
Naruto psycho 100

Zenryo · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
8 Chs

Naruto psycho 100 chapter 6: Chunin exams part 1

Disclaimer: I don't own naruto or

Mob psycho 100

Talking: "Mob"

Thinking: 'mob'

Progress bar: mobs progress: **%

It's a couple of weeks since the battle at the bridge. After Gatou and his men were taken down Zabuza and Haku decided to leave since there was nothing left for the, there.

Meanwhile Gatou was put to death and his men were imprisoned. After everything was taken care the three genin alongside Kakashi left the land of waves and returned to the village.

In the time that has passed since then, team seven has been going out on more d rank missions while Mob also continues working with Reigen.

Mob was now in a team meeting with Kakashi sensei, Sasuke and Yakumo after having completed yet another D rank mission. Ever since the land of waves they've only been getting D rank missions much to Sasuke and Yakumo's annoyance.

Kakashi: "well I guess that's all for today, I'll be heading out now."

With that Kakashi body flickered away leaving the genin alone.

Sasuke: "I'm gonna go train. See you at dinner brother."

Shigeo smiled at Sasuke and answered Sasuke: "Yeah see you."

With that Sasuke left to go train.

Yakumo: "hey mob do you have any plans for today."

Mob thinks about it for a second before responding.

Mob: "no since I don't start my exorcisms until later and Gai sensei and Lee are away I have some time off."

Yakumo: "well in that case wanna go to Ichiraku's with me."

Mob: "yeah sure."

(One time when Yakumo was out for a walk through the village she stumbled upon Mob at Ichiraku's and since then the two often hang out there sometimes bringing Sasuke when he wasn't training.)

As the two were heading towards Ichiraku's Mob heard voices whispering and looked behind him to see what appeared to be a square box with two holes poking out the front of it.

Mob just looked at the rock confused before thinking to himself thinking Mob: 'that's a weird looking rock.'

Kyūbi: "are you seriously that dense? That's not a rock it's fake."

Mob: "huh? It's not real?"

Kyūbi: "no, someone's probably hiding inside of it."

Mob thought for a few seconds before walking over to the rock and poking it.

Mob: "excuse me. Is anyone in there?"

???: "well well well, so you saw through our disguise. As expected of our boss!!"

With that the rock/box was thrown away revealing what appeared to be two eight year old boys and a girl the same age.

Mob: "oh hi Konohamaru, how are you doing?"

Konohamaru: "great boss! But why haven't you stopped by lately, you said you would play ninja with us soon."

Mob: "oh sorry Konohamaru, I've been busy lately, I promise I'll play with you later."

Meanwhile Yakumo couldn't help thinking. Yakumo: 'a ninja playing ninja? Well that's a first.'

The kid talking to mob was Konohamaru Sarutobi. He's the grandson of the hokage and a friend of Mobs.

Mob first met Konohamaru when his father took him tank Sasuke to a meeting with Hiruzen, the two talked and soon ended up becoming friends. The two alongside him were Udon and Moegi, Konohamaru's best friends in the ninja academy.

Mob met them when he played ninja with Konohamaru.

Konohamaru: "hey boss whose the chick?"

Mob: "huh? *looks over to Yakumo* oh she's one of my teammates, her names Yakumo."

Konohamaru: "so what Are you doing now boss?"

Mob: "oh we're going to get some ramen over at Ichiraku's."

Konohamaru: "can we come?"

Mob: "sure thing."

Yakumo: "huh?"

Mob: "is something wrong Yakumo."

Yakumo: *sigh* nah they can come."

Konohamaru: "yay! Let's go boss!!"

Konohamaru turns around and begins running around the corner and ends up bumping into a man whose face was covered in face paint.

???: "hey watch it kid."

The strange looking boy grabs Konohamaru and begins holding him up by his collar.

???: "come on Kankuro put the kid down. We don't wanna start causing trouble just minutes after arriving at the leaf."

The one talking was a pretty blonde girl with four pigtails.

Kankuro: "oh come on Temari, I just wanna mess with him a little."

Mobs progress: 30%

Mob: "stop it."

Kankuro: "huh? What'd you say kid?"

Mob: "I asked you to put him down."

Kankuro: "why should I kid?"

Mob began walking over to Kankuro who had a sly smirk as he was about to trip Mob over when Mob suddenly bows.

Mob: "I'm sorry for my friend bumping into you, it was an accident and I'd be more than happy to make it up to you. So please just put him down so we can avoid any fighting."

Kankuro frowns before letting go of Konohamaru.

Kankuro: "you got lucky kid."

Konohamaru: "what ever jerk."

Kankuro: "huh? What was that?"

Kankuro was about to grab Konohamaru again when his wrist it suddenly hit by a rock.

???: "tell me, what are you guys doing in our village?"

Everyone looked up to see Sasuke sitting on a tree branch observing them.

Kankuro: "oh look, another brat."

Sasuke: "get lost."

Kankuro: "come down little squirrel."

Sasuke: "you think you're smart huh?"

Kankuro grabs something from his back.

Temari: "Kankuro are you seriously thinking about using the crow?"

???: "Kankuro don't."

Everyone looked to Sasuke's right to see a red haired boy with tanuki like eyes carrying a large gourd over his back.

???: "you're a disgrace to our village."

Kankuro: "G-gaara"

Sasuke: 'I didn't even notice him. His stealth skills rival Kakashi.'

Gaara: "it's embarrassing that you'd lose control of a fight against children. Have you forgotten why we came here?"

Kankuro: "but Gaara they started it. The little one slammed into me."

Gaara: "shut up. Or I'll kill you."

Kankuro began trembling as he nervously spoke.

Kankuro: "you're right Gaara, I was out of line I'm really sorry."

Sasuke: 'so he's in charge, his glares like a basilisk.'

Gaara: "sorry about my brother. 'He stopped Kankuro like it was nothing.'"

Gaara body flickered in front of Kankuro and Temari.

Gaara: "I know we're a little early. But we didn't come here to play around."

Kankuro: "I swear it won't happen again."

Gaara: "let's go."

Yakumo: "Wait!!"

Gaara: "what is it?"

Yakumo: "judging from your headbands you three must be from the sand village, so what are you doing here?"

Temari: "don't you know? We're here to take the chunin exams."

Mob: "what's that?"

Temari: "are you serious? *sigh* junior ninja from the hidden sand and the minor lands in between are sent over to the leaf to compete against yours."

Mob: "why test all of us together?"

Temari: "mostly to maintain the of all ninja at the same high level as well as to foster friendship and understanding between ninja and maintain the balance of power between the lands themselves."

Mob looks at her confused only understanding about half of what she said.

Temari: 'this kids rather dense.'

Sasuke: "what's your name?"

Temari: "me?"

Sasuke: "no the spook beside you."

Gaara: "I am Gaara of the sand, I'm also interested in you, what's your name?"

Sasuke: "Sasuke Uchiha."

Mob walks up to Gaara and extends his hand to Gaara with a smile.

Mob: "hello, my name is Shigeo Uchiha. It's nice to meet you."

Gaara simply turns away saying Gaara: "whatever." Before all three of them disappeared.

Mob looked over to Sasuke Mob: "was it something I said?"

However Sasuke was too busy thinking about the chunin exams to notice his brothers question.

Kyūbi: 'hm? From the chakra I'm sensing that kid must be Shukaku's Jinchūriki. Looks like things are getting interesting *smirks*'

Next day

The three genin were waiting at the bridge for Kakashi with Mob looking particularly disheveled due to having overslept the only reason he wasn't late is because Sasuke dragged him out of bed last minute.

Yakumo: "damnit. Can't sensei ever arrive on time. He always has us arrive super early then arrive super late."

Mob simply nodded being too tired due to having to work overnight with Reigen on another job.

Kakashi: "hey guys sorry I'm late but I got lost on the path of life."

Yakumo: "why do you always use those lame excuses? At least pretend to be sorry."

Kakashi: "in any case I've recommended all three of you for the chunin exams."

The three looked at him with surprise before slowly smiling (besides Sasuke who tried to hide his excitement.)

Kakashi: "you just have to fill out these *hands out three forms*"

The three of them eagerly took the form from Kakashi.

Kakashi: "if any of you don't want to compete the choice is up to you. You don't need to hand the form in if you don't want to. If you wish to enter them report to room 301 at the school by 4:00 tomorrow afternoon. That's all."

And with that Kakashi body flickers away leaving the genin to their own business.

Next day at the academy

Chunin: "is someone as talentless as you really planning to take the chunin exam. Why bother?"

Chunin 2: "bunch of brats."

Chunin: "you said it."

Ten ten: "please let us in." However the chunin responded by punching her in the face."

Genin: "what did you say? We're just trying to spare you. The chunin exam is incredibly difficult. We should know since we've failed three times so far. There are even people who made it and immediately gave up on being ninja or others who ended up crippled, some were even reduced to vegetables. We've seen it all.

Chunin: "on top of that chunin are cell commanders, they lead their units. The responsibilities for failed missions and dead ninja rest solely on their shoulders. And you punks have the nerve to apply. We're saving a step by weeding out the obvious losers beforehand."

Sasuke: "sounds good in theory. But you better let me through. And while your at it drop the genjutsu we have business on the third floor."

Chunin: "so you saw through it huh?"

Mob: 'what's he talking about?'

Mobs powers prevent him from even being affected by weak genjutsu like the smile masks. The same concept applies here, to Mob the genjutsu is so weak he doesn't even notice it let alone have an effect on him.

Sasuke: "it was easy right Yakumo?"

Yakumo: "yeah. If you know what's good for you you should remove the genjutsu, if you don't I'll just do it myself."

Chunin: "heh not bad. But just seeing through it isn't ENOUGH."

The chunin rushed in about to hit Sasuke who was about to respond when suddenly a familiar face appears between the two stopping their attacks.

Yakumo: 'hey Isn't that?'

Mob: "oh hey Lee."

Lee: "huh? Mob it's you. How are you my youthful friend."

Sasuke: 'Lee, he must be the one Mob talks about. He's completely different from the boy who was beaten a few minutes ago. He blocked my kick, but there's something weird about his chakra.'

Neji: "that isn't what we agreed Lee. You're the one who suggested we avoid drawing attention to ourselves."

Yakumo: "excuse me."

Lee: "huh?"

Yakumo: "you wouldn't happen to be Rock Lee would you?"

Lee: "yes I am indeed. May I ask how you know of me?"

Yakumo: "well you see you're the one who inspired me to try my hardest to become a ninja."

Lee: "huh?"

Yakumo: "you see I'm bad at ninjutsu, and my bodies really weak the only thing I'm good at is genjutsu, it made me doubt whether I could become a ninja. But then I heard about you, a kid who couldn't use ninjutsu or genjutsu and yet you managed to become a ninja relying purely on taijutsu. It inspired me to try my hardest to become a ninja with just genjutsu."

Lees eyes lit up as he said.

Lee: "really?"

Yakumo nodded eagerly.

Mob: 'wow, I never realised that Yakumo admired Lee so much.'

Sasuke: "come on Yakumo we've got to get going."

Yakumo: "huh? Okay we'll see you later Lee."

Lee simply waved back with a blush.

Neji: "hold on."

Sasuke: "huh?"

Neji: "what's your name?"

Sasuke: "it's common courtesy to give your name first."

Neji: "you're I don't need to tell you a thing."

Mob: "we're twelve."

Sasuke: "brother!!"

Mob: "well I don't want to be rude to him. Especially since he's Lee's friend."

Sasuke simply walks away.

Mob: "sorry about that, that's just how he is, I promise my brother didn't mean anything by it."

Neji: "so you're his brother."

Mob: "yes my name is Shigeo Uchiha. It's nice to meet you." Mob offers Neji a handshake which he simply walks away from."

Mob: 'what's going on? This is the second time that's happened, am I doing something wrong?'

Lee: "sorry about that Mob, that's just how he behaves."

Mob: "so is he your teammate."

Lee: "indeed, his name is Neji Hyūga, and that's Tenten *points to Tenten*."

Mob: "well that's my brother Sasuke *points to Sasuke*. And that's Yakumo. *points to Yakumo.* well if that's all I'll see you in the exams."

Mob and the other two walked away.

Tenten: "Lee what are you doing?"

Lee: "you guys go on ahead, there's something I want to check first."

As team 7 is walking away they hear a voice calling out to them.

Lee: "hey you, Sasuke Uchiha. I challenge you to a fight, right here and now."

Sasuke: "you want to fight me now?"

Lee: "yes!!"

Rock Lee jumps down to where the three genin are.

Lee: "my name is Rock Lee. Among sticklers etiquette requires one to introduce themselves before asking for another's name. Sasuke Uchiha."

Sasuke: "so you know of me?"

Lee: "indeed. Mob has spoken much of you."

Sasuke glares at Mob who in turn looks the other way guiltily.

Sasuke: "so what has he told you?"

Lee: "he tells me that your a genius and the top of your class with talent, he also tells me that he looks up to you more than anyone else."

While he tried to hide it Yakumo noticed a blush on his face and began giggling to herself eating a glare from Sasuke causing her to stop, that being said there was still a clear smile on her face.

Lee: "I wish to test the effectiveness of my techniques against a talent such as yours."

Sasuke: "so you know all of that and yet you're still challenging me? In other words you're a fool. So dog brown you really wanna know what it means to face an Ichiha like me?"

Lee: "absolutely."

Sasuke: "this could be fun, I accept your challenge."

Yakumo: "are you sure? We've only got thirty minutes before we have to submit our applications."

Sasuke: "Don't worry. This will only take five minutes."

Sasuke charges towards Lee who suddenly disappeared before reappearing in front of Sasuke getting ready to kick him from above. Sasuke ducks under the kick but suddenly Lee appears below as he attempts another kick.

Sasuke: 'damnit no time to dodge, have to block.'

Sasuke attempts to block Lee's kick when suddenly Lee's kick appears to phase through Sasuke's guard and launches Sasuke across the room.

Sasuke: "what the hell?"

Yakumo: 'that wasn't genjutsu, was it ninjutsu? No Lee can't use that, is that really just his speed?'

Sasuke gets up and activates the sharingan.

Yakumo: 'the sharingan? When did he get that?'

Sasuke gained the sharingan durjng an incident five years ago. Won't say what it is yet as that would be spoilers, though those who've read/watched Mob psycho 100 might be able to guess what happened.

Sasuke once again charges at Lee only to be met with a kick launching him in the air.

Sasuke: 'my sharingan couldn't see through his technique, but that means.'

Lee: "exactly. It's not genjutsu or ninjutsu, just purely taijutsu."

Lee proceeds to beat Sasuke before a familiar voice interrupted them.

???: "halt. That's enough Lee."

Everyone turns to what seems to be a talking turtle.

Sasuke: 'what the?'

Lee immediately jumps towards the turtle and begins bowing to it. What was even more surprising was when Mob ran over and did the same.

Lee: "you saw?"

Turtle: "you know the rules Lee that move is strictly forbidden."

Lee: "forgive me."

Turtle: "enough!! I don't wish to hear your excuses, a ninja never reveals his techniques unless it's absolutely necessary. I hope you are prepared."

Lee: "yes Sensei."

Suddenly a cloud of smoke appears on top of the turtle soon revealing Gai sensei.

Gai: "Hey what's shaking? How ya doing everybody."

Yakumo and Sasuke look at Gai in shock while Mob simply admired him alongside Lee.

Gai: "hi Lee."

Gai: "Now for your punishment!!"

Gai punches Lee as hard as he can knocking him across the room causing Yakumo and Sasuke to become even more weirded out.

Gai walks over to Lee and gets on one knee.

Gai: "I'm sorry Lee. But it's for your own good."

Lee: "sensei."

Gai: "*crying* Lee."

Lee: "*also crying* sensei. I am so sorry."

Gai: "*still crying* it's ok, it's over. You don't need to say anymore."

Lee: "Sensei."

Lee immediately begins hugging Gai as they cry and the image of a sunset is shown in the background causing Sasuke to look away in disgust and Yakumo to simply look on in confusion. As for Mob he was simply used to their antics by now.

Gai: "it's ok. It's only a phase."

Lee: "I'm sorry sensei."

Yakumo: "heh, it's actually pretty sweet."

Sasuke looks at her shocked.

Sasuke: 'is she serious?'

Gai: "you're just caught in between * places hand on Lee's shoulder* you're too old to be called a boy and yet not quite a man."

Lee: "you are so good to me sensei."

Gai: "now take off!! I want you to give me a hundred laps around the practise field. Show me what you've got!!"

Lee: "yes sir. No problem at all."

Gai: "run into the setting sun. Run and suffer. But don't mess up your hair."

Gai looks over to Lee and grins with his shining teeth as Lee does the same.

Gai: "let us go."

Lee: "Right!!"

Mob: "excuse me Gai sensei."

Gai: "huh? Oh hey Mob, sorry I didn't notice you there."

Mob: "it's alright. But we've still got to do the chunin exams so we don't have enough time for working out."

Gai: "oh right I forgot about that."

Gai: "Lee you not only disobeyed the rule against fighting but you also disrupted the chunin exams. I think that warrants a slightly more severe punishment don't you?"

Lee: "yes sir."

Gai: "then let's say five hundred laps, how does that sound?"

Lee: "outstanding sir."

Sasuke: "they're insane."

Gai: "so you must be Kakashi's squad. Mob here has told me about you during our training. So tell me how is Kakashi doing?"

Sasuke: "do you know him?"

Mob: "yeah, from what I've been told he's Kakashi sensei's eternal rival."

Sasuke and Yakumo looked shocked at this revelation.

Sasuke: "no way."

Lee: "how dare you?! If Gai sensei says it's true then."

Lee is interrupted when Gai places a hand on his shoulder. Gai: "let it go Lee. A ninjas actions always speaks louder than words."

Gai then suddenly appears behind the three startling everyone but Mob who saw it clear as day.

Gai: "my record is 50 wins and 49 losses. Which is one better than Kakashi's."

Sasuke: "what!"

Mob: "wow really?"

Gai: "the fact is that I'm stronger than Kakashi. And faster too."

Sasuke: 'his speeds incredible, he's definitely faster than Kakashi. Is he even human.'

Mob: "wow, your as amazing as ever Gai sensei."

Lee: "indeed. Gai sensei is the best there is."

Gai: "I'm sorry for the trouble Lee caused you look into my eyes and accept my sincere apology. Also notice my handsome manly features."

Sasuke: 'he claims he's better than Kakashi. Could that be true. Ugh, I don't think he's lying.'

Gai: "Lee you should accompany these fine young ninjas to the classroom right now."

Gai then chucks a Kunia and releases a piece of Lees bandages which were stuck in the wall by a pinwheel.

Yakumo quickly notices Lees bruised hand as he does his bandages back up.

Gai: "remember to give it your best."

Lee: "yes sensei."

Gai then proceeded to body flicker away.

Lee: "hey Sasuke, actually I haven't been totally honest with you. I said that I wanted to test my skills and that is true enough but you aren't really the one I wanted to test them on. I lied to you when we were fighting before I told you that I am the best genin here, however there's another ninja, someone on my own team, I came here to defeat him, you were just practise, now you're our target, I will crush you, there you have it. Consider this a warning."

And with that Lee jumped up to the next level and ran off leaving an angry Sasuke.

Sasuke: "next time I see that kid I'll crush him."

Yakumo: "I wouldn't be so sure about that."

Sasuke: "what was that?"

Yakumo: "you saw his hand, when he was putting on those bandages, Lee must train everyday till he drops, he trains much harder than you, that's all I'm saying. Meanwhile Mob looked on concerned.

Mob: "she's right."

Sasuke perks up.

Mob: "whenever we train Lee always trains till he drops and once he gets back up he continues training."

Sasuke gritted his teeth before smirking and saying.

Sasuke: "fine then. This things starting to get interesting. The chunin exams, can't wait to see what's next."

Mob and Yakumo smiled at this as they all walked towards the chunin exams