
Naruto : Moonlit Thunderclap

Our Mc gets transmigrated in the Naruto world but he gets transmigrated as an hyuga. Will he change the fate of the hyuga clan or will he succumb to the curse? What to expect from this fan-fic? 1. There will be romance but it will be builded upon slowly. 2. Lots of training for the Mc, he won't get overpowered without training. 3. I will take inspiration from other anime but not in the way you might think. I took heavy inspiration from Naruto : The Wind Calamity by Devil_Hex major shoutout to the goat. I take criticism but in a good way don’t come here and bash the story for no reason.

Beyblade_Enjoyer · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
15 Chs

Chapter 4: The Golden Eyes

Kaminari was taken aback as the nurse's words hit him. "Nine tails attack?" he repeated, unsure of what she meant. The nurse looked at him with concern before answering, "Around a year ago, the nine tails attacked and killed many people."


After realizing that he had transmigrated to the world of Naruto, his whole body shook as he looked at the nurse and asked, "Is it normal that I don't have any memories of myself?" The nurse gazed at him for a moment before replying with a smile, "You have been in a coma since the attack. Your memories should return in a few days."


The young boy nodded as he turned towards the nurse. He seemed to be confused and lost, as if he had no memory of who he was. With a quivering voice, he asked the nurse to tell him about himself. The nurse kindly obliged and began to explain. "Your name is Kaminari, and you are from the Hyuga clan. You are only five years old." The boy's eyes widened with surprise and disbelief.


"The Hyuga clan? Are you sure?" he asked, still trying to make sense of everything. The nurse nodded reassuringly and then added, "There is also something that happened to you. While you were in a coma, something changed." The boy was now even more confused and anxious, but he knew he had to find out what had happened to him. The nurse promised to show him some evidence and then left the room to retrieve it. The boy waited nervously, wondering what he was about to learn.


As he lay there on the hospital bed, he couldn't help but worry about what the nurse might say about his physical condition. "Hopefully she doesn't tell me that I'm a cripple or something like that," he thought to himself. Suddenly, he felt something different in his body. It was a warm feeling that he had never experienced before in the real world. He wondered if it was chakra, the mystical energy that ninjas in the Naruto world wielded. As he gazed around the room, he knew he needed to set a goal for himself. He had always been obsessed with the Naruto and Boruto worlds and their characters, particularly the Fourth Raikage, who was known for his mastery of Lightning-Style ninjutsu. Kaminari's mind also drifted to his parents in this world and whether they had survived the Nine-Tails attack. He longed to know the truth.


As the nurse entered the room, she held a small mirror and a glass of water in her hands. With a gentle smile, she approached him and extended the glass toward him. "Here you go; please drink this. Your throat might be dry," she said softly. He took the glass from her and drank some water before looking up at her. His eyes widened with curiosity as he noticed the mirror in her hand. "What's the mirror for? Is it to show me what happened?" he asked, his gaze fixed on the shiny surface. The nurse nodded and handed him the mirror, allowing him to see his reflection.


As he stood there, his eyes widened in surprise and disbelief. He had always known that members of the Hyuga clan had the typical hollow white eyes that were unique to their lineage. However, as he gazed into the mirror, he saw something entirely different—his eyes were a brilliant shade of gold, just like those of the Otsutsuki clan.


The nurse, who was attending to him, noticed his shock and looked over at him. "Your golden eyes are the first we have ever seen in a Hyuga clan member," she said, her voice laced with curiosity. "We've conducted some tests and concluded that it's a mutation, but some doctors believe that there may be an additional ability that you possess."


Despite the nurse's words, he managed to maintain a sense of calm. He was already aware of what the Golden Byakugan was, but he had no idea what kind of ability he could unlock or if he could even unlock one at all. The uncertainty was both daunting and exhilarating at the same time.


Following the tests we conducted, it is possible to revert your eyes to their normal white appearance. So, once you are dismissed, it would be best to seek guidance from your clan on how to accomplish this. Additionally, if you have any doubts or questions regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to ask me. I will do my best to provide you with accurate and helpful answers.


Kaminari shook his head in acknowledgment. "Are my parents still alive?" He stammered.

She looked down at the ground before replying, "Unfortunately, they died protecting you." His heart felt heavy, in his old world. His family died in a car accident, and he got depressed for a long time.


The atmosphere in the room was heavy and tense as a few minutes of silence followed his question. He broke the silence again, his voice filled with anxiety and confusion. "Is anyone coming to pick me up?" Trying to reassure him, she nodded and spoke softly, "Of course, we've already contacted someone. The first time you woke up, she came, but you were unconscious. She'll be here soon."

A sense of relief spread across his face as he smiled and thanked her. As she slowly made her way towards the door, he was left alone with his thoughts. He knew he had to become stronger as he knew about future events. He felt determined to make his parents proud and couldn't help but wonder how he died in such a foolish manner. Kaminari chuckled to himself before someone knocked on the door, and he turned his head to see who it was.


As the person hugged him tightly, Kaminari could feel her worry and concern. It was a beautiful woman with a striking resemblance to Hinata from the alternate timeline. She asked him how he was doing, but Kaminari couldn't recall who she was. He rubbed the back of his head nervously and apologized, admitting that he had lost his memory. Her beautiful face and bangs still lingered in his mind, but he couldn't place her name or her connection to him.


She looked shocked, not because of his question but because of his golden eyes. She quickly composed herself as she answered, "My name is Hayami. I am your aunt. Don't worry, the nurse has already told me everything." He took the information in before nodding and asking her, "Can we go home? I have some questions, but I'm very tired.".


She nodded. "Of course, ask me anything when you feel better." After some time, they made their way back to the Hyuga compound.

Happy New Year to everyone :)

extra long chapter ;)

I will be naming the Golden byakugan the Kingan from now on (Means golden eye)

please leave some reviews so I can see what I can improve on.

Beyblade_Enjoyercreators' thoughts