
Chapter 51 The Invasion

The village was under attack and most of the forces were sleeping at the arena. While clones were trying to wake citizens and Ninja alike, Naruto first summoned a Shoggoth and sent it out to take care of the invaders. Then He summoned Byakhee, Several dozen of them. Many Gug, Nightgaunt, and Deep Ones were summoned in massive sizes, all with the same goal. Prevent the destruction of Konoha. Naruto felt light headed as he summoned one last beast.

"Yes my lord", said Xel.

"We're being attacked. Go investigate that dome. Ofer any help you can", said Naruto.

"It shall be done", said Xel as he leapt away.

Naruto looked to the distance in the direction Gaara went. He called a Byakhee to fly to him. He leapt on the Byakhee who was about to take off after Gaara.


Naruto turned to the voice to see Sasuke. He looked much better though still out of it after his match.

"I'm coming", said Sasuke.

"You're in no condition to fight Sasuke", said Naruto.

"Hasn't stopped me before", said Sasuke.

Naruto looked to the sky, putting his middle finger and thumb in his mouth to create a loud whistle. A moment later a Byakhee landed next to them.

"Get on", said Naruto.

Sasuke nodded as he mounted the Byakhee.

"Hold on tight", said Naruto.

They took off after Gaara at incredible speeds. While flying toward Gaara Naruto turned to Sasuke. He reached in his pocket and pulled out a Soldier Pill. He tossed it to Sasuke.

"That should get you back on your feet", said Naruto.

Sasuke nodded as he tossed it in his mouth. Naruto looked down to see Gaara's siblings carrying him off.

"Sasuke", said Naruto.

Sasuke's attention was turned to Naruto, who's face was serious.

"Whatever you see me do today, can you keep it a secret", asked Naruto.

Sasuke raised an eyebrow but nodded. Naruto smiled at his response.

"Good", said Naruto.

Their Byakhee did a nose dive before stopping in front of the Sand Sibblings.

"And just where do you think You are going", asked Naruto.

They glared at Naruto. Kankuro turned to his siblings.

"Get Gaara out of here Temari, I'll take care of them", said Kankuro.

Temari nodded as she leapt off. Kankuro reached for his back to pull at a bandage to reveal the hidden puppet. Chakra strings came from his fingers connecting to his puppet. Then A swarm of insects surrounded him. Shino had walked out of the side looking to Naruto.

"You go on ahead, I'll take care of him", said Shino.

Naruto smiled and nodded. He turned back to Sasuke.

"Lets go", said Naruto.

They took off again. The speed of the Byakhee made it simple to reach the two in a matter of moments. They stopped in front of them again.

"So, want to explain whats going on. I should tell you no one can outrun a Byakhee", said Naruto.

Temari turned from Naruto to Gaara. Then Back to Naruto.

"I won't let you hurt him", said Temari.

Naruto nodded.

"Good to know, but I am afraid I can't let you leave", said Naruto.

"Temari", spoke Gaara.

She looked at her brother with hesitance.

"Leave him to me", said Gaara.

Reluctantly she let him down. Gaara rose to reveal his body was still covered in sand, resulting in his monstrous visage. Naruto turned to Sasuke whispering just loud enough for him to hear.

"Sasuke, you take out Temari, she is a wind user and you have fire, so you might be able to take her out quickly. I'll keep Gaara occupied, one of my elements is water so it shouldn't be difficult to keep him busy if that sand becomes a big problem. Once she's out we converge on Gaara", said Naruto.

"Works for me", said Sasuke as he leapt off the Byakhee.

Naruto did the same. He turned to there mounts.

"Go back and help the village", said Naruto.

They took off like lightning back to the village.

After a few moments they looked at their opponents. Then the sound of another Byakhee was heard. Naruto turned to See Sakura riding a Byakhee and heading for them.

"Looks like we got company", said Naruto.

Sasuke looked up as Sakura descended down. Her Byakhee hovered next to them.

"Need any help", she asked.

"Sure", said Naruto.

He kept an eye on his opponents.

"Help Sasuke with Temari, once she is out of the picture we can all concentrate on Gaara", said Naruto.

"Right", she said as she leapt from her mount.

"Sakura, I need to ask you something", said Naruto.

He whispered it so the others would not hear. Sakura had turned to Naruto.

"I need you to promise me that no matter what you see me do, you won't reveal anything you see", asked Naruto.

Sakura froze for a moment before reluctantly nodding. Naruto nodded back.

"Lets Go", said Naruto.

Not far from them Sai was hiding to watch there battle against Gaara. Naruto looked right at him for a split second before cursing.

Back in the village Naruto's summons made short work of the Sound and Sand ninja. An army of differing creatures had all converged around a dome of energy. Inside the dome was Orochimaru and the Third Hokage.

"I can't believe you have fallen so low Orochimaru", said the third.

Orochimaru chuckled.

"No, I have not fallen. I have seen the truth old man. This fight will be mine. Lord Yig has blessed me with his power. You cannot win", said Orochimaru.

Orochimaru flicked his arms causing them to turn into hooded cobra. They hissed at the Hokage.

"I am more powerful that I have ever been in my life", said Orochimaru.

Hiruzen removed his Kage robes and Hat. He looked to the smiled when the sound of crackling electricity was heard. Both he and Orochimaru looked to a fish like creature glowing a purple color rip a fair sized hole into the Dome of chakra before leaping in. It's white eyes glowed a furious Purple color as it hopped next to the Hokage.

"Oh, and what are you", asked Orochimaru.

"So, you are the Yig worshiper. I am not impressed by you", said Xel.

Xel faced the Hokage.

"My name is Xel, Lord Naruto has sent me to aid you", said Xel.

"Hope you are good in a fight", said Hiruzen.

Xel exploded with psionic energy. His body hovered off the ground slightly.

"Do not worry about me", said Xel.

"A fish against a snake, how interesting. Tell me where is Naruto. I would like to meet him again", said Orochimaru.

"I am Xel, keeper of Forbidden Knowledge, wielder of Psionic powers beyond mortal comprehension, and Speaker for the Immortal Deep Ones. I am thousands of years old. Even blessed by Yig, before me you are no serpent, you are but a worm", said Xel.

Orochimaru smirked as Two coffins busted from the ground behind him. They opened to reveal the corpses of the first and second Hokage.

"You are outnumbered", said Orochimaru.

There was a cloud of smoke near Hiruzen. When it cleared A white furred Ape stood Next to the Hokage.

"I don't think so Orochimaru", said Hiruzen.

Back in the Village Konohamaru was calmly watching the chaos around him. He let out a sigh.

"Right when I was about to make a breakthrough with the Color", he said Outloud.

He heard the sound of someone hitting the ground behind him. He turned to see Dosu.

"Well what have we here. The honorable Grandson", said the boy.

He lifted his arm to Reveal the Melody Arm. Konohamaru raised an eyebrow at it.

"Interesting device", said Konohamaru.

Konohamaru lifted his arm. Dosu was shocked when his melody arm flew from his arm and Went to Konohamaru who's body was glowing a purple light.

"This should be interesting for the scientist", said Konohamaru.

"How did you...", that was all Dosu could say before He was lifted off the ground.

"You have little chance", said Konohamaru.

Dosu was flung into a wall. Then into another, over and over again Konohamaru used his mental abilities to devastate Dosu before smashing his broken body into the ground. He walked up to it.

"challenging a Yithian is unwise human", said Konohamaru.

Then Dosus body convulsed. Snaked busted from his skin. His dead body was worked like a puppet from within by the parasitic snakes. His bandages fell to reveal snakes coming from his mouth and covered eye. His other eye fell as another snake came out.

"Apparently Orochimaru has gained much from Yig if he entrusted you parasites to him", said Konohamaru.

"Young one is not as he seems", spoke the many snakes.

"You have a hive mind", asked Konohamaru.

"We are many, and yet we are one", said the snakes.

"How many have been infected in this way", asked Konohamaru.

The snakes gave off a hiss like laughter.

"You need not know, Lord Yig has found Orochimaru worthy, He wishes an invasion, and an invasion he shall have", said the Snakes.

The infected body moved strangely to Konohamaru. He lifted his hand to create a special seal.

"Shadow Clone Jutsu", said Konohamaru.

Several clones appeared around him.

" I have access to both psionic abilities as well as the powers these ninja have. You will not find me easy prey", said Konohamaru.

"Indeed, shall we begin", said the snakes as they lunged to the clones.

Throughout the village The Eldritch beasts fought against the forces of Sand and Sound. Deep Ones leapt from buildings to rip and tear throats out using razor sharp claws and needle like teeth. Byakhee would fly down to lift ninja into the sky and drop them from thousands of feet in the sky. Gug would smash and swipe with their four massive arms. Shoggoth would easily envelop dozens of Ninja at a time. All the while Naruto's squads would use their technology to kill from a distance. They were transformed to hide their appearance and wear the masks and gauntlets created by Herbert. Using automatic Kunai launchers they took out forces from far away. The invasion was not going as Orochimaru had planed.

Temari went down quickly with the combined forces of Sasuke and Sakura. She was much more focused on her brother. As soon as she was down They joined Naruto against Gaara.

Naruto could see that he was being watched by Sai. He could not go all out and reveal his full abilities to Danzo. He was using what abilities he did know. By the time Sakura and Sasuke joined the Fight, Gaara was getting a lot more sand.

"I don't think their is enough water to stop him if he keeps growing", said Naruto.

"What do you suggest", asked Sasuke.

Naruto dodged claws of sand. Gaara seemed to be getting much more dangerous by the second.

"Glass him", said Naruto.

Sasuke nodded as he went through hand signs.

"Fire Style: Great Fireball Jutsu", said Sasuke.

The massive ball of fire hit Gaara's arm of sand turning it into glass.

"Sakura, remember when you used that strength at the preliminaries", said Naruto.


"Bust the glass", said Naruto.

Sakura nodded as she leapt to Gaara. With a single punch the Glass was turned into massive jagged shards. Naruto used a tentacle to grab one and another to grab Sakura. Using the Shard as a spear he threw it at Gaara who swatted it away with his tail of sand.

"Dammit", said Naruto.

Naruto put Sakura next to him.

"This isn't working", said Sasuke.

"This is going to take allot out of me, just watch me carefully", said Naruto.

He began to create hand signs, different ones with each hand. He grabbed his forearm.

"Y'Golonac Scream", said Naruto.

The fanged mouth appeared on his hand. It released a massive scream that Naruto had to look away from. the colors of sound. Gaara covered his ears as they began to bleed. He fell down exhausted. Naruto cancelled the move before he passed out. He almost lost his balance when Sasuke grabbed him.

"I don't feel so good", said Naruto.

"Think it worked", asked Sakura.

The looked at the unconscious form of Gaara. He wasn't moving.

"I think so", said Naruto.

He sat down to catch his breath. Then sand began to flow to Gaara. His monstrous formed became massive as a demonic laughter was heard.

"I'm Free", spoke Shukaku.

"Shit", said Naruto.

He stood up and looked to Both Sasuke and Sakura.

"You guys stay back, I'm going to call in the big guy", said Naruto.

He removed a Kunai and sliced his palm. He focused hard as he held it out. Suddenly a storm appeared. Thunder, winds, and lightning was heard in the massive clouds above. The air became cold. Then it started to rain. Naruto looked at a hiding Sai but ignored him. There was a worst enemy right now. A small flood appeared on the ground before Naruto slammed his palm down. A cold mist formed and in the water a reflection of a massive beast with many tentacles could be seen. Huge tentacles came from the shallow water as if they were deep as the ocean. It was followed by the massive form of Dagon. He looked at Shukaku.

"Finally, something worthy of my attention", spoke a booming voice.

Dagon slammed his hands to the ground before a massive white stone monolith was dragged by Dagon from the water. It was covered in hieroglyphs depicting fish, crabs, Octopi , and other such aquatic symbols. Dagon hefted the monolith onto his shoulder before facing Shukaku.

"Let us fight", said Dagon.

"And who the hell are you", asked Shukaku.

Dagon did not answer as he swung the monolith like a club at Shukaku.

Xel was not one to be impressed by mortals, but the Hokage and Orochimaru as well as his undead slaves were quite interesting to fight. His Psionic powers countered the wood users abilities well, the second Hokage was nearly useless aginst him, yet surprisingly they were doing some damage.

"Using water against a Deep One is as effective as flames aginst a fire vampire", said Xel.

"You impress me for a summon", said the first Hokage.

"You should see lord Dagon and Mother Hydra, compared to me they are gods", said Xel as he mentally smashed the tree coming for him to splinters.

"I would expect you to be the boss summon", said the Second Hokage.

"I am not", said Xel.

The second Hokage attacked Xel with a series of powerful strikes, though the physiology of a Deep One was much different from a human and most attacks were designed for human weak points.

Xel pushed the second back with telekinesis though he simply held his ground.

"Impressive, that should have ripped you to pieces", said Xel.

Xel examined the second for a moment and noticed that he was regenerating.

"I see", said Xel.

He flew back to the third Hokage who had just backed off from Orochimaru.

"Any ideas", asked the Hiruzen.

"The undead ones heal fast. I can rip their atoms apart though it will be unfocused and there will be much collateral damage. I recommend that as a last resort", said Xel.

The Hokage heafted his adamantine staff over his shoulder.

"Well, can you open the barier to let some help in", asked Hiruzen.

"I can go back and forth, though letting others in or out is beyond my abilaties. However...", Said Xel as he looked to the ones holding the barrier up.

"I can get rid of it", said Xel.

"Go. I'll keep them busy", said Hiruzen.

Xel flew toward a man with six arms. He observed him with interest as he hovered above him. Xels body glowed a brilliant purple as he reached out and began to force a hole in the barrier to the six armed man.

He moved away causing the entire barrier to fall. Immediately ANBU poured in. Orochimaru only laughed. As kunai were plunged into him snakes fell instead of blood. They slithered back to his body closing the wounds.

"Lord Yig has granted me more power than any of you could possibly imagine", said Orochimaru as the undead Hokage and the Sound four surrounded him.

Thw ANBU surrounded the Hokage and Xel. That was when the building they were on exploded. They turned to see a massive tentacle covered in eyes and mouths. It was colored a dark red from the many ninja it had devoured. Xel smiled.

"Let us see how you fare against the shoggoth", said Xel with a toothy grin.

Konohamaru was standing over the defeated body of Dosu his clones had all used mental telekinesis pulled him in their own direction tearing him apart. Now though parasitic snakes slithered out and bored there way into a new body and attacked Konohamaru again. Konohamaru threw out psionic energy but the beast twisted and dodged the attacks. Konohamaru flicked his fingers raising hundreds of Kunai into the air with his mind. With a simple gesture they were flung at the snake beast impaling him. A decapitated snakes head fell to the ground next to it's body. The headless body grew a head while the head grew a body and slithered into another dead body. Now there were two reanimated snake puppets facing Konohamaru.

"Can't make this easy can you", he said as he created a barrier around both of them. They were stuck now, though he couldn't hold it for long. He smiled as he got an idea. He slowly closed his palm causing the psionic barrier to get smaller and smaller, until they were squished inside. He released his hold as a river of blood poured down. Konohamaru was about to leave when the crimson liquid formed into a snake shaped beast made entirely of blood.

"You cannot kill a creation of a Great Old One so easy Yithian", spoke the blood snake.

That was when the sewer opened. Herbert leaned out with the manhole on his head.

"What I miss", he said.

Konohamaru pointed to the snake of blood.

"Oh, I see. So wierd stuff huh", said Herbert as he climbed out of the hole throwing the cover haphazardly over his shoulder. He looked at the snake of blood.

"Once we are done with this I want the whole story", said Herbert.

He uncovered his arm to reveal an Automatic Kunai launcher was grafted to his forearm.

"What is that", asked Konohamaru.

"Like I said, I will be the first mad scientist cyborg. He flipped a switch on the device causing the barrel to rotate. He pointed it at the blood snake and released a volley of flaming kunai.

Dagon and Shukaku were still fighting mercilessly. Dagon's water abilities had caused Shukaku difficulties moving. He would use his Monolith to smash Shukaku aside.

"A demon has little chance against the likes of me", said Dagon.

He threw the monolith to the ground. He slithered over to it wrapping his tentacles around it. Instantly Spiked rusty chains covered in coral shot out and wrapped around Shukaku. They dragged him toward the monolith. Naruto had climbed on top of Dagons head. He could see Gaara unconscious on Shukaku's own head.

"I see, when he sleeps the demon comes out", said Naruto.

Shukaku struggled against the chains but they only held tighter. His sand was much to wet to flow through the chains.

"He is of little consequence, a valiant effort to fight though his form of sand made him easy prey", said Dagon.

Shukaku looked around almost in fear.

"What are you", asked the Demon.

Dagon slithered around the monolith to face Shukaku directly. He towered over the beast of sand by a good portion.

"I am Lord Dagon, child of Cthulhu, first of the Deep Ones, and Master of the sea", said Dagon.

Narto leapt off of Dagons Head to face Gaara directly.

That was when Shukaku began to laugh. A shard or glass busted from his skin and almost impaled Naruto. Naruto narrowly avoided it by leaping back onto Dagon.

"He must have kept the glass hidden within him. I can't get on him without being impaled", said Naruto.

"He has no chance against the likes of me, we will wait him out", said Dagon.

That was when sand from all over flowed to Shukaku. He himself seemed to flow up. Soon Gaara was imprisoned inside the glass as a Shukaku turned into a living sandstorm. It cut into Dagons flesh, though not enough to even hurt the Great Old One. He lifted the monolith over his shoulder as he observed the sandstorm. It was made of individual sand particles rather than the packed condensed sand from before. In this state and at this size it would take quite some time to bring the entire thing down.

"He is still weak, but I cannot attack him like this. Call my mate", said Dagon.

Naruto nodded as he slashed his palm. He flicked his hand and the blood hit the water below. Hydra burst from the water wielding a massive Harpoon of ivory and gold. She viewed the sandstorm and looked to Dagon.

"A living sandstorm, interesting. Why call me, surly this is simple to deal with", asked Hydra.

"I have grown tired of the sand beast. I wish to end this quickly", said Dagon.

Hydra nodded as she hefted her Harpoon up. Dagon put the Monolith down as she plunged her Harpoon into the top of it. It was struck by lightning as soon as she let go. Both Dagon and Hydra began to fade. Naruto jumped from Dagons head and landed on a tree. He watched as their bodies became mist. The thick white mist blanketed the area turning into thick black clouds that poured rain over the Sandstorm. Lightning struck as twisters appeared in the storm. They sucked up Water becoming Waterspouts. The Water spouts sucked in masses of Sand from the living sandstorm. Floating in the Storm were many strange eel like creatures that grabbed Gaara's cage of glass. They bit down shattering the glass. As he fell Gaara awoke. His sand began to fall to the ground. The clouds condensed back into Dagon and Hydra who looked as Gaara fell. He was caught by wet sand hapazardously but still hit the ground hard.

"Call on us should you require our aid again", said Hydra.

"Until we meet again keeper of the eyes", said Dagon.

They dove back into the shallow water. Their reflections disappeared and the water quickly was sucked into the earth leaving it damp.

Naruto limped over to Gaara. He had never before felt Chakra exhaustion like he did now, though he fought on. Sai was gone which afforded Naruto some relief. He turned back to Sasuke and Sakura who looked like they just got out of a battle theirselves. They were covered in damp sand and water.

"That was like two forces of nature fighting each other", said Sakura.

"Only one was a force of nature. Dagon and Hydra are Great Old Ones, how they look or how their bodies behave is not completely set in stone", said Naruto.

He limped over to Gaara's body and looked down on it. Gaara tried to crawl away.

"Stay away from me", said Gaara.

Naruto stopped walking.

"You lose Gaara", said Naruto.

He shakily stood up and tried to call sand to him, but it was much to damp. He was in no state to move.

"Cut your losses", said Naruto.

Temari and Kankuro appeared next to Gaara and hefted him up. Temari had her fan in one hand and pointed it at Naruto.

"Stay back", said Temari.

"He's done for. This fight is over anyway", said Naruto.

Naruto stood up as his body began to regenerate from Kurama's chakra, though He still felt weak he was improving. Temari and Kankuro looked at Naruto before leaping off.

"Hold on", said Gaara.

They stopped. Gaara turned to Naruto.

"Why didn't you kill me", asked Gaara.

Naruto crossed his arms.

"There are much worse things out there than you Gaara. Besides Killing you won't accomplish anything", said Naruto.

He turned back to the village, his vision blurred as he looked at it's state.

"Hope everything is going alright over there", said Naruto right before he passed out.

Orochimaru quickly found out that a Shoggoth was not an enemy he should take lightly. No matter what he threw at it it was unaffected on the blob like beast. At first it was like fighting water. When Orochimaru lit it on fire it only made it worse as now he had to deal with a flaming Shoggoth. The fire would remain on it's oil colored form but did not burn through it's membrane. It enveloped the two undead Hokage and dissolved them into nothing. It wasn't long before Orochimaru decided to cut his losses.

"Retreat", said Orochimaru. His arm turned into the cobra head and stretched far into the forest before biting down on a tree. He lifted himself into the air pulling himself away. The sound four chased after him.

"Your village will be a sacrifice to Yigs power soon enough", said Orochimaru. Before e left his other arm turned into a snake and lunged to the Hokage. It was caught by Xel who severed it with a psionic blade. Orochimaru began to bleed snakes. He smiled as he left. The snakes he bled slithered into dead bodies. They were reanimated And began to attack.

"Be careful, cutting one of these snakes that possess the bodies will result in two more", said Xel.

The began to attack the reanimated corpses. It wasnt long until the flaming Shoggoth began enveloping them into it's mass feasting on them, though Many of the snakes slithered out and headed to the still living ANBU. They attempted to Bite at them. That was when the giant head turned into a massive snake. It hissed at the ANBU. The other snakes slithered toward it and onto it's skin. They interlocked creating a humanoid like shape made of many snakes. The giant one that Had been Orochimarus arm served as it's head. The many snakes that made up this creature hissed in unison. Some spat poison at the Shoggoth while nimbly leaping around. While the Shoggoth was attacking one or Orochimaru's snake summons knocked it aside with it's head. It slithered toward the Shoggoth, and the two titanic beasts battled each other. The mass of many snakes leapt around and would bite several ANBU causing their bodies to produce more snakes that only slithered to the creature adding to it's size.

"What is that thing", asked Hiruzen.

"The Snake that Walks, Loyal only to Yig. Orochimaru must have gained his favor to let these loose", said Xel.

Hiruzen hit the beast with his staff.

"Who is Yig", asked Hiruzen.

"Yig is the serpent god, patron deity of snakes. He is cruel to those who harm snakes, but blesses those who are not", said Xel.

Hiruzen used his staff to push the Snake that Walks away though several would slither down his staff in an attempt to bite him.

"Sounds like the worst thing Orochimaru could have discovered. I may need to have a talk with Naruto after this", said Hiruzen.

He shook his staff free of snakes.

Xel began to form a sphere of mental power in his hands. He flung a ball of psionic energy at where the creatures main head. It only regenerated. Xel leapt away to avoid it's fangs.

"It is impossible to kill as we are now. We could try burning it", said Xel.

"Better than any plan I have", said Hiruzen.

Hiruzen created several hand signs.

"Earth Release: Earth Dragon Bullet", said Hiruzen.

A massive Dragon like head appeared on the ground. It spat Balls of mud at the Snake. Hiruzen did several more hand signs.

"Fire Release: Fire Dragon Flame Bullet", said Hiruzen.

A blast of fire hit the balls of mud turning them into searing stone When it impacted with the Snake that Walks it burst into flames. It thrashed around before with one last move it flung itself to the Hokage. One Snake bit down on his arm. Not wasting any time Xel mentally pushed the Beast back before using a psionic blade to cut off Hiruzens arm. In mid air His hand grew a snake tail from it giving it the appearance of a snake whose head was a hand. Xel used his mental powers to fling the hand into the fire with the rest. He turned back to Hiruzen who was missing his arm slightly below his elbow. He used his psionic powers to stop blood from poring out. He looked at the Hokage.

"You will be fine", said Xel.

The Hokage nodded weakly before he passed out.

Herbert watched Konohamaru blew out fire from his mouth causing the Snake of blood turned into a pile of ash. Herbert hid his cybernetic arm and looked at Konohamaru.

"Well, that was fun", said Herbert.

"I find your idea of fun disturbing", said Konohamaru.

"Whatever, so since we are here. Wanna collect some dead bodies for research", Asked Herbert.

Konohamaru looked over the village. The destruction was massive. though the battles were dying down. Already had the Sand ninja turned on Sound when work of their Kazekage being Orochimaru became known. And with the army of Eldritch beasts there was little sound could do. Though the summons were destroying much of the village when they attacked. Konohamaru turned back to Herbert.

"Sure why not", said Konohamaru.

Herbert nodded as he took off his mask.

"You know, for a body stealing time traveling slug, you're not half bad", said Herbert.

"And for an undeniably insane scientist with questionable morals, you aren't half bad either", said Konohamaru.

Sasuke and Sakura dragged Naruto back to the village. He could stand, but walking was much more looked where they were dragging him, his eyes widened. They were bringing him to a hospital.

"Don't", said Naruto.

"Naruto, you're hurt. The fighting is slowing, we can get you to the hospital safely", said Sakura.

Naruto shook his head.

"They won't know what to do. My body is too changed", said Naruto.

Sasuke looked warily at Naruto.

"What do you mean", asked Sasuke.

Naruto turned to each of them. And attempted to stand.

"They would realize I'm not fully...Well, human", said Naruto.

Sakura and Sasuke looked at him in confusion.

"What", asked Sakura.

Naruto took a deep breath. He looked to a manhole cover then back to them.

"There is something you two need to see", said Naruto.