
Volume II: Konoha's Night Owl Chapter 12: Anbu

Two days have passed since I have agreed to be an Anbu trainee, who will be under the direct command of Hokage. With this some of my problems will be solved. The first and foremost one is to do complete a high ranked mission single handedly and as a reward I will ask for the Flying Thunder God Jutsu. That will solve any problem with me able to teleport where ever I want. The next thing would be to learn some Kenjutsu, even though I have the experience from Batman and Deathstroke, it would be good to have a sword style from this world with me. And with that I could mix it up and make my own sword style at some point in the future.

As I was thinking about all of this I reached the Hokage office so I knocked on the door and I heard "Come in."

Getting permission to enter I opened the door and saw Hokage sitting in his chair and doing his paperwork.

When I closed the door he looked up. Seeing me he smiled and said "You're here. That's good." Then he called someone from his shadows "Take him to the Anbu HQ"

The Anbu nodded and Hokage told me "I've already spoken with the Anbu Commander and he will tell you the rest."

"Hai Hokage-sama"

"Good. You can leave now."

After that me and the Anbu with a bird mask left the Hokage office to the Anbu HQ. The travel was silent as I didn't ask any questions nor did he say something to me. A couple minutes later we reched the HQ, which is at the back side of the mountain where Hokage Monument is.

As we reached there the Anbu with me knocked on the door in a pattern and the door was opened. We went inside and after a couple of minutes of walking we reached a stage like structure with a man standing there. He is dressed in a white cloak and black trousers with bandages tied around his right leg, arm-guards, gloves and black sandals. He also has brown, spiky, hair and wears a mask with a dog motif inclusive of pointed ears, detailed eyebrows and three, thick stripes with two along either sides of his cheek and one on his forehead.

Seeing us he spoke "You can leave."

As he said that the Bird masked Anbu left the place and I was alone with this guy. After looking at me for a minute or two in silence, mostly observing my posture and all, he said "I'm the ANBU commander. You will call me commander, nothing more. And your identity will be only known to me, Hokage ans his personal bodyguards. So you need to pick a name for yourself and a mask to hide your identity."

I just nodded at him.

"Hokage has informed me about you, specialis in infiltration and information gathering from the time being a Genin. Took down the head ninja of Kumo to save Hinata."

Again I just nodded.

"He has informed me to train you for one year and then you will be transferred into a squad, led by an Anbu Captain. You got that?"

"Yes Sir."

"Good. Now, chose what your code name should be and what kind of mask you want."

"Code Name Owl. Mask Owl shaped."

"Code Name owl is already taken. Chose another one."

Thinking for a second I said "Then Code Name: Fukurou."

"Approved. Your mask and attire will be ready in an hour. Until then, we will be sparring in Ninjutsu, Taijutsu, Grnjutsu and Kenjutsu."


Then for an hour we sparred against each other. Thanks to the use of shadow jutsu I was able to stop him once, but after that he started to evade I used the shadow jutsu. After the uniform reached we stopped sparring and the Commander said "You Ninjutsu is good, but you're relying too much on shadow jutsu, try to be diverse. In Taijutsu I think only Jonin Guy can defeat you with a medium difficulty, everyone else will be either end up in draw or will defeat you with high difficulty. Your Kenjutsu is good, but you have refine it. Lastly, Grnjutsu, it's good. But not strong enough to hold back a Jonin so you need to improve on it."


"We will be starting your training from now on, and your trainer will be Zo, he's an experienced Anbu operative, so always do as he say's."

"Yes Sir."

"Then go to the changing room, he will be waiting for you there."

"Yes Sir." After saying that I went to the changing room to meet my trainer in Anbu after changing into the uniform.

As I reached the changing room I saw a man standing near the door dressed in a white cloak and black trousers with bandages tied around his legs and black sandals. He also has spiky black hair and wore a mask with a cat motif with three red whisker-like markings.

Seeing me he said "You must be the trainee."

"Yes Sir."

"This is a new position in the Anbu and I think it's only one time. Anyway I'm Zo, I'll be your trainer for the next one year."

"I'm Fukuro."

"Got it." And he started to walk away from there and I followed him while he continued to speak "You can go back to your home once in a month for the next twelve months. First six months will be improving your Ninjutsu, Taijutsu, Genjutsu, Kenjutsu and you will learn Fuinjutsu. The rest of the two months will be mostly outside of the village gathering information and assassination. From the details given by Commander, you're good at information gathering and infiltration, so I'll be teaching you in the art of assassination at that time on real targets, got it?"

"Yes Sir."

"Then welcome to the Anbu."




<Chapter 12 End>