
Naruto: Path to godhood

We've all read a Naruto fanfic at one time or another. Most are downright boring, predictable and riddled with plot holes... And this isn't like any of them... An utterly pragmatic and selfish (bordering evil) MC has been reborn into an alternate reality... Not one of plot armors and Mary Sue characters... but of war, death, and cruelty. One where only the strong survive. And our protagonist is certainly not planning to die again anytime soon... He plans on surviving, no matter what the cost... Woe to whoever is foolish enough to stand in his way... ——————————————————————— Patreon~ for more chapters in advance. patreon.com/Ancestorlord ——————————————————————— **Disclaimers** -All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s)

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33 Chs

Chapter 4 - Academy Time part 2

Me:"Hello there can I sit next to you"

I see him siting on the ground while eating a boxed lunch.

Minato:"Yeah sure there is no problem."

Me:"Thank you I don't know anyone in this academy and I saw you alone and thought hey that guy looks friendly."

Minato:"Ahahaha thanks? I was actually waiting for my friends.Ohhh there they are."

I turn around and see three guys coming toward us.

Inoichi:"Sorry to make you wait Minato, Chouza got hungry again and we had to buy him food."

Chouza:"Sorry." *munch*

Just then Shiro smelled food and poped hei head out of my hoodie and barked towards Chouza.


Chouza:"Hey there little guy are you hungry."

Chouza gives him some ch.i.p.s which the dog takes. I take this as my moment to introduce myself.

Me:"Hi my name is Yami Inuzuka and this is my ninken Shiro."

Inoichi:"Hi my name is Inoichi Yamanaka."

Shikaku:"I am Shikaku Nara and the guy eating is Chouza Akimichi."


Minato:"My name is Minato Namikaze."

Me:"So which class are you guys."

Minato:"We are second year 2A class."

Then we talked about lessons,dreams and aspirations untill the bell rang.As we were talking I cheked their chakra levels they were

Shikaku Nara high academy level chakra,

Inoichi Yamanaka high academy level chakra,

Chouza Akimichi low genin level chakra.

When I went home that day mom said to me that a ninja from the Inuzuka clan has called me to the Inuzuka clan training grounds.

After I ate some food I went to the trainig ground there I met the guy who guarded the ninken. He was taned had a goate and had a konoha headband in his forehead that covers his hair.

Guard:"Hey there little pup."

Me:"Hey there guard -san."

Guard:"My name is Gaku you little squirt."

Me:"So why did you call me here guard -san."

Gaku:"MY NAME IS GAKU BRAT..*sigh* anyway I was requested to teach you the Inuzuka clan taijutsu and ninjutsu. You will come here every day after the academy and we will train the clan techniques untill you get them."

Me:"Oh ok. When will we start."

Gaku:"Well first we will have to up your body strength, agility and stamina.Ok now run around the edges of the trainig field as long as you can as fast as you can."

Me:"Ok, Shiro run along with me also."

I started running at max speed and I ran for about 5 hours then I fell face down on the ground. Shiro fell after 3 hours in the race.

Gaku:"You know I was expecting you to run at max for an hour, you are ready for the official trainig tomorrow you don't need to train your body anymore for the basic Inuzuka techniques. Your physical stats are already at genin level."

Me:"We will still do normal body training right?"

Gaku:"Not with me do it by your self , I am

only here to teach you the techniques.Well then see you tomorrow. By the way don't forget your ninken for training tomorrow."

He then shunshined away. After reasting for a bit I went home and slept.

-Time Skip- (3 weeks later)

I learned a lot of taijutsu and inuzuka ninjutsu the four leged techniques. Also every day at lunch break I would hang out with Minato and his friends. I heard a lot of things from Shikaku his father is the head of intelligence and Shikaku told me that konoha is attacking a village called Dragonfly village. And then I knew the situation around the world is tense.

I am pretty shure that the 2nd great ninja war is going to start soon. Well anyway today is taijutsu sparing class.

Teacher:" Well then class today we are going to have a sparing class. I have explained the basics of taijutsu in these 3 weeks. You dont have to be afraid I will match you fairly."

He then explained the rules of the spar which were no ninjutsu or genjutsu only taijutsu and when one of us is down or out of the circle we lose.

The matches begin and civilians get matched against each other exept Asume she fought against another civilian girl and she won easily.

I was paired against Asutori Sarutobi.

He went into the circle as if he won already.

Asutori:"You dont have to worry Yami I will not fight you at my full power as a Sarutobi we are after all comrades."

Me: ....

'THIS TRASH HAS THE GUTS TO BRAG LIKE THAT WHEN HE ONLY HAS THAT AMOUNT OF MICROSCOPIC POWER....ok breath in and out no need to get angry what if this was the ninja war must always stay calm this could have been a fatal mistake. Remember you are not an anime protagonist you don't get strong by being angry , anger only dulls your senses.

Ok now I am ready.

Teacher:"Ok guys do the unison sign."

I get into the ring do the unison sign and then the teacher says.


As soon as the theacher says that I strengthen my leg muscles with chakra I run towards Asutori I am in front of him before he can blink I kick forward with the leg on the ground I cancel the strengthening on it and concentrate the chakra on the groung to make me stick to it I then kick forward with all my strength I can see his eyes widen he doesn't have time to block so i kick him in the stomach he spits blood and flyes out of the circle and crashes on the groud 20 meeters away. All of the students are shocked.His sister looks ready to kill me. Teacher stops her with a hand in her sholder.

The teacher then goes to the side of Asutori sudenly shunshins with him away and then comes back withought him.

The teacher looks at me with a little bit of anger and killing intent.

Teacher:"Why did you use so much power against Asutori."

'Well time to play innocent' I think. I make a shocked and sad face and say.

Me:"Sorry sensei I didn't mean to use so much strength against him.I have never spared against someone before I just used all my strength. I am sorry."

When the teacher hears this he lightens up a bit and says

Teacher:"I understand but don' use this much strength against a classmate anymore. Am I understood."

Me:"Yes sensei."

-Time Skip- (Age 7 years old)

The 2nd great ninja war has started.

I am not planing to graduate for at least another year untill I am ready. Becouse I know I will be going into war immediately as soon as I graduate. During this year I have trained my body to the ground have learned most Inuzuka techniques.I have mastered the 3 academy jutsus especially the replacement jutsu , I trained it untill i could do it without handseals after all it is a life saveing jutsu.

I also can now do a physical transformation jutsu not just the illusion one.

Also Asutori was stuck at the hospital for about a week.

He keeps challenging me every sparring sesion which is once a month, even though he hasn't won even once.

Minato has graduated early at 8 years old.

His teacher Jiraya.

Now I am stuck with only the ino-shika-cho trio they havent graduated yet.

-Time Skip- (Age 8 years old)

Now this time I am graduating even though there is a war going on. After all if I can't survive this war where the strongest is a Kage level shinobi how will I survive the 4th ninja war where kage level ninjas are cannon fodder. I have been studying a little medical jutsus now that I have free time from the Inuzuka techniques becouse I matered them.

Even though I still cant use medical palm I am training my chakra controll with it.

When I got in my classroom I sat down and waited for the other people to come.

The classroom filled up I was surprised to see two familiar people and then the teacher came.

Teacher:"Ok students today you graduate let's call the team placements.

Team one .....

Team three Yami Inuzuka , Asume Sarutobi and Asutori Sarutobi."

I was affraid of this Asutori has been concentrateing on training and hasen't studied for the exam and in the Academy he only concentrated on beating me so his written test results were probably bad.

Teacher:"Your team jonin sensei will be .....


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