
Chapter 1

[Young soul]

I open my eyes..... Or I try to until I realize I have no eyes. I take notice of my body, or rather, my lack of one. I have no arms or legs, or any extremities at all. I look around, pondering why I can even see, without my eyes. Everything is black, with no light anywhere. As far as I can see, I'm in a void.

'H-huh? Where am I?'

'Is anyone there?! Who was that?'

I do my best to mentally shout out.

[Yes young one. Calm down. Everything is okay.]

I "turn" around.

'Who said that?'

[Here child.]

And I look forward, and all of a sudden, all I can see is white.

'W-What is this place?'

I look around, it seems like heaven. There are harps and little angelic babies with their members flailing about.

[Look here my son.]

I swivel my head towards the so far disembodied voice.

I'm amazed at what I see. If I had to describe it, I would use the word 'angelic'. He's a middle aged man, with a long gray beard and golden hair. If one were to meet him on the street, he'd be confused with an angel. Most likely because he probably is.

'Who are you sir?'

The perfect man smiles at me.

[I am your god, my son.]

I'm bewildered.

'God? Like, the biblical god?'

He nods.

[I called you here, before your eternal sleep.]

'T-thank you. But why?'

[Normally, when one dies you go to heaven, hell, or under rare circumstances you reincarnate. As I'm sure you've put together, you can reincarnate, with some benefits on top of that.]

'Oh?! Why am I being allowed to reincarnate?'

[Do you not remember your death, young soul?]

And then I think back.

'Oh.... is that little girl safe? Did I save her?'

God smiles at me. I notice, he reminds me of my father.

[Yes, you did. Otherwise you wouldn't be awake.]

'So, I get to reincarnate because I saved that little girl?'

[Normally, no. But right now? Yes. You're not reincarnating because you saved that girl, you're reincarnating because of who that girl grew up to be.]

'Ah. Who was she? The president's daughter or something along the lines of that?'

[No, but she was destined to grow up to be the president.]


[And she did. She was actually praised as the best president in the history of America. She was part of the generation that cured cancer, made advancements in degenerative brain diseases like Alzheimer's, and she virtually cured world hunger.]

'Well, that's great. But was? Why're you using past tense?'

[Oh, silly me. I forgot that part. How do I explain this....]

'I'm confused. Sir?'

I note the fact that he looks concerned, or at least troubled.

[Well, to put it simply, you've been dead for a very long time. Humanity stopped existing I believe, around fifteen thousand years ago. You've been dead around nineteen thousand years.]

'WHAT?! I figured we'd have a lot longer! What happened?'

[I'm sorry son. I truly am. From what I know, and that's everything regarding our universe, the earth exploded. Around two thousand years after your death, an alliance of anti-USA forces came together, and bundling their resources, attempted to compete in new technology. It became a new nation known as Perfectus. America, believing they were trying to create new weapons and with recent advances in a new type of energy dubbed 'Dark Energy', were scared, and sped up their research. The rushing caused instability in their lab safety, and they narrowly avoided disaster a couple of times, but their neglect eventually caught up with them. On the day that they believed they'd have a breakthrough, the Dark energy went out of control and destroyed the cities surrounding the labs. It also subtly affected the Earths core. The research was abandoned because of the deaths, which counted in the hundred thousands. The damage to the Earths core went unnoticed for years on end, until technology advanced enough to see further down into the Earth, and when they looked, they witnessed the Core, and the damage they'd done to it. The greatest minds quickly determined the cause, and knew they could do nothing to stop it. The space technology hadn't advanced enough to carry billions into space. Most of America was evacuated, along with Japan, and China. They abandoned the rest. Shortly after they left, the Earth exploded. And after years of supporting the humans, their ships ran out of water, and food. Humans resorted to eating their pets, along with each other. Slowly, the humans died off. It was truly a gruesome and horrible ending.]

'O-oh my god.'

The weight of the words fell onto my heart, like a bag of human shaped bricks.

'Did they get chances to reincarnate? Or are they here?'

[Most of them are here. A very small few were allowed to reincarnate. Somewhere around three hundred thousand were allowed to reincarnate in different worlds, as I only allow people who made significant ripples in the timestream to reincarnate.]

'So I can reincarnate?'

[Yes you may.]

'Where will I reincarnate?'

[That is up to you. Where would you like to reincarnate? All others picked their worlds, and some accomplished great things.]

'What are my choices? And speaking of which, where is everyone?'

With that question, God.... blushes?! God rubs the back of his head sheepishly.

[Well, everyone has already reincarnated.]

'Actually, You said it's been nineteen hundred thousand years since I died?! Why haven't I reincarnated yet?!'

God smiles at me and rubs his head again.

[Well my son, to be complete honest, I forgot about you. I was originally planning on waiting until every human died to offer the reincarnation option, and I did so. But in that, I had to put the souls to sleep and then wake up the souls I had made dormant when the time came. So I did. But somehow, I missed you, and a few others. Then I proceeded to take what you humans call, a nap. I actually just woke up. I had a bad feeling, so I checked the void extensively for more souls, and I found you and 4 others. This also confuses me, given the fact that your soul is way brighter than other ones from your race. It's curious. I'm not sure how this happened but I'm willing to compensate for the long wait. The compensation comes along with the fact that originally you, and two others were planned for reincarnation. The other two will be reincarnated as their compensation.]

I'm flabbergasted.

'You missed me? How?! Aren't you god?! Is that even allowed?!'

[Even gods make mistakes my son.]

'Yeah I guess so. It's alright though. I understand. What's the compensation?'

[You're reasonably forgiving. That's a good quality. The compensation is the ability to choose your world. With the others, I chose random worlds, all with advanced civilization. All in this universe. You may choose whatever, even if the world doesn't actually exist in this universe. That means, fictional worlds are an option.]

'Oh? So worlds like Dragon ball Z, and Marvel are in? How does that work?'

[Virtually every fiction universe from your world has been created by me. The fact that your universe had fictional creations based on them is beyond me. I believe it to be fate. The accuracy is somewhat startling. This universe is actually number 17800 for me, it also needed much more energy to create for some reason. It's now one of my favorites. The idea was in my head and I very much anticipated this universe and its accomplishments. So in exchange for the energy to create this one, I gave the others away to random gods.]

'Other gods? There are others?'

[Why yes. There are many, some much stronger than I.]

'You're sending me to others universe though? Why?'

[I have the feeling you'll grow to be great. So I'll send you somewhere where you can mature, and most fictional universe hold greater potential than the worlds here. I believe one day you'll be on par with me, if the shine of your soul says anything.]

'Okay, I think I'll choose now.'

[Go ahead my son.]

'I choose the World of Naruto.'

[Oh? Why?]

'To be honest, it's one of my favorite shows, or it was while I was alive. I also know a great deal about the world.'

[I believe it to be a great place to start son. I have more for you before you go. The world you're going to will not be easy, death is an everyday thing there, so I believe you'll need a little more to be safe and grow. I shall gift you a system, to ensure your growth. Other gods implement these, in different fashions, and I've seen it to be rather effective, the world you're going to doesn't have them though, so you'll be unique. I also looked back through your life, and you seemed to have a small obsession with systems?]

God smiles. I respond with a sheepish grin.

'Y-Yeah. The thought of it always excited me.'

[Well we can implement it here, while we have time. I'm going to push it onto your soul okay? It might sting a little.]

'Yes sir.'

He then holds his hands together, and I notice he resembles a Buddhist monk, meditating. After a couple seconds, a small white light appears in between his hands, he slowly pushes it towards me, and is grows while traveling to my soul. If it started as a small flame, by the time it reaches me it can be called a blazing inferno. When it touches my soul however, it dies down, and I feel a sharp pain, one that resembles a small needle, immediately after though, I feel a warm sensation travel throughout my body. I look to God, his hands are now pointed toward me. A soft pulsating light is coming from his hands.

[Just helping you a bit.]

'Thank you sir'

[Its the least I can do.]

Soon the stinging pain ends, along with the warm sensation.

'Done already?'

[Yes, now all you need to do is activate it. Just think the word status in your mind.]

'Alrighty, Status.'


Name: Jack Morena

Class: None

Gender: Male

Title: None

Level: 1

Next Level: 0.0%

Age: 26

Chakra control: None

Kekkei genkai: None

Attribute: None

Perks: None

HP: 0

MP: 0

STR: 0

VIT: 0

DEX: 0

INT: 0

WIS: 0

LUK: 0

Karma: 31,067,144


'What's karma?'

[Karma is what you get for living a good life. You've earned this much by saving that little girl. Because of you, she grew up, and became the best president known to your world. You're the cause of all of that. If you hadn't saved her, the worlds destruction would've been sped up by about three thousand years. Humanity wouldn't have had a uniting president, and the world would've fallen to nuclear fire. You died in the year 2018. The world ended in 4049. It would've ended around 3023 if not for you.]

'So I got all of this by saving the world through her?'

[But of course young one. Most people from your race end their lives with karma in the hundreds, if not lower.]

'Oh, so I have quite a lot, what do I do with it?'

[You can open up the karma shop and use it to buy things for your next life in the Naruto world, just say shop.]

'Okay, shop'



Kekkei genkai






Uzamaki heritage

You have massive reserves of chakra, and you're also super durable! If your bloodline reaches high levels of purity, one day (in like a thousand years) you may be able to awaken the rinnegan! How cool is that! 500% gain when practicing fūinjutsu related tasks.


Gamers body

Just like those novels! You live life like it's a game. You gain skills through repeated action. Your body doesn't take any real damage unless health points are zero. Sleeping restores health and chakra. -10,000,000

Gamers mind

You're cool, calm, and collected. Just like a gamer should be. Prevents genjutsu under the level of mangekyo sharingan. Also prevents any kind of mental interference. Always calm. - 5,000,000

Tailless beast

You have the chakra of a bijuu! 1000% gain when increasing chakra reserves.


Taijutsu extremist

Like a certain youthful master, you're amazing when it comes to hand to hand combat. 500% gain when practicing Taijutsu. 200,000

Ninjustu master

You're just like Indra! 400% gain when practicing ninjutsu. 80% easier to create original Jutsu. -200,000

Genjutsu master

You're a real ninja. You choose to infect your enemies with your illusions. They'll never know what hit them! 400% gain when practicing genjutsu. -200,000

Peerless prodigy

You're amazing at almost everything. 100% increase in effectiveness of training all things. You pick up stuff more naturally. Experience tripled. - 4,000,000



'Woah, I can buy all of these?'

[If you so choose.]



(Can only choose 3)

Fire - 50,000

Water - 50,000

Wind- 50,000

Lightning - 50,000

Earth- 50,000

Yin - 50,000,000

Yang- 50,000,000


'I figured yin and yang release would be expensive.'

[Yes, I can't let you throw the balance off too much can I?]

I smile.



Unlimited Shuriken pouch- 1,000,000

Unlimited Kunai pouch- 1,000,000

Max level ticket 50,000

Chakra pellet- 1,000

Rare candy- 2,000

Food pellets x1000- 100

Water pellets x1000- 100

Unlimited storage seal- 2,000,000



'I'll buy these before I leave. Excuse me, sir?'


'The unlimited things, if I accidentally drop them, will they come back to me automatically?'

[I'm afraid not young one, if you drop them, any ninja or civilian for that matter, can have unlimited Kunai and/or Shuriken.]

'Okay, thank you'

God nods.

'Is it okay if I don't buy any Kekkei Genkai?'

God looks baffled.

[Its Alright I suppose, but why?]

'Well I've always thought the Bloodline limits were kinda cheaty. I'd rather not have one. No use in the hassle. I'll probably be questioned by the leaders of my village anyway, and torture is a real thing there so I'd rather not.'

[You make a fair point. They're your points my son, you may do what you'd like with them.]

I nod.

'Will the shop still be open after I reincarnate? And will I be in a babies body?'

[The answer to both of those questions is yes.]

I ask God a question that's been plaguing me for a while now.

'Am I taking someone's life by reincarnating sir?'

God smiles at me and rubs my head.

[No Jack, you will be the life created, I'll just be putting a soul into the body, without the soul, the baby will become stillborn.]

'Oh thank you. I was worried for a while.'

[Its no problem Jack. Do you know what you will buy?]

'Yes I do. Do I get all of the things I buy right away?'

[No, as per rules, I cannot give them to you until you become a Genin, only some of them though. I have to keep the unlimited Kunai and Shuriken pouches, along with the unlimited storage seal, I have to hold that until jounin rank, it was the deal I made with the other god if I were to reincarnate one of mine there. I will give you a temporary one to hold the things you buy from the shop but that's all, understand jack?]

'Yes sir.'

[Are you finished choosing?]

'Yes I am, I just have to actually buy it.'

I go through and buy all of the things I wish to buy.

You have bought items!

Unlimited Shuriken pouch- 1,000,000 x1

Unlimited Kunai pouch- 1,000,000 x1

Max level ticket 50,000 x20

Chakra pellet- 1,000 x100

Rare candy- 10,000 x 9

Food pellets x1000- 1000 x1

Water pellets x1000- 1000 x1

Unlimited storage seal- 2,000,000 x1


You have bought perks!

Tailless beast-3,000,000

Uzamaki heritage- 1,000,000

Chakra sensor- 500,000

Taijutsu enthusiast- 200,000

Ninjutsu master- 200,000

Sealless Jutsu - 1,000,000

Peerless prodigy- 4,000,000

Gamers body- 10,000,000

Gamers mind- 5,000,000


You have bought attributes!

Wind- 50,000

Lightning- 50,000

Earth- 50,000


'Alright, I think that's enough. When will all of this kick in?'

[When you gain consciousness. This will happen during the 8th month of your life. Are you ready Jack?]

I look around and wave goodbye to the small angelic babies, they smile and wave back while giggling.

'Yes sir I am.'

[Alright then Jack. I bid you farewell for now.]

'Goodbye god, and thank you.'

[It's my job son. Farewell, I have great expectations.]

God gives one last perfect smile. Then, darkness.

I’ve always had ideas for Naruto novels, so imma do one.

Comment and rate <3

Also gonna need a cover once I have a description of Jack. Much love guys.

daoist_xuanshencreators' thoughts