
Naruto: Path to godhood

We've all read a Naruto fanfic at one time or another. Most are downright boring, predictable and riddled with plot holes... And this isn't like any of them... An utterly pragmatic and selfish (bordering evil) MC has been reborn into an alternate reality... Not one of plot armors and Mary Sue characters... but of war, death, and cruelty. One where only the strong survive. And our protagonist is certainly not planning to die again anytime soon... He plans on surviving, no matter what the cost... Woe to whoever is foolish enough to stand in his way... ——————————————————————— Patreon~ for more chapters in advance. patreon.com/Ancestorlord ——————————————————————— **Disclaimers** -All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s)

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33 Chs

Chapter 1 - Reborn as average

An: it's only these few first chapters that are small so if you can bear with it i promise it'll get better


I don't know when it started but I have been stuck in this void for a long time.



-Flashback End-

I got run over by not being careful.

I look around this pit of darkness. Then I think I see something mooving , there are some hands made out of darkness . ' I don't know what they are but they are freaky ' .

So I move the opposite side I don't look behind me. I just keep moving. I keep thinking : ' You got to move ' Got to keep moving I keep moving untill I see a light .

I run towards the light . After I reach it I black out. Next time I wake up I hear someone speaking . I can't move at all .

-Time Skip -

I woke up again and this time I try to open my eyes but I can't . I only hear

??? : "It's a boy Misune -san"

Misune : "He is so cute you have your fathers eyes and my hair"

I assess the situation I have read rough fanfics to know what and where I am.


It's quite easy to cry as a baby. 'I don't know where or when I am so I got to act as a baby to not be suspicious or they could at the best outcome brand me as genious or the worst outcome brand me as baby possessed by a demon.'

Misune : "His name will be Yami"

-Time Skip- (3 months)

After some time I confirm something I am

in an anime I knew from my previous life

-Time Skip- (Age 1 year old)

I started crawling at 5 months old which is not weird considering that chakra makes babies develop faster.

I said my first word at 6 months it was mama

my mother cried when I said it.

I started walking at 8 months.

'I now also know which clan I am from I am from the Inuzuka clan. I was a little disappointed that I wasn't from the Uchiha or Senju. That would have helped me in my plans a lot. But no use cruying over spilled milk.'

'I didn't really connect with my new mother and I didn't really care about her but I act like I do , I act like a kid , I play with other kids if there is one thing I have is patience. I didn't act special. Now that I have seen my self in the mirror I have an average face with black pupiless eyes and brown slightly spiky hair. During this time I also tried to sense my chakra which I did and seemed normal chakra I don't know the quantity because I don't have to compare it to. I also developed a new teachnique I dont know if you could call it that but I tried to sense someone's chakra of course I couldn't but if I touch someone I can tell their chakra amount I have tried this with my mother I have the same amount as her maybe a little smaller.

My birthday wasn't something special there were a couple of mom's friends over with some of their kids a little bit older than me and nothing else. When I tried my sensing technique on the kids I had higher chakra than them. Then I also discovered that I had chakra bigger than average. But not that big since my mom who I think has biger chakra than me is a civilian. It's either that or she is a medic ninja. I don't think that since at my birthday there were only civilian people and a couple of inuzuka ninja.

-Time Skip- (Age 2 year old)

I also started training my chakra control with the leaf sticking exercise from a couple of leafs from our small backyard. I was sure nobody was watching me, as I was doing the exercise in the bathroom.I can stick up to five leafs in my forehead.

One day out of curiosity I asked my mother.

Me: "Mommy where is my daddy everyone else has a daddy why don't I have a daddy"

Misune:"Well honey ...


An: if you like the story you can support me on pat-reon, you'll give me the support I need to keep going and deliver more content and you will also get early access to at least 30 chapters

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