
Naruto: Kaito

An old man bids his last farewell to his descendants while he was on his deathbed. After closing his eyes to begin his eternal rest, he was surprised to have opened his eyes once again. However this time, his sudden awakening was accompanied by a baby's cries. NOTICE: I will try uploading 2 chapters everyday, but I don't promise that I will be able to upload everyday as I am a student with responsibilities. THERE IS YAOI AND YURI ON THE TAGS BECAUSE THIS STORY WILL HAVE CERTAIN LGBTQIA ELEMENTS AND CHARACTERS, THOUGH IT WONT BE THE FOCUS OF THE STORY

Htk_Kksh · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
9 Chs

CH 5: Ending of the trial run

The third test began, it being the Taijutsu test, obviously to test our Taijutsu capabilities.

I watched many performance, but barely any of them caught my eyes, except for some clan kids, though on the side of the clanless kids, I'd say that me and Souma are the only ones capable.

The kid named Souma, who introduced himself to me earlier, he does know his Taijutsu stuffs and can even pack a punch.

He powerfully defeated his opponent and even sent a smile towards my direction after the announcement of his victory, what a weirdo, though i just smiled back.

"Did you see that?"

He asked me with expectant eyes.

"Yes I did, you were very capable"

I responded politely but with slight irritation.

"Oh thank yo-"

His words were cut short.

"Namikaze Kaito! Please head towards here at the center!"

The proctor called out for me.

I walked up towards the center, ignoring all the gazes on me and took on my stance.

"Remember, no ninjutsu, no dojutsu and no weapons!"

The proctor instructed the rules of the match.

My opponent is an Uchiha boy named Uchiha Isen, he also took on his Uchiha stance and began the seal of initiation.


The proctor declared.


The kid smirked as he looked towards me.

After giving me the infamous 'look down' look, the kid dashed towards me head on with his fist to which he tried to pursue my solar plexus.

I evaded the attack by moving backwards quickly and took on the offense by attacking his legs to destroy his mobility.

He evaded my attack by simply jumping and that is when he fell for my planned trick.

As he was up in the air, he noticed my fist coming directly towards his chest, but he successfully evaded it by pushing his body sidewards to which he took advantage of the momentum to pursue a kick directly aimed towards my left temple.

But this time, i didn't evade the attack and risked it by using my hands to stop his leg and using its momentum to use his legs against him by flailing him towards the ground.

He was caught surprised by this attack, but he then regained his cool and tried to evade and attack at the same time by trying to use his left leg to aim for my right ribs, however his reaction was already way too late, as i have already managed to grab his right leg and is already beginning to put force to throw him.

But he didn't yield, he used his hands to try and break my arm apart from his right leg but he was caught off guard by a sudden pain coming from his solar plexus that have been struck by my right fist.

Saliva was ejected from his mouth and he was hurled towards the other side of the center. And after the dust from his crash subsided, he was seen knocked out of his consciousness.

The fight was very short from the audience's perspective, but from our perspective as the duelists, it was slowed down like a hundred times. Heck, if he had his sharingan open, his world would have been slowed down a thousand times slower than mine, but he didn't, and we were on the same pace of time, solely relying on our combat instincts to try and counter each other's attacks.

My only advantage was that i have been sorta training with my big brother for the past years, whom is being trained by the Jiraiya-sama, Hokage-sama's student.

But well, he did have an advantage as a clan member, and especially, as an Uchiha. He was probably trained by his parents and clan at a young age and probably had several duels with other Uchiha kids, but his only setback was that he was arrogant.

The Uchiha stereotype, their arrogance and pride as one of the strongest Kekkei Genkai clan in the world, it was also one of their disadvantages. Especially for their youngins who haven't even been properly introduced to the real Shinobi world. They become arrogant because of their clan's fame and as children, they let it get into their heads up until someone humbles them, and if there isn't anyone, then they'll stay that way until they die as a ninja.

And that was the setback that Uchiha Isen that cancelled out his early ninja education and doctrination, making him lose in my presence as a commoner ninja with no clan ties nor a Kekkei Genkai unlike him, who he thought he can easily defeat.

"Namikaze Minato, 100 points!"

The proctor announced my victory.

(And with this, i basically pass the entrance with flying colors, though this is still not enough to pass the graduation, i really need to graduate early, i need to catch up to my big brother)

I thought happily and determinedly inwardly.

I happily started walking towards the sidelines without even bothering to look at the battered Uchiha kid.

(I wonder if brother is watching me right now, though that would be super unlikely, he's training as of now)

I thought with a downed expression.

After my boring battle, some more other duels happened with barely any of them making me enthusiastically watch, and after hours, the entrance exams was over.

We all gathered and lined up facing towards the make-shift stage they put up. A person walked up and began his speech.

"My name is Sarutobi Rentarou and i am the principal of the Konoha Academy, i am very happy to have witnessed the new enrollees' skills and i am very glad to announce that most of you are very exceptional and will surely pass the test to get admitted in our academy---"

His speech continued and with him informing that the announcement of the recognitions and assigning of classes will be happening a month from now. He also told us that many powerful figures of Konoha will be attending the welcoming ceremony for the new enrollees that will also be happening on the same day.


A voice called out to me and tapped my shoulders.

I turned around and saw the kid named Souma behind me.

"Hello again"

I greeted once again.

"Hey you do know that you're going to be ranked as first place during the recognition day right?"

He asked me.

"That is a weird question, but I think I have the highest possibility here, so yes"

I answered with confidence and positivity.

"Wow! you sure are confident, but I guess besides you and me and probably that Uchiha kid you battered, there'd be no one left for the high rankings"

He said enthusiastically which was a little too loud, making the others lining up with us hear what he just said.

He soon noticed their furious gazes and looked towards me for my help.


I just chuckled at his expense and his expression dimmed.

But I still defended him, because I think he will become a good asset for me in the future, so might as well take the chances.

"Okay everyone, I apologize on behalf of what Souma-kun said, he didn't really mean anything of it, he was just way too excited for the recognitions"

I spoke as I looked at every kid around us.

After hearing what I've just said, they seemed to have calmed down a little bit.

Until I heard some murmurs.

"He is really kind, and handsome!"

"God he is also talented"

"I think I'd like him as the leader of my class"

"Tcchh what a gifted bastard"

I was quite surprised that my reputation was already this stable even before entering the academy.

( I guess this will make my school life smoother if not entirely)

I thought.

"Hey thanks! you saved me there!"

He thanked me with a relieved expression.

"I didn't really save you, they are still kinda upset of what you've just said"

I answered nonchalantly.

"But still thanks tho-"

His second gratitude was cut short by a girl's voice.

"So you're the infamous little brother of Minato senpai"

A daring voice of a girl spoke.

She had white eyes as white as the clear day skies, her hair was ebony black resembling the clear starless night skies. Her face was very slim and sleek, and she seemed to be the same age as me.

(I don't remember seeing this girl earlier)

I was inwardly shocked.

But now that I'm looking closer at her eyes, I feel this weird sensation within my gut.

It was a weird feeling, like a feeling that draws me to this girl here, a gut feeling that wants me to just grab her by the neck. It was a weird urge, knowing that this was the first time that I have seen this girl.

(I feel like I also felt this earlier during the Chakra test when the proc-)

My thoughts were cut short by Souma's annoying voice.

"Hey you're staring at her like you want to eat her up dude"

Souma annoyingly pointed out me staring at the girl's soul.

After hearing his annoying voice, I snapped out of my daze and regained my cool.

"Are you interested in me?"

The girl asked me with contempt.

"Uhmm no, this is the first time I have seen you and I don't even know your name, so no"

I answered her.

"But dude don't you believe in love at first si-"

Souma was going to say something annoying so I cut him off.

"Souma-kun no I don't, and just so you know I'm not interested in girls"

I told Souma with a tick on my forehead.

He was shocked by my answer but he still proceeded to make a careless comment to which I quickly countered.

"What? Oh so-"

Souma's words were cut short once more.

"This redhead has a point, you were looking at me for way too long, but whatever, if you say so"

She spoke as she turned to look at the principal still doing his speech.

"Hey! Don't call me a redhead!"

He complained at her.

She just blatantly ignored his presence and kept weirdly looking at me like I'm some fascinating endangered animal.

"She really is look at you like that? dude you-"

Souma's words were cut short by me once again.

"Please listen to the principal, or else they might catch us not listening"

I told everybody around that was talking over the principal's speech. Though I could care less, I just did that to shut Souma up.

After my words, everyone quieted down and looked towards the principal. Especially Souma, he seemed to be mulling over my indifference to him. I will go apologize to him later.

(Are my words already this potent? Wow.. kids are so easy to trick...wait that sounded weird-)

My thoughts were cut short.

"And by the way, my name is Hyuga Hae, you probably didn't see me earlier because I ended my match faster than what everyone else could see and I was the first duelist"

The girl finally introduced herself.

(Ahh so she was that girl, how come I forgot about her match though? Now that I think of it, maybe she is my contender for rank 1)

I thought.

<Hae POV>

As I was 'listening' to what the principal was saying, I turned to look at this weird guy once more.

(This guy looks nothing like the ordinary person, his golden hair and his sapphire blue eyes. These are traits that are barely visible to any person in Konoha, only him and his older brother probably have these traits in our village, that's why I was able to recognize him immediately)

I thought.

(And his Chakra skills, I don't think even I can compete against him, is learning medical ninjutsu that effective for learning good Chakra control? If it is, then maybe I'll take that course in this academy. His Taijutsu was also a weird one, I don't think its impossible to beat him, but It will surely hurt me to analyze and study his Taijutsu while I also fight with him)

[A/N: She calls it weird because it's not really Taijutsu, it's a modified version of the self defense techniques he learned back in his previous life with some elements he learned from this world. He basically created his own Pseudo-Taijutsu, but I call it Pseudo because it is still incomplete. And yes, he created his own taijutsu because he sucks at learning the Taijutsu of this world, and so he needed to create an amalgam version so that he could have a basis if he were to learn the Academy Taijutsu and even some new Taijutsu in the future.]

I still quietly and subtly observed him, even though I show myself as someone who's listening to the speech.

(He truly is a peculiar guy with a Weird Taijutsu and Iryojutsu, who knows, maybe even his Ninjutsu is also going to be odd)

I thought.

<Outside POV end>

The speech finally ended after a long while, and we were now allowed to go back to our homes.

As I exited the Academy gates, I couldn't shake off the feeling that I was being watched.

(Ugh it's probably that weird Hyuga girl, she has been silently observing me with her ghoulish white eyes since earlier)

I thought while shivering.

As I was walking towards the main road, I heard Souma calling out for me.

"Hey dude! Are you just gonna leave me and not say goodbye?"

Souma was pouting as he said that.

"Oh sorry, I was just a little homesick, so I was already eager to go home, but yeah, Goodbye Souma-kun!"

I bid my farewell to Souma.

"Goodbye to you too, Oh and don't forget to say bye to Hae-san! She's behind you!"

Souma yelled at me as he walks away towards the opposite direction.

After hearing that information, I nervously turned around and was shocked to see a ghost-eyed girl peeping from behind a lamp post.

(This girl is really made for those scary Japanese horror movies)

I inwardly insulted her.

After a whole while of us just staring at each other's soul, I bravely broke the silence.

"Ha-hah? Hae-san! Ho- how are you doing? Are you going home already?"

I Asked Hae nervously as I look at her peeking from the lamp post.

"You are truly weird..."

She muttered to which I could barely hear.

"Huh? could you please repeat? I didn't quite catch what you said"

I nervously requested for her to repeat her words.

"No- nothing, I was just gonna ask you where Minato Senpai is"

She told me as she approached me.

I instinctively backed away a little bit as she approached closer.

"Oh yeah.... He couldn't really come today because of his training-"

My words were cut short by a silhouette suddenly appearing between me and Hae.

"Moshi Moshi!"

It was big brother Minato and his handsomeness.

Hae was really surprised by the sudden appearance of her admired senpai.

"Oh! Big bro!"

I jumped him and hugged him.

"Kai-Chan! Oh my! i'm very sorry!"

Minato-nii apologized.

"Why are you saying sorry?"

I asked him as I bury myself in his chest as I hug him.

"I'm sorry because I didn't tell you that I actually watched your entire entrance exam without you knowing"

He finally confessed.

" Humph! you'll be treating me and Hae-san here, then for some Yakiniku as an apology!"

I harrumphed and turned to the side as I cross my arms.

"OK OK I'll treat you and Hae-chan here as an apology, and then I'll tell you my insights about your growth as you eat food, is that OK?"

Minato rescinded to my demands.


I just nodded as I harrumphed.

He then turned towards Hae-san and asked.

"Is that also OK with you Hae-chan? I'll tell you some stuff about your skills as you eat food!"

Minato also asked Hae for permission.

Hae was very shocked to be hearing her biggest idol asking her to be treated by food and be given advice, and so like any other child being offered a candy, she happily nodded and agreed.

<Hae POV>

(OMG Minato Senpai is asking me on a date?! I can't believe this!)

<Outside POV end>

There was only chaos inside Hae's mind as she walks beside the two brothers, but none of them ever noticed.

Until Minato suddenly stopped.

"Wait Hae-chan? do you have permission from your clan and parents? It's a little late already and you're outside"

Minato asked Hae.

"I-i think they'll be happy to know tha-that it was you that I was going out with- i mean going out to eat food with"

Hae reasoned while stuttering, which perfectly made sense.