
Naruto : Mizuki Reborn

Scientist reborn as Mizuki. A genius mind takes the potential of the first villain to it's limits. Anit-hero mc Image is not mine, if it's yours and want me to take it down, let me know. I do not own Naruto, or any of the related characters. Naruto is created by and owned by their respective owners. This story is intended for entertainment purposes only. I am not making any profit from this story. All rights of Naruto belong to it's owner.

ImagineMaker · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
100 Chs


" Huff, let's do this. "

Anko took a deep breath and forcefully released it, She was ready, Hokage knew and Mizuki knew, she didn't need to tell anyone else.

" Reverse summoning jutsu! "

* Poof *

Next scene Anko saw was a dim cave, rock formations everywhere.

She looked around as the air had a damp feeling to it and water puddles were scattered around.

' This is Ryuchi cave? '

Anko was inspecting her surroundings, but soon her senses started warning her, that she was being watched.

Spinning her head towards the source of this feeling, she came fave to face with a giant eye.

" Shit. "

jumping back immediately, Anko swiftly went through a series of handsigns.

But before she could execute her ninjutsu, the ground had already come alive.

Losing her footing, she plunged into the ground, all the way upto her neck.

Only her sweating face could be seen, starting nervously at the owner of the eyes.

A humongous white snake head was looking at her.

Anko nervously tried to clutch Mizuki's kunai but she was trapped inside solid rock, she couldn't even move a muscle.

Anko couldn't summon Mizuki, she couldn't even weave hand signs, and she was too slow to even execute a ninjutsu before the snake sage, even if she somehow got free.

' I am toast. '

Anko understood how screwed she really is.

But so what? She was still Anko, the snake Kunoichi, death didn't phase her much, the only regret she would have is leaving Mizuki alone...

" Well, out with it, what do ya want? "

Anko wasn't about to show cowardly behaviour before danger, before she had met Mizuki her sole reason for living was dying together with Orochimaru, she had conquered her fear of death long ago.

* Hissss. *

The snake sage's hiss reverberated throughout the cave, causing Anko to tense up slightly, yes she wasn't afraid of death, but that didn't mean she wanted to die. She still had to marry Mizuki and create a family of her own.

* Drip drip drip *

A few seconds went by, with only the sound of water dripping in the background.

' She didn't act.. '

As Anko realised the snake sage didn't immediately kill her, she quickly understood that she still had a chance.

' It's too soon to be kicking the bucket, I still don't have Mizuki's keys! '

" What is it huh? Can't speak? "

Anko continued talking in a rough way, she couldn't show weakness, not here.

" You know, if you kill me now, my dear will destroy all of your lair, the entire Ryuchi cave would go down with me. "

Anko brought out the big guns, Mizuki straight away, if the snake sage didn't kill her, she should at least be wary of something right?!

Mizuki didn't seem afraid of her, his name should stop her from taking action, if she couldn't call him, she has to improvise.

" ... Your dear..? Mizuki's mate? "

Anko nodded immediately, sensing the slightest hints of nervousness in the sage's voice.

" Yes! I am his mate! You touch a hair on me, he levels the whole place. "

Snake sage hissed a long hiss, as she kept silent for a while.

Anko was sweating a lot during that, she was also repeatedly trying to free herself, but the ground was acting as a living entity, she couldn't move at all.

After a solid five minutes, the snake sage loosened Anko, as she breathed a sigh of relief, and the first action she did was prepare a one handed ninjutsu as her free hand clutched Mizuki's kunai.

Now she was ready, even if off guard, she can call for help.

White snake sage gave a hissing snort.

" Take that back girl, no use calling lord here, I will not hurt your pathetic life. "

Anko took two things from this, she will not kill her, and she called Mizuki a lord.

That in her mind, made their status clear instantly.

Grinning lightly, she shook her hands to get the blood flowing again, after being trapped for so long.

" Now now, that's no way to call the wife of your lord now is it. "

But the Snake sage just gave a mocking laugh, which pissed off Anko, a lot.

Looking at her as if looking at a bug, the snake sage said.

" Wife? You are barely a maid, if you were even around him recently, I would have known, but you have no smell of him on you, whatever smell you do have is old, coming from fabric, and you call yourself his wife. Laughable. "

Anko was gritting her teeth, the old fabric smell was there when she rolled around Mizuki's bed just now, if not for that she wouldn't have any smell at all!

That action of her just saved her life.

But she wasn't happy.

' Damn, wench. '

This dug deep into her heart, Anko realised, she really had no mark of Mizuki on her at all. Nothing to show their relationship.

' Just you wait Mizuki, I don't care what you say now, I am not leaving without your smell all over me this time around, this shrew will not humiliate me once again. '

" Haha, what happened girl? Do you think you are worthy of my lord just because he was nice to you? Do you have any idea who my lord is?! "

Anko snapped her head as she growls.

" I am worthy or not, you don't need to decide, and why wouldn't I know who Mizuki is!? Do you want to say I am naming a random person as my husband?! "

The snake hissed as she laughed..

" I can see why he never marked you, you are a really stupid human, brave but foolish. "

Before Anko could talk back the snake sage said again.

" You are not worthy or him, you don't even come close to his splendor. You have another soul housed inside of your seal, and have a curse that is eating you away. "

Looking up from Anko's now aghast face, she hissed, clearly thrilled.

" And my lord! He isn't just Mizuki Senju in your foolish words, he is Otsutsuki Kaguya! He is the God of our world! "

Meanwhile Anko hearing Sage's words full of madness, was getting more than a little creeped out.


After some brainstorming, there are some ideas I can't use with Mizuki.

So I am working on a new book, you can check it out from my author's profile.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

ImagineMakercreators' thoughts