
Naruto: Insane System

[The Insane System has been unlocked after fulfilling the conditions.] [Mission: Kill Hatake Kakashi (0/1). Reward: ] [Mission: Kill Kushina Uzumaki (0/1). Reward: ] [Mission: Kill Itachi Uchiha (0/1). Reward: ]

Shino_Aburame_1751 · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
21 Chs

Chapter 7


The news of me killing Gaki in a one on one confrontation spread like wildfire and a new burst of confidence rose in Konohagakure. We finally got a win, why was Konohagakure able to continue winning in the 2nd great shinobi war? It was because of the many generations of geniuses. In order to keep the village happy we must continue to keep winning otherwise the lack of food, supplies and military strength will cause Konoha to fall.

I was surprised when the Hokage gave me the flying thunder god jutsu but doing this irreversibly makes me a member of his faction. Now this will send a clear signal to all the clan patriarchs and village elders that I am an underling of the 3rd. Not only this but Hiruzen is enticing me to continue preforming on his name for more jutsu, otherwise I'll be sidelined by everyone for disappointing them.

Regardless of the reason he gave me the flying thunder god jutsu it's beneficial to me not to mention that I plan on hunting down a few members of Kirigakure's seven ninja swordsmen.

It was a mistake for Hiruzen to give me such a powerful jutsu, he believes that because I have no foundation in seals I would need to continue to work for in order to actually learn the flying thunder god jutsu. This is something I will absolutely do but not for the reason he thinks.

Wind flows out from my body as the world turns black and white.

<Pale Streak>

I didn't give Hiruzen the completed version of <Pale Streak> for a reason, he believes that the reason I value the jutsu is due to the increase in speed but he is wrong. The reason this jutsu is so good is that it makes me process information at a ridiculous level far higher than a human ever could, reacting to attacks at light speed is one thing, having a thought process that bypasses the natural limits of humanity is something else. The shadow clone jutsu is useful because anyone can build years of experience in a short amount of time but <White Streak> is far better, in the real world hours would pass but to me it would be literal years.

I didn't hand over the complete version of <Pale Streak> so Hiruzen has no idea that the jutsu had this effect. My biggest strength isn't my kenjutsu but the speed in which I can learn and comprehend jutsu, nature releases and even abstract things like seals and space ninjutsu.

The scroll in my hand unravels and I read the entire thing over 100,000 times. Even so the world hasn't even begun to move almost as if time has been completed stopped. I wonder whether Minato will be able to learn the flying thunder god jutsu before I do?

Almost a decade later and I finally put the scroll down and sigh miserably. Damn, this jutsu is really complicated and requires an in depth understanding of fuinjutsu as well as talent in space ninjutsu.

I can understand why Minato hasn't learned it yet even with help from Kushina and Jiraiya. To travel through space is simply too difficult and actually creating a chakra formula that is stable enough to resist the pressure of moving through space is practically impossible. It's not like I can copy the 2nd Hokage's formula either because I have a different chakra signature.

I think it's been a few weeks since I went into closed cultivation to learn this jutsu so I should go and hunt down one of the seven ninja swordsmen now.

[Name: Hikaru Shiro

Age: 16

Skills: <Crescent Moon>:..., <White Gyrate>:..., <Pale Streak>:..., <Blood Possession>:..., <Internal Steel Coating>:..., <Zephyr Vibration>: A wind release jutsu that expels wind chakra from the body to crush everything into small pieces with intense cutting power. <Winter Dragon>: A majestic wind release construct shaped like a dragon that causes everything to freeze in it's vicinity.]

These two new additions to my collection are both highly destructive attacks that will be very useful against multiple opponents. It was definitely worth exchanging jutsu with Hiruzen, I plan to modify <Winter Dragon> to make multiple dragons at a time but that's for later right now it's really not necessary.

<Winter Dragon> has the unique effect of slowing down opponents through extreme cold and <Zephyr Vibration> is basically an instant kill move on however gets close to me. Both of these jutsu need modifications but for now they will serve their purpose fine.

At this point I have most of my bases covered and have successfully devoured my gains. <Internal Steel Coating> and <White Gyrate> for defense. <Winter Dragon> for long range attacks and <Crescent Moon> and <Zephyr Vibration> for short range attacks. Although I only have <Pale Streak> for movement I am working on another wind release jutsu that will allow me to fly. <Blood Possession> allows me to create an extensive information network as I already have a couple hundred birds, bugs and other animals under my control that spy on the most important areas in the elemental nations, with time my advantage will snowball into something unimaginable.

Recovery is an issue for me but it's something I don't have any experience in similar to sealing jutsu so I'll need more contribution points in order to exchange for jutsu.

A small portion of chakra leaves my body and the sight of my right eye changes showing a dense mist and from then corner of vision I see a man holding a large sword known as the executioner's blade. The predecessor before Zabuzu huh, well it looks like this will be a piece of cake.

<Reverse Summoning Jutsu>

The seal on my back activates and the man holding the executioner's blade looks at me with a surprised glance.

"Well I shouldn't waste time here so I'll make this quick."

My palms slam into the ground infusing it with a ridiculous amount of chakra making it bulge from the pressure.

<Zephyr Vibration>

The swordsman grabs onto the hilt of his sword and backflips in a spur of steaming water.

"I recognize your face...I believe you are Hikaru right? Konohagakure's Wind Demon. I suppose you're a worthy opponent to refine my skills. Tell me what you think of this jutsu, Water Release: Molten Geyser."