
Naruto: I will kill the traitor Uchiha Itachi

[Konoha + Kill Itachi + Ninja Scientist] Traveling through Uchiha, his son Uchiha Itachi. It is better to strike first and kill a traitor to add to the fun. "Itachi, daddy loves you!" When Uchiha Fugaku was wearing the Iron Man suit, his left eye was radiating Amaterasu, and his right hand was wearing the Infinity Gauntlet and he snapped his fingers. The world of Naruto has been turned upside down. This is a translation

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34 Chs

Chapter 24 How can Fuyue be born on his birthday?

Sarutobi Hiruzen admitted that this time he was completely caught off guard by Uchiha Fugaku.

  The tribesman with a foreign surname who was sent was not killed by him.

  In this case, no matter how stupid he is, he will not do such a thing.

  He knew very well who killed the tribesman with a foreign surname.

  It must be Uchiha Fugaku's subordinate.

  This guy is deliberately trying to make the problem bigger.

  If the witness is left behind, there will be flaws in Uchiha Fugaku's story.

  But it will be different after killing the opponent.

  There is no proof of death, he can say whatever he wants.

  The more confusing this matter becomes, the more beneficial it will be to Uchiha Fugaku who wants to fish in troubled waters.

  "Uchiha Fugaku! I will make you regret it. My Konoha is not a place where you can run wild."

  Hiruzen Sarutobi sneered. He admitted that Uchiha Fugaku had indeed brought him a lot of trouble during this period.

  But he wasn't afraid.

  He still has a trump card.

  He was going to contact a black market killer to assassinate Uchiha Fugaku.

As long as he continues to delay, once Uchiha Fugaku dies, he will be able to immediately reverse the situation with a final word.

  In the Uchiha family, except for Uchiha Fugaku, there is no one else to worry about.

  He, Sarutobi Hiruzen, has a lot of patience.

  This is his greatest strength.

  There were many people stronger than him, but they were all dead.

  And he's still alive.

  Only the living man is the winner.

  "But... the most critical issue now is to suppress this topic first."

  Sarutobi Hiruzen muttered to himself.

  This topic has seriously damaged his reputation.

  What he needs to do now is to solve this problem as soon as possible.

  Only by suppressing this topic could he regain his breath.

  The longer it takes to resolve this issue, the more damage will be done to his reputation.

  But it's not easy to do this.

  Sarutobi Hiruzen frowned and fell into silence.

Uchiha Fugaku finally seized this opportunity, how could he let it go so easily?

  I will definitely not let him go until I bite him to death.


  is there anything that Fugaku Uchiha can't refuse?

  There is only one answer.

  The independent law enforcement power of Konoha Village.

  In the past, the police force was the only law enforcement department in Konoha Village, and the ANBU's responsibilities were external affairs and conquests.

  However, as the ANBU expanded under the hands of Hiruzen Sarutobi, in order to suppress the Uchiha family, he wrested some law enforcement powers from the police force.

  This resulted in an embarrassing situation where the ANBU and police forces jointly enforced the law internally.

  The Anbu will intervene in cases in the hands of the police force at every turn, and will deliberately find trouble.

  The Uchiha family's call to regain independent law enforcement rights has never stopped.

  If this could be used as bait, Uchiha Fugaku would probably choose to remain silent on this matter.

"It's just... once the police force is allowed to enforce the law independently, it will be harder to suppress the Uchiha family's momentum..."

  Sarutobi Hiruzen was a little undecided.

  Over the years, he had spent a lot of effort to take some of the law enforcement power away from the Uchiha family.

  If the police force regains control of these powers, all his efforts in previous years will be in vain.

  But things have priorities. Now is not the time for him to retreat, but for him to make a decision.

  The topic of the missing bodies of the three Hokages must be suppressed, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous.

  He felt more and more terrible about Uchiha Fugaku.

  The choice he leaves himself is to choose one of two losses. No matter which choice he makes, it will hurt his own interests.

  If it were Shimura Danzo, he might choose to suppress this topic with violence and fear.

  But this choice violated his character of Sarutobi Hiruzen.

  Then you can only pay the price until Uchiha Fugaku is satisfied.

  "Uchiha Fugaku is really a genius!"

If his surname was not Uchiha, Sarutobi Hiruzen would definitely choose to make him his right-hand man.

  Even many years later, he would choose to hand over the position of Hokage to Uchiha Fugaku.

  After all, he also knew that he was already very old.

  Even if he relies on medicine, he will be unable to survive for more than 20 years.

  None of the descendants in his family are capable enough to take the position of Hokage.

  Danzo Shimura, who is about the same age as him, is even less of a candidate.

  Of his three disciples, one became a traitorous ninja, and the other two almost turned against him, and could not inherit the position of Hokage.

  "It's a pity... The position of Hokage can be given to anyone, but it cannot be given to someone from the Uchiha family."

  Sarutobi Hiruzen muttered to himself.

  This is the obsession left behind by Senju Tobirama, an obsession belonging to the Senju clan.

Although Sarutobi Hiruzen tricked most of the Senju clan to death, in his mind he still belonged to the Senju clan.

  This is also the reason why Senju Tobirama chose to let Sarutobi Hiruzen and others escape after being ambushed, leaving only the most loyal Uchiha Kagami to be buried with him.

  Senju Tobirama knew very well that Uchiha Mirror was very popular in Konoha. Coupled with the strength of the Uchiha family, even if he designated Sarutobi Hiruzen to become the third Hokage, Uchiha Mirror would probably be supported by the Uchiha family. Become the new Hokage.

  He was not prepared to leave any hope to the Uchiha family.

  "It's a pity... If Uchiha Mirror were to stay, with his loyalty to his teacher, the Uchiha family should become a force under my command, right?"

  Sarutobi Hiruzen sighed.

  Uchiha Kage is very strong and has enough reputation.

  If he could live, there would be no other candidate for the position of leader of the Uchiha family except him.

  Unlike Senju Tobirama, who is obsessed with completely destroying the Uchiha family, his obsession with the Uchiha family is just to prevent them from competing for power.

If they would surrender, he would be willing to let them become his loyal dogs.

  "But maybe... people will change..."

  What kind of young men with a sense of justice were the former Mito Kadoyan and Kaden Koharu?

  But what is the difference between the two of them and those merchants now? They only know how to compete for benefits.

  In addition to having a bad temper, Shimura Danzo was more or less a sunny boy.

  But now he is simply a simple scumbag.

  Even myself...

  actually has changed a lot.

  My former self would not have been so unprincipled.

  If Uchiha Kagami is alive, who can be sure that he will continue to live under the influence of Senju Tobirama?

  Does he really have no expectations for the position of Hokage?

  After gaining rights, people will always change!

  Sarutobi Hiruzen has a feeling that he can't be brilliant even if he is already good at it.

  Uchiha Fugaku was one of the few people he admired, and even made him feel a little afraid.

  Over the past few days, he has been eating turtles.

It was as if Uchiha Fugaku could see through his mind and could easily turn his every reaction into a bad move.

  This kind of crushing in terms of IQ was something he had never felt before.


  Sarutobi Hiruzen sighed. Only then did he realize that he had been too blind and arrogant in the past.

  Even in Konoha Ninja Village, there are smart people like Uchiha Fugaku hidden. Who knows how many people are stronger than him in this world?

  Let him start to face up to his complacency over the years.

  The only good news is that Uchiha Fugaku's strength should not be particularly strong.

  As long as you spend some money, you can only get rid of him by offering a reward on the black market.

  "As long as it can be solved with money, it's not a problem!"

  Sarutobi Hiruzen muttered to himself.