
Naruto: of Shadows and Sharingans

"Life is but a dream... and now they expect me to work? What a drag." Hey there, Nara Shikakuro in the house! Yeah, I know, super original name my new parents came up with, right? But hey, let's not dwell on that. Just call me Kuro. Truth be told, I didn't really choose to be reincarnated. I thought death would bring some well-deserved relaxation, but nooo, they just had to send me to this godforsaken world... sigh It's not exactly what I had in mind. But hey, there's a silver lining—I was born a Nara. And if you know anything about us, you know we've got a reputation for being masters of laziness. So maybe, just maybe, I can get away with slacking off, right? Here's hoping! ---------------------------------------------- Hey friends! I am back with another Naruto fic. Do stick around and follow the story of one new Lazy Nara. Do note, that this story is AU and a PoV oriented story, where the story is told from different perspectives but ultimately focusing on the MC. ---------------------------------------------- Disclaimer: Please note that I do not own Naruto, its storyline, or any of its characters. They are the creative works of their respective owners. However, if I post an image with my signature claiming that I drew it, then that particular artwork belongs to me. Speaking of which, the cover isn't mine, I just edited a bit. I will add a cover of my own drawing when I have the time. ---------------------------------------------- Update Schedule: Geee, I will upload as much as I can. But no fixed schedules, as I have a real life job. Join the fun and discuss fanfics and more on our Discord server! Don't miss out on the excitement and camaraderie. Hop in and let's geek out together! Link: https:// discord. gg/ncrYddTrH8 (remove the spaces), or you can DM me on discord: Asura#6727 If you enjoy my writings and would like to support me in my creative journey, consider subscribing to my Patreon. Your support will enable me to write more freely and passionately, without worrying about the financial side. Let's embark on this adventure together and bring more stories to life! Link: https://www. patre on.com/ LuminouShadowBooks (remove the spaces)

LuminouShadow · Komik
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36 Chs

Chapter Eleven: Shikakuro III

[A/N: Another reminder of cause and effect.]


November 21st, Year 65, Hidden Bunker Hospital, Outside the Village.


"Tell me again, why am I here?" I groaned, frustrated with the situation as I listened to Aunt Kushina scolding Minato while she went into labor.

I knew exactly why I was here, but that doesn't mean I can't complain.

"Now hush, child. Kushina loves you like her own son and wanted you to be here as she goes through labor. And don't you want to meet your new little brother?" Granny Biwako, the Third Hokage's wife, said with a gentle smile.

"You know, after taking care of so many babies, I don't even want to answer that question anymore," I replied, exhaustion evident in my voice as I waited in a corner of the spacious makeshift hospital room.

Honestly, if I wasn't a reincarnated person, I would be traumatized by this scene.

But even though I acted annoyed, I remained completely vigilant. I had my shadows spread out as far as possible, acting as sensors. Although they couldn't attack or materialize when spread out so thin, I could at least gather information if anything unusual happened.

I knew despite altering the events from the original canon and implementing countless security procedures, Obito could still come and cause havoc.

For that I needed to have my full focus.

"Relax, Gaki. You're overthinking it. With all the seals you, me, and Kushina placed around this bunker, I'm pretty sure not even Madara himself could get in," a tall man with long, white mane replied.

That.. was the biggest jinx I had ever heard. Oh, by the way, I forgot to mention... even the pervy sage was here for security. It seemed that the old man Third took my warnings very seriously.

Well As long as Obito couldn't enter this room, he had no chance to cause any havoc. After all, using my knowledge and understanding of space from my previous life, along with Minato, Aunt Kushina and the perverted sage, we created this intricate sealing cage to keep him or anyone out.

Honestly, I had to admit that this room, with the activated seals, felt like it was in a different dimension. Well, not literally, but it provided a level of security that even Obito's powerful Sharingan couldn't penetrate. Or so I hoped.

The pervy sage continued to tease me, remarking, "You know, for someone who complains about being here, you were the most enthusiastic about sealing this room off from the rest of the world. Aren't you the cutest little Gaki trying to protect his Aunty and little brother from the big bad out there."

I scowled at the old man as he said that only to make him laugh as he said, "You're quite the tsundere, aren't you, Gaki?" He flashed a mischievous grin.

If I hadn't made it clear before, let me state it now: I hate this old pervert. If there was a prize for being the most troublesome old man, he would win it hands down. Troublesome old man...

However, despite the annoyance of the pervy sage's presence, I remained vigilant and kept my senses sharp as Aunt Kushina endured what seemed like a lion being trampled by an elephant. Honestly, no one should be able to scream like that… and no one should have to witness such a traumatic scene… at any age.

I did my best to tune out the screams and curses emanating from Aunt Kushina, instead focusing on my sensory abilities.

As time passed, both the perverted sage and I grew increasingly anxious. My shadows remained on high alert, maintaining strict surveillance over Konoha to ensure that nothing out of the ordinary could occur. We were determined not to be caught off guard.

I wouldn't let anything happen after all the preparations we had made…




Nothing actually happened… Everything was fine…

With one final, infernally loud scream, Aunt Kushina completed the arduous process of giving birth to a yellow-haired boy, surprisingly devoid of whisker marks.

As the baby cried loudly, taking his first breath of air, Granny Biwako, the Third Hokage's wife, swiftly attended to the delivery, ensuring the baby was cleaned and cared for before placing him gently in Aunt Kushina's arms.

The sight of Aunt Kushina cradling the newborn and beaming with joy was truly… contagious.

Amidst the overwhelming relief that everything had gone smoothly, Jiraiya approached Aunt Kushina, carefully examining the seal and letting out a sigh of relief, assuring us that all was well and without complications.

It was at that moment that I released a breath I hadn't even realized I was holding.

Everything had turned out… perfectly.

There was no Obito present in the room to pose a threat to the baby…

No unleashing of the Kyuubi to wreak havoc upon the village…

And no Nine Tails incident to worry about…

It seemed like a serene moment of respite was finally upon us.

However, just as I was about to allow myself to relax completely, I felt a familiar tingle in my shadows, alerting me to something amiss.

Locking eyes with the Toad Sage, I reassured Aunt Kushina and Minato, who wore expressions of concern.

"Relax," I said, my voice steady and determined. "We'll be right back."

Enveloped by the concealment of my shadows, both the Pervy Sage and I were transported to a remote area outside the village via shadow travel, hidden from prying eyes by their inky depths. There, we witnessed a heated exchange between two individuals, their identities all too familiar to us.

The Pervy Sage immediately braced himself, ready to take action, but I halted him in his tracks.

I knew he believed that Danzo was confronting the masked man, convinced of the former's allegiance to Konoha.

However, I needed him to witness the truth, to see the reality of who Shimura Danzo truly was.

Without sufficient evidence, I would never be able to take care of the parasitic Danzo. And this was the perfect moment to show Jiraiya the darkness of Konoha.

Thus, I restrained the Pervy Sage and silently urged him to observe quietly. We had to gather as much information as possible, piecing together the puzzle that would expose Danzo's evil.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN THEY CHANGED THE HIDING PLACE?!" the masked man roared, his anger reverberating through the air.

As we observed from the shadows, we noticed the ruins of the cave opening that had served as the "fake" temporary hospital for Aunt Kushina's delivery. It was clear that the location had been compromised.

Danzo, unperturbed by the masked man's outburst, snorted in response. "It seems Hiruzen doesn't trust me enough. He deliberately provided me with the wrong location. I may have underestimated him," he said dismissively.

"That doesn't matter! You promised me the location of the Jinchuriki, and you have failed. What good are you then?" Obito's anger flared, his frustration evident.

Danzo scoffed, his disdain palpable. "How dare you speak to me like that, you upstart! Merely possessing the Sharingan doesn't make you Madara! I only agreed to cooperate with you due to our mutual interests. Now that our plans have unraveled... I see no reason for you to continue existing. That eye will serve me better anyways."

With a forceful strike of his cane, Danzo summoned over a dozen Root ninjas, who swiftly engaged the masked man in combat.

From our concealed vantage point, the Pervy Sage and I watched the scene unfold.

In my thoughts, I realized that Obito had discovered Kushina's pregnancy through other means, possibly through his own observations or through Danzo's machinations.

How long had their alliance been in place? I chided myself for not being more vigilant regarding Danzo. It was evident that I needed to find an opportunity to eliminate him. He was too dangerous to be left alive.

Meanwhile, the Pervy Sage's gaze burned with fury as he grasped the true nature of the situation.

The battle began, though it could hardly be called a battle. With his Mangekyo Sharingan activated and the augmented power of Hashirama's cells, Obito became a force of nature, effortlessly dispatching the Root operatives with laughable ease.

Danzo appeared unfazed as Obito realized there were more Root members attempting to restrain him with seals, while Danzo himself launched attacks with his tanto sharpened with wind Chakra.

However, Obito deftly dodged Danzo's strikes, simultaneously eliminating as many Root operatives as he could before being pushed away by Danzo summoning Baku and using wind jutsus.

Even I was impressed to see Obito's prowess from just having a cheat eye and Hashirama's cell. It felt unreal, that a deadbeat untalented kid could gain such powers.

As the fighting was going on for a few minutes, the village patrol seemed to have noticed it and were converging to this location quickly.

Noticing the arrival of additional ANBU forces converging on their location, Obito understood it was no longer in his best interest to remain.

His plan had failed, and he needed to regroup and devise a better strategy. With one final kill, he slowly disappeared into a vortex, leaving Danzo with a chilling parting message: "Just you wait, Danzo... You will pay for this."

On the other hand, Danzo snorted in disdain and signaled his operatives to clean up the aftermath before making his own departure.

The Pervy Sage gestured for me to follow the treacherous Danzo, and I complied without hesitation. This was a golden opportunity to uncover their hideout and gather the necessary evidence.

For approximately 10 minutes, we trailed Danzo through a labyrinth of intricate security measures designed to deter anyone who wasn't a Root operative.

However, my Shadows proved superior, effortlessly bypassing the obstacles. Eventually, we found ourselves inside what appeared to be Danzo's office, where another figure awaited his presence.

I felt a shift in the Pervy Sage's demeanor as his gaze fell upon the person in the room. It didn't surprise me, as I recognized him well enough and knew he hadn't yet become a missing-nin.

"Well? Was your little plan to cause havoc successful?" the man's voice dripped with mockery.

"Shut up, Orochimaru. It could have gone smoother if you had provided assistance," Danzo growled in response.

The snake sannin simply smirked derisively. "I have nothing to do with your ambitions, Danzo. All I desire is to continue my research. We have an understanding of mutual benefit, but I am not foolish. While I harbor no love for this village, I also don't harbor particular hatred. Call me crazy for not wanting to unleash a monstrous Biju in the heart of it like a lunatic."

"Who are you trying to fool, Snake? Weren't you the one infuriated when your teacher chose a snotty nosed brat as Hokage instead of you? Didn't you complain to me about it? Weren't you seeking revenge?" Danzo retorted, his anger flaring.

Orochimaru sneered in response, unfazed by Danzo's accusations.

"I couldn't care less about being Hokage. What hurt me was Sarutobi Sensei's assessment of me: 'cruel, ambitious, and harboring hidden darkness,'... I am more aware of my true nature than anyone else, Danzo. But hearing such evaluation from someone who was like a father figure... anyone would feel… frustrated.

But I digress. My lifelong goal is to study all forms of ninjutsu and unlock the path to eternal life, rather than prance around in a fancy costume as Hokage."

Danzo didn't have much to say in response, opting instead to issue a veiled threat. "Be careful, Snake. Who do you think supplies you with your test subjects? What do you think will happen if the information about your human experimentations leak out? One misstep, and you'll face the consequences of offending me."

Orochimaru frowned momentarily at the threat before departing without uttering a word in return.

Meanwhile, in the shadows, the Pervy Sage and I witnessed the entire situation unfold before our eyes.

To say that we were both taken aback would be an understatement. The Pervy Sage was undoubtedly shocked to discover the depths of darkness Danzo and Orochimaru were willing to delve into.

As for me, I was surprised to realize that Orochimaru hadn't always been completely consumed by madness. Could there have been a way to prevent his complete transformation as a lunatic who wanted Sasuke's body? It was a question that lingered in my mind.

Quietly maneuvering through the Root base, the Pervy Sage and I gathered a substantial amount of evidence that would be crucial in our mission to bring Danzo to justice.

We stumbled upon kidnapped children from various clans, undergoing training by Root operatives. The sight stirred wrath within me, and I wanted to take action, especially upon recognizing some of the Ino-Shika-Cho kids who were believed to be stillborn or faced similar tragic fates.

However, the Pervy Sage restrained me, understanding that the time for action had not yet come. I had to forcibly calm myself down.

I looked at the kids and made a silent promise to come back and save them. And I would keep that promise no matter what.

With the gathered evidence in our possession, we made our way back to where Minato and the Third Hokage awaited.

Aunt Kushina was peacefully resting, cradling Naruto in her arms, while Granny Biwako stood guard alongside the midwives and nurses. Making sure the mother and child would be safe from any harm.

The Pervy Sage led Minato, the Third Hokage, and me to a separate room, where he proceeded to recount everything, we had witnessed, showing the evidence we collected.

The Third Hokage appeared to be in a state of denial, struggling to comprehend how Danzo, his longtime friend, could be involved in such heinous activities.

He seemed broken; his spirit shattered…

Minato, always compassionate, tried to console the old Hokage, but a burning fire of vengeance flickered in his eyes.

The Pervy Sage, for his part, couldn't fathom the depths of darkness that existed within the underbelly of Konoha.

I was contemplating everything that happened tonight. I was trying to find a way to fix the things that needed to be fixing. But…

Suddenly, I heard Minato call my name. "Kuro-kun..."

"What is it, old man?" I responded by reflex; my tone tinged with annoyance as his interruption disrupted my thoughts.

That's when Minato embraced me. I was evidently surprised but let him continue.

His gratitude evident in his words. "Thank you... Without your help and vigilance, who knows what could have happened."

I knew exactly what could have happened. But found it best to just remove those thoughts as I was simply happy to avoid all that.

So, I stood in his embrace, silent, knowing that there was nothing I could say to adequately respond.

Kushina and Minato had become like family to me, transcending their existence as mere characters in an anime. They were real people whom I had grown to love and respect.

However, the somber atmosphere became suffocating, and I couldn't bear it any longer. I attempted to lighten the mood with a joke. "If you think I did a good job, maybe you can convince my mom to stop nagging me all the time."

Minato chuckled at my remark and replied, "Well even Hokages can't win against mothers."

I groaned and muttered, "What a drag..."

The group of old men joined in laughter, momentarily alleviating the weight of the situation.


Hey there, friends! Lumi here, welp here is another chapter. Would have uploaded it sooner, but got distracted xD. Well and this one was really hard to write, no cap.

Welp next chapter coming tomorrow.

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