
Chapter 9

{[Last time in lemon in the same household]}

"When you have an answer for those questions then talk to me." Naruto said and get up and opens the door but however Kushina grabs his arm and finally says "it's because you and her are brother and sister!" and looking at Naruto.







"Don't you mean she is my adopted sister?" Asked Naruto and Kushina replys back about that "it doesn't matter! Yo-" before she could finished, Naruto throws her onto her bed.

And Naruto gets atop of Kushina and holds her down, Kushina tries to break free from Naruto's hold but can't while doing that her breasts jiggled for each movement she makes, "N-Naruto w what are you doing?!" said Kushina who is shock about what Naruto is doing and trying figure out why.

"Something that someone should have done a long time ago! But Looks like I have to be the one do it, I"m going to make you forget about other men even Tou-san" said Naruto with Kushina surprised beyond reason and lost by that, "W-what do you mean b-by th-" before she could finished talking, Naruto shows his cock toward and how hard it is.

"This what I mean Kaa-san, I will make you mine as well" said Naruto who has one his hands to hold onto both of Kushan's hands like that his other hand would able to reach to Kushina's top and remove it but however.

Samui opens the door and sees this but instead of helping she sashays over to naruto and hug him from behind pushing her breasts into his back. "Have fun mi amor and when you are done come to my room I have a surprise for you that we could fuck in." Samui said while kissing his cheek "And remember I am you First woman no one else." and Naruto nodded then Samui Sashays to her room while Naruto watched her ass bounce as she leaves.

"I will Samui-neechan and you better be ready after I'm done with Kaa-san" said Naruto as he grabs Kushina's top and rips it off of her.

Lemon starts

Kushina is in computed shock and it's turns out that she's not wearing any bra and so her Double H breasts bounce kind of lovely yet sexy with a massive blush on her, "Why are you doing this Naruto?" said Kushina as she tries found what reason could Naruto in her mind "I just don't understand!" said Kushina again.

"I will tell you why Kaa-chan! It's because you're so hung up with Tou-san that you won't move on in order to found someone new! But no! So I will take things on my hands or rather my cock!" say Naruto as he kisses Kushina his Kaa-san on the lips and Kushina herself is blushing badly while blushing with eyes wide open.

A few things come into Kushina's mind and being kissed by her son doesn't not help her and not only that she's slowly enjoying it, 'why am I giving in to this? B-but I can't! I have to be faithful to Minato b-but' Naruto's cock appears in her mind, "Naruto's cock is so much bigger' said the thoughts of Kushina who mind is having a war between reason and lust.

But in the end of the struggle between the two, Lust wins and kills off reason part of Kushina and so making her giving in and begins kisses Naruto.

They broke off the kiss and Kushina lightly yells out "Fuck me like the horny Window that longs to be fucked like slut!", After hearing that Naruto lets go of her hands and arms and kisses her but this time it's more intense while he gropes Kushina's Double H sized breasts and Kushina is happly kissed back her son.

Soon after they ended the kissed, Kushina quickly told Naruto to get off the bed and wait for a bit as she removed her pants along with her panties, Then throws them on the ground and finally she placed herself for her son so that he could fuck her.

"Come and get your Kaa-san Naruto~ she's so horny" Said Kushina and Naruto smiles then gets back on the bed and grabs Kushina's leg and holds them upward then places his 10-inch cock above her pussy that happens to be wet greatly.

"Be ready to become my slut for the rest of your life. Hell I may have you as my cum dump." said Naruto smiling, And Then he without warning slams his cock into Kushina's pussy, Her tight widow pussy thats way tighter than Samui's and Kushina screams with all her might and her Breasts bounce by the impact when Naruto slammed his cock inside her pussy "IT'S SO HUGE! NARUTO-KUN'S HUGE COCK IS HUGE!" yelled Kushina with Naruto say "Holy Kami! Your way tighter than Samui-neechan when we first did it!" as he feels Kushina's walls tightening up more onto His Cock.

But it doesn't matter as he starts thrusting into Kushina's pussy while she start screaming loudly that the whole house could hear her, Even in Samui's room.

Samui's room

While Samui was hearing the screams and thinking that Naruto fucking their Kaa-san and turning her into a slut she was getting ready. She just finished her shower and had put on panties with a slit in the middle showing her pussy.

Back in Naruto's room

Naruto is fucking His Kaa-san in the doggystyle position while holding onto her hips with Kushina screaming louder as she on fours with her breasts bouncing upon each thrust that Naruto Makes with his cock while screaming yet begging Naruto to fuck her more while both of them begin to sweat and filling the air of it long.

Then Naruto can't help look at His Milf of a Kaa-san's ass, He's thinking that she has a huge yet pump ass that's just begging to be smacking has his right hand.

to let go and starts smacking it which makes Kushina screams even louder than before while blushing with her ass jiggling by Naruto's smacking it.


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