
Naruto Iscariot

His life was practically the same, getting up every morning, training, praying, serving Iscariot and the Vatican with great fidelity and also killing supernatural monsters but all that changed when he met a stupidly powerful Vampire and her little soldier who became a severe headache. How was I supposed to deal with them? In addition, an organization that wanted to cause a WW3 also appeared...This couldn't get any worse...Could it?

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6 Chs

Chapter 6

𝑳𝒐𝒄𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏: 𝑷𝒂𝒓𝒊𝒔, 𝑭𝒓𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒆

The catacombs under Paris are well known by all the members of Iscariot, in these places is where the largest number of monsters and supernatural beings that anyone could see. Normally these did not come out of their hiding places for fear of being hunted, but in several cases it is necessary to apply the mass extermination of these beings since the quantity is usually so overwhelming that it is difficult to quantity.

Normally Iscariot would kill them all, but it is impossible since apart from reproducing as mice, the number of monsters was unknown so it would not be possible to know exactly if the extermination was 100%

The disembowelment sound echoed in the catacombs as did the sound of blood crashing against the walls.

"You..." - A Lycan was crawling on the ground trying to get away. His legs had been severed so running away or attacking was completely useless for him.

Footsteps began to sound, the guy in front of him had a cold look in his eyes and his clothes were stained with blood as well as his weapons which were two silver bayonets.

"I see you're still alive, but it won't be for long" - The man walked terrifyingly slowly towards the Lycan, who could do little or nothing to get away or defend himself.

Once he was close to the Lycan, he stepped on his neck hard, cutting off the monster's breath.

"Po... por... please... please..."-Said the Lycan while his hands clung to the man's leg in an attempt to remove it to recover his breath

"A Lycan asking for mercy? You are a disgrace to your species" - The man spoke very coldly before crushing the Lycan's neck with force riding it

The man raised his shoe to see how it was completely covered in blood which made him snort, he hated having to clean it up.

He turned around to look at the large number of beast corpses that were scattered around the place as well as the blood that was dripping from the ceiling, sliding down the walls or directly coming out of the corpses.

It had been a huge massacre

His thoughts about this slaughter of beasts were cut short when the small radio that was in his right ear began to play.

"Mr. Anderson, am I done with your homework?"

He said the voice that belonged to an old man to which the blond man only took a few seconds before answering.

"Affirmative, Mr. Draxler"

A small laugh was heard from the other end of the radio.

"You never cease to amaze me, young Erwin...you really are his son. Come back, we have another mission for you."

It was all Erwin could hear before the signal cut out.

"Old shit..."-Erwin muttered as an image of Draxler came to his mind. He wanted to cut off her head, but he had to hold back as that can cause a lot of problems for him, but especially for his father.

Draxler, like other members of Iscariot, only thought of him and his father as their "weapons" which they could throw away at any moment and he let her see that thought in the past.

With one accurate movement, Erwin completely wiped the blood from his bayonets and then they vanished into children of paper on which Bible verses were written.

Without further ado, he only began to leave the catacombs. He could feel and hear some monsters wriggling beneath the ground, but he didn't have time for this shit anymore since he just wanted to get home to see his father and then take on this new mission he was going to be given... sometimes he just wanted to retire with his father, but sadly that was impossible


𝙇𝙤𝙘𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣: 𝙇𝙤𝙣𝙙𝙤𝙣

Inside Big Ben you could see a person who was looking very carefully at the great city of London. A look of repudiation could be seen on his face as he looked at the disgusting city of this disgusting country, just seeing the Protestants walking made a feeling of disgust invade his body as well as the desire to gut them all regardless of age or the sex, I merely wanted to kill him because 1- it was fun and 2- they were part of the Church protesting you and also because they were British

Fuck the British, I hated them almost on the same level as the French

"Why did you forbid him to attack them? The desire I have to kill them is great"-The man took a bayonet from his hand and then threw it against the wall

"You say that when your Wife is a Muslim. A bit of a hypocrite, don't you think? Alexander Anderson"

The now identified as Alexander turned around to see a black-haired man who had a calm look.

Alexander Anderson has short, spiky blonde hair, green eyes, a stout square jaw, and steady stubble. He also has a large wedge-shaped scar on his left cheek. He wears round glasses, an oversized gray cassock, gray pants, black boots, a black shirt, a collar, white gloves, and a silver cross around his neck. The gloves, there are inscriptions written on the crosses drawn on the back of it. The right hand says "Jesus Christ is in Heaven". The left hand says: "he Speaks with the Dead"

"Wow Sebastian, I haven't seen you in a while. How has my favorite ball-sucking butler been?" -Asked Alexander with an amused smile as he looked at Sebastian who only frowned a little and then returned to his calm face...

"Wow Sebastian, I haven't seen you in a while. How has my favorite ball-sucking butler been?" -Asked Alexander with an amused smile as he looked at Sebastian who only frowned a little and then returned to his calm face from before.

Alexander was definitely driving him crazy.

"I kindly ask you not to speak that way Mr. Anderson, it is very...obscene"

Alexander just snorted at that and then put a smile on his face.

"How do you want me to speak less 'obscene' to the person who suggested killing my wife and child?" -Asked Alexander while he did everything possible not to decapitate the butler at that very moment

"You don't have the right to complain when you were the one who killed entire families...I just did what any Iscariot member would do...I haven't killed anyone yet. Did I think about doing it? Of course I did, but you Alexander, you are a monster" - Sebastián's smile on his face showed how trusty he was, and that smile grew bigger when he saw the position in which Alexander was

"I'm not a monster..." - Alexander muttered with a cold tone

Sebastian just laughed at that.

"Then what are you? You are not a Savior, not a hero, a hero... no hero kills children, women and men in such a cruel and brutal way as you do, not even Naruto goes to such an extreme and that he is your son"

Alexander only wrinkled his expression at that and then turned to see the butler

"What do you want, Sebastian?" - Alexander asked in a cold way to which Sebastian only put a smile

"I came to give you your next mission"

Sebastian slowly approached Alexander and then handed him an envelope which was taken by the blonde and before he could say anything he saw how Sebastian's body turned into a flock of crows which left the place

Alexander was quiet, he looked at the envelope in his hands and then squeezed it with some force.

"I'm not a monster by choice... Iscariot turned me into one"- Was the last thing Alexander said before his body was wrapped in several sheets of paper before disappearing from the place


Makima slowly opened her eyes after another failed attempt to fall asleep. It was around 2 in the morning and it was still very difficult for her to sleep, no matter how much she tried she simply could not fall asleep.

She stretched a little before letting out a sigh. Tired of trying to sleep, she sat on the edge of the bed and then stood up and left the room.

The corridors of the Iscariot base were almost dark since the only thing that lit up were the lunar rays that entered through small windows. He looked in both directions, noticing that there was not a single person in the corridor, which was logical since it was two in the morning.

As she walked down the hall she couldn't help but remember everything she had lived through so far. If she told her a month ago that Vampires and other supernatural beings she would undoubtedly have laughed, but now it was the opposite.

"Hmm?" -Makima could hear the sound of several metallic blows coming later to which she with great curiosity began to walk towards where the noise came from

She could see several torches which lit up the dark corridor, letting her see more clearly.

"Wow..." - Makima did nothing to hide her astonishment, in front of her was a huge room whose ceiling was almost imperceptible due to the darkness, in the corners large stone columns stood and from these columns several torches came out. which gave the light to be able to see

In the middle of this room was Naruto who was only wearing black pants and had two bayonets in his hands, most likely he was training and that was more evident when he saw that Naruto was covered by a thin layer of sweat.

A blush appeared on the white cheeks of her redhead, she had to admit that her Master was very... hot.

"May I know what you're doing up at this hour?"

Makima only stood firm when she heard Naruto's voice, she returned her gaze to the front of her to notice how the blonde was looking at her.

"I-I couldn't sleep..."-Makima replied as she took a few small steps forward

Naruto just looked at Makima and saw how she was wearing only shorts and a sleeveless gray shirt, in addition to noticing that she was not wearing a bra since her (not at all small) breasts were marked in the shirt, she was not going to deny that it was a little inappropriate. But who was he to judge?

"It's normal, your body is adapting to the nanobots so it's normal for you to have insomnia"-Naruto said to Makima who nodded her head.

The Nanobots were something that Iscariot has been implementing in the members of the organization, the Nanobots greatly increase the physical and mental abilities of the user in addition to giving them incredible regeneration, the only problem was that you could not regenerate limbs, only wounds

She was introduced to these Nanobots and she had to say that the process was extremely painful, but it was worth it.

"You can't sleep either?" - Makima asked to try to break the silence that had formed

"That's right, but it's not because of the Nanobots...it's something more complicated"

That answer only made Makima curious, but she was a little scared to ask.


She only looked at her Master to see how she was extending two bayonets to him.

"You are very good with long range attacks, but I want to see how you can handle melee combat"

Naruto was sending the redhead a smile to which she could feel her heart pounding. With a smile on her face she took the two bayonets before walking to the center of the room with the blond.

Naruto looked at Makima with a smile, he saw a huge untapped potential within her. For Naruto everyone could become very strong, but Makima was different; she didn't know it was hers, but something told her that this girl was hiding something inside of her that made her superior to most of her and she had to find out what it is.


Alice looked up at the night sky with a smile on her face. She was in the courtyard of the Hellsing mansion looking at the huge moon that was rising above her.

In the past she swore to hear voices every time she looked at the Moon, those voices guided her, told her what to do but still she never heard them.

The voices from one moment to the next stopped speaking and stayed that way for hundreds of years, but now they returned and she would listen to them.

"Naruto Anderson..." - Alice lay down on the grass

An image of Naruto came to her mind to which she sensually licked her lips as she put a smile on her beautiful face.

The more she investigated the blonde, the more she wanted him, it was all she wanted an increase; he was wild, indomitable, reckless, ruthless, but above all he was a good father

She had that handicap that she hated all "non-Catholics" but nothing that a night of sex with her couldn't fix, after all she had thousands of years of experience

Although now that she thought about it, Naruto seemed to have a rare tolerance and respect towards Muslims and her religion, perhaps it was due to her mother since from what she knew she was from a very important family of that religion.

Well, anyway, it's not like it mattered much.

𝒆𝒏𝒅 𝒐𝒇 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓