"..." Opening and closing his mouth for a few seconds, Kurama finally shook his head and closed his eyes again as he snorted "You don't understand what you're talking about kid, forget about training with my chakra."
Frowning slightly, Naruto stood up and walked towards the fox, then sat down next to his muzzle and stared at him "Kurama, I know perfectly well that your chakra can harm me even if you don't want it to, but..."
Opening his eyes as he felt the small hands stroking his fur, Kurama was surprised to see a warm smile on the boy's face and watched him silently as his small silhouette reflected in his gaze.
"This hatred that you unfortunately contain, is part of you..." With a sad look, Naruto continued "I can't even imagine what it must feel like to live locked up against your will and constantly be used as a weapon for other people's greed..."
"But..." Inhaling deeply, Naruto rested his head on Kurama's fur and murmured "You're not alone anymore Kurama... you don't have to carry everything by yourself..."
With a shaky look as his pupil shrinks to the point of forming a single line, Kurama let out a slight growl and quickly closed his eyes again.
"Please let me share your burden Kurama... your sadness, your hatred, your loneliness" Closing his eyes as he focuses on the warmth covering his face, Naruto continued "Let's transform together these bitter feelings we share and move forward together... as friends... as a family."
Opening his eyes after a few long minutes, Kurama stares at the boy who is still hugging him and snorts suddenly as he roars "Do you want to train or not!?"
Smiling slightly as his eyes widen, Naruto looked at Kurama with amusement and commented "Kurama is Tsundere, what fun!"
With an angry growl, Kurama suddenly formed gigantic orange bubbles surrounded the whole place, to then bring them closer to Naruto and speak seriously "You can also train with my chakra in this place, but you have to know that your outer body will also suffer the changes and if you lose control, you will do it outside."
Inhaling deeply while nodding, Naruto looked at Kurama with conviction and smiled at him "Let's go!"
With a small snort, suddenly Naruto's small body began to shake violently, instantly causing his hair to bristle as practically his entire face contorted with visible changes in growth.
His thin whiskers thickened considerably, his white teeth gained four sharp fangs while his blue eyes transformed into frightening, beastly crimson eyes with a fierce slit pupil.
Seeing the clarity in his gaze waver and watching intently as his stray fingernails quickly turned into sharp claws, Kurama thought 'He seems to receive my chakra very well... I knew he would be like this thanks to the fact that since he formed in the womb he was exposed to my chakra, but I never thought he would be so apt... but I cannot allow this to continue, this boy must understand what he is up against'.
Growling gutturally as he buried his sharp claws deep into his palms, suddenly a noticeable layer of orange chakra began to rapidly envelop his entire body, causing the glow in his eyes to dim more and more as the spasms grew considerably.
"..." Frowning slightly as he continued to resist, Kurama brought even more chakra towards Naruto and watched intently as the chakra layer began to take shape and with it growing a long tail along with two long ears.
"Agh!" Throwing his head back as a grunt of pain escaped his mouth, the chakra around Naruto visibly darkened as the orange transformed into a striking shade of crimson, and unable to resist any longer, suddenly the tremors ceased as his body lay limp still in his fox form.
Knowing that the boy lost consciousness, Kurama stood watching him for a few seconds and snorted, instantly making his chakra disappear and letting Naruto vanish from his cage.
"That'll teach him not to bother."
'So much pain...'
Feeling as if his consciousness was floating in the void itself as numerous screams and wails envelop his senses, Naruto couldn't help but let sadness flood his thoughts.
'This is so suffocating...' Even being in that hellish void, Naruto thought 'This feeling of wanting to destroy everything, wanting to raze everything and murder everything in my path...'
Opening his eyes wide as he wakes up agitatedly, Naruto quickly looked around and noticed that he was still in the middle of the forest and with a dark sky overhead, only to shiver from the sudden coldness that enveloped his senses and notice with surprise how his clothes were completely soaked by what seems to be his own sweat.
Quickly closing his eyes as he sits up, Naruto enters the seal and stares at the cage in the distance, then slowly walks inside and stands in front of the seemingly sleeping fox.
"Kurama..." With trembling lips as his eyes quickly redden, Naruto whispers haltingly.
Opening his eyes as he looks at the young man in front of him, Kurama smirked and asked in a hoarse voice "You finally met fear?"
"You..." Letting out a small sob as he cuts off his words, Naruto instantly let his tears fall as he walked towards the fox, only to stand next to his face and hug his fur tightly as he whispers "You suffered so much..."
"Y-you..." Pulling back quickly as his trembling gaze stares at Naruto in disbelief at not feeling in him what he expected, Kurama growled angrily "Why do you feel sad for me!?"
"..." Staring at the grumpy fox, Naruto just smiled and stood up, then took a step and started walking towards him slowly.
"Y-you know what I did!?" Backing up even further as he roars angrily again, Kurama shook the entire space with his shout "I KILLED YOUR MOTHER, I KILLED YOUR FATHER, I DESTROYED HALF OF KONOHA AND THE ONLY REASON EVERYONE HATES YOU IS BECAUSE OF ME!!!"
"FEAR ME, DESPISE ME, HATE ME!!!" Suddenly forming a giant biju-dama around his mouth, Kurama roared, then threw the ball directly towards Naruto.
Knowing full well what was coming towards him, Naruto just closed his eyes and kept walking with no intention in stopping.
"Y-you!" gritting his teeth as he quickly deflected the sphere away from Naruto, Kurama cornered himself against the wall and for the first time, fear formed in his gaze "A-get away!"
"..." Arriving next to the giant fox, Naruto raised his gaze to its face and they stared at each other for a long time, then took a big leap and began to quickly climb up its body until he stood on its snout and could stare it straight in the eyes.
Exchanging glances full of emotions, Naruto finally tilted his head slightly and smiled warmly at he "No matter what you think Kurama... to me, you will always be my family."
"And if in order to free you from this heavy burden you carry I have to immerse myself in hatred and sadness..." Walking towards Kurama's eyes, Naruto pressed his forehead to his brow and showed his white teeth thanks to his big smile "So be it."
"..." With a trembling look as he stares at the insolent boy, Kurama's brow quivered as it seemed like the whole rest of his body froze, then sharing a strange silence for a long time and snorting with the same assurance as before "Get your dirty feet out of my fur midget, don't make me kill you!"
Laughing at the knowledge that at last the stubborn fox was beginning to accept him, Naruto nodded and jumped up, then sat down opposite Kurama and crossed his legs as he commented "I always knew everything you did Kurama, don't forget the memories I told you about... but just like I know what happened to my parents, I also know what situation was behind it and I have a unique insight into who the bastard is that planned it all."
Instantly earning a vicious glare, Kurama growled "Uchiha Madara!"
"No" Shaking his head, Naruto continued "It's another uchiha out there...he's dangerous, and very much so...but obviously in the future we'll have to settle the score"
Nodding silently as he sat across from Naruto, Kurama stared at him and asked "You didn't feel fear with my chakra?"
"Don't you already know?"
"I just don't understand..."
"When you see a loved one suffer, it's not fear you feel."
"You've only known of my existence for a couple of months and you already consider me a loved one?"
"You're all I have" Shrugging indifferently while forming a faint layer of chakra around his fingers and slowly expanding it like the day before, Naruto continued "Just like I know your life, you also know practically everything about mine... I know you understand my motivations."
"Now shut up and let me train" Snorting with a sly grin, Naruto let go of the chakra in his hand and formed numerous clones around it, only to form the chakra around his fingers again and lose himself completely in its grip.
Blinking in a daze for a few seconds while focusing on Naruto's main body, Kurama finally shook his head and huffed as he lay down "Finishing that we'll continue with my chakra... this time we'll go slow so you can get used to it."
"Not enough."
"I'm still too weak"
"I was a fool not to I didn't train earlier"
"No more!" With bloodshot eyes, a slit pupil and sharp fangs, Naruto punched the rock in front of him hard with all his might as his bare fists bled steadily and only seconds later, a thin layer of steam sealed the wound.
Today is the third day since Naruto started training with Kurama's chakra.
Just as Kurama said, this time they really took things much slower but effective, keeping Naruto only in the first phase of his transformation and making sure that the tailed cloak did not form.
The situation was not easy, many times Naruto lost consciousness and woke up minutes later in a totally irritable mood and with obvious emotional instabilities.
But as if nothing mattered, he simply sat back down and tried again without any fear of losing control.
Today, Naruto fully understood that if it were not for Kurama's will, this situation would not just be about losing consciousness and increasing his mental fatigue.
No, now Naruto understands perfectly that, if Kurama wanted him to, he could drive him crazy and make him attack everything in his path.
It wouldn't even be that hard, instead of drawing his chakra every time Naruto falls unconscious, he would only have to increase it and before the village could do anything, Naruto would have already manifested the 9 tails and would be a living disaster.
"Ha... ha... ha... ha..." Breathing raggedly as he watches the giant rock in front of him split in two, Naruto gritted his teeth in uncontrollable anger and gave a swift kick towards the rock "DAMN!!!"
-Your body is at the limit kid, I'll withdraw my chakra-
Without even having time to respond, Naruto fell heavily to the ground as all his beastly features quickly disappeared.
"Damn it Kurama... you would have let me get there first" With a weak but annoyed smile, Naruro grumbled as he couldn't feel a single muscle in his body.
-"Aren't you ashamed to use my chakra in such a blatant manner?
"Heh... of course not" Snorting with derision, Naruto closed his eyes and slowly calmed his breathing.