
Naruto: Mastered Your Strategy?

Ren finds himself at the center of unexpected attention in Konoha. The more he distances himself from the kunoichi, the more they’re drawn to his mysterious aura. Armed with a system that grants him abilities from other powerful ninja, Ren faces an unexpected twist: the system's objectives push him toward building a harem, something he's entirely uninterested in.

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30 Chs

Chapter 26: Redemption

"Heading home, Itachi?"

"Good work today."

As Itachi changed out of his uniform and walked out of the ANBU headquarters, several people greeted him warmly. He responded with a gentle smile, acknowledging each one.

Although the ANBU was a secretive and intense unit, the members there were still close-knit, even if the organization carried a certain harshness. In the beginning, Itachi had been doubted due to his young age, but his talent and capability soon earned him the respect of his peers.

"See you tomorrow," Kakashi said as he too prepared to leave.

"See you tomorrow, Captain," Itachi bowed slightly in respect.

He glanced back at the area where he had just been stationed—a surveillance post. His mission was to monitor the activities of the Uchiha clan.

How absurd.

Since joining the ANBU, Itachi had gradually come to understand the underlying tension between the village and the Uchiha clan. The mistrust between them wasn't yet at the point of open conflict, but it was growing every day.

His father, Uchiha Fugaku, had told him that his role was to act as a bridge between the Uchiha and the higher-ups of the village—essentially, a spy—so that the clan could stay informed about any changes in the village's stance toward them.

At the same time, Danzo had approached Itachi with the opposite proposition: to be the village's eyes and ears within the Uchiha.

His father had mentioned that he was taking over the position Shisui once held. When Itachi asked Shisui about the village and the clan, Shisui simply said that he believed the two could one day live in harmony.

Itachi knew Shisui was working tirelessly to make that dream a reality, and lately, Shisui had been visiting Fugaku far more frequently than before.

But how could this harmony ever be achieved? Neither side seemed willing to change, and without change, how could peace be possible?


Dusk had settled.

The fading daylight cast a somber, reddish glow across the village, like the flushed cheeks of a sickly girl in her final moments.

Outside the ninja academy, several parents waited to pick up their children. Winter was approaching, and everyone was bundled up more than usual.

The school bell rang, and soon the grounds were flooded with children, their excited voices filling the air as they rushed out of the gates.

"Brother!" Sasuke's face lit up with joy the moment he spotted Itachi waiting for him.

"Let's walk home together, Sasuke," Itachi smiled back warmly.

Sasuke ran up to his brother, falling in step beside him as they began their walk home.

"Did you finish your mission?" Sasuke asked eagerly.

"Yes, today's was shorter than usual," Itachi replied.

"Brother, have you seen a cat on our family's wall?" Sasuke asked suddenly.

"A cat?"

"Yeah, a really beautiful black one."

"It sounds like you're quite fond of it," Itachi noted, amused.

"Mm-hmm! I want to keep it, but I don't think it likes me. It used to show up on our wall a lot, but lately, it hasn't been around."

"If I see it, I'll let you know," Itachi promised.

"Thanks!" Sasuke beamed.

"Oh, and guess what, Brother? In today's shuriken test, I came in first again! The teacher even praised me!"

Sasuke couldn't help but continue sharing his school experiences with his older brother, recounting his small triumphs with unbridled joy. Itachi listened attentively, smiling softly, quietly playing the role of a listener, occasionally offering words of praise that made Sasuke beam with pride.

The setting sun stretched their shadows long, covering half the street. The milky-white smoke from cooking fires mingled with the crimson hues of dusk, painting the rooftops, trees, and street corners as if they were part of a vibrant ink-wash painting—radiant, steady, and serene.

Itachi had already envisioned the worst possible outcome for the Uchiha clan, but he was determined not to let it come to pass.


Later that night, Itachi quietly left his home and made his way to the forest on the outskirts of the village, where the Naka River flowed. The river cascaded down the rocky cliffs, forming a powerful waterfall, the crashing water drowning out much of the night's sounds.

Standing beside the waterfall was a lone figure.

"Sorry to drag you out so late," the figure said, his voice lighthearted.

"Don't be so polite," Itachi replied.

"I mean it," Shisui said, spreading his hands in mock apology.

"What's the matter?" Itachi asked.

Shisui smiled but didn't answer the question right away. "How's the surveillance mission going?"

"It's fine, but it feels… strange," Itachi admitted after a moment of thought.

"Because you're a Uchiha yourself?" Shisui chuckled softly, but his expression soon grew more serious. He sighed. "Anyone would feel conflicted in that position. Or even resent it."

"I've learned to accept it," Itachi said, shaking his head.

The two stood on the edge of the cliff, looking down at the rushing waters below. The roar of the waterfall filled the air, drowning out most other sounds.

Shisui glanced sideways at Itachi. He realized how much Itachi had grown, already nearly as tall as he was.

"You've gotten so tall," Shisui remarked suddenly.

Itachi blinked, a little embarrassed and unsure how to respond. "Shisui…"

Shisui laughed again. "Honestly, I never wanted you to get involved in all of this."

"How could I possibly avoid it?" Itachi replied.

"Yeah, you couldn't." Shisui sighed, his tone resigned. "You're Fugaku's son, and with your talent, there are too many people who are watching you closely."

Itachi looked at Shisui, surprised by the admission.

"It's nothing to be surprised about," Shisui continued. "You have to be aware of your position. As the Uchiha clan's prodigy, the son of the clan leader, many eyes are on you, even in the shadows."

Itachi pondered Shisui's words in silence.

"I'm going on a mission soon. It could take a while," Shisui said, breaking the silence.

"What kind of mission?" Itachi asked.

"Some trouble at the border with Kirigakure. The Mizukage's forces have been causing disruptions. The Hokage has assigned me to handle it," Shisui explained. "While I'm gone, if you ever find yourself in need of advice or guidance, seek out Ren."

"Ren?" Itachi echoed.

"He's a trusted friend of mine. He knows everything we've been working on. You can rely on him," Shisui said with a reassuring smile.

Itachi nodded. "I understand. Be careful on your mission."

Shisui grinned. "Don't worry. They don't call me 'Shisui of the Body Flicker' for nothing."


Time passed swiftly, with each day bringing new events, but in hindsight, they all seemed mundane and repetitive.

Ren spent more and more time by Danzo's side, gaining insight into the workings of the village and its leadership. The deeper he delved, the more he realized how brazen Danzo's actions were.

Danzo often overstepped his bounds, disregarding the Hokage's authority to make decisions on his own. And when questioned by the Hokage later, Danzo would always deflect with carefully crafted justifications, framing his actions as being in the best interest of the village. His words were polished, calculated.

And each time, the Hokage chose not to punish him.

Ren often wondered if the Hokage was silently condoning Danzo's behavior or if Danzo had yet to cross a line that the Hokage couldn't tolerate.

Outside the Hokage's office, snowflakes gently drifted past the windows like countless butterflies brushing against the glass. Ren stood by the door, silently guarding the meeting between Danzo and the Third Hokage.

On the other side of the hallway stood Kakashi, also on duty.

Shisui had been gone from the village for some time now, carrying out his mission at the eastern border of the Land of Fire.

"The snow is beautiful, isn't it?" Kakashi's voice suddenly broke the silence.

"We're here for a mission. It wouldn't hurt to keep quiet," Ren responded, stopping the attempt at idle conversation.

Kakashi chuckled softly beneath his mask, but the expression was hidden from view. "It's good to appreciate beautiful things every now and then," he remarked.


"Why did you join Root?" Kakashi asked.

"A friend's request."

"A friend?" Kakashi sounded surprised.

"Do I not seem like someone who has friends?" Ren asked, glancing at him.

"No, that's not it," Kakashi replied. "I'm just surprised by the situation."

"Has a friend ever asked you for something, Captain?" Ren asked calmly.


"Then you know the importance of honoring a friend's wishes," Ren said simply.

Kakashi fell silent, his mind seemingly elsewhere.

Outside, the snow continued to fall heavily. The hallway was eerily quiet, the only sound being muffled voices from behind the closed doors of the Hokage's office.

"You're not quite what I expected," Kakashi said after a long pause.

"Are you that familiar with me?" Ren asked.

"We met before. Back then, you seemed more… cheerful," Kakashi explained. "That was a long time ago, though. People used to speak highly of you. You were very active on the battlefield."

"Not as impressive as you, who became a Jonin at twelve," Ren replied, offering a polite compliment.

Kakashi didn't seem affected by the praise. "Later, I heard some things about you. Not good things."

Kakashi glanced sideways at Ren. "Are they true?"

"They are," Ren answered without hesitation, his voice steady.

"I see," Kakashi murmured. "Everyone makes mistakes."

He said it as if talking to Ren, but it also felt like he was speaking to himself. After that, silence returned.

"Captain," Ren spoke up after a long pause. "Even those who make mistakes can find redemption."

"Have you?" Kakashi asked.

Ren didn't answer, instead saying, "It's good to appreciate beautiful things, isn't it?"

Kakashi blinked, then chuckled softly under his breath.

Perhaps only those who still held on to hope could be redeemed. But Kakashi, who had spent so much time in the darkness, wasn't sure if he still had that chance.


[Name]: Hatake Kakashi

[Gender]: Male

[Age]: 21

[Favorability Level]: 59

[Relationship]: Village Companion

[Bond Route]: Unchosen



LINK: patreon.com/SenatusPopulus

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