
Naruto: Secret organization

The world is in chaos. Destiny can not be changed. To protect my people, to reach my goals and ambitions, I'll mold the world from the shadows. Jiraiya: I can't believe it! An organization much more powerful than Akatsuki! Danzo: It's over! My dream of being Hokage... Madara: Impossible! This was not part of my plan! -------------------------------------------------------- I think there's no need to explain any further. English is not my primary language, so I'm sorry if you find so many mistakes, even more in the first chapters, I'll try to fix them, it's just that I don't have a lot of free time. This will be what I'd like to call an EU (expanded universe) since I'll be introducing nations and people who were not present in the original story, so if you want something that will be strictly following the original story, then this is not the place where you belong. Also, I apologize in advance for any mistake in the information of the story, It's just too difficult to search for every little piece of data, so if I don't know anything then I'll just change it. Just give me a chance. I hope you enjoy it.

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Chapter 09: Wasted Potential

Lite POV

'As soon as the war was over, Tsunade did as she promised and brought everything she needed.

My mother did not suspect anything since, luckily, that lady is quite intelligent. Instead of coming, she asked Rin's mother to visit with the excuse that she remembered about the baby who declared to her daughter when she was still alive. I don't want to imagine the scandal that would have been made if it was known that one of the legendary sannin went to visit a baby Uchiha.

I was totally surprised when I saw so many things at such an advanced level. The difference was so big compared to what was in the library that I began to have doubts about its origin, it is like the basic physics that you are taught in school and the physics that was applied to build a nuclear bomb. Simply in two totally different dimensions.

I have no idea of the details, but I think this is much more valuable than what even Konoha has.

For now I can only make the most use of this.

I feel like my job was made several times easier out of the blue. Now I don't need to navigate blindly, with such complete inheritance I can start the merge without running into any roadblocks for now.

Analyzing the seals of this world, I realized that, certainly, not even the most advanced here have more sistematic calculation methods. Everything is done with the basics that are addition, subtraction, division and multiplication.

Another issue is that the number system does not have zero. This may not be important to some, but when it was introduced for the first time it caused a revolution in the world of mathematics since it allows the establishment of reference points for magnitudes such as length, pressure, volume, etc; it helps to facilitate mathematical calculations from the most basic to the most complex ones by allowing them to be given a base, in the most common case the base 10. But two of the most important uses that zero gives us in my opinion is, first , the possibility of working with negative numbers, and second, it indicates the intersection of the axes in a cartesian coordinate system, which makes it possible to graphically represent mathematical functions and visualize their behavior more clearly. In other words, for seals that have to do with magnitudes and spatial positions, the use of zero is invaluable.

In addition to that, theories such as those of sets, exponentiation, roots, logarithms, limits, integrals, derivatives, the value of π, Euler's number, etc . There is a world of treasures waiting to be used.

If I want to mention some applications, it would be that in the case of limits, integrals and derivatives, they could be combined to create much better storage seals than now. The current ones give us some space, for example, about 3 cubic meters, but it works like a room in which you pile things up, there will always be "empty" space that cannot be used due to the different shapes that each object has, but applying the corresponding operations, the space can be adapted to the shape of the object, thus making 100% use of the 3 cubic meters.

This is quite useful since for a seal to work it needs energy to maintain itself, that comes from the people who are in charge of maintaining the seal. Doing something and simply leaving it like that is impossible and unrealistic no matter from where you look at it. It doesn't matter if this is another universe, it must comply with the second law of thermodynamics, that it takes energy from nothing and works indefinitely is nonsense.

Energy efficiency, space and convenience. In addition to that the seal would be simplified.

Someone who knows what four times four is, doesn't need to add four four times.

The same in the case of physics. I don't know very well what the logic of the jutsu of the flying thunder god is, but I am very clear that in this world there are "elements", and that these are used by the ninjas to produce techniques related to them. Chidori is a clear example of the application of the lightning element, so the technique mentioned first must be some complex application of the space element.

The bad thing with this type of application is that it is very instinctive and depends entirely on talent. If you don't have lightning you can't use it, if you don't understand space you can't transport yourself, etc.

This world has become so used to this common sense that they have lost the sense of investigation and search for the truth.

"I can manipulate lightning, but what is lightning?"

No one, exept for some, will ask.

But I am different, I know very well how important it is to understand nature instead of just using it.

In the case of lightning again, this is nothing more than a form of energy that manifests itself as a result of the movement of electrical charges, such as electrons. It is one of the fundamental forces of nature.

Therefore, instead of training techniques such as chidori, understanding what electricity really is and what it can do will be much more effective, and its applications will not only be for combat. A revolution in every way is what this means.

In the case of the earth element, it is not necessary to delve much into it, quite simple. But there are many types of soil, and what happens when metals are included? My theory is that instead of simply earth, it is more that it focuses on the force of attraction between atoms, the earth being more solid and compact, it is easier to use, but until I verify it, it will only be an idea.

Their understanding of the wind is even more ridiculous. The wind is nothing more than a fluid made up of different types of gases, moreover, each part of the world has a different mixing ratio between these gases. The wind is too general to lump it all together.

The same thing happens with water, since both are fluid, only at some point they divided. But I don't think the two are different on a basic level.

Instead of saying that you control these elements, it is more accurate to say that you play with the properties of the fluids.

Fire has more to do with combustion.

Why do I say it has to do with understanding? Because the elements manifested in nature are different than those manifested by a chakra-powered jutsu. If a lake is created with a jutsu, it will disappear after a short time, the same with fire, this is a combustion, an exothermic chemical reaction between a combustible substance and an oxidant (usually oxygen) that produces a release of energy in form of heat and light.

The only thing the chakra does is imitate nature according to the knowledge of the ninja.

Long story short, the fact that ninjas have the ability and/or affinity to control different elements is ridiculous. The water is not the same everywhere, there are acidic, sweet, contaminated, pure, etc.

Although I go around a lot with my explanation, I want you to understand the anger I have knowing all the potential wasted by these guys that the olny thing that do is to fight all day.

Luckily I came.

Now, how did technology advance in this world if they lack so much basic knowledge?

Simple, there is no advanced technology here. Are there trains? Yes, but they are very basic and only follow the principle of "hot water serves us as energy", but they have no way of systematizing that use to reach new heights. Everything here is basic.

Things like Orochimaru's advanced laboratories that were shown in the anime/manga do not exist, they are the product of the author of the work to make the world more picturesque.

But you can tell he doesn't know much about technology.

Many people believe that they can make the excuse that because technology develops differently depending on the circumstances then the situation where there are no vehicles like cars but advanced research equipment may be possible. But it's nonsense.

The reality is much more complex than that.

Science and technology always go hand in hand, and complement each other, if one takes a step, the other cannot be left behind, it is a codependent relationship.

In addition to that, the demand of the people towards the products that are produced also affects.

For example, a car, to build one you need two things. First, that there is science that is capable of supporting the necessary technology, such as metallurgy, mechanics, chemistry for fuels, etc. Second, the demand, which refers to the fact that there are people willing to spend their money, since in this way interest will be generated from merchants and investors to create the product.

So why are there no automated vehicles in this world? Simple, because they still don't have the necessary technology, that explains everything.

That's because the second condition is met, interested people, the nobles, those guys rot in money. As long as something new comes out that highlights their status, those hyenas will be the first to appear.

That is why many of the things that appeared in the manga do not make sense, although only those that have to do with advanced technology.

All of that can be changed, but the amount of human strength required is too much, not something I can do on my own. Luckily I have Tsunade who will be my pillar in medicine. I need to find more helpers.

Now, turning exclusively to the subject of seals, which is what I plan to specialize in, I found some very interesting things.

I already mentioned some related stuff before, but really, the logic of this is a lot like an electronic board.

Electronics is a branch of physics and engineering that focuses on the study and application of electrical circuits that use electrons to control and process information. In other words, electronics deals with the manipulation and control of electricity to generate, transmit, process, and store information.

My understanding of fuinjutsu is that it uses symbols, forming a chakra circuit that achieves the purpose of sealing, whether it be objects, as in the case of seals to store weapons, or even creatures, as in the case of bijuus .

But that's just one app, no one ever said that was all there was to it.

Fusing these two concepts I can get incredible results.

What I will do is adapt all the electronic logic to the seals, for example the logic gates that are electronic devices that are used in digital circuits to perform basic logical operations, such as negation, conjunction and disjunction.

Another thing that I can add is an application of transistors, they serve as an amplifier or as an electronic switch in electrical circuits. An application would be precisely in creating the communication seals that I used to talk to Tsunade. It's just that what I did before was very crude, using more of the ancient logic fueled by chakra as energy, rather than looking for a harmony between the two systems.

Why am I trying so hard to merge the two systems instead of just using the on I know? It is because of the advantages that the chakra has. I already explained that these manifest the understanding of the world by the ninjas. I mean , it's a pretty versatile energy.

The disadvantage of electronic devices is that they need a large production chain, but in the case of seals, they can act directly as what is required. Fire, water, wind, lightning, all of that is just an expression of the chakra.

Seriously, what idiots these guys, with such a big advantage like this and all they have on their mind is fighting all day.'

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Days, weeks and months passed.

Lite's progress was slow at first. There were many things that he could not understand, his mind was highly developed and his ability to process information was enviable. Unfortunately, without a teacher, He wasted a lot of time looking for the corresponding information when a simple question could have solved everything.

His mother's company did not bother him at all . He was, after all, fatherless, and although his mother's family helped financially, there were still many things she had to take care of.

As Lite grew up, Kokoe began to take over the family business and since Lite was always able to keep minimal control over himself so as not to worry her, they had stopped watching him all day.

The first month was the hardest as he didn't even know where to start.

By the third month he already had the basis of what I wanted to achieve.

By the fourth month he began working on the seals he would require for the night of Naruto's birth.

By the sixth month he already had something solid from which to start developing his new system.

He took a lot of inspiration from electronics. The first thing he did was investigate how to emulate the functions of the different electronic compounds with just ink and chakra, and he realized that it would be impossible for him for now.

The answer was in the "elements". Use the chakra to simulate the properties of what I am looking for.

An example is water, you can control the water that already exists or you can create water based on chakra, the difference is that the first will be permanent and the second will disappear.

That's how it is with everyone, one is control and the other is simulation.

'There are so many examples of it being two different applications, but again the common sense of the ninjas prevented them from seeing the truth.

So what I have to do is simple, use the chakra nature simulation ability to achieve different physical functions in a seal.

Why physical reactions and not continue with what was done up to now? Simple, because it is easier, instead of designing a whole circuit that fulfills a certain function, it is better to simulate an element that acts automatically. An example of this is silicon as a semiconductor, which depending on the circumstances serves as a conductor or insulator of electricity.

The main problem is that I have to have a minimum control of at least all the elements to be able to experiment and find the exact combinations to achieve the correct simulation.

The second problem is that I have to have a deep understanding of the properties of nature, otherwise what I simulate will never meet the desired requirements.

Third, find a way to keep the simulation defined and constant, otherwise the seal will only last for a moment and then it becomes useless.

Seeing that I could not continue down that path, I focused on remembering and writing down all the past knowledge that I remembered, from the simplest to the most complex. It was hard work that I fear will take much longer. You don't normally realize it, but the amount of information you have in your head is incredibly large. Now, what I have to do is organize it and write it.

For this I had to ask my mother for several notebooks. Some of them I scribbled in front of her to throw her off, and the rest were for my treasure trove of knowledge.

I wrote it in various languages from my past world so that they cannot be deciphered. I believe that if anyone knows the value of what is here, the fourth, fifth and sixth ninja wars will start at the same time.

But it's very tiring, as soon as I can I'll build a typewriter.

Anyway, after so much work, the six months passed and Tsunade would appear in the village at some point.

Kushina's pregnancy had already been announced and the only thing left was to wait.

I was quite relaxed since unlike the previous time, now I had two people who would be able to support me.

Even if they decide to betray me and work on their own, at least Minato will still be alive and that will be a perfect distraction while I look for other ways to strengthen myself.'

Lite was excited that everything went as planned. He didn't know it, he hadn't noticed it, but he was making a mistake that he tried by all means to avoid.

Lite was moving away from the world, from reality.

Things were going so well for him, his plans were working, he was not facing any danger.

Lite was seeing this world as a game, like a TV series he was participating in.

Lite had sworn not to make that mistake, it was one of the first things he promised himself, but even so, he couldn't fulfill it, his mind wasn't mature enough.

After all, Lite was not an adult in the body of a baby.

Lite was just a baby with the memories of an adult.

Something that would pay dearly in the future.

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Tsunade POV

Tsunade was walking by the entrance of her village, a place she had passed so many times that it still had the mark from the time she hit Jiraiya, something that even survived a war.

She was happy to finally see her birthplace again, the people she fought for in the past.

Now, despite still carrying the tragedies of the past. She could proudly say that she was forging a better future for herself.

These six months, although she won't admit it in front of " mister ", he really helped her to gradually find a new meaning for her life.

Rin wasn't the only one who got new experiences. Tsunade, unlike her, had already experienced several things, but that was precisely why her mind had closed to the fact that this was a cruel and gloomy world.

Chatting, seeing, eating with people, catching criminals and getting rid of others.

Her way of seeing the world hadn't changed, but she did realize that it wasn't all there was. That had made her feel lighter and her mind freed up.

That's exactly what made her feel complicated. If it had been a trip like any other, then she would still be the same Tsunade, but the words that mister told her and what he ordered her to do made her think.

And she noticed that Konoha really wasn't what she thought. That this world was much more than just her.

That, even a little, she could make a positive difference instead of lamenting her misfortunes.

Her concept of what she had to protect was defined, passing from Konoha to the villagers who live in Konoha, and from there to the people she considers valuable, regardless of where they are from.

That is why she would see with her own eyes what mister had planned. If it was really what he promised then she would join him wholeheartedly, but the moment she noticed that his plans were harmful, she would not hesitate to fight with all her might. She had to stop him. She would no longer lay down her life, because a dead person cannot make any change.

With those thoughts in her mind, she entered the village.

No one knew about her arrival if she didn't want to be found. To make sure nothing went wrong, she left Rin, her mother, Shizune, and the Uzumakis she found.

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Rin, along with the others, were in a cabin in a small village near Konoha. They decided to separate to make things easier.

They chose this location not only so they wouldn't be discovered, but also because it met the distance requirement for the communication seal to be used.

Rin was currently sitting next to a window, looking up at the sky and thinking about everything and nothing at the same time. Her personality was always cheerful, looking for the good things in life, but now her expression was not so smiling. Seeing so many bad things in such a short time left a mark on her.

She thought that perhaps those people who suffered could have been people dear to her.

— Tsunade-sama must have already entered the village. (Shizune)

— Yeah, do you think Danzo has noticed? (Rin)

— No, certainly at first we had problems with him not knowing how to deal with his agents, but for now even you can lose them if you're careful. (Shizune)

— Yeah, it's just that I'm nervous. (Rin)

— You shouldn't be, Tsunade-sama wasn't originally supposed to be here. Now, even if mister does not have good intentions, or the plan they have does not go as expected, I am confident that we will be able to prevent a tragedy. (Shizune)

Shizune spoke and patiently comforted Rin. Even though their ages are similar. She had a more accurate view of what the name Tsunade Senju meant in the ninja world. The reputation behind it was not empty, rather it was filled with a large number of corpses belonging to his enemies, though not as many as the number of people she saved with her methods.

An attack on the leaf village. Now that only one year had passed since the great war, the feeling of patriotism was still strong in the hearts of all the people. That included, of course, Shizune and Rin, and if it weren't for the very special circumstances surrounding them, she would have run to report everything they knew to the current Hokage, Minato.

The fact that they know that something will happen and do nothing to avoid it gnawed at them from the inside. After all, no matter how much they tell you that it is necessary or that there is a plan, the human heart is not rational.

Shizune made some tea and the two of them simply sat down to wait for the news.

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