
Naruto Online: The Strongest Shinobi

Michael, living in a dystopian world devastated by nuclear warfare, discovers a new VRMMORPG game called 'Elemental Nations.' Excited by the opportunity to escape his harsh reality, he purchases the Tier 1 headset and prepares to embark on an adventure. In his cramped living space, surrounded by the remnants of his previous life, Michael contemplates the hardships he and his family endure. The scarcity of resources and the confined conditions serve as constant reminders of the post-apocalyptic world they inhabit. As Michael watches the game's trailer, he recognizes familiar elements from the anime series Naruto. His passion for the show in his previous world fuels his excitement to explore this virtual rendition of the Naruto universe. However, in this new world, anime is not as popular, with people favoring slice-of-life stories over war-torn narratives. Equipped with the VR gear, Michael eagerly enters the game, expecting to unleash his knowledge of the Naruto world to become a powerful shinobi. The game's mechanics limit the number of players who can join as shinobi from the five great villages, adding a sense of exclusivity and competition to the experience. With the promise of potentially earning money through the game, Michael sees an opportunity to contribute to his family's welfare. Unemployment and limited opportunities in the real world have left him longing for a chance to make a difference. As the game servers go online, Michael finds himself transported to a new location, ready to embark on an extraordinary journey within the virtual world of Elemental Nations. Little does he know that this adventure will hold secrets, challenges, and the potential for him to become the hero he aspires to be.

Fat_Cultivator · Komik
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56 Chs

Chapter 39: Blond Man

Chapter 39: Blond man

It took me a solid second to regain my footing once I was blown into the forest as the aftermath of Sensei' insane Jutsu destroyed everything in the vicinity.

Sakura and Sasuke were already relatively far away due to Gamabunta, and I don't know how Kakashi sensei dealt with the issue, but he should be fine.

Gamabunta himself dug his massive sword into the ground and tried not to fly away from the battlefield.

All the enemy shinobi however were not so lucky, since Naruto and I had already taken care of a big chunk of them, and the remaining ones just got obliterated by the shockwaves of the Jutsu.

Not even a second after I regained my footing, I watched as Sensei himself appeared on the battlefield, with the completely tattered body of Yugito- the Jinchuriki of the 2 tails.

He reached where Kakashi and B were and I could see that both of them were standing still where they were at.

B was beyond angry as he saw his comrade in a dire state, to the point he even stopped rapping.

"Hand her back." He said as he looked at Naido Sensei.

"No, I don't think I will." Naido sensei said in a calm voice, as he threw Yugito's body towards Kakashi and stood in between the 2.

"It is up to you, Killed B of the Hidden Cloud, would the Cloud like to lose 2 Jinchuriki today?" He asked in a calm voice.

B looked apprehensively, ready to prepare for combat again, as red chakra began to coat his body once again.

Sensei sighed, as he stared at the dark clouds that were slowly leaving the scene.

"So be it." He muttered as his chakra began to surge once again as the 2 behemoths stared each other down.

"B!" A voice came from the side of the Hidden Cloud, and a man walked to the battlefield.

It wasn't someone that I could recognise, but it was clear that this person seemed to be passing down orders.

B was pissed off, since he knew that the matter was beyond his hands.

The man who had golden hair walked up to Naido sensei with a calm expression on his face and looked at the surrounding battlefield.

He had a fairly well built body and an aura of confidence emanating from himself, as if he was a being unfettered by normal world views.

"It seems like the tales of the Mad Monk were clearly understated." The man stated, not particularly being surprised or bothered by the devastation all around.

"Who are you?" Kakashi sensei asked, as he put Yugito behind them and stood side by side with Naido sensei.

"I am no one of importance, but I speak for the Daimyo of the Lightning country and the Raikage." the man said, getting the attention of both the Shinobi from the Hidden Leaf.

"We propose a trade. The Jinchuriki for the remaining lives of everybody here." The man said, and every Shinobi, player and NPC of the cloud who were still alive seemed outraged.

"You will abandon your people?!" One of what seemed like an NPC shouted, but his voice was just ignored.

"I can have all of them anyway." Naido sensei said in a calm tone, and at this point I began to slowly hide myself. I knew I was practically useless in battle if this newcomer could deal damage to even Naido and Kakashi sensei.

"Then what will it take for Yugito to be given back to us?" The man asked, and at this point B was having enough of it as his chakra cloak began to form again.

"I can bring all of them back." B said, but he stopped when the blond haired man raised his hands.

"I am negotiating as your brother has requested." He said, to which shock entered B's eyes. Saying he was speaking for the Raikage and following his exact instructions were 2 completely different things when negotiating about something so grand.

"You can take her back over my dead body." 

The atmosphere became silent as the blond man sighed.

"Fine, then we at least request the Hidden Leaf to give us back the 2 Tailed Beast." The man said.

"That is up for the Hokage to decide, not me." Naido sensei said.

"So be it, we wish you will let the remainder of them leave." The man said, as a loud whistle rang throughout the field in the direction of where the main army of the Hidden Cloud was supposed to be.

"That is fine by me." Naido sensei stated, as B realized the signal they typically used to retreat was being used.

"Until next time." Sensei taunted, to which B glanced at him with an angry look as the remaining Ninja who were alive, which was barely a hundred of them, all left as well.

Kakakshi still kept his Sharingan out as looked at the retreating Jinchuriki and blond man and then turned towards Naido-sensei.

"He only has Chunin level reserves." He commented.

"Since when were we to judge things like that?" Naido sensei asked.

"True." Kakashi said, as he looked back towards Naruto and I, who began walking towards them.

"You didn't kill her?" Kakakshi asked.

"I figured I could do it after we extract the Tailed Beast from her. And not like she can cast a Jutsu for the rest of her life. I cut off all her nerve endings, even with her insane regeneration, the most she can do is walk, and that is if we don't kill her before that."

'Note to self, never go against Naido sensei.'

Sakura and Sasuke were brought back by Gamabunta as he looked at Naido sensei and sighed.

"You're still as crazy as ever."

"And you're still as fat as ever."

I was waiting for a massive fight or at least insults to come from the prideful frog, but he simply sighed as he dismissed the summon and went back to the land of the toads.

What the hell? Where did the prideful Frog go ?

Even Naruto was in complete shock, not even processing what the hell was going on right now.

Sasuke still seemed to be in shock with the insane displays of power everyone had shown other than himself and Sakura.

And knowing him, he would rather be compared to trash than with Sakura when it comes to battle power.

"Well done Shikomu." Sensei committed, as he sat onto the ground and relaxed slightly, ignoring the corpses he was sitting on.

"Sensei, what happened to Yuki and Ayumi?"

"Ah, Yuki should be running this way soon, and I will bring Ayumi back, I hid her since she was losing her fight.'' Sensei said to which I nodded.

After seeing that cataclysmic display, I wouldn't put it past him to do something like that.

At the very least, sensei was at the level of Akatsuki members, so Quasi-Kage to Kage ranked Shinobi.

Only those can take care of a Jinchuriki with relative ease, like when Hidan and Kakuzu defeated Yugito with ease in the anime.

"How the hell did you tell Boss that he's fat like that?" Naruto asked, finally clocking what had just happened a while back.

"Well, he learned the hard way that he better listen to my words."

"Right…" Naruto mumbled something about also 'teaching the boss a lesson.'

"Shall we go?" Kakashi sensei asked, as the entire squad then moved back towards the Leafs main camp.

After we reached the Hidden Leafs camp, Naido and Kakshi sensei made their way towards the commander's tent with the body of Yugito.

The entire camp celebrated the unexpected victory and our morale was at an all time high.

Only a handful of people were disappointed with what was happening and they were from our squad.

Yuki was disappointed that he couldn't even blitz the opponent Kunoichi before sensei interrupted since she was a Genjutsu type, and the Sharingan counters that.

It was also a little surprising that sensei could use Genjutsu against a Genjutsu type…just how broken was this man?

Ayumi was also beginning to take her circumstances more seriously, since she lost so easily to her opponent.

There was Sakura, who still couldn't comprehend why Sasuke was so pissed off, and didn't see much wrong with her performance.

I mean, she realized she was weak but she still didn't know what to do about it.

Then there was Naruto, pleased with his performance, but still in awe of Sensei's power.

He realized how far he had to go before he could become Hokage.

And then there was me, who was eagerly waiting for the system to promote me into a Jonin. The evaluation was actually done in a second, but I hadn't had free time to accept the promotion yet since I wanted to do it in a spot where no one was near me.

And now was the perfect time.

Authors note:

If we reach 200 power stones, I will upload an extra chapter for THAT week.

Every subsequent 100 power stones is another extra chapter for THAT week.

You can read some chapters ahead if you want to on my p#treon.com/Fat_Cultivator