
Naruto: Sacred Scroll

After discovering a long lost ancient forbidden master sealing technique created by a deceased clan leader and seal grandmaster of the Uzumaki clan, Jiraiya studies and tampers with it only for it to lead to unexpected results.

Miguelho · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
38 Chs

Chapter 032

"In a hurry to fail the Genin Exams again Naruto," Kiba taunted, causing the others in the class to snicker while other laughed.

"Go chase a cat you ass sniffing mutt," Naruto retorted.

"What was that," Kiba retorted back.

"That's enough out of you two,"Iruka said sternly, "I will not condone this kind of behavior during the Genin Exams! Act the part as profession ninja of Konoha or I'll disqualify you both! Got it?"

Neither boys said anything but gave a small nod.

"Now let's get this exam started," Iruka said.

(A Long While Later)

After everyone had passed the written portion of the Genin Exams, then came the practical part of it. Naruto stood on line and waited for his turn after everyone else went.

"Typical," Naruto muttered to himself, "Being made to go last again."

"Don't worry Naruto-kun," Hinata assured wearing her new head protector around her neck, "Your turn will soon come up and you'll be given a shot to pass the Genin Exams this time around."

"OK Naruto," Iruka said after arriving at Naruto's name.

"Here I go," Naruto grinned as he stepped forward. Being the last one, everyone watched and waited to see how Naruto would do this time around. Some expected him to fail again and repeat the class with Iruka. Much to Iruka's surprise everyone in his class so far passed the exam and of course Sasuke passed the exam with a flawless score.

"Now Naruto," Iruka instructed, "Perform Kawarimi, Henge and Bushin No Jutsu. And if you so much as attempt the Oiroke No Jutsu of yours, I'll instantly fail you."

"This is stupid," Naruto complained, "You always have me attempt a jutsu that you yourself know I can't perform! And little to no help was offered to help me in that regard!"

"Naruto," Iruka instructed, "These are basic jutsus that those of your level should have the capability to execute. There are other jutsus that far more advanced and complex than these and if you can't even perform the basic types at your current level, you have no ability to use the more advanced versions-"

"Thus your career as a ninja will never leave the floor," one student interjected.

"If it ever starts at all," another mocked.

"Quiet," Iruka rebuked, "I don't recall asking for any of your input on the matter! Don't let the fact that the rest of you are now Genins go to your heads! Being ninjas now mean that you're no longer looked at as children but as adults of this village and all of you can now be held accountable before the Hokage himself on any charges brought up against you, even by me. That means that you all can be given judicial judgment and sentence by the Hokage if you're found guilty of whatever charges were raised against you. Is that understood?"

Needless to say, everyone gulped and nodded, seeing the full weight of Iruka's words. A sudden reality that they were now forced to acknowledge. Naruto and Hinata were already aware of that fact so there was no point in them showing the same expression of shock from Iruka's truthful words. Turning back to Naruto…

"Now Naruto," Iruka said, "Perform the jutsus as instructed."

"I got a better idea," Naruto said, "Bushin No Jutsu is ineffective for me. Therefore, I'll resort to using something else in its place. And I'll combine that with Henge."

Puzzled, Iruka asked, "What are you-"

"Kage Bushin No Jutsu," Naruto said, "Henge!"

A burst of white smoke came forth from Naruto, temporarily blocking everyone's sight. When the smoke finally cleared, everyone saw standing in front of the class Hinata and Sakura with Sasuke standing off to the side as though he wasn't paying attention to them.

"What the!," Iruka and Mizuki said simultaneously. Everyone looked in front of them class to see what was going on.

"Kage Bushin No Jutsu," Shikamaru repeated, "I never heard of such a jutsu before."

"Neither have I," Chouji added.

"That's because it's a B-class Jounin-level kinjutsu," Iruka explained, "And unlike Bushin No Jutsu, Kage Bushin No Jutsu creates solid clones with their own chakra coil systems. But how and when did Naruto learned it?"

"Repeat that again," Sasuke requested as though what he heard was a lie, "A B-class Jounin-level kinjutsu? Why weren't we ever taught that?"

"Because to perform such a kinjutsu requires a large amount of chakra," Mizuki explained, "Attempting such a jutsu without the required chakra would kill you instantly from chakra exhaustion alone. Creating just one kage bushin is enough to drain more than half of one's chakra."

"And yet the dobe learned this jutsu," Sasuke replied in disbelief.

"But from whom," Ino asked.

"That's not important," said "Hinata" from in front of the class catching everyone's attention, "We ninjas are entitled to our own secrets, aren't we? And who here tells everything about ourselves and hidden abilities, hm?"

"Hinata" looked like "she" was about to leave when…

"Hey Hinata," "Sakura" called out, "Not that I'm complaining about you not going after my Sasuke-kun, but I must ask something that I'd like to understand from you."

"And what might that be," "Hinata" asked innocently.

"What is it that you could possibly see in Naruto that you don't see in Sasuke-kun," "Sakura" asked, "I mean, Sasuke-kun is a born genius, the top student in our class and is the total opposite of Naruto in a whole bunch of stuff."

"Naruto-kun does have his good points Sakura-san," "Hinata" defended, "I mean he-"

"Let's be real Hinata," "Sakura" cut her off with an unconvinced tone, "Naruto is a known troublemaker and he isn't all that bright. Just look at last year's event when he failed the Genin Exams in his attempt to graduate a year early before the rest of us. I bet if Sasuke-kun attempted to do what Naruto did he would have passed and graduated."

"But wouldn't that mean that he would have become a Genin and not in class with you anymore," "Hinata" pointed out. "Sakura" was caught off guard by "Hinata's" words and logic but "she" didn't let that deterred "her." "Sasuke" in the meantime was off to the side seemingly not paying attention to the "girls'" conversation.

Everyone in the class was watching this mock scene of "Hinata" and "Sakura" play out, believing that a conversation like this was actually possible considering the characteristics of both girls and Sasuke. Some in the class were snickering at how Naruto was making fun of himself while having his transformed clones play the roles of Hinata, Sakura and Sasuke most convincingly.

"Honestly," Iruka admitted under his breath, "I can see this happening."

"One would actually think that it was actually those three in front of the class," Shino comment.






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