
Naruto: Itachi's Cousin

Eiji, a student with an abnormally good memory, is transported to the Naruto world as Itachi's cousin and a member of the Uchiha clan. He uses his exceptional memory to his advantage, growing stronger at a faster pace than his peers. The story's timeline will be accurate, but events will move away from the canon. There will be custom jutsu in the story.

DrWright · Komik
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6 Chs

Leaf Concentration Practice

A/N: Going on a flight, so this is another chapter. If you want more chapters, make sure to leave powerstones and good reviews. Wish me well. I'll be writing chapters on the plane hopefully, if I'm not too tired!

The next day after dinner with his relatives, Eiji resumed his training routine, but this time he added something different.

"Are we done for today then?" Shisui questioned Eiji, who lay on the ground exhausted, dripping with sweat.

Still trying to catch his breath, Eiji responded, "I've thrown a minimum of 1000 shuriken! Of course, I'm done! Besides, I've still got more training to do. Today is a special day. I'm finally working on my Chakra Control!"

Shisui scratched the back of his head. "Sometimes it feels like you're much older than me. I've never seen anyone have fun training their Chakra Control," he sighed.

Eiji never bothered acting like a child because he hated being treated like one. If he were to act like a child, he'd undoubtedly be given less to study and be babied more. The thought of it sent shivers down his spine.

'Given what I have learned from the book, I have to place a leaf above my forehead and direct my chakra to it, using it as a focal point. While learning about the Keirakukei and Tenketsu, I've been able to somewhat sense the flow of my own chakra. Prior to learning this, I hadn't ever thought about it. It's like how you don't feel your heartbeat but only notice it when you focus on it. I haven't been utilizing my chakra, so I couldn't feel it flow. Things are different now, though.'

Eiji, prepared to begin the training, said to Shisui, "Fetch me a leaf. I'll be doing leaf concentration practice." Shisui, although reluctant, grabbed a leaf from a tree and gave it to Eiji, who was now seated on the ground.

"How do you even know of this method?" Shisui asked Eiji.

Not eager to spend time talking, Eiji replied, "I learned it from a book my father gave me."

Shisui's expression morphed to one of shock. "You can't be telling me you learned about Chakra from a book. Well, how many times have you read it at least?" Shisui frantically asked.

"Once," Eiji answered.

Shisui's jaw dropped. His intuition was telling him that he was looking at a genius who only appeared once every century. The idea that someone could learn the basics behind chakra merely from a book and no demonstration was mind-boggling.

"At this rate, you'll have nothing to learn in the academy. It would just be a holiday. Your shurikenjutsu is also improving at a rapid pace! What are your goals, anyway?" Shisui probed.

Eiji had forgotten about the academy. His parents had mentioned it a few times, but he hadn't really paid attention to it. He just thought it was a place to learn maths and science for kids. He hadn't considered that he'd be learning ninjutsu there. His parents mentioned they planned for him to join when both he and Itachi were six.

'If the academy truly teaches ninjutsu, I'm excited, but if Shisui's saying that I'll know everything, then it would seem they don't teach advanced ninjutsu. That's a shame. I can't live like I did in my past life, sitting in class just to pass time and not be challenged. I wonder if there is a way to skip the academy in this life. As for my goal? Nothing right now. I'll just say something generic, like I want to be the Uchiha clan leader.'

"My goal is to become the Uchiha clan leader. On another topic, I have a question. Is there a way to skip the academy?" Eiji asked.

Shisui's right brow shot up. "Well, there isn't a way to skip the academy, but you can graduate fairly quickly if you show you're talented enough. I've got to get going, though. I'll explain more later. Good luck with your training," Shisui encouraged, running off.

'Shisui huh… You're an interesting one. You talk as if you aren't a genius yourself.'

As Shisui disappeared in the distance, Eiji redirected his focus to improving his chakra control. Picking the leaf up off his lap, Eiji placed it above his forehead and started trying to focus his chakra on it. After an hour of trying, Eiji collapsed from all the mental strain, sweat branding his forehead.

'This is exhausting. The chakra is so stubborn! It's like I'm fighting for control! The book said, after becoming proficient at chakra control, it's as easy as breathing. That level of proficiency is going to take incredibly long to reach if things continue this way. It's so difficult! It's so frustrating, but I love it. I'm finally being challenged!'

Mentally drained and not able to continue, Eiji made the logical decision to go home and rest. He believed it was no use struggling for little progress. He was already at his limit.

After walking home, Eiji returned to see his father in the Leaf's uniform and not in his regular military police uniform. Confused, Eiji stood a few meters away, watching. Sato was sitting at the doorstep putting on his shoes, while Kiyoko stood at the door watching him.

'Is he out on a mission? Military police usually stay in the village, don't they? Where's he off to?'

Unable to figure out what his father was getting ready for, Eiji walked closer, revealing himself. "Where are you going, father?" Eiji questioned.

His father, not looking surprised in the slightest, waved at Eiji and gestured for him to come closer. Eiji stood in front of his father, waiting for a response, but instead was met with Sato's hand tousling his hair.

'How did he know I was here?'

"He's just going on a small mission," Kiyoko interjected before Sato could respond.

Sato, not pleased with Kiyoko's answer, shook his head at her and looked his son in the eyes. "Things have become worse on the battlefront. They are now making some members of the military police and foundation fight on the front lines. Naturally, your uncle Fugaku will also be fighting. He's already been part of a few skirmishes over the years," Sato explained, wearing a serious expression.

Eiji couldn't help but feel conflicted. He understood the dire situation the village was in but didn't want to risk losing his father in war.

'I've got so much more to learn from him. He needs to come back alive!'

"Don't make that sad face, Eiji. You're incredibly talented and mature for your age, so I didn't feel the need to lie to you. Take care of your mother for me while I'm gone," Sato encouraged.

With what was barely a goodbye, Sato departed, waving at the two as he dashed off.

'He'll make it back. He's strong enough.'

Kiyoko wrapped her arms around Eiji from behind and guided him inside the house. "Don't worry, dear, your father is quite strong," Kiyoko ensured.

'Yeah, he'll be fine.'