
CH:2 Start of change

Hello guys, I am new in writing novels so i am trying my best to write long chapters. Please support my work



Kyuubi's pov:

He start to think seriously about it if spirit gets into wrong hands, it consequence will be unimaginable, the whole ninja world will be in peril and his siblings will also be affected.

If his siblings got to know it's because of him than he will be in trouble, while after thinking about this he agreed, spirit is also thinking about what reward he can give him, not only kyuubi but also it's host.

Spirit's pov:

Now that you agree to help me i will give you an ability to protect yourself from any type of genjutsu and mind control as for your host she will get an ability to see future for some time.

Hearing this kyuubi gets lost in thought the ability to see future and immunity from genjutsu and mind control, it's perfect for him.

Ha ha haa, it's definitely the best reward for me now no uchiha will be able to control me, ha ha ha.

Now that you are happy, getting your reward make sure to prepare everything for my baby body, and try not to see the future more, the more you see it the more it will change.

Hearing spirit's words kyuubi becomes serious, I will definitely fulfill my part of deal, Also I am not sure where to go my birth so I will stay with you in form of a seed if you find a good candidate, please pass it to her, I will be born as her child, the details of my container will appear in your mind, try to make it accordingly as the spirit transforms into a seed.

Hearing this kurama becomes more happy if he can help spirit he will return his favour someday. Now he have to create the container for spirit and find someone for the role of spirits mother.

Next morning,inside senju compound

Uzumaki mito wokes up from her rest feeling somewhat refresh, she asks kyuubi about it feeling confused what is happening.

Kyuubi's pov:

Seeing his host waking up from her sleep he starts thinking about his conversation with the spirit, now he have to request his host for help. But he is proud nine tails, strongest bijuu in the ninja world, he will never ask for help, he has already prepared a plan for it.

You red haired bitch, listen to me, if you can prepare a container according to my wishes than i will grant you an ability to see future for some time, be proud you are the first to get this ability from me and don't tell anyone about it, it will help you more if you keep it a secret.

Mito's pov:

Hearing kyuubi's words, she gets more confused, she has never heard of such ability but what is it that kyuubi is hiding. Thinking carefully she thinks to agree about it. Whatever it is, the ability of future sight is more important than other things.

She says "i agree, you stupid 🦊fox tell me more about it, I will see what I can, if I am not here what can you do just bark inside my head for help, you should thank me for helping you. I am best in my work, in whole ninja world, no one can be compared to me, hmph.

Hearing this kyuubi becomes satisfied, at least his work can be complete, now he has to show the design of the container and his half work will be done. He also wants to see what the future will be like.

Mito agreed to kyuubi's request, she knows there is something, he is hiding and also to get the ability to see future🔮, she thinks at least she can help to protect her husband's clan and village.