
Naruto: Secret organization

The world is in chaos. Destiny can not be changed. To protect my people, to reach my goals and ambitions, I'll mold the world from the shadows. Jiraiya: I can't believe it! An organization much more powerful than Akatsuki! Danzo: It's over! My dream of being Hokage... Madara: Impossible! This was not part of my plan! -------------------------------------------------------- I think there's no need to explain any further. English is not my primary language, so I'm sorry if you find so many mistakes, even more in the first chapters, I'll try to fix them, it's just that I don't have a lot of free time. This will be what I'd like to call an EU (expanded universe) since I'll be introducing nations and people who were not present in the original story, so if you want something that will be strictly following the original story, then this is not the place where you belong. Also, I apologize in advance for any mistake in the information of the story, It's just too difficult to search for every little piece of data, so if I don't know anything then I'll just change it. Just give me a chance. I hope you enjoy it.

SteveOl · Komik
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51 Chs

Chapter 32: Uzumaki, Senju and little bit of history

It was a beautiful day in the shinobi world. The birds sang, the children played, the ninjas killed each other, in short, any other typical day.

Unfortunately, not everyone thought the same, instead, even if they wanted to enjoy themselves, they could not.

One of those people was Senju Tsunade, granddaughter of the first Hokage, disciple of the third, one of the three great sannins and the best ninja doctor in the world.

Today was the day she would learn the truth of what happened to her clan. No, in fact, she already knew what had happened, at least in part. But ever since Lite recruited her, she knew there was something else behind it all. A conspiracy that enveloped his entire clan and possibly all of Konoha.

The plan to dilute the Senju clan was not a secret in the high command of the village, so the official story she knew was that the first and second began to marry the members of their clan with other clans and even civilians. That, in addition to the deaths in the wars, gradually reduced the population until the last one left of the Senju clan was Tsunade.

For a long time she saw how the members of what was her family were disappearing one by one. This could be interpreted in two ways, the first was to feel happy that her blood is not just a clan, but an entire village, no matter the passage of time, there will always be someone with Senju blood alive. The second was that the ties weaken to such an extent that you lose interest in them. Obviously, Tsunade belonged to the second group.

That's why that conversation was so important to her, above all, she wanted to know the reason why they excluded her and she never heard anything, forcing her to live so many years in solitude.

Tsunade was walking through the Konoha forest, totally unconcerned about whether she could be found or not. All she wanted right now was to clear her mind and calm down. She feared reacting badly and causing damage that could not be repaired.

She didn't know whether finding out about everything would be good or bad, and her feelings for Lite were complex, too.

Should she be grateful to him? Would the truth be worse than the lie?

That was what she feared the most, as she knew her grandmother wouldn't do things without a Good enough reason.

Behind her, Kushina was watching the surroundings in case anyone approached. Although she believed Tsunade, even in the state she was in, would be able to pay enough attention to her surroundings, this was a special request from Lite.

He knew of too many events that affected the entire world just by coincidence, and he wasn't willing to bet this time. It was better to be careful.

And he was right to be.


Kushina immediately appeared behind Tsuande and threw Minato's space kunai to warn him to pick them up immediately.

Perhaps it would have been better for Minato to be present, but everyone wanted to give Tsuande a space and privacy, so Kushina was the one who accompanied her.

Minato appeared immediately and took them away from the place. They knew that the disappearance of even one civilian could bring unpredictable consequences, so it was better to not do anything reckless.

— Uh... I seemed to feel a presence in this place.

Even worse would be getting involved with the person who showed up.

Minato returned immediately and hid in a more distant place with a good view.

When he saw who it was, his pupils widened in surprise and he patted himself on the back for being fast enough.

Minato wouldn't take any risks. He knew how skilled the person in front of him was, so he decided to leave immediately.

When he returned, Tsunade looked at him intensely, it was clear that she was angry for having her time alone interrupted. She was already uncomfortable having Kushina following her, so her mood wasn't too good.

— Sorry. Don't look at me like that. If it hadn't been for Kushina and her quick reaction, then the problems we would have encountered would have been enormous. (Minato)

Minato said with a trace that clearly reflected sadness. It was obvious that whoever it was, it had a big weight on his heart.

— Jiraija-sensei... (Minato)

Tsunade immediately fell. She knew that in terms of skill, right now she was far inferior to her former partner. After all, the years she spent wasting her life without training were costing her now.

— *Sigh* What's that guy doing here? (Tsunade)

— Well, his student died after all, it would be weird if he didn't come at least to say goodbye. (Lite)

Behind them appeared Lite. He was still in his one-piece pajamas with ninja figures all over his body, he had in his hand a papilla that his mother had prepared for him for breakfast.

— *Sigh* What a bad time to show up. (Tsunade)

— At least Kushina responded quickly. (Lite)

— Well, I'm already here, let's get this thing over with quickly. (Tsunade)

Tsunade made her way to the door and headed to the meeting room with the conviction to put an end to everything.




In the room sat Mito, Tsunade, Minato, Kushina, and Lite. Originally, it was going to be just a family conversation, but Mito called them. Apparently the information would also have to do with them.

— Boy, before we start. Could you tell me how you came to the conclusion that there are still survivors from the Uzumaki and Senju clan? (Mito)

Before starting, Mito decided to clarify a doubt she had since hearing Lite's words. She didn't know if it was him who thought about it, but she decided to ask him.

— Simple, in the case of the Uzumaki, they were simply too powerful to have been annihilated to such an extent. What I mean is that, even in my old world it was difficult to achieve such a thing if they were prepared, and even if they caught us suddenly, the people oin power always had some plan to save at least the young and that their lineage does not become extinct. (Lite)

— Just because of that? (Mito)

— That's right, unless you're an idiot, it's impossible not to prepare a contingency plan, especially in this chaotic world, but it wouldn't be an exaggeration to call the Uzumaki a clan of sages (Intelligent people, not sages of natural energy). So they wouldn't make such a mistake. (Lite)

— I see... What about the Senju? (Mito)

— That's even simpler. Which clan would be willing to disappear? Even if you're a leader, people wouldn't approve of that decision. (Lite)

— Keep in mind that Hashirama and Tobirama were people with a lot of reputation and influence, so it's not impossible for them to convince people. (Mito)

— I can believe that about Hashiarama, but it is impossible that the second made that decision. Also, merging a separate clan with the village and pretending they all disappeared while a select group escaped was the best option to keep their blood alive. (Lite)

— …Boy, you're so smart. (Mito)

— Thank you. (Lite)

— I wish Kushina was just like you, you don't know how much I suffered when I taught her fuuinjutsu. (Mito)

— …I won't comment on that (Lite)

— Enough! Do you want to tell me everything at once? (Tunade)

— *Sigh* Well, this will take a little time...

---------------------------- x X x ---------------------------

At the time of Konoha's founding, Hashirama Senju was the first to implement the concept of villages. He did this in order to reduce clan fighting and avoid conflict. Because of his great power, he was able to bring many powerful clans together without conflicts of interest, this is because everyone recognized his absolute power. However, that doesn't mean that those who followed him were just as lucky.

In any organization, a leader who is able to make decisions for others and balance the different powers is essential. But Hashirama was the only one who could convince the others by the mere fact of his absolute power, the others had to pay rivers of blood for the leaders to be elected and the clans to decide that it was safe for them to be annexed to one of the other villages.

That caused many clans to be wiped off the face of the earth in this conflict.

Incredibly powerful clans, just below Senju and Uchiha, they were no exception.

This situation was observed by Tobirama, who understood that just because you have great power doesn't mean that your clan is going to thrive or even survive. At the time, the Senju were at the height of their power, but that wouldn't always be the case, and considering the village, even that didn't make him feel totally safe, since even his brother had to eliminate some individuals.

Everything took a clearer form when Madara deserted the leaf to go his own way. At that time he understood that in concept of village it was just one more protection, but he did not ensure that his blood could thrive.

It is true that the original concept was that everyone looked like a family and little by little people were getting together until there were no differences, but he understood very well that this was not possible at all.

Proof of that is that even up to the present, the clans and conflicts continued to exist.

Given this, Tobirama consulted with his brother and both came to the conclusion that it was better to fully integrate into the village. This is how marriages outside the clan began.

However, when his brother died and he gained power, he realized that this caused a part of the members of his clan to develop thoughts of superiority.

"The first was Senju, the second is Senju, so the third must also be Senju."

It was the thought that hovered in the interiors. However, even though they had a lot of influence and were powerful, they couldn't compare to the growth of all the clans in the village.

The reason why many joined in the first place is that under the context that they all belonged to the same organization, they also have the right to have the position of Kage if they produce a sufficiently outstanding ninja.

The thinking of that group of Senjus totally contradicted the very foundations of the village. Which put them in a precarious situation. At the same time it was not very noticeable due to its prestige, but if things continued in such a way it would not take long for everyone to turn against their clan. That's one of the reasons Tobirama took disciples outside his clan.

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Stones please! :D

Next chapters:

Chapter 33: Tsunade, peace at last

Chapter 34: Lite's tantrum and a new member

Chapter 35: Let's start with a cliché, a novel

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