
Naruto-ReBorn as a Baker

Based on the Fanfic,"Lust System in Naruto" by RaidyourPussy123. Follow Malik a young Black man who was kidnapped and thrown into Naruto. Re-Born as a Rich Fat Baker he has to "romance" the people of this world to please a Goddess of Lust and Love. While also trying to stay alive and Basically only being able to make magic Backed-Goods . . .

BlackPolar · Komik
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193 Chs

Hash Tage spoilers: Current skills - Level -ect

Hash Tage spoilers:

Current skills - Level -ect



Race: <Flamingold Incubus>

Race Abilities: 

New Incubus Abilities:

Dream Walking: Malik can enter and manipulate the dreams of others, affecting their thoughts and actions.

Sensory Manipulation: Malik has the power to alter the sensory perception of those around him. He can change the way his voice sounds, or even alter the way his presence feels to others. This ability can be used to confuse, disorient, or attract others.

Desire Manifestation: Malik can bring to life the deepest desires of those around him, creating illusions that seem incredibly real. This power can be used to distract, manipulate, or even to bring joy.

Nightmare Induction: In contrast to his dream manipulation, Malik can induce nightmares in his targets. This can be used as a form of psychological warfare, causing his enemies to experience their deepest fears.

Passion Empowerment: Malik becomes stronger, faster, and more powerful the more intense the emotions are around him. This can be particularly effective in situations charged with strong feelings.

Energy Drain: Malik can drain energy from others through physical touch, replenishing his own stamina and power.

Dream world Influence: Malik can take and move things while in the Dream Walker state: This includes both the Dream/Waking worlds.

Emotion Amplification: Malik can amplify the emotions of those around him, making them feel more intensely. Not just Love or Lust.




Now that all the weebs are gone.

If I'm missing anything please just message me:

Malik Lv 12: 

Sin: 60/100


 =All Skills that overlap will either stack or are considered an upgrade=

Lucky Pervert Lv.12

Lucky Pervert: Along with increased luck it will also increase the frequency of these "lucky" accidents, the higher the skill level the better the accidents. (Percentage = 5xLevel) 


Pictures Lv.12

Pictures: By taking a picture with permission, you increase the love and lust of someone by x10 of your level. You also know the general area they're in. (Warning: Can do more harm than good) 


Sensual body Lv12

Sensual body: Your pleasure and the pleasure of others that you touch are increased, you will also gain love and lust faster. (Can backfire depending on the person) 


Silver Toung Lv.12

 Silver Toung: You have a supernatural ability to persuade or influence others through words. This could manifest in various ways, such as convincing others to follow your lead, calming tense situations, or even manipulating others to your will. 

Gender Swap Lv 12: 

Gender swap: You can change someone's gender, you can change the same amount of people as your level in a week. The world will bend and reality will warp to as if that character was always that gender. [ Warning: this skill can only be used once per person a year] 


Revive Lv 12: 

Revive: bring someone back from the dead (2x), you can do this once every 1 month. [ Warning: be careful who you bring back] 



Plot Cure Lv12: 

Polt Cure: Not only can you heal others (healing skill depends on level), but you can also heal them of any plot-related illnesses. (you cannot heal someone who is dead) 


Hunters Mark Lv.12 

Hunters Mark: place a mark on a person, this will give you a detailed description of them, and their current location. Affection gain is increased but so is Affection loss. (You must see the person to use the skill. The number of marks equals the user's level (Warning: some characters may notice the mark on themselves, you have been warned.) 


Plot Armor Lv12: 

Plot Armor: ( You gain a little plot armor, an amount based on Fame, Wealth, who you know, and your level.) 


HIM: Lv12: 

You are him; you are so famous that people will recognize you, even if you wear a costume. You omit an aura the people will recognize, some will respect you for it, and others will hate you for it. All fame and persuasion skills are increased by 10xThis skills level. Careful of all this attention isn't always a good thing. 


Magic Lure Lv 12:

Magic lure: People who eat your food feel more inclined to hear you out, they are also more likely to start thinking of you as a friend and unthreatening. (Warning: This is not mind control, people with high willpower can push off your suggestions; if they even get affected at all, effects may vary if the target is mentally ill, and effects can stack). 


Poor people BEGONE Lv 12: Push everyone that isn't as rich as you away (Distance and power is based on Wealth, Drip, and Level.) 


Talks Lv 12: Speak every language ( At higher levels this includes speaking with animals)


X-ray Vision Lv12: You can see through clothes (and other things I guess)


Invisibility Lv12: Turn Invisible (Sneak Quilty is based on your Level)


Super Snacks Lv 12: 

Super snacks: People who eat your food will have enhanced preformation, gains, and regeneration. They also taste good. 


HydroVitalis Lv 12 

HydroVitalis: Your body fluids now have magical effects. 

Sweat: Your sweat and general body odder now smell pleasant (the smell depends on the person smelling) 

Sperm: You are a god of fertility, or you can turn it off. It also tastes better (the taste depends on the person eating it) 

Blood: If your blood meets someone's skin and if you wish to become that person's master, time = skill level x hour. (Their mind may revert to a child, also will only work once on a person, Cool down one week) 

Charges (1/1)


Whisper Lv 12. 

Whisper: Command someone to do an action (only works once per person, you might want to be specific.) 


Super Map Lv 12: 

Cartographic Construction: The ability to create accurate maps of any location, even if they've never been there. This could include past or future versions of a location at much Higher levels. 

Place Markers: Set markers on a map, this could be on people, locations, or things. All buildings you own will have a marker on them. You can only find people with 100 or more total affection (Love + Lust), or if you have placed a (marking type skill) on them 

Pathfinding: An enhanced sense of direction and the ability to find the fastest, safest, or most efficient route to a location. 

Terrain Summon Adaptation: Summon a mount that can adapt to any terrain type, allowing them to traverse mountains, deserts, oceans, and forests with ease. If the creature is hurt, sick, or killed, you will be too. 

Historical Viewing: The ability to view a location's history by touching a map of it, and seeing past events that have occurred there, is very limited at lower levels. 

Map-Based Clairvoyance: The power to gain information about a location and its current events or people simply by looking at a map of it. 


{{{Skill Name: Mystical Identification Lv.12

Description: This is an advanced level professional skill that involves the magical ability to identify various elements in the environment. The practitioner can distinguish and recognize objects, people, and places with a mere glance. This skill also includes the ability to discern patterns and differentiate between various types of things, adding a layer of depth to their understanding of the world around them. Despite its complexity, the skill is wielded with ease, making it seem almost like magic.}}}


Offspring of Cupid and Medusa Lv 12:

Love Inducement: As the child of Cupid, they could have the power to induce love and desire in others. This could be used to create harmony, mend relationships, or even cause distractions when needed.

Petrifying Gaze: Inherited from Medusa, they could have the ability to turn people into stone with their gaze. This could be a powerful defensive mechanism, immobilizing enemies or creating barriers.

Flight: Cupid is often depicted with wings, so their child might have the ability to fly. This would provide great mobility and the ability to escape or navigate through difficult terrains. (You can also give Cupid wings to others)Will last 1 hour X Level.

Snake Manipulation: Given that Medusa is depicted with snakes for hair, their child could have the power to control and communicate with snakes. This could be used for gathering information, creating diversions, or even direct attacks.

Emotion Sensing: As an extension of their love-inducing abilities, they might be able to sense and understand the emotions of others, providing them with great empathy and insight into others' feelings and motivations.

Charm Speak: They could have the power to influence others with their voice, persuading them to do as they wish or see things from their perspective.


Cooking Up a Storm Lv12:

You excel at cooking. Indeed, at all types of cooking. Enjoy yourself.


Harry Houdini Lv.12

Escape Artistry: The ability to escape from any confinement or trap, no matter how complex or secure. This could extend to escaping from metaphysical traps like time loops or mind control.

Illusion Manipulation: The power to create and manipulate illusions, deceiving the senses or minds of others to make them perceive things differently from what they truly are. Illusions are based on your Level.

Enhanced Durability: The ability to withstand physical harm, similar to Houdini's reputed ability to take hard punches to his abdomen.

Pain Suppression: The power to neutralize one's sensitivity to physical pain, much like Houdini who performed even with a fractured ankle.

Death Defiance: The ability to cheat death repeatedly, mirroring Houdini's numerous death-defying acts.

Lock Manipulation: The power to manipulate locks, allowing the user to unlock and lock anything without the need for a key.


Vending Machine Lv.12

Summon snacks and drinks from nowhere. These do not have any magical properties but they will taste good.


White Knight Lv.12

Place a marker on someone and when they are about to die or are heavily damaged, they are summoned into your arms or house. This skill does not heal. (May gain more abilities at higher levels) Marks 1 x Lv.


"Heart's Echo".

Effects of Heart's Echo Lv12:

Love Detection: This aspect of the skill allows Malik to sense when someone harbors feelings of love for him. It's like an echo in his heart, a subtle resonance that occurs when someone's feelings of love align with his own.

Love Dissipation: This aspect of the skill allows Malik to remove all effects of his love/Lust from others. It's a way of retracting the echoes of his heart, allowing the other person to return to their natural state, free from the influence of his feelings. Will not work if Love is genuine.


  Cult of Aphrodite Lv12



Time Management Lv12: Time slows down when you're "working", and works best in early mornings and Late at night.


Mr.Clean Lv.12-Superior Cleaning: Just like the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser, they would be able to remove stains and dirt from any surface with a simple touch. This could extend to all types of materials and surfaces.


The "Date Master" Skill Lv.12

Empathetic Understanding: The ability to understand and connect with a person's emotions and experiences. This allows the Date Master to build a deep, emotional connection with their date.

Charming Communication: The ability to engage in conversation that is both interesting and engaging. This includes being a good listener, telling captivating stories, and using humor effectively.

Confidence Projection: The ability to project self-assuredness and charisma. This includes maintaining eye contact, speaking clearly, and demonstrating body language that conveys confidence.

Situational Adaptability: The ability to adjust behavior and approach based on the situation and the person one is interacting with. This includes being able to read social cues and respond appropriately.

Romantic Creativity: The ability to plan and execute unique and memorable dates. This involves thinking outside the box and considering the other person's interests and preferences.

Respect and Consideration: The ability to show genuine respect and consideration for the other person. This includes being punctual, attentive, and respectful of boundaries.

Positive Attitude: The ability to maintain an optimistic attitude. This includes handling rejection gracefully and not letting negative experiences affect one's confidence or enthusiasm.


BluePrints Lv 12:

<Your resources will be consumed Is people manually create your products lower the cost of Consumption but drastically increase time>

Crafting and Upgrading Mastery: This includes the ability to craft a wide range of weapons, armor, and other equipment from blueprints, as well as the skill to enhance and upgrade existing equipment for improved effectiveness. It also involves creating items with unique effects and superior stats.

Blueprint Acquisition and Application: This involves proficiency in obtaining new blueprints, often involving defeating specific bosses or exploring various locations, buying property, and owning the blueprint itself. It also includes the ability to use blueprints to craft weapons and armor with unique properties and effects and to upgrade existing equipment to improve their effectiveness in combat.

Energy Generation and Trade: This includes the ability to help turn commercial buildings into flexible power assets that generate, store, and trade renewable energy. This could help decarbonize dense urban areas and connect buildings to energy markets through cloud-based software.

Energy Efficiency and Revenue Generation: This involves using bespoke algorithms to optimize the energy efficiency of buildings and helping building owners generate new revenue streams. This could be done by selling surplus energy or by connecting to electrical grid programs and regulatory incentives.

Carbon Performance Improvement and Site Resiliency: This includes the ability to improve the carbon performance of buildings by harnessing flexible energy capacity within buildings to reduce carbon emissions. It also involves increasing the resiliency of sites by harnessing flexible energy capacity within buildings.


Skill: Charismatic Paragon Lv. 12 

Description: Malik's presence exudes an irresistible charm that blends the talents of a diplomat, a master negotiator, and a figure of inspiration. His mere presence encourages others to aspire to greatness, abide by the law, and perform good deeds, even those who typically lean towards evil. His demeanor has a subtle allure, making him a captivating figure who effortlessly sways minds and hearts. 


Diplomatic Grace: Malik gains a significant boost in all diplomatic endeavors. His words are smooth and convincing, allowing him to navigate complex political landscapes with ease. 

Master Negotiator: Malik has an uncanny ability to find common ground and forge agreements even in the most contentious situations. His negotiation attempts have a high chance of success, often leading to favorable outcomes for all parties involved. 

Inspiring Presence: People around Malik feel an overwhelming desire to make him proud. This effect is so strong that even those with evil tendencies find themselves wanting to perform good and lawful actions in his presence. 

Moral Beacon: Malik's influence subtly encourages ethical behavior. Those under his sway feel a moral obligation to act righteously, often questioning their own darker impulses. 

Subtle Seductress: Malik's charm includes a touch of seductive allure, making him particularly persuasive in one-on-one interactions. This effect can be used to subtly influence decisions or gain favor without overt manipulation. 

Activation: This skill is always active, with its effects radiating naturally from Malik's presence. However, he can choose to intensify the seductive aspect when needed, focusing his charm on a specific individual for a more pronounced effect. 


Ancestral Resonance. Lv 12

Magic Skill: Ancestral Resonance

Type: Enchantment

Description: Ancestral Resonance is a powerful enchantment that enhances and amplifies the genetic traits inherited from one's ancestors. By invoking this skill, the caster can awaken special abilities or traits dormant within the target's bloodline, unlocking untapped potential.


Bloodline Amplification: The enchantment identified specific genetic traits from the target's ancestors, increasing the likelihood of these traits manifesting in the target. Physical abilities, magical affinities, and rare bloodline skills could now be amplified, bringing forth long-dormant power.

Ancestral Memory: The target gained access to the memories and experiences of their ancestors, providing them with a wealth of forgotten knowledge, techniques, and insights into abilities that had once been thought lost to time.

Genetic Fortification: The target's physical and mental attributes were fortified, their strength, speed, and resilience enhanced by the collective might of their ancestors' bloodline.


Promise Ring Lv12:

Location Awareness: Malik will always know the location of those who deeply love him. No matter how far they are, he will have a sense of their whereabouts, as if a compass in his mind always points towards them.

Emotional Connection: Malik will be able to sense their emotions. If they're happy, sad, in danger, or in need of help, he will feel a corresponding tug in his heart. This emotional connection works both ways, allowing them to feel Malik's emotions as well.

Communication Link: Malik can communicate with them mentally, sharing thoughts and messages across any distance. This communication is private and can only be heard by the intended recipient.

Protection Charm: The Promise Ring provides a layer of protection to those connected to Malik. It won't make them invincible, but it will offer some resistance against harm.

Bond Strengthening: The more time Malik spends with those he's connected to, the stronger their bond becomes. This could lead to enhanced effects of the Promise Ring over time.

Rings 1 x Level



Soul Link Lv.12

Primary Effect: When the user connects with another person, that person gradually grows stronger in mind, soul, and power. The strength of these gains is proportional to the duration and depth of the connection. This means a longer and deeper connection will result in more significant improvements.

Secondary Effect: The user and the connected person will start to develop a shared consciousness, allowing them to understand each other's thoughts and emotions intuitively. This can lead to enhanced teamwork and coordination in battle situations.

Tertiary Effect: As the connection deepens, the connected person may start to acquire some of the user's skills or abilities. This transfer of abilities is limited and temporary, lasting only as long as the connection exists.

Quaternary Effect: The user can choose to intensify the Soul Link, rapidly increasing the connected person's power. However, this comes at a cost. The user will experience physical and mental fatigue, proportional to the intensity of the power boost.

Fatal Flaw: If the connected person dies while the Soul Link is active, the user will also die. This is due to the deep spiritual connection between the two, which means that the user's life force is tied to the connected person.

You may connect to as many people as you want. As long as they are willing. Either party can break the connection.



Portable Kitchen Skill Lv.12

Allows Malik to summon a fully equipped kitchen wherever he is, enabling him to cook and provide sustenance no matter his location.

Ethereal Shield Lv.12

Summons an ethereal shield that creates a barrier of pure energy, providing protection against physical and magical attacks for Malik and his allies.

Temporal Blink Lv.12

Grants Malik the ability to momentarily shift out of the current timeline, reappearing a short distance away instantly. Useful for evading attacks and repositioning in battle.

Arcane Conduit Lv.12

Enables Malik to act as a conduit for his allies' abilities, amplifying their power and efficiency. This skill allows him to channel his magic into others, boosting their attacks and spells.

Arcane Bond Lv.12

Establishes a bond of pure arcane energy between Malik and his allies, allowing him to share strength, healing, and magical abilities. Also enables him to sense their emotions and physical states, fostering deeper understanding and cooperation.


Candle in the Dark: Illuminator of Hidden Paths

Lv 1 of 5


Seeker of Significance: The blessing allows Malik to perceive the unseen, uncovering important events, valuable items, essential skills, and wise teachers hidden in plain sight.

Unlocker of Potential: This blessing reveals the dormant potential within individuals, allowing them to realize their true potential and excel in their chosen paths.

Guide in the Shadows: The blessing helps Malik guide others through their journey, leading them to mentors who can further their growth.

Catalyst of Change: The blessing empowers Malik to bring about change in others, illuminating the path for personal growth and transformation.


Seeker of Significance: The ability to perceive the unseen can lead to an overload of information, causing confusion and indecision. There's also a risk of misinterpreting the significance of what is found, leading to misguided actions.

Unlocker of Potential: Unlocking someone's potential before they are ready could lead to them being overwhelmed by their newfound abilities. Individuals may also become overly reliant on Malik for unlocking their potential, inhibiting their personal growth.

Guide in the Shadows: If Malik's judgment is flawed, he could inadvertently lead others down a harmful path. Those being guided may also resent him for interfering in their journey, leading to conflict.

Catalyst of Change: Malik may face backlash from those who are resistant to change, potentially putting him in danger. Changes can also have unforeseen effects, leading to negative outcomes, including harm or even death.


Current Main Quests:


[High Tier Quest: Make every member of the Akatsuki fall in love with you: 

Bonus points for temporary members like Orochimaru] 

Reward: ???


{Quest Unlocked: Find, pray, and speak to the old gods at their lost temples.

Reward: The gods will bless you.}



{Quest Unlocked: Find, The 7 demons of Sin.} (1/7)

Reward: ???}


High Tier Quest-Quest Title: Restoration of the Lost Clans

Objective: Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to restore at least six members of each of the following clans: Yuki, Kaguya, Chinoike, Uzumaki, Uchiha, and Senju.

(You are allowed to find, "create", or revive members)

(Any members you have already met don't count, why because we enjoy seeing you stressed!)


Yuki Clan: Travel to the Land of Waves and find any remaining members of the Yuki Clan. Use any means necessary to ensure their safety and survival. (1/6)

Kaguya Clan: Search for any hidden survivors of the Kaguya Clan. They are known to be warmongers, so approach with caution. (0/6)

Chinoike Clan: The Chinoike Clan was active during the Warring States Period. Investigate any historical records or rumors that might lead to any surviving members. (0/6)

Uzumaki Clan: The Uzumaki Clan's village was destroyed, but some members may have escaped. Find these survivors and offer them a safe haven. (2/6)

Uchiha Clan: The Uchiha Clan was massacred, leaving only a few survivors. Find these survivors and ensure their lineage continues. (1/6)

Senju Clan: According to some sources, the Senju Clan is no longer active. Your task is to find any remaining members and help them rebuild their clan. (0/6)

Reward: Upon successful completion of this quest, you will be rewarded with the title of "Restorer of Clans", a symbol of your dedication to preserving the history and heritage of these clans. In addition, you will receive a unique artifact from each clan as a token of their gratitude.


High Tier Quest-Quest Title: The Jinchūriki Rescue

Objective: Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to locate and ensure the safety of all the Jinchūriki.

Keep all of them alive for the next 4 years.



Gaara of the Sand (One-Tail, Shukaku)

Yugito Nii (Two-Tails, Matatabi)

Yagura Karatachi (Three-Tails, Isobu)

Rōshi (Four-Tails, Son Gokū)

Han (Five-Tails, Kokuō)

Utakata (Six-Tails, Saiken)

(Seven-Tails, Chōmei)

Killer B (Eight-Tails, Gyūki)

Naruto Uzumaki (Nine-Tails, Kurama)

You will need to use all your skills and resources to complete this mission. Remember, the key is to approach them with respect and understanding. They are not just hosts of the Tailed Beasts, but individuals with their own hopes and dreams.

Reward: Upon successful completion of this quest, you will be rewarded with the title of "Protector of the Tailed Beasts", a symbol of your dedication to peace and understanding between all beings. In addition, you will receive a unique gift from each Jinchūriki as a token of their gratitude.




(Skill Quest): Attained 20 pairs of Underwear from people deeply in love with you "They must be wearing them when asked": (18/20)

Reward: Skill Golem Creation.

Underwear collected from:

1. Sakura

2. Ino

3. Shisui

4. Haku

5. Neji

6. Rock Lee

7. Kin

8. Shizune

9. Tayuya

10. Kimimaro

11. Kiba

12. Tenten

13. Gaara

15. Might Guy

16. Orochimaru

17. Tsume Inuzuka

18. Fubuki Kakuyoku

19. Hana Inuzuka



Just tell me if I need to add something.

BlackPolarcreators' thoughts