
Chapter 97 Playing Politics

The Danzo tree was nearly complete. The demonic Chakra accelerated it's growth far past anything Naruto ever believed possible. The chamber the tree was in was little over fifty feet tall and the branches of the tree touched the top of the cave. The bottom of the tree had two thick throned black roots forming a binary spiral to hold up a stone platform that could be stood on to view the tree better, Naruto had created stone steps to get to this platform, he and Herbert stared at the tree. The tree was black and red with hundreds of sharingan eyes shifting the surrounding room. The branches resembled human hands in some area and even feet in others. The sharingan eyes cried dull red tears, a mix of blood and sap that would fall to the ground only to be sucked back in the tree like water.

The leaves were black and brown, an a few were red. But none of the leaves were dead like normal brown leaves. The faces of Danzo and the first Hokage were warped and twisted into something that no longer resembled a human face, not fully anyway. Though with the exception of the eyes, the faces did not move.

The worst and most horrible part was that the tree now moved. Inflating slightly as if it was breathing. While the roots that held the platform in pulsated as if some fluid was running underneath the roots, most likely the red sap. On the roots were several tumor like pods that moved and pulsated. Naruto looked at the tree with an imence sence of regret. And it was only going to get worse when Zetsu's cells were added to the tree. Already the many roots surrounded a large area of the cave and strange tumor like pods that grew from the bark on the roots made it obvious something was growing in those pods.

Naruto looked at the Eldritch tree of his own making, and despite every thing that happened, he still could not lift the sence of guilt. This thing, was no longer human, but was still Danzo. The admiringly misguided, yet unquestionably loyal man of the hidden leaf village. What made it worse were the thoughts in Naruto's mind. He still remembered every memory he stole from Danzo. Though his methods were beyond horrible, the man had believed with every ounce of his very soul that he was doing the right thing. That made the thing in front of Naruto more human. And for Naruto, he was not sure if that was a good or bad thing.

Herbert on the other hand, could not help but smile at the monstrosity before him. Beneath his mask was a psychotic grin and expressive eyes that showed his utter joy for what he had done to the man. To him it was a beautiful specimen. The very knowledge that he had done something no other man had ever done. Before him he did not see something that was once a man, but something that will once become something great, purely in the name of science, and he could not wait to see what monstrosity he had helped create wold be when Zetsu's cells were added.

Herbert looked to Naruto, his high from viewing the plant before him ebbing away as he saw the shock and horror on Naruto's face. Naruto was always near emotionless to the point of being an a zombie rather than a human, but now his face betrayed emotions Herbert thought long dead in the boy. He once again looked to the tree as something deep inside of him realized what he had created, but it was greatly overshadowed by interest and scientific curiosity. However the words that came out of his mouth were from that deeper part of himself.

"Naruto", said Herbert as he still looked to the tree.

Naruto said nothing. Only looking at the tree in horror.

"Do you think we have gone to far", asked Herbert.

The answer was given quickly as soon as Naruto heard it. He did not have to think on he answer.

"Yes", said Naruto simply.

Naruto turned from the Danzo Tree, he began to gain control over his emotions as he thought logically and critically.

"Despite our feelings on the subject, the tree is still to important to let die right now. The ability to create an army of something similar to Zetsu is to great. We have already taken the precautions, we will continue as planed", said Naruto.

Herbert looked to the tree and only nodded.

Sasori and Deidara walked the Distance. Sasori brought all three bodies as they left to head to the base Zetsu was most known for using. The base was a cave close to the Jinchuriki he was sent to watch. While most of the Akatsuki would only watch one or two Jinchuriki, Zetsu would watch all of them. His ability to merge with plant life made him a threat not to be taken lightly. After all, Sasori's scorpion body was made of wood, he wondered if it would be possible for Zetsu to merge with it, but Sasori discarded that thought. The process to create a puppet left far more metal than wood on himself than most due to the numerous hidden weapons.

He had grabbed Madara just in case. Naruto had told them that after reading a few residual thoughts from Yagura, that while Zetsu mostly worked alone Obito would be around Zetsu from time to time, and Sasori wanted Madara just incase he had to face the masked ninja. As they walked the Hiruko puppet body moved to the inside of the cave, to hide incase Zetsu was hidden within. With no sunlight on the inside of the cave, their would be no plants for Zetsu to merge with. Allowing Hiruko to stop him with his tail. The Kazekage puppet body went in deeper while the Scorpion body and Deidara waited outside. They readied themselves for battle.

"It will be quite the performane", said Sasori.

"With me here the finale will be quite the bang, an instantaneous moment of artistic creativity to end the show", said Deidara as he swung his sword around.

"It has been quite some time since we fought side by side, this could prove most interesting", said Sasori.

"Got that right, un", said Deidara.

Sai watched as the undead entered the hidden base, a small group had left earlier to raid a graveyard to gather more corpses. When the first ones arrived Sai jammed his claws into the corpses chest. He pumped the reanimation fluid into the body. While they were not as strong as the pure reagent, it would work nicely. More and more undead were added to his army. Once the last one was revived and the other zombies made it into the base Sai closed the hatch.

This area was a safe haven in the event Danzo ever had to operate outside Konoha. Rarely used, but many of his old notes would have remained allowing Sai to restart the ROOT program with unfeeling, undead slaves. An entire army of mutated corpses under his command. He would have to plan carefully, but his primary mission still remained the same, though with his new knowledge it was changed slightly.

"Follow Naruto Uzumaki, and if necessary dispose of him for the greater good of Konoha", said Sai out loud to himself.

The zombies seemed to understand what he said even as they continued to roam the halls.

Dr. Shinno was currently finishing the last of the artificial skin using cells from Herbert. For once everything seemed to work. Kin sat next to him as he applied the skin over her wounds. He molded it around the cuts as the pale formula started to match her skin tone. Moments later, the skin seemed to finish. Dr. Shinno smiled.

"Looks like it's nearly finished", said Shinno.

"What else needs to be done", asked Kin.

"Just a few last minute tests", said Shinno.

Kin nodded as Amaru walked into the room carring several vials.

"Dr. Shinno, I got the samples", said Amaru.

Shinno nodded.

"What is that", asked Kin.

"Samples from other reanimated bodies, we ae trying to see if it will work for al of them", said Shinno.

He grabbed the vial and began looking at them under a microscope. Idly turning the knobs to focus on them. He began writing on a pad as he did so.

"Kin, tell me how does the skin feel", asked Shinno.

"To be honest, I don't feel it at all", said Kin.

Shinno nodded.

"I'll consider it a success, I'll have to show Naruto before we proceed. Thank you Kin you may leave", said Shinno.

Sasori and Deidara waited. Sasori had yet to find anyone within the cave. It was getting dark, fast. The Hiruko puppet searched every inch of the cave, and found nothing. It walked back out.

"He is not here", said Sasori.

"Must be watching the Jinchuriki", said Deidara.

"Most likely", said Sasori.

Sasori pulled out the long range communicator and turned it on. The device produced static until Sasori pressed a button on the side to send his message.

"This is Sasori, we can not find Zetsu, and we have no information on his location", said Sasori.

After a moment of static, there was a reply.

"Understood, we will get you the necessary information from our inside man", said the clone.

Even Sasori was surprized by that, he activated the radio again.

"You have a spy in Akatsuki", asked Sasori.

"Not necessarily, but Konoha does. I will see if I can get you set up for a meeting with Itachi Uchiha", said the clone.

Sasori put the radio away and looked to Deidara who's eyes were wide as he simply stared at the radio.

"Itachi is a spy, never expected that", said Deidara.

Sasori only nodded. He put away the radio as he left the area.

"Hey where are we going, un", asked Deidara.

"We will wait at a nearby village until we receive a location to meet with Itachi. Assuming one can be made", said Sasori.

Deidara nodded.

Naruto looked at the paper before him. His finger tapped constantly to the side creating a rhythm of three and four notes at a time. His eyes were narrowed. The paper before him was sent by the Mizukage. Word had gotten out about the taking over of the Hidden Mist, and several other villages were threatening the mist. This letter was one from Kumo, the Hidden Cloud village.

The document said that should the Mist ally with Konoha, then it would be seen as an act of war. Because Konoha was already allied with Suna, adding another threat village would upset the balance of power giving Konoha a greater foundation to stand on. Mei sent a copy of the documents to Naruto for him to review. And he was angry.

Naruto did not care about politics, they were interchangeable as time went on, and no empire lasted forever. His knowledge on current politics however was relatively good. His finger stopped tapping as he stood up. He walked around the room. Plans were created in his head, one that would require the hated manipulations. Then again if Kumo could be so outwardly violent, then Naruto would give them a taste of their own medicine.

He walked over to his desk where he kept several items that could be useful. He grabbed a headband, a Kumo headband. He had several from every village, both major and minor. He called for Herbert to come to his office and paitiently waited for him to come.

"What is it", asked Herbert as soon as he entered.

"You know the situation between Kumo and Kiri", asked Naruto.

"Not much, why", asked Herbert.

"Kumo believes that should the mist ally with Konoha it will be seen as an act of war. I have found a way for both Kumo ad Iwa to ally with us", said Naruto.

Herbert lifted an eyebrow.

"Ok, I'm listening"

Sasuke gripped several kunai in each of the ethereal arms formed from his own dark chakra curtsey of the Zero Tails sealed within him. He found them easily controlled for short bursts, but to use them to long and they turn on you. As he practiced with the arms he concentrated throwing the kunai with the arms. The wrapping looked like they had slightly burned away. He smiled as each kunai hit it's target. He was pulled out of this when the arms headed toward him. Right before they were about to grab him, several purple thins hovered around him. Their appearance was slightly similar to a rib cage.

"Susanoo", said Sasuke in shock.

He dispelled the chakra arms to look at the protective rib cage around him. They slowly faded. Sasuke rubbed his eyes as they began to leak blood. He wiped them away and put on his glasses, making the world clearer. He sighed as he walked away. He would have to apply the cream directly to them yet again. A weekly ritual he despised. It would prevent blindness bt for how long, no one could say. He activated the curse mark and flew back to his room. Once inside he removed his glasses and grabbed the small case of regenerative cream and put a bit on his fingertips. He groaned before lifting them to his eyes.

The burning sensation came immediately and his eye watered as he rubbed them, careful not to touch the iris. He closed his eye to spread the cream before doing it again to the other eye. Once done he put the glasses back on. His eyes narrowed as the burning slowly went away. He pulled out a family scroll to read on the Susanoo, deciding it best to learn more about it before he would use it again.

Naruto finished explaining his plan to Herbert who had a devious smile on his face.

"Oh I like this plan, when do we get started", asked Herbert.

"Immediately, get a list of people who can pull this off. Make sure they have the headband when they get to the Land of Demons", said Naruto.

"Oh don't work, I will", said Herbert.

"Good, you may leave, I have to see if I can get Sasori and Deidara a meeting with Itachi. Then draw up a few more Training programs for everyone", said Naruto.

A large empty room with dark walls and only a single door and glass portal. In this room a single Mi-go waited for it's instructions. When the flashing colors notified it the Mi-go began to move. It's head began to change with many colors and a cloak of lightning appeared around it. As it twitched it's limbs the lightning flew toward several targets that moved from the ground. The targets were incinerated by the lightning.

The Lightning cloak left the Mi-go as several copies appeared next to is formed from the leftover lightning that left the Mi-go.

They decimated the targets before the Mi-go began to beat it's flashy wings. They wings began to glow and shoot out blades of sound to slice the remaining targets. When the light on the wall changed the Mi-go stopped. The others behind the glass portal spoke to each other in a rainbow of bioluminescent colors. Translated they spoke of the success of their progress.

The light on the wall changed and a mark on the Mi-go began to grow over it's carapace until the Mi-go turned into a larger Mi-go with black skin and a several long bladed tails. The curse mark also worked. The Mi-go scientists spoke to one another and were in agreement. A field test would be needed soon.