
Emotional Rollercoaster

/Senju compound main house/

/Zasu POV/

"…what?" I said wide eyed

Tsunade took a deep breath before explaining the entire arrangement, and reason as why the marriage was beneficial for both sides.

"So what your saying is that I'm to marry the eldest daughter of Hiashi Hyuga?" I asked in a contemplating expression

"…yes, Hinata Hyuga is the girls name, a very timid and meek child from what I heard from the Hokage. She is to become the main wife of your clan. This agreement is final unless you or Hinata want to cancel the engagement." Tsunade said

I was a bit surprised 'I had thought the arrangement would be final regardless of my or Hinata's input.' I thought "what did Hinata say about the situation?"

"She is to be informed before the chunin exams, you to will be meeting each other if everything goes well." Tsunade explained "I will be meeting Hiashi tomorrow and set the meeting date for you two. The exams are in a week so be sure to prepare for both events."

'Well theres always a chance she stands up to her father since this basically cuts her off from her future with Naruto. Though with her personality she could equally just accept it without arguments in fear of disappointing her father.' I thought as I wondered what her decision would be 'not that it matters to me anyways, this is entirely beneficial to me. With the Senju, Hyuga, and Sarutobi clans backing me, Danzo would find it extremely difficult to get involved with me.'

'Plus even if the Hokage is 'manipulating' me to connect me to the village it doesn't really matter. As long as it's to my benefit they can act as they wish.' I thought 'it's not like I can't kill them in the future if they go overboard.'

"Are you mad at me for doing this behind your back?" Tsunade asked worriedly as she noticed me not saying anything

"No. I'm not, I understand your fear of losing your 'family'. Although I'm not a Senju, you've expressed many times over the years how I remind you of your grandfather with my aura." I said while softly smiling "I know you were scared that I would reject your home, and that I would eventually split away from you if I were to join another village. Although the chance was low, it was still a possibility, and that frightening you. So you taking initiative was to 'secure' me not for the village, but for yourself right?"

Tsunade looked down and started shaking "I'm sorry… I was… scared I'd lose you too…"

I stood up and approached her slowly, as she just kept looking down at the table, shaking. 'I must have reminded her of the past.' I thought as I wrapped my arms around her waist and placed my head on her chest.

She shook a bit more before calming down and wrapping her arms around my body, she placed her chin on top of my head. I could feel tear drops hitting my head, but I decide to just be silent. After a while I decided to tell her how I felt.

"I'm not mad at you because of the marriage, I am a little upset you thought I'd abandon you over such a matter though." I said to her softly

"Im sorry." Was all she said

"I won't abandon you Tsunade. So do not worry about it, I'll always be there for you when you need me to be." I said before chuckling "I could always marry you to prove that to you princess."

"You brat!" She yelled at me, yet instead of pushing me away, she hugged me tighter.

"You don't like the idea?" I asked her fully enjoying her breast 'it's not like she hasn't notice what I'm doing.'

"I'm old enough to be your grandma! Plus your already going to have a wife!" She yelled before finally letting me go

I took a step back before looking at her reddish eyes "well that doesn't matter right? You told me Hinata would be my 'Main' wife, so your insinuating that I would have more then one wife right?"

"Tch, I had expected you to figure it out. The village has a law allowing a near extinct clan to have more then one spouse in certain situations. One of them being a clan that possesses a bloodline. Making your situation ideal for the 'clan preservation act'." She told me regaining her usual demeanor

"So the Hokage basically wants me to have multiple wives? It's no wonder you kept teasing Shizune while knowing I'd get married." I sighed

"Jokes aside, a pervert like you would be ecstatic about this. You'll be granted clan status as soon as you own a piece of land big enough to fit 30 or so families. The village shall loan you the money easily since the Hokage highly 'encourages' you to expand your bloodline quickly. If you have any hesitation accepting the villages money, I can always 'loan' you the senju compound temporarily, while you save up enough." Tsunade told me with a serious expression

"You'd trust me enough not to betray you and steal the compound?" I asked a little surprised

"I trust you Zasu, although my insecurities caused this situation. I will never hide something from you again, so please take my offer as my trust in you." She told me swiftly

"Instead of the compound, may I ask for something else?" I asked preparing myself

"As long as I can help, please ask for anything." Tsunade stared at my eyes firmly

"Let me have your necklace." I said while pointing at the first Hokage's necklace

"NO!" Tsunade panicked and looked at me fearful

"Tsunade you said I could ask for anything." I kept my eyes to hers

"NO! Not the necklace, ask for anything else! I'll give you anything else!" Tsunade started pleading

"Why are you so scared of giving me the necklace?" I asked her with a serious expression

"Why do you the necklace so bad?" She asked me nearly in tears standing up from the table

"Because it brings you pain!" I shouted at her, although I was pretty calm my, using my theater mask skill I could pull off any act.

Tsunade was stunned for a moment before she fell to her knees and grabbed the necklace within her hands "you don't understand… this necklace… it's cursed… my… my br.."

"It killed your brother and lover?" I said interrupting Tsunade

"HOW! How do you know that!" She asked panicked

"I'm not a idiot Tsunade. You hate the wearing the necklace I can see it every time you hold it, it makes you suffer. As for your brother and lover, you talk a lot in your sleep, you have many nightmares." I said, as I softly approached Tsunade, and lowering myself to her eye level before grabbing both her cheeks in my palms.

"When you called the necklace cursed, I figured it out." I lowered my voice

Tsunade raised her head a little to look at me in the eyes "I… I can't."

"Trust in me Tsunade. Trust that I won't die, that I won't leave you alone." I said just loud enough for her to hear

"I.. I… you can't die…" she said softly as she suddenly grabbed onto my arms holding her cheeks "you can't die! Promise me!"

"I promise I won't die." I said smiling softly before moving my hands to take off her necklace

She panicked at first before calming down and allowing me to take the necklace off of her. Once it was off, I put the necklace on, placing it under my robe.

"If you die I'll kill you." She told me before closing her eyes and hugging me, afraid that I'd disappear.

I held onto her for a long while, before I noticed she had fallen asleep. 'she must have been exhausted from all the emotions she had gone through in such a short time. At least she opened up to me.' I thought while smiling softly

I picked her up, and started walking toward an empty room. It must have look funny to anyone who would of seen the act, luckily the only person here was already in her bedroom.

Once I placed Tsunade on the bed, I decided to leave the room. Though before I could, I felt Tsunade grabbing the hem of my sleeve, although she looked asleep, I could tell that she was awake. In fact she had woken up half way through me carrying her to the room.

'Fine, I'll give her a good memory of me.' I thought as I got into the same bed as her, and hugged her as we both slept the night away.

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