
Naruto: Reincarnated in Naruto World with Common Sense

This is about a guy from our world who is a huge fan of Aizen and Orochimaru gets reincarnated in Naruto verse. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . this fanfic was written just for fun so dont expect anything and take all the shit I write in it and consider it an AU.

Daoistguy8 · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
19 Chs

4...Pre-academy part 2

On a fine sunny morning a blonde haired boy layed on huge bed in large house . As the rays of sun fell on his face he slowly opened his crystal blue eyes and yawned . This was our mc naruto.

"So let me tell you how I got here and what happened in past few months. A few days before my 5th birthday I was thrown out of the orphanage. I decided go to a small forest like area in the village which had a few streams of water and a small cave, I found this place while I was searching the area for edible berries and fruits in the past .I was waiting for the oldie baldie to show up so that I can emotionally blackmail him (if possible) and get a cosy inherited house for myself "

"It was my birthday around midnight, I had caught a few fishes with the help of net I got from dead fisherman who came here in the morning for fishing and decided to try to harass the 'demon boy' but his poor luck that I had a few kunais I gathered from their fox hunts which was suddenly jabbed into his gut, this hunt also gave me his money which was not much but beggars can't be choosers and also his lunch which was now empty. I also gathered some herbs and berries . I was sitting leisurely watching the stars and eating when our dear hokage appeared like a fucking ghost behind me . He had already entered his Oscar winning act of a weak and harmless old man . But all that facade nearly fell when I greeted him by calling him lord third . He sill maintaining his act asked me who I was and I gave him the next jab by introducing myself as Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze. For a split second his face tuned as if he had eaten a fly . Then he kept silent for a few seconds, and then asked me if I knew who my parents were , which I replied in affirmative , suddenly his demeanor changed from gramps to military general ,he released his slight chakra pressure and asked me ' how I knew about it ? ' .

I had been waiting for this question so I replied with my carefully made story that it happened a week ago when I was sleeping I had a dream about a man and a woman . The man told me that he was the 4th hokage and his name was Minato Namikaze and he was my father and the woman told that her name was Kushina Uzumaki and she was my mother. They told me that they had used some type of jutsu called time seal which would be released when I was about to reach the age of 5 . They also told me that I was the holder of kyuubi and the village's savior and asked me to use its power to always protect the village ( inner evil baby laughter hehehe).

Hiruzen slowly withdrew his pressure and sighed then gave me grandfatherly smile and then said

Hiruzen : Naruto please don't hate the villagers for what they had done , they are ignorant and innocent and do not know the truth about the incident. (oh no he was not supposed to know that , at least not until I was sure of his loyalty)

Naruto : Don't worry lord 3rd I don't blame them for it . I know they have suffered a lot due to kyuuby attack and are still ignorant ( hehehe and will die in ignorance )

Hiruzen : You can call me jiji child after all I am same age as a grandfather would be. By the way what are you doing here all alone in night .( did he run away from the orphanage due to the treatment he got )

Naruto : Matron had kicked me out of the orphanage a week ago so I came live here . ( sad background music with pitiful face )

Hiruzen : WHAT!?! come with me let's se who did this. This time no one will mistreat you in the orphanage. ( this sure is Danzo's doing , I warned him not to meddle with kyuubi's affairs)

Naruto : But jiji I don't want to go there , they give me very less food and clothes and often scold me for other kid's mistakes. Can't I go to my parents house and live there.( just accept it you old fart so that I can move forward with my plans)

Hiruzen : But naruto you are a kid and living alone in a house is dangerous. (tsk persistent brat)

Naruto : Jiji please ( its way less dangerous than living in orphanage or here you fucking moron )

Hiruzen : *sigh* ok fine ( tch brat it will be harder to monitor him due to the seals on the house).For today's night you will stay in the orphanage, tomorrow morning I will come and take you to your new home. But for now let's go and have ramen to celebrate your village , and take this book its your birthday gift, make sure to finish it .

The book was on will of fire written by Hiruzen himself *sigh* nevermind it would be useful as firewood but I totally deserved the ramen along with an Oscar for the long acting I did.

Next morning he came and took me to a large house on the outskirts of the village near to the uchiha compound (good for me I can easily keep an eye on them ).

He asked me put a drop of my blood on the door and I did so by biting my thumb . Suddenly a strange pattern appeared on it and the door hummed , then it opened and I entered. I looked back to see Hiruzen still standing outside.

He looked at me and said that I need to give him permission by altering the seal in order of him to enter .

Hiruzen POV

What sort of ridiculousness is this , now I need a brats permission to enter a building in my own village. If I knew that Minato was going to do something like this I wouldn't have even allowed to start the construction of this building. After all I am the hokage.

Naruto POV

Oooooh i see . Like hell I am going to give you a free pass to my personal base old man , keep on dreaming.

I ignored his previous words and told him that I was too tired from last night's endeavors and I am going to rest . Saying this I directly ran into the house and slammed the door shut.

On the surface the house looked like any normal bungalow with two floors. it had total of 6 bedrooms 4 on the first floor and 2 on the ground floor. There was a kitchen and a dining hall on the ground floor with two washrooms one on first floor and other on the ground floor. There was a small backyard with a few trees as well.

after I explored the house and i ate a few cups of instant ramen, went inside a room and fell asleep .

What will happen next we will see in the next chapter of DragonBall....ERROR....ERROR...ERROR

....I mean reincarnated as naruto series.

....Next chapter will be uploaded tomorrow.....

PLS comments for future adjustment or if you wish for story to go in a certain direction...