
Naruto: My Unique System

Sakamoto Tatsuma found himself transmigrated as a war orphan in the world of Naruto, where he quickly realized his seemingly limited potential to become a ninja. Just as hope began to wane, an unexpected invitation arrived, inviting him to join the ninja academy, accompanied by a surprising sound. [Ding! The system has awakened!] Upon careful experimentation, he discovered that his system bestowed him with attributes through challenging and defeating others, be it in training, consuming food, or engaging in games. Victory allowed him to continually enhance his potential and even extract unique talents from those around him! Space-time talent! Ninja Tool Throwing talent! Sensory Talent! Gradually, the once seemingly untalented boy, destined for a bleak future, started unveiling boundless potential! ---- You can get advanced chapters on my Patreon patreon.com/HellGolt

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258 Chs

Chapter 82: Minato's Request

Upon hearing this, the faces of the other leaders including the Inuzuka clan leader turned unpleasant. Well, it seems the turmoil extends beyond the battlefield!

Originally, some members of their clan were needed, making it difficult for them to accept. Except for the Hyuga and Senju clans, who were eager to join the battle, the other clans preferred to preserve their members for development.

However, being named by Sarutobi Hiruzen for deployment was inevitable. For those not selected, Sarutobi Hiruzen made it clear that they would have to contribute financially to support the cause.

But the Uchiha clan, on the other hand, not only had to provide funds but also manpower. What's with their eagerness to deplete their resources?

Not only were the Inuzuka clan members stunned, even Sarutobi Hiruzen, who made the proposal, looked at the Uchiha clan leader with some astonishment. In fact, upon hearing the amount of thirty million Ryo, he was already inclined to agree.

However, when he thought about the eyes of the Uchiha Clan, Sarutobi Hiruzen couldn't help but squint his eyes and began to carefully reconsider his decision.

After a while, Sarutobi Hiruzen spoke, "Taku, as the leader of the Sarutobi Clan, I can understand your sentiments. Moreover, you've been a clan leader for several years, and it's necessary to show some accomplishments to boost the confidence of your clan members.

However, both the Uchiha and Hyuga clans are crucial ninja clans in the village. If they simultaneously head to the battlefield and other villages get wind of it, it might become an opportunity for them to attack the Land of Fire.

If you are willing to consider my suggestion, I propose that the Uchiha Clan stay on standby in the village temporarily to guard against potential invasions from other ninja villages."

Upon hearing this, Uchiha Taku's expression turned somewhat unpleasant. He pursed his lips and said, "The role of the Hyuga Clan on the battlefield is far inferior to that of my Uchiha. They can act as scouts, and so can we Uchiha. However, when it comes to combat skills, the Hyuga clan cannot compare to the Uchiha!

Therefore, in this offensive, let the Uchiha take the place of the Hyuga, swiftly crush the Sand team with our forces; that would be the most advantageous choice for the village!"

"Uchiha Taku! Are you saying that my Hyuga Clan is inferior to the Uchiha?"

Hyuga Itsuki also stood up angrily from his position, pointing at Uchiha Taku. Uchiha Taku furrowed his brows, ready to retort, but Sarutobi Hiruzen quickly intervened, saying:

"Enough! We are all members of the village, and I believe Uchiha Taku did not mean to belittle the Hyuga Clan. It's just a fervent desire for victory, all for the sake of the village. Let's not start a dispute among us. As for this expedition, let the Hyuga Clan lead. 

Uchiha Taku, I understand your sentiments, but you must also understand the feelings of the Hyuga Clan. While we are all members of Konoha, family honor and dignity are indeed present. If Uchiha clan members were to be killed by external enemies, I believe you wouldn't want the Hyuga Clan to take up the burden of revenge, would you?"

Upon hearing this, the expressions of Hyuga Itsuki and Uchiha Taku slightly eased. Sarutobi Hiruzen continued, seizing the opportunity:

"Moreover, the Uchiha Clan is in charge of the Konoha Military Police Force. With the onset of wartime, there may be infiltrators and spies in the village. This is precisely the time when the village needs the Military Police Force. If the Uchiha Clan engages in battle, who will maintain order in the village?"

Upon hearing Sarutobi Hiruzen provide another reason that struck a chord with the Uchiha Clan's sensitive points, Uchiha Taku's expression once again softened slightly, though he still voiced some reluctance:

"For the sake of the village and the unity of all clans, the Uchiha Clan is willing to set aside immediate achievements. However, if other villages show any suspicious actions, we hope Hokage-sama will prioritize considering the Uchiha Clan."

"Certainly," Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded. He continued to smile at Uchiha Taku, while Shikato Nara on the side couldn't help but shake his head. Can't the Hokage tone down his love for political matters?

Uchiha Taku, who was about to sit down, also caught Sarutobi Hiruzen's gaze. In an instant, his recently improved mood took a downturn. However, as a representative of the Uchiha Clan, he couldn't retract his words. After a quick internal deliberation, Uchiha Taku suddenly had a plan and said:

"As for the thirty million Ryo in war funds, it represents the savings of the Uchiha Clan over the past thirty years. I am confident in allocating this amount. However, within the clan, there may be some individuals who..."

"Understood, understood."

Seeing that Uchiha Taku did not retract the thirty million Ryo, Sarutobi Hiruzen decided to be more amicable. Uchiha Taku smiled faintly and suggested:

"How about letting my son, Fugaku, lead an elite team from the clan to personally escort the funds?"

"Escort?" Sarutobi Hiruzen furrowed his brows. The Uchiha Clan's territory was not far from the Hokage Tower, and who in the village would dare to lay hands on this sum of money? After a moment of contemplation, Sarutobi Hiruzen realized that Uchiha Taku had abandoned the idea of sending most of the clan's ninjas to the battlefield but still wanted some involvement in the war.

After weighing the options, Sarutobi Hiruzen decided to make a concession and even offered a higher reward than Uchiha Taku expected. He nodded and said:

"Then I'll trouble the Uchiha Clan to escort the war supplies and deliver them to the front lines for Tsunade and her team. Also, regarding the Explosive Tags needed for this battle, let the Uchiha Clan take charge. Coordinate with Shikato and discuss the quantity and procurement prices."

Upon hearing about the Explosive Tag business, Uchiha Taku nodded in satisfaction. However, he quickly forgot about the Explosive Tag business and began to strategize. It was time to decide who would go to the battlefield, and he was certain that his son, Uchiha Fugaku, would be among them.

Fugaku was already eighteen this year and had activated the three Tomoe Sharingan. It was time for him to experience the battlefield and sharpen his skills. While he might not achieve the Mangekyo Sharingan, the experience of war would undoubtedly contribute to his progress.

Similarly, among the other Uchiha ninjas sent to the front lines, a few promising young ninjas needed to be included. To protect these young individuals, some reliable and experienced members of the clan also had to be sent, ensuring their safety.

Lost in his thoughts, Uchiha Taku snapped back to reality and realized the meeting had ended. Shikato Nara stood by his side, smiling, and said, "Clan Leader Taku, regarding the Explosive Tags, how many can the Uchiha Clan provide before departure?"

In the Hokage's office, Sarutobi Hiruzen had just concluded a discussion with Shimura Danzo about whether it was too favorable to the Uchiha. The meeting ended with a heavy closing door and the regretful sigh of Hiruzen.

Sarutobi Hiruzen picked up his tobacco pipe, realizing that his craving for smoking had grown over the past few years. He had just filled the pipe and hadn't lit it yet when a knocking sound suddenly came from the door.

"Come in."

The door was pushed open, and two figures, one tall and one small, quickly entered. Seeing that they were his disciples, Sarutobi Hiruzen couldn't help but smile and asked, "Is the mission completed?"

Jiraiya nodded, placing the mission scroll on Sarutobi Hiruzen's desk. He then said, "We just got back... It appears I missed the meeting."

"Heh! I saw you in the bathhouse this morning!"

As Sarutobi Hiruzen spoke, Jiraiya awkwardly scratched his head. On the other side, Minato Namikaze looked puzzled. He knew that his sensei sneaked into the bathhouse for research, but how did Hokage-sama know? Could it be that he, too, was observing the bathhouse?

Lighting his tobacco, Sarutobi Hiruzen took a couple of puffs and said, "You didn't attend the meeting, so what's the purpose of coming now? Don't tell me it's just to submit the mission report?"

Upon hearing this, Jiraiya didn't respond. Instead, he turned to look at Minato, who nodded and stepped forward, saying, "Hokage-sama, I would like to request to go to the front lines."

"Hmm?" Sarutobi Hiruzen furrowed his brow, releasing the smoke he had just contemplated inhaling. He asked, "Why?"

"Because Tatsuma is on the front lines."

Upon hearing Minato's response, Sarutobi Hiruzen carefully scrutinized Minato. He was trying to figure out whether it was a childish sense of competitiveness between the two or if there was already a deep bond between them.


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