
Naruto: Sacred Scroll

After discovering a long lost ancient forbidden master sealing technique created by a deceased clan leader and seal grandmaster of the Uzumaki clan, Jiraiya studies and tampers with it only for it to lead to unexpected results.

Miguelho · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
35 Chs

Chapter 028

"Get back here Naruto!" one the ninjas ordered. "Naruto" just laughed and continued running while hopping over fences of backyards, gardens and alleys. Getting to one alley, the group of ninja lost sight of "him."

"Where did that scornful child go!" the lead Jounin asked aloud. They looked around and saw "Naruto"nowhere in sight. Just then, paint fell and spilled over them from above.

"Suckers," "Naruto" laughed before tossing the emptied cans of paint at them and running off.

"Damn you Kyuubi-gaki," one of the Jounins cursed. "Naruto" ran off with the same ninjas after "him." A minute later, "he" turned "he" corner to "his" right and hid behind another "his" camouflaging cloak, blending in with the wall as the paint-covered ninjas ran and passed "him" by with realizing it.

"Get back here," the lead Jounin ordered.

"Naruto" grinned victoriously removing the camouflaging cloak off "himself" and said, "That was so easy."

A second later…

"HEY NARUTO!" Iruka screamed from behind "Naruto." The blond jumped and turned to see Iruka.

"The hell!" "Naruto" yelled, "How do you be finding me?"

"Never mind that," Iruka retorted, "You got a lot of nerve cutting my class again!"

"By now that shouldn't come as a surprise," "Naruto" remarked. Iruka's right eye started twitching as he felt the urge to repeatedly smack "Naruto" across the head build up.

"I'll deal with you being punishment later," Iruka stated, "Right now I have a class to teach and like it or not you're coming with me!"

Before "Naruto" could argue, Iruka grabbed and dragged "Naruto" back to Academy.


Hinata and Naruto were enjoying a nice swim together in the river when they decided that it was time to clean up and return back. The fact that their kage bushins didn't dispelling told them that everything was going good so far.

"This was the most fun I had in a long time," Hinata smiled, "Thanks for a lovely day Naruto-kun."

"I aim to please, my Moon's Eye Spring Rabbit," Naruto grinned as he approached and stood in front of her. The water level they were standing in was a few inches beneath their waists. He stood facing her, Hinata felt heat building up within her being as Naruto look ready to do what she believed he was going to do with the roaring water fall ever so audible in the background.

No way, Hinata thought, Is…Is he really going to…I mean…I did agree to become his girlfriend and…

Naruto felt surprisingly nervous for what he desired to do at this point.

Idiot!, Naruto's mind screamed, Just kiss her already! You she wants this as much as you do! So go for it!

Seeing the looking on his face, Hinata asked, "Naruto-kun, are you alrig-"

Hinata was cut off when Naruto suddenly embraced and kissed her on her lips for the very first time. Her eyes widened from both shock and excitement when she felt Naruto's lips against hers.

He's kissing me!, Hinata screamed happily in her mind, I'm being held and kissed by Naruto-kun!

She felt like she was in a dream. Everything seemed too good to be true. That thought however was knocked to the side when she felt Naruto's arms wrapped around her waist and held her a little tighter to his still wet figure. While fighting the urge to faint, Hinata embraced and wrapped her arms around Naruto's neck and returned the kiss with the same amount of passion as their kiss grew deeper with their tongues waltzing together. Despite how cold the water was, Hinata felt completely warm within herself.

For Naruto, it was an amazing experience. He read from many Icha-Icha Paradise books how great kissing a beautiful girl was and even what styles of kissing were used, one of which he was trying out and using. But he never in his life thought it would be and feel this good. On the same note though, it took every bit of self-control he had within himself to keep from getting carried away with the position he was in with Hinata as he was starting to feel more hormonal than he counted on. The feeling of her smooth and wet body against his was driving him mad and he was so tempted to do a little more. However, not wanting ruin the best moment he was having with his new girlfriend, Naruto exercised self-restraint.

It wasn't until after another four minutes when the couple finally, but reluctantly pulled their lips away from each other in order to catch their breaths.

"Wow!," Naruto exclaimed with a blush of his own on his face, "So that's how you taste like!"

"Naruto-kun!," Hinata giggled before resting her head on his shoulder with her arms still wrapped around his neck, "This was a perfect day. You made me so happy. Thank you."

"No Hinata," Naruto said, "Thank you. If anything, I don't deserve a maiden as beautiful and elegant as you. Too bad this moment can't last longer. We have to go back and soon."

"…I know," Hinata admitted with disappointment present in her tone, "But let's bask in this for just another minute."

Naruto agreed as he continued to hold Hinata in his arms. Soon though, the couple made moves to clean themselves up and return back to the village. While doing so, they had to make certain that they didn't leave any loose ends behind.

(Twenty Minutes Later; Back At The Academy)

Everyone was standing on line in class performing a henge test Iruka had everyone do on account of "Naruto" cutting class in the middle of the day. Everyone but "Hinata" gave hateful glares at "Naruto" but "he" simply shrugged them off and told everyone that "he" didn't give a damn. Soon though, "Naruto," being last in line, went up next and was told to do a henge. Grinning "Naruto" gathered some of his reserved chakra and performed his jutsu as he burst into a cloud of smoke. When the smoke cleared…

"Iruka-sensei," 'Naruto" said sensually and with an arousal tone as the naked big breasted blond young woman "he" transformed into with both hands on both breasts with very little smoke cover 'her' privates, "Can you give me a more pleasurable form of examination please? Or would you prefer to watch while I perform it myself?"

Gawking at the sexy young naked 'female' "Naruto" turned into with what was spoken; Iruka, Sasuke and the other males present flew backwards from nasal blood loss. "Naruto" changed back and burst into a fit of laughter. "Hinata" shook "her" head with closed eyes at "Naruto's" performance while the rest of the girls in class were seething bloodlust at "Naruto," especially for the irritating fact that he could still get that kind of reaction from Sasuke.

"That was so easy," "Naruto" laughing, "It's so fun knocking you guys out like this!"

"DON'T USE THAT ABSURD HENTAI JUTSU IN MY CLASS AND LEARN TO TAKE ME MORE SERIOUS!" Iruka yelled at "Naruto" in a fit of rage after regaining consciousness faster than "Naruto" expected. After a few moments, all of the other boys woke up and were unhappy about how "Naruto" caught them all off guard again.

"The rest of you may go home now," Iruka said, "Naruto, stick around. You're not off the hook, not after the stunt you pulled on the monument."

All of the other students got their things and left the class. Sasuke turned and gave "Naruto" a hate-filled death glare.

Damn you Naruto, Sasuke thought angrily, You caught me off guard with your Oiroke No Jutsu again and made me look like a fool in front of Hinata, again!

"Do you miss 'Naruko-chan,' Sasuke-kun," "Naruto" mocked with a look that spelled trouble, "Shall I arrange for you to see 'her' again? I can if that's what you want."

The result was instantaneous as Iruka smacked "Naruto" hard across the head. By this time, Kiba, Chouji and Shikamaru were holding their guts while laughing their asses off at the scene between "Naruto," Sasuke and Iruka.

"Knock it off Naruto!" Iruka berated. "Naruto" rubbed the spot where Iruka smacked "him."

"Damn it sensei!" Naruto yelled, "Lighten up! I was only joking!"

"…Naruto-kun," "Hinata" sighed with her eyes closed.

"I'm going to seriously hurt Naruto one of these day," Sakura growled.

"Get in line Forehead," Ino remarked while radiating the same amount of bloodlust and malice.







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