
CH. 3 Past Part 2

"System, are you sure it is these ways?" asked Naruto as he slowly climbs the mountain. It has been a few days since he got System and Naruto has been traveling for three days.

[Yes, Host.]

[Trust me]

Naruto sighed and continues climbing the mountain, as the System has told him that there was a special lake on a mountain which could make him reach his goal.

Time Skip - 30 min

After a few minutes, Naruto smiles and looks around as he reached the tops of the mountain. He was surprised by the beautiful scenery. It was a huge lake that reflects the bright sunlight.

However, what surprised him the most was it was cold and not hot. He was on top of a very tall mountain.

[How is it Host?]

"Where is this?" asked Naruto.

[We are now at the top of one of the Divine place]

"Divine Place?" Naruto was confused, as he never heard of such a place. He might have heard of the three sacred places, which consists of Mount Myoboku, Shikkotsu Forest, and Ryuchi Cave.

"What is the Divine Place?" asked Naruto.

[Holy Place is a place where a great amount of natural energy gather]

[It is also a place where powerful things from other universe were buried here]

"What?!" Naruto was someone who loves reading and he has read about the world and history. But he never heard of such things like the thing from another world.

[Yes in this Divine Place, it buried the Crescent Sea Orb.]

"What is that?" asked Naruto.

[A very powerful orb that contains the essence of the sea.]

[Anyone who can use it will be able to control any type of water]

Naruto was excited and quickly runs toward the lake. He knew that orb was somewhere in the lake. But as he was close to the lake, Naruto stops and paled, before backing away from the lake.

[How was it?]

"What was that?!" asked Naruto.

[Before I tell you what it is?]

[What did you feel?]

"It was like a huge mountain pressuring you down. There was also a huge scary light like someone was watching you," said Naruto and he started to shiver in fear.


[That is the Divine Place Guardian]

[In every divine place there are Guardian which protect the place and the thing]

[In this mountain, it is the area of Black Tortoise]

"What is a Black Tortoise?" asked Naruto looking confuse.

[Don't you read a book]

[The Four Divine Beast]

"Four Divine Beast?" mumbled Naruto and suddenly he remembers something. "I remember. Is the other Four Divine Beast, The Azure Dragon, Vermilion Bird, and White Tiger?" asked Naruto.


[This place is protected by Black Tortoise]

[So if you want that Orb, you must find a way to get it]


[Well, you could beat it, sneak in and steal]

[But someone like Host, who still can't use Chakra]

[It is not a good choice]

[So, let's get it summoning scroll]

"Summoning scroll? How?" asked Naruto as he never thought that the Four Divine Beast would have a summoning scroll.

[Don't worry Host]


Time Skip - 2 hours

"System? Are you sure it works?" asked Naruto as he was now sitting on a rock and fishing with the Yunan Fishing Rod.

Naruto has waited for hours and nothing has happened. He starts doubting the System advice. "Maybe, we should get something nice for it to eat and be friends," said Naruto and smile.

[And what?]

[After finishing then eat you]


[Host, what did you says just now?]

"Maybe, we should get something nice for it to eat and be friends," said Naruto "Why?" Naruto looks at the message.

[Host, please trust System]

Time Skip - 1 hour

After hours of waiting, Naruto was leaning back on the rock. Suddenly as he was about to sleep, the string shakes. Naruto instantly opens his eyes and reached out his hands.

He holds the fishing rod and smile. "What should I do now?!" asked Naruto and struggle to keeps still.

[Pull it up!]

[Don't let it get away!]



The fishing rod shakes and was being dragged down into the lake. Naruto tightens his grip around the fishing rod and pull. "ARGH!" shouted Naruto and pull with all his strength. He took a deep breath and pull again.


Naruto looks up and was stunned as it was a huge rainbow scale fish. The sunlight shining brightly at the scale, causing a beautiful reflection of different lights.

"Beautiful!" said Naruto. He reached out his hands wanting to touch the fish.

However, as he reached out his hands. The water shakes and a huge figured jumped out of the water. Naruto turns and looks before he was stunned by the scene.

It was a huge black turtle with a snake around it. The turtle jumped toward the fish which is basically above Naruto.


[You should get out of there]

Naruto snapped out and packed his things. He runs away from the rock. The rainbow fish that was still hooked by the fishing rod follows him.


Suddenly the grounds shake, causing him to tripped and falls to the ground. "OW," Naruto slowly gets up and turn back to look.

The scene stunned him. The huge rock was instantly destroyed into small pieces. "Brat!" shouted a huge voice that caused Naruto to snapped out.

Naruto follows the sound of the voice and he saw a huge black turtle and no one was around. "Probably the wind," said Naruto and turn away and took a step back and prepared to runs away.

"STOPS!" shouted the voice. Naruto stops and looks around. " I am here," said the voice. Naruto turned left. "No!" shouted the voice, causing him to turn back.

"Good, now looks front," said the voice. Naruto follows the voice and saw a huge turtle was looking at him. The turtle also looks at him, "Now, don't scream!" said the turtle.

However, it was too late. "ARGH! A TALKING TURTLE!" screamed Naruto. "I said don't scream!" said the turtle. Naruto immediately stops screaming.

"Good, now let's talk." said the turtle, causing Naruto to nods his heads. "First of all. I am a tortoise, not a turtle." said the turtle. "Second, would you give that fish to me?" pointing at the rainbow scale fish that was hooked by the fishing rod.

Naruto was silent and looks at the fish then the turtle. 'System, what should I do?' thought Naruto.

[Give it to him]


[Just give it to him!]

Naruto looks at the fish and hesitated. Seeing that Naruto was hesitating, "Wait?!" said the turtle. "I will give you something special!" said the turtle and took out a scroll. The turtle throws it to Naruto and he opens it.

"What is this?" said Naruto. "It's ours summoning scroll," said the snakes. "Summoning scroll?" Naruto opens the scroll and looks around.

Seeing that Naruto was interested in the scroll, the snake and turtle smile. "I will let you be our first summoner." said the turtle. "And friends?!" suddenly Naruto shouted out.

The turtle and snakes look stunned and were about to shake their heads. Naruto carried the fish further away from them. They stop moving and Naruto stops walking.

The turtle and snakes stare at Naruto, who stares back.

After a few secs, the turtle and snakes sighed, "Fine we will give you the scroll and become friends." "Really?" asked Naruto. "Yes," said the turtle. "Really?!" Naruto asked again.

"YES!" shouted the turtle. Hearing this, Naruto smile and gives them the fish. The black tortoise smile and dragged the fish back into the lake.