, and unable to directly kill anyone, yet they led to a lot of death.

After all, how is the enemy supposed to act upon seeing one of the illusion clones attacking them? Ignore it? They'd end up dead as the illusion may turn out to be the real Isaac.

However, if they try to react in any way, they not only find that the attacking clone is nothing but an illusion, but they also end up dead, stabbed in the back by one of the Uchihas.

On the battlefield, even a second of distraction could mean death, yet there was nothing they could do about Isaac for he seemed to almost be able to teleport between illusion clones.

And Isaac's reflexes seemed to far surpass those of the enemy, likely due to the electricity surrounding him, flickering all over his body.

And that allowed him to see far more than everyone else. He was able to see the despair in the enemy's eyes before the light of life left them.

Isaac was also able to see the pain and hatred in their eyes, their anger at such a hopeless battle.

It was indeed a hopeless battle for every Uchiha killed made the battle harder not easier.

That's something Isaac noticed as he glanced at the burning hatred in some of the Uchihas' eyes upon watching their friends and loved ones die.

Certainly, the Uchihas were experiencing very few deaths, but each death changed the circumstances of the battle massively as blood eyes started to open one by one.

War indeed is the place where the Uchihas thrive most despite losing so much.

Isaac's eyes moved as he captured two specific individuals, knowing their future, he would of course put more focus on them, none other than Itachi and Shisui.

They were struggling. It was Itachi's first battle, so it was understandable, especially with the deaths of his people all around.

However, Shisui was a special case for he graduated from the ninja school long ago, and he even became a Chunin quite a bit ago, so he must've had experience in killing.

Yet he still seems to struggle, not with killing the enemies for they were the ones to initiate this war, but simply with his emotions. He seems to be too kind of a kid.

Isaac turned his eyes back to the enemy as he swung his blade, releasing an arc of lightning that left the enemies in shambles.

The arc of lightning didn't kill anyone directly, instead, it simply shocked them, leaving them vulnerable to the Uchihas' death blows.

Furthermore, the lightning behaved quite strangely as it seemed to travel from person to person automatically before eventually dissipating.

Although the Runic Code is still in its infancy, Isaac can already see its ridiculous potential as he can code techniques with exact precision, making them act exactly how he wants.

Isaac swung his blade one last time, drawing with him a splash of blood, bringing brilliance to the darkness of the night.

The last ninja of the Frost finally fell, bringing about an eerie silence as the Uchihas tried to stabilize themselves, breathing heavily from the battle.

Isaac turned his eyes to some of the Uchihas who instead fell to their knees before their dead friends or loved ones.

They didn't cry, preferring to stay strong, in appearance at least. They merely mourned in silence. It was a sad scene indeed, the tragedy of war.

"Quickly bring the wounded back to the camp!" That's until Isaac's voice was heard, "Take them to the healing chambers before it's too late."

Isaac then crouched as he brought out a few scrolls, unsealing them to show what was within, several healing chambers, "The most urgent cases, I will take care of right now! Hurry!"

The Uchihas' eyes lit up, especially the older of the bunch, realizing that heavy injuries are no longer likely death.

They had lived through the Second Shinobi War, so they knew what it was like.

Konoha today has very few medical ninjas, so imagine what it was like then.

The lack of medical ninjas made it so those with grave injuries were left for dead as there simply weren't enough medics to take care of all of the wounded.

Moreover, a medic's chakra reserve is only so much, thus even more people were left for dead.

The Uchiha quickly got to work, tending to those with mild injuries while Isaac took care of the rest.

"We have thirty minutes before the next battle, so be quick," Uchiha Fugaku's words resounded throughout, "The Third Team! Take back the injured and the healing chambers!!"

Fugaku's words brought about not gloom but hatred in the eyes of his people as they so wished they could snap their fingers and make the ninjas of the Frost vanish.

The Uchihas may have initiated the battle today, but the Frost initiated the war, and if they had gone about it passively, there would've certainly been more casualties.

Therefore, the Uchihas' hatred was directed toward the Frost, and nothing would quench their thirst more than the blood of their enemies.

The war had just started, and this was merely the first battle, yet there was already so much hatred in the eyes of the Uchihas.

And there will certainly be just as much hatred in the eyes of the Frost when they hear the news... Isaac was starting to understand war a bit more.


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