
Naruto : Sadistic Devil

SI in Naruto - Gin Ichimaru Advance chapter out on ko-fi .com/zeroski

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11 Chs


Instead of heading straight to the Root training grounds. I decided to have a little fun. I summoned a clone, a perfect replica of myself, and sent it toward the training grounds to maintain the illusion that I was diligently following orders and training.

Meanwhile, the original me took a stealthy stroll toward the Senju estate.

The entrance to the Senju estate loomed ahead, guarded by a stern-faced Shinobi. I approached with an exaggerated spring in my step, my grin widening as I prepared for the upcoming charade.

"Halt! State your business," the guard demanded, eyeing me with suspicion.

I flashed him a gleaming smile, a twinkle of mischief in my eyes. "Greetings, good sir! I am ~Gin Ichimaru, Mito-Sama's long-lost and completely illegitimate grandchild. I've come to brighten her day with my charming presence."

The guard's eyes narrowed, a mixture of disbelief and irritation on his face. "Illegitimate grandchild? That's a new one."

I chuckled, weaving a fantastical tale on the spot. "Oh, indeed! My Grandparents, star-crossed lovers in the moonlit night, conceived my father in secrecy. A tale of passion, affairs, and, well, here I am, the embodiment of their forbidden love!"

The guard sighed, clearly unimpressed. "I've heard my share of wild stories, but this takes the cake."

Before I could weave more tales of my fictional lineage, a sudden flash of gold enveloped me. Golden chain materialized with a grace that could only belong to a seasoned wielder. It coiled around me, swiftly sealing my lips, rendering me mute and effectively silencing my outlandish tales as Mito emerged from the courtyard.

The Senju guard watched the spectacle unfold, his expression a mix of bewilderment and curiosity. I could almost sense his internal struggle between duty and the absurdity of the scene before him.

Mito hauled me along the ground, the chain not allowing any room for protest, I shot a comical wink in the guard's direction. His bewildered gaze followed us as Mito dragged me towards her room, my laughter muffled by the silent embrace of the golden chain. *Giggle*

Upon reaching her room, Mito released the chain, freeing me from its grasp. She turned to the bewildered guard, offering a brief explanation. "A misunderstanding, nothing more. Thank you for your vigilance."

The guard nodded, still processing the peculiar encounter. Mito ushered me into her room, and the door closed behind us.

"Grandchild, Gin? Really?" Mito teased, a playful glint in her eyes.

I grinned, feigning innocence. "Well, I thought it might add a touch of drama to the day. Don't you agree?"

Mito sighed, her laughter subsiding. "You never fail to bring trouble, Gin. What brings you here, truly?"

I adopted a mock serious expression. "Just the joy of your company, Mito. Plus, a bit of harmless mischief never hurt anyone, right?"

Mito rolled her eyes, a smile playing on her lips. "Harmless is not the word I would use to describe your antics, but I suppose it's never a dull moment with you around."

I strolled over to the corner bed, the soft rays of sunshine beckoning me to indulge in a moment of relaxation.

As I settled into a comfortable position, I couldn't help but notice the subtle twitch of Lady Mito's eyes, a telltale sign that my casual behaviour had not gone unnoticed.

"Why are you here, Gin?" Lady Mito finally asked, her voice carrying a mix of curiosity and suspicion.

Internally, I debated whether to divulge the information that had been lingering on my mind. The intrigue surrounding Dan Kato, possibly from the Root, and his connection to Tsunade was a piece that had piqued my interest. Yet, should I share such sensitive information with Lady Mito?

With an air of feigned innocence, I decided to tread cautiously. "Just wondering, Lady Mito, have you heard anything about Tsunade dating someone? Rumours, perhaps?"

Lady Mito's gaze sharpened, and I could sense the subtle shift in the atmosphere. "Why do you ask?" she inquired, her tone guarded.

I shrugged casually, maintaining my playful demeanour. "Curiosity, my dear Lady. Curiosity is the spice of life, after all. Now, have you heard anything or not?"

Mito, concerned for her granddaughter's well-being, nodded thoughtfully. "I haven't seen Tsunade with anyone lately, but the rumours have been circulating. Why do you ask?"

Seizing the opportunity to steer the conversation towards more advantageous waters, I leaned forward with a wicked glint in my eyes. "Well, Lady Mito, it's not entirely selfless. I've been thinking of expanding my Jutsu repertoire. Do you have Tobirama's study on Wind and Lightning Jutsus? How about you grant me access to that in exchange for some intriguing information?"

Mito's expression shifted, torn between the desire for insights and reluctance to share more than necessary. However, the prospect of gaining valuable information seemed to tip the scales in my favour. After a moment's contemplation, she sighed and nodded, "Deal."

Satisfied with the arrangement, I continued to probe for details regarding Tsunade's mysterious partner. "Great doing business with you, Lady Mito. Now, about those rumours, what else have you heard about Tsunade's new flame?"

Her gaze a mixture of curiosity and caution. "I haven't seen Tsunade with anyone recently, but I've heard of a certain individual."

The information, though intriguing, felt incomplete. My mischievous grin persisted as I posed the final question. "One more thing, Lady Mito. Does this mysterious someone happen to have light blue hair?"

Lady Mito connected the dots, and the room held a tension only found in the unspoken acknowledgment of concealed truths.

"Hahaha" I chuckled internally, recognizing the pieces falling into place. "Ah, the plot thickens. Interesting choice of a romantic partner."

With an air of caution, she finally spoke, "Light blue hair, you say? That might be accurate. But how would you—"

Cutting her off with a sly smile, I divulged a piece of the puzzle. "Lady Mito, let me be honest. This person you speak of, with light blue hair, might just be a Jonin from Root."

Her aura shifted, a subtle wave of realization and apprehension washing over her. In that moment.

Casually glancing at Lady Mito, I raised an eyebrow, my voice taking on a teasing tone. "So, ~Lady Mito, should I take care of this Root Jonin for you? Dispose of the problem, so to speak?"

Her eyes, a reflection of deep contemplation.

Mito responded, "Not yet, Gin. I will speak with Tsunade first, let her bring the youngster before me, and then we shall see."


As Lady Mito delved into her contemplations, I, with an air of nonchalance, felt drowsy under the sunlit corner of the room. The warmth of the sun's rays caressed my form, and with a sense of relaxation, I reclined, allowing the comforting embrace of drowsiness to envelop me.


<Scene Break> Gin's POV

In the ethereal landscape of my dreams, the recurring nightmare unfolded like a malevolent script. Here, my not so handsome doppelganger, a grotesque manifestation of my deepest fears and frustrations, reveled in his gruesome task of ending my existence, over and over again.

With each iteration, the Spectre clone struck with precision, the phantom blade cutting through my vitals over and over and over. The sensation of dying in the dream, while not permanently painful, brewed an unsettling mix of frustration.

"Oh, how original," I sarcastically remarked as the spectral blade descended once more. "I always dreamed of starring in my own tragic play. Bravo, bravo!" *STAB* *HUMMMM*

Yet, even in the face of repeated demise, a twisted sense of humour persisted.

"Encore performance, huh?" I quipped, evading the phantom blade with a theatrical sidestep. "I must be the star of the dream realm's greatest hits."


As the deaths looped, my irritation transformed into a strange amusement, a defence mechanism against the ceaseless onslaught of my spectral tormentor.

"Is this my subconscious's way of telling me I need a career change?" I pondered aloud, dodging another strike.

"Woah Woah… Note to self: next time, dream of puppies and rainbows, not a psychotic clone with a penchant for killing lil old me."


"Let's see how many times we can do this dance," I said, my voice laced with a defiant smirk. "I'm the star, after all Bitch."

As the phantom blade swung down once again, my focus intensified. Slowly but surely, I entered a state of extreme concentration, finding a strange solace in the rhythm of the nightmare. The frustration, rather than consuming me, fuelled a newfound determination.

"You know," I chuckled, "I should get a medal for enduring this nightly gauntlet. 'Survivor of the Specter Slaughter' has a nice ring to it."


With each demise, my spectral counterpart became a dark mirror, reflecting not just my grin but also sadistic tendencies.

"Death by Clone? – sounds like a bad sci-fi movie," I remarked, a grin playing on my lips. "But hey, at least I'm the star."

Amid the absurdity, I posed a question to the shrouded figure standing behind me.

"How many times have I killed this cunt again?" I inquired, genuinely curious.

"Seven times," replied the figure, its voice echoing with an otherworldly resonance.

"Ah, lucky number seven," I mused, feigning enthusiasm. "Guess we're breaking records in the dream realm?"

"Well, here's to lucky number eight," I declared, facing the figure with a wry grin. "Let the dance continue, my mute brother from another mother."

The figure remained stoic, an enigmatic silhouette in the dreamscape. My own frustration transformed into a curious acceptance.

This time, however, the scenario took an even darker turn. As the Spectre clone lunged at me with a spectral blade, I swiftly tackled it, but not without consequences.

A searing pain erupted in my side as the clone's blade found its mark, stabbing me in the liver. *STAB* The sensation was as vivid and agonizing as if it were real. My strength waned, but instinct and survival kicked in.

With the blade lodged in my side, I grappled with the spectral assailant. In a desperate move, I pinned my assailant to the ground, teeth gritted against the pain. Blood oozed from the wound, staining the ground.

In a macabre twist, I resorted to a savage tactic. My teeth clamped onto the clone's jugular, tearing through phantom flesh. The grotesque scene unfolded as I ripped out the jugular, the taste of ethereal flesh bitter on my tongue.


Spitting out the remnants, I watched as the figure overseeing this dreamscape spectacle started chuckling. The grotesque nature of my actions seemed to amuse the malevolent overseer, its laughter echoing through the surreal landscape.

As I clutched my side, the pain persisting even after the clone's disappearance, I pondered the nature of my dreams. The dreamscape seemed intent on testing my limits, pushing me to confront the darkest corners of my psyche.

"Well, here's to dreams – the peculiar manifestations of our inner chaos," I quipped, forcing a smirk despite the pain knowing the next Spectre would be as savage as he was just then.

The dreamscape shifted, preparing for the emergence of a new spectral adversary. Darkness enveloped the surreal landscape as the figure's laughter faded into the dream's obscurity. I braced myself for the impending encounter, aware that the cycle would persist –

…ke up!!"

"Gin!! Wake UP!!"


A sudden jolt surged through me as I was violently torn from the surreal battleground of my subconscious. The transition was disorienting, leaving me in a state of momentary confusion.

Before I could fully comprehend the shift from dreams to reality, a voice pierced through the lingering echoes of the dreamscape.

 "Oi, Gin! Wake up, you lazy bum!"

Kushina's voice cut through the peaceful atmosphere, jolting me awake. With a groggy blink, I found myself face to face with the fiery-haired Uzumaki, her expression a blend of impatience and amusement. Clearly, subtlety wasn't her strong suit.

"Kids should go back to the academy, Kushina," I teased, a playful grin forming on my lips.

"Did someone forget to tell you that barging into people's naps is considered rude in some circles?"

💢💢She shot back a glare; her impatience evident. "You're the one napping in someone else's room. Besides, you're a Shinobi. Shouldn't you be used to abrupt wake-ups?"

*Humph*Kushina snorts.

"Grandma wants to see you. And she doesn't appreciate slackers."

With a dramatic sigh, I stretched and yawned, feigning the exhaustion of a man who had been rudely awakened from a truly restful nap. "Ah, the burdens of being in demand. Lead the way, oh enthusiastic messenger."

💢Kushina shot me a withering glance but turned to lead the way nonetheless. As we traversed the corridors of the Senju estate, I couldn't resist the urge to continue needling her.

Our journey ended in a room where Mito awaited.

I scratched my head, sporting an unapologetic grin. "Apologies, Mito-Sama. My beauty sleep was rudely interrupted."

Kushina sighed loudly, earning her a disapproving look from Mito. "Enough of your antics, Gin. We have important matters to discuss."

With a casual salute, I acknowledged the gravity of the situation. "Of course, Mito-Sama. Lead the way."

Mito led me to another room, where she handed me a set of scrolls. "Tobirama's research on Wind and Lightning Jutsus. Our deal is complete."

I accepted the scrolls with a grateful nod. "Much appreciated, Mito-Sama."

But Mito wasn't done yet. With a thoughtful expression, she offered to assist in enhancing my existing seal. "Let's make sure you can store and retrieve these scrolls efficiently."

As Mito worked on the seal, her chakra intertwined with the intricate patterns, creating a seamless integration. The seal now adorned my shoulder, ready to house the wealth of knowledge contained in Tobirama's research.

"Thank you, Mito-Sama. This will come in handy," I remarked, testing the seal's functionality with a swift retrieval of one of the scrolls.

Mito nodded a sense of satisfaction in her eyes. "Use it wisely, Gin. Though others may get suspicious if you start using many Jutsus."


Thanks for Reading (Zeroskii)

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Advance chapters are out on - ko-fi .com/zeroski 

The next update can be expected on Wednesday | Thursday.

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