
Naruto: Nano machine in the ninja world.

To spend the time. ... Reborn in Naruto World isn't easy, especially as a trash. This is Ryōshi Atsuki, but if I didn't know better, I'd say I'm Madara Uchiha's long-lost grandson, but how can that be, right?... in any case. Follow Ryōshi Atsuki in his adventure to be on top of the world, he watches as he falls and gets up to fall again, now if you are not a chicken, take an adventure Ok, this is just of Chill.

Demon_Breaker · Komik
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2 Chs

Chapter II: Meeting with Kakashi-sensei and the golden trio.

"So I was reborn as a bum who not only abandoned his team but also used to be the worst in the class or even the academy." Bruce complained.

This guy graduated last year with his teammates, but now, his teammates are dead.

'Sigh... it's so complicated, but I didn't expect to be reborn in the Naruto world, but there's a problem, it seems that old ass put a seal of loyalty on me... even if it was already eliminated by the voice, it's still a problem if he finds out.'


The voice said, confirming Bruce's ideas.

"You... who are you exactly?" Bruce asked once more.

[I am an AI, programmed to help you correctly use all the functions of the billions of nanomachines in your body]

"Nanomachines? Are there nanomachines inside of me?"

[Yes, 7,320,1000 to be exact.]

"So many!!"

[That's right, all to improve the user experience and power]

"Mm... by the way, which was that black liquid from earlier exactly." Bruce said.

[With the nanomachines enabled throughout the master's body, removing impurities, you have become the ideal way to practice physical skills, from blood vessels, muscles, heart, and mind]

"Wow...amazing, aren't you a god instead of a nano-machine?" Bruce asked surprised.

[No, I am a machine, not a deity, Master.] said the voice.

"...If that is the case, how can I avoid being discovered?" Said Bruce, you have to know that there are all kinds of crazy things in this world, the Hyuga clan in an example of it.

[The master doesn't have to worry, with the eighth-generation skills, it's quite simple to hide from the white eyes.]

Bruce gave a long sigh and decided to take another bath, today has been a crazy and overwhelming day.

Submerging himself in the warm water, Bruce asked.

"Hey nanomachine, you said you healed me, right? How much can you do and what's the limit?"

[If it is an internal organ that receives a stab or damage from some external source, it can be easily restored.]

[However, blood loss and body amputations may take longer due to cell division being required, the process can be fasted by injecting Chakra.]

"So as long as I don't die outright, I can survive." said Bruce surprised.


"Mm... hahaha, should I try it now...?"

Taking a nearby Kunai, he traced a slightly deep cut on his palm.


"It hurts, of course, it hurts, what did I expect!?"

Blood covered the tub quickly, but before he knew it, the wound had healed and he could feel the blood slowly replenishing itself.


"It works..."

"In any case, I was hoping it would work..."

"By the way, what you said earlier in the transfer, is it possible?" Bruce asked.

[Everything I have said in the information transfer, it is possible]

"Oh." Bruce said and got out of the tub to change.

Staring at his body in the mirror, Bruce said in surprise. "This boy, it's Madara Uchiha." It wouldn't be one to say that, it did look like him.

"Also, he seems stronger, as if he has developed more muscle, is this your doing?" Bruce asked.

[Yes, we did a reconstruction of your body]


[It is scientifically impossible to create something out of nothing, but this is not difficult because it is a reconstruction of the existing body and myocardial vein.]

"Sounds complicated.."

"By the way, can I call you Nano? It will be easier to call you Nano than Nano-machine." Bruce said already deciding to call him that.

[I will register with the name of Nano.]

"See, it wasn't that hard." Bruce said and dressed in black and gold haori, ninja sandals, and his hidden tools.

Observing his appearance, he left the bathroom and went to the study room, which is more of a desk with some books on Chakra flow and a few basic Jutsus.

Bruce slowly walked over to the desk and picked up a Chakra manual.

According to his memory, it is explained how the Chakra works, the best rotation for you, and the different Chakra channels, there are also some hand seals to practice.

"Let's begin!" said Bruce and opened the book, passing it at high speed he closed the book with a *puff*

[Scanning of the contents of the book has been completed.]

[I'm about to transfer into your brain. do you want to approve it?]

"Scanning? oh! you mean you have copied the contents of the book?"

[Yes, do you want to approve the transfer of information?]




[Transfer of scanned content completed.]


[You'll get used to it.]

"...You worry about me?"

[I only speak the truth.]

"How heartless.. I don't think she has any emotion."

"What do I do now?"

[You can try to think of the most relevant information you received in the transfer.]

"Chakra... Chakra flow is an important point in the meridians, as well as in the functioning of the body itself."

"Effective ways to extract and obtain a more pure and powerful Chakra..."

"This must be a joke... I not only memorized the content itself but also fully understood it!" Bruce exclaimed excitedly.

"I automatically corrected a part of the book that had an error before transferring it to you."

"Error? Was there something wrong?"

[Based on the information I have, I corrected a bug that there was about Chakra flows and extraction method, with the current method, there is always Chakra contamination, which is partly responsible for the explosións when you use clones or transformation .]

"Does that mean there will no longer be explosions when I use any Jutsu?" Bruce asked, actually, the smoke completely adds to the technique and distracts the enemy.

[Not really, but this will help you have finer control over your Chakra and you will be able to choose whether to waste Chakra, but it takes training to master such a skill.]


"Haha..doesn't this mean that I can master all ninjutsu and ninjutsu much faster than everyone else..!!"

The successors of the Clans in Konoha were trained and learned Jutsus as children, but I have only learned the three basic ninjutsu in the academy under the strict supervision of the masters and Anbu.

I've heard that in the village library there are all kinds of books, from manuals on agriculture to political books, I'm sure I can learn some E or C-level Jutsus too.

"With this ability, I will survive and be much stronger than everyone."

That's my goal now!!


At the ninja academy.

"Sakura-chan, do you think our Sensei will be strong?" yelled a boy with orange hair and mustache lines on his cheeks, dressed in a strange orange suit.

"Of course, he's a Jōnin so he's strong Naruto you need to study more." Said Sakura, a pretty girl with pink hair...

"Mm..mm." Naruto growled and turned to another black-haired boy with a cold expression, he has a blue t-shirt, white shorts, sandals, and a red racket on her back.

"Sasuke..! I will be Hōkage and let you see how I gained everyone's trust in me, dattebayo." Naruto said excitedly, suddenly an idea occurred to him.

"Hehe.." Naruto smiled slyly and took an eraser from Iruka-sensei, sure he doesn't mind...

"Naruto! what are you doing?" Sakura said annoyed. 'Cool, eraser trap, cool.'

"Hahaha, let's see how strong this new Sensei is." Naruto said and put the eraser on top of the door, he went back and waited expectantly for the new Sensei's arrival.

"Hump, he's a Jōnin, these silly tricks won't work." Sasuke scorned.


Bruce was looking for the meeting place, heck, can't they give him a map or something, even though he studied here, for some reason he doesn't know where Naruto and the others' classroom is, no, it's not that he doesn't know, it's because it was so useless that they aren't even in the same classes...

"Sigh, huh..?"

After walking around the place, Bruce saw a family classroom, 1-A, if not wrong, this should be the classroom of the children of those Clans, therefore, the place enchanted with team 7 and his sensei.

"Yes, it's here." Bruce said and hurriedly opened the door.

"Those tricks won't work on him..."






"Oh..., you must be Ryōshi-kun, right?" said a guy with a mask on his face, white hair that seems to defy gravity, and an Anbu uniform.

"Eh...? Yes, you must be Kakashi, right?" Bruce said as he turned to Kakashi, who appeared behind him.

"That's right, well, my first impression of everyone... they're a pain in the ass..."


"Hey, what do you mean by that!" Naruto said jumping out of his place and pointing at the albino guy.

"Besides, who are you." Naruto said annoyed.

"Shut up Baka Naruto." Sakura said and hit him on the head.

"Oh, oh, oh, why did you do that…" said a pitiful Naruto and rubbed the bump on his head.

"This person must be our Jōnin Sensei." Sakura said.

"Correct." Sasuke said with his hands in his pockets and looked at Naruto like he was a fool, to which he just sulked.

"Mm.. very well Sakura-chan, now, follow me to the roof, let's introduce ourselves, Ryōshi-kun, you come too." Kakashi said casually and disappeared with the Body Flicker.


They saw each other and slowly followed him.

"Hey...sakura-chan, who is this guy." Naruto whispered to Sakura.

"I don't know, hurry up and you'll find out, wait for me, Sasuke-Kun…" Sakura said and walked away from Naruto to chase after Sasuke.


Bruce simply ignored this scene, and before long, they finally reached the roof and sat in a row facing Kakashi.

"Okay, now, you should introduce yourself." Kakashi said.

"Hai, but sensei, you shouldn't introduce yourself first, to give an example of how we should introduce ourselves." Sakura said cheerfully and the others nodded.

"Oh... is that so...?" Kakashi said thinking about the paths of life...

"I... I'm Kakashi Hatake, the things I like and dislike... mm, no, I don't feel like telling you that."


"My dreams for the future... I never thought about that... and as for my hobbies... I have a lot of hobbies."

"That was useless, all he told us was his name." Sakura said a little irritated.

"Mmm." Naruto supported her.

'Pfff.' Bruce wanted to laugh for a moment.

"Alright, his turn, you start, pink-haired girl." Kakashi said looking at Sakura.

"I'm Sakura Haruno, what I like is... ah, the... what I like is... Mm... my hobby is... my dream for the future is... Kyaah." Sakura yelled looking at Sasuke.

'Blrgghh' Bruce felt like throwing up for a moment...

"And what do you dislike?" Kakashi asked disinterestedly.

"Naruto!!" Sakura said decisively.

"Ahhh…" Naruto felt like he was pierced by a Chidori…

"Okay, next, you, the guy with orange hair." Kakashi said.

"Ah yes, I'm Naruto Uzumaki I like instant ramen and I hate the three minutes I have to wait to eat it, my hobby is trying different types of Ramen and comparing them, my dream for the future is... become the best Hōkage, then the whole village will stop looking down on me and start treating me like someone, someone important." Naruto said.

'...Wow, he sure has grown up interestingly...' thought Kakashi.

"Alright, next."

"My name... is Sasuke Uchiha, I dislike many things and I don't like anything, in particular, what I have is not a dream, for I am going to fulfill it, I am going to reestablish my clan and kill someone in particular." Sasuke said as emo as possible.

"Okay, lastly, you." Kakashi said looking at Bruce.

"My name is... Ryōshi, Ryōshi Atsuki, I like to play with chakra and make shapes with chakra, I hate being weak and my lack of knowledge, my dream for the future, is to be the most powerful." said Bruce to hide the training methods in the future.

"Well, they will have a graduation test tomorrow, if they pass it, they can be real ninjas, if not, they will return to the academy." Kakashi said.

"What!?, we had not graduated already?" Naruto said.

"They only got the right to the real test, if you fail to pass my test, you can only return to the academy obediently." Kakashi said.


"That's it, see you tomorrow at training ground 18, at 7:00 AM, remember to get there early... oh, also, remember not to eat anything or... you might throw up." Kakashi said and disappeared.


"I leave." I said and used the Flicker Jutsu, I learned it from my last Sensei.



It's like a Manga called, Nanomachine