
First Contract

Walking on the street Garou came near Yamanaka Flower Shop. The building has yellow paint with to the doors to the center and two windows on each side, there are also bunch of flowers below the wind with a hoge sign board on the top of the building written 'Yamanak Flower Shop' in Japanese

***Garou POV***

Knocking on the door I asked "May I come in?"

"Yes you can lil Garou" came a reply with a female voice. As soon as I opened the I saw a women smiling at me. The women has light brown eyes without pupils and brown hair which is tied into a bun with a red ribbon in it. Strands frame both sides of her face, hanging over her ears from behind them. She is fair skinned, and slight wrinkles are visible near her mouth. Her attire consists of a dark teal elegant dress, which sports an aquamarine coloured gem below the collar. It was none other than Ino's mother Inoki Yamanaka.

"Hello Mrs. Yamanaka." I said.

"It's nice to meet you Garou, Inoichi has already told me about you working here. Since it's your first week I would like you to stay at the counter and slowly lear about all the flowers here. Is that all right dear."

"I am very well okay with it and extremely thankful for the grance." I replied

"What are talking about grace child. You are a part of our family. If you ever talk like a stranger don't blame me for being rude." she said while being a little angry. 😡

"Ah.. I am sorry. It's just my normal habit Mrs. Yamanaka."

"Well don't ever do that okay we are all there for you son no matter what. Understand."

Even though she was angry her words warmed up my heart. I replied with a smile ☺️

"Yes Ma'am".

"Well Garou, I am sorry for being angry but you understand we are always there for. Now for your you can stand at the counter. Firstly whenever you see a customer, welcome him in, ask for the flowers he need if he isn't able to choose ask for the occasion and point out the flowers according to the occasions used. Since you are here for the first time I have placed a book at the desk with detailed description of flowers and when and which occasions it's used. If you have any doubt you can call me. I will be in the inner room taking care of the plants. Understand "

"Yes ma'am"

"Be sure to call me if you have any doubts. Don't need to get nervous we will be giving you 22,000(roughly 150$) ryo as your monthly salary."

"Yeah I will surely. And thanks for the amount."

"Okay then bye, be sure to call if any doubts.", after saying that she walks into the inner room.

After seeing her go into the inner chamber I went to the front desk, sat on the chair available and started reading the book she mentioned.

***Time skip 3hr****

Uptil now 8 people have came to buy flowers. During which two times I needed to call Mrs.Yamanaka as I wasn't able to understand their requirements.

*Creek* opens the door.

"Welcome dear Guest to Yamanaka flower shop."

When I looked up it was a man with black hair, having dark circles in the eyes wearing a plain black clothes which looks like going for a funeral. You can imagine Aizawa from boku no hero Academia.

"Hello.. ha.. do you any flowers suitable for funerals?." asked the man

"We have white lilies, roses and chrysanthemums suitable for the funeral."

"Well.. ha.. just give me the lilies. How much does it cost?"

"Well 200 ryo sir. Should I pack it up"

"Yeah please and please use a light pink coloured paper for making the bouquet"said the man.

*Hmm looking at the man he should be around early 20s and looks in the eyes gives me the feeling of a man looking for the revenge and the way he behaves he should be a ninja. Yeah he should be suitable for being my fist target. Well first check whether he is a ninja*

Well making the bouquet I asked him "Sir, by any chance are you a ninja".

My question startled him "Yeah I am a chunin child". said the man with a slight smile which instead of joy shows powerlessness.

"Wow, I also wanted to be a ninja but my talent wasn't great so I decided to look for a job. I am sure you will do great uncle."

After making the bouquet I handed it over to him. "Here mister 200 ryo please."

While he was giving the money my started to beat heavily since. Seeing his hand with cash coming to me I tried my best to remain calm. As soon his hand reached me I touched his hand and activated my ability and split a portion of my soul and transferred it to him while collecting the cash. It was done in split seconds.

After giving him change I sent him off. After a while seeing there was no one I called my Status Windows "system show my status"

Name:- Kenshiki Garou

Age:- 6

Tile:- Adopted Yamaka (Mind power +20 %)

Chakra:- 5

Physique:- 4

Ability:- A the Almighty, Soul Contarct.

Soul:- 9/10 can split 3 more times.

Contracted:- Aizawa Shota.

"Well the first Contract is completed. With the help of the system I am able to create a sub system for the contracted object and able to monitor him all the times. And almighty allows me to enchace the talent of the targeted person with my soul and take all of their strength when I think I wanted to. But it's better to wait for some more days so as not to arouse suspicion. With the power hungry nature of Shimura Danzo even it is only 1% chance he will do everything in his strength to control or kill me and the 3rd will do nothing to stop it. Just wait once I have enough strength it's the day these cancerous people die."

"Aizawa Shota don't let me down I will give you all the power for your revenge but as a price I will take everything you have."

***The End***