
Naruto : Hinata Hyuga

A soul from Earth reincarnated into the Narutoverse as Hinata Hyuga. Let's see how she manipulates the Hyuga clan, her father, her brother, and her sister. She will corrupt Naruto from a very young age and mold him into the perfect man for herself. There will be no Hokage bullsh*t, no loudmouth. What to expect: Smart MC Powerful MC Manipulation Mind-breaking Romance Grooming Flashy jutsu Slightly arrogant MC Not too evil, not too good Training sessions Powerful from a young age Good R18 scenes (please be mindful of content) No NTR (No Netorare) Slightly slow-paced story Some dark stuff That's it. English is not my first language, so please don't kill me for any grammar mistakes. I will try to upload 3-4 chapters per week."

Devils_hand · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
70 Chs

18 seconds.... {R-18}

*A/N~ this chapter contains blood gore so if you don't like it... I don't care, just read it.

And don't kill me in reviews just for that... 





The family dinner was as usual, despite there being unseen tension in the atmosphere. The twins were snuggled like little monkeys in their sister's arms.

Even if they had the confidence of owning the world in the presence of their sister, they were still afraid of their father.


Everybody ate their meal, chatting about random things.

One by one, everyone started to leave the dining table, leaving Hinata alone with the twins.

"Okay, baby, you can stop clinging to me; everyone is gone," she said.

Both of them slowly looked around, and when they didn't find anyone, a smile graced their faces.

"Now give us chocolate," they demanded.


"Let me feed you first, then you can have as much chocolate as you want, okay?" she said, putting them down from her lap and picking up the plate from the table.

She started to walk towards her room. Both Hanbai and Arya grabbed the hem of her clothes and followed her to the room.


The door of Hinata's haunted room closed with a crying sound as if it had its own consciousness.

"Haha," with a cheeky laugh, the energetic twins jumped on the fluffy bed.


They didn't find anything strange about the room, on the contrary, they found it to be their beloved home.

"What is in the food, Hinata sweetie?" Hanabi excitedly asked.

Hinata's lips twitched at their audacity, but with a smile, she sat on the bed and put both of them on her lap.

"Why don't you find out for yourselves?" she suggested.


"Now say aaaaaa."

"Aaaa" both of them happily opened their mouths. With both of her hands, she started to feed them, and in just a few minutes, their little tummies were full.

Turning them around to face her, Hinata tenderly wiped their mouths with a handkerchief.


"Are your bellies full?" she asked, tickling their stomachs.

"Hahaha, stop it, it tickles," both of them giggled. Their playful laughter echoed in the room, and it was like music to Hinata's ears. She played with them for a few more minutes.

With a smile, she asked, "Both of you, tell me why you weren't looking at father."

Hearing his name, both little girls' bodies stiffened, and they went silent as if someone pressed their mute button.


"Awwe, what happened, baby? You can tell your sister everything," she fondly stroked their heads, giving them sisterly warmth and reassurance.

And this was enough for them to completely open up, their eyes became teary. "We don't know why, but he always scolds us. He nevel talks to us like you or Mommy,"

"*Sniff* he is bad, vely bad. We feal him," both of them let out how scary their father was.

For a moment, Hinata didn't say anything, just nodded and listened to them.

"Okay, baby, now don't cry." With a warm hug, she patted their backs.

"You don't have to feel afraid of anyone; I will protect you from everyone." Her whispers, like a charm, started to sink into their subconscious minds.

"Leally?" their innocent eyes directly stared at the divine eyes of Hinata, which were shining brightly in the dimly lit room.

"Hehe, of course, I am your big sister, aren't I?" Her smile, her eyes, her ethereal voice were so hypnotic for Hanabi and Arya to resist.


"Even Fathel?" they asked, their eyes brightened.

"Yes, you don't have to be afraid of anyone, not even 'Father'," She smiled like a devil, but to her sisters, it was angelic.

"Haha, you are the best, Hinata baby," with a giddy smile, they tightly hugged their beloved sister.

"Yes, baby, I am the best and strongest," she slowly whispered in their eardrums.


Hanabi and Arya snuggled into their sister, it was the safest place for them.

"It's time to sleep," she said.

"No, we don't want to sleep, we want to play with you," both of them puffed their cheeks. Their reaction was so cute and adorable to resist, but who was Hinata? With a poke behind their necks, she put them to slumber.


"Good night, little things," with a chuckle, she grabbed them and walked out of the room.


"Here, you can have them; they are asleep," Hinata threw them into her mother's arms.

"Did you forcefully put them to sleep?" she asked with raised eyebrows.

"Hehe, yes, Mommy. If you want to play with them, you can wake them up," Hinata said.

"They look very happy, I don't want to wake them up," her mother said, and after giving her good night wishes, she closed the door.


"Here I come, lucky bastard, hehe," Hinata, with excited steps, started to approach her lab, thinking about which monstrosity she would unleash on the poor prisoner.

With each elegant and soundless step, her days started to pass by.


It was night, a cool breeze blowing the leaves of the tall and mighty trees, and a half-crescent moon was hanging in the night, illuminating the ground beneath it.

In the deadly nightshade where even the chirping of insects was forbidden, a shadowy figure was moving towards the Hyuga clan. He moved soundlessly; his presence was nonexistent.

Without alerting any of the guards, he moved toward the main house as if he had been told the exact way.


Hanabi and Arya were sleeping on the same bed near the window. Their parents were on another bed some distance away from them.

Suddenly, their eyes snapped open when the moon's illumination was obstructed by a shadowy figure.

But before they could utter a single word, the figure roughly grabbed their mouths, sealing them.

With a quick motion, he put them in a bag and disappeared from there as silently as he appeared. Before he disappeared, he placed dummies on the bed.


The sleeping parents didn't even have a sense of what had happened, something like this had never happened before.

But this couldn't be said for the other person who was watching this from the shadows.

Ritsu, who was assigned to the twins by Hinata when she was not around them, had a mini heart attack when he looked at events unfolding before his eyes.

He was placed in a tree, and from there he could monitor the sleeping twins. Not even Hiashi knew about it, and his task was to tell Hinata as soon as possible if something happened.


Unbeknownst to him, he was drenched in cold sweat. He firsthandly knew how much Hinata loved her sisters, and more than anyone else, he knew exactly what kind of person she was.

"I just hope I don't get beheaded," with a fearful mutter, he disappeared from there.


In just a few seconds, he appeared in front of her lab. He knew it was not his fault, but when things came to her, the reasons didn't seem to work.

"Lady Hinata, it's an emergency," he knocked on the door with a shaky hand.

"Come inside," he heard the voice from the other side of the gate then heard a clicking sound from inside, indicating that the door was opened.


Pushing the door, he entered the room and looked at Hinata, her hair hiding her right eye, and a mirror in her hand.

He looked at the mirror, which seemed to have a rippling effect on its surface. 'Is she practicing water style? Now I am doomed.'

But gathering his courage, he spoke, "Someone has kidnapped the young mistresses," he uttered the forbidden words.


Silence, there was deadly silence in the room, building up some sort of unbearable pressure on Ritsu.


The mirror in her hands was shattered with its frames, breaking the silence. The hair around her eyes was swept away on its own, her piercing white eyes with a tint of lavender met Ritsu's, who lowered his gaze, not meeting hers in the slightest.


"I see," she spoke while standing up from her chair and walking towards the wall where some arrows were neatly placed.

Picking up a single arrow, she asked, "How much time has passed?"

Ritsu replied in an instant as if his brain was working on electricity, "18 seconds."


Until now, Ren, Kimimaro, and Haku had appeared.

"What should we do now? Should we tell the clan head?" Ren instantly asked.

Looking at Haku, she spoke, "Inform my father and ask him not to cause too much commotion."

"Yes," with a nod, he ran towards the clan head.


"You three, let's go. We have to catch a rat before it snitches away."

With this, the three of them disappeared from there. The Hyuga clan was spread over kilometers, and one of its sides touched the village wall.

The guards were still patrolling the area, diligently performing their duties. Of course, they couldn't activate their Byakugan for 24 hours.


Appearing on the tallest building, the three of them looked at the rapidly running shadow in the forest.

"There he is," Hinata said, instantly concentrating her bow. A string with a tint of red connected two sides of the bow. The arrow was placed on the string; its tip shone under the moon.

The string was pulled to the point where it could break the bow. With a straight back, she angled the arrow.


The string was released with a tang, for an instant, the arrow seemed frozen in its place. But the next instant, it disappeared completely, leaving visible air rings and a faint streak of lightning.


"Huh…?" The shadowy figure looked at his shin, which was dripping with blood.

In front of him was a small hole in the ground that had gone unnoticed due to the lack of light. The arrow had completely sunk into the ground, disappearing.


His eyes popped out when the pain of his bone piercing hit him. This was too sudden, and certainly, he was not Neji.

He put his empty hand on his mouth and gritted his teeth, not wanting to alarm anyone.

If they had chased him, considering his speed, he had a greater chance of escaping. But here he was, his left leg was paralyzed due to the strong lightning, and his speed was reduced to near zero.

For the next two minutes, he crawled with one leg, leaving a bloody trail behind him.


Then he heard the coldest voice of his life, "Does it feel painful?"

The struggling bag on his shoulder calmed down instantly.

The figure tilted his head and found three people whose faces were shadowed by the moon behind them.

At this moment, the man instantly knew he fucked up.


Ren appeared in front of him, and with a swipe of chakra-coated fingers, he cut his mask perfectly in two parts, revealing a black-haired and black-eyed man.

The man didn't answer the question; instead, he tried to run away, but he felt his shoulder was lighter than it was supposed to be.

"When?" his shocked voice reverberated. But nobody answered him, as if he wasn't present there.


"Okay, baby, now don't cry. Sister is here," Hinata hugged her crying sister.

But they only sobbed in her arms. "It's okay, does he hurt you anywhere?" Her caring voice caused them to look at her.

Their hands instinctively moved toward their mouths. "It hults."


She caressed their lips with her finger. "It's going to be fine. And now, I am going to punish him. Do you want to watch or want to go home?" She asked with a smile.

"We want to go home."

"Okay, baby, we can go home, but we can't let him go unpunished, can we?" She sweetly asked while tickling them, causing them to giggle.

They nodded to their sister.

"We don't want to see him ever again," Arya spoke.


"Okay, baby, you won't see him again," she assured them.

"Now close your eyes, I have chocolates for you," she said, and they closed their eyes with a smile in hopes of getting chocolate.

"Ren, you hold them for a minute," she said, putting them to sleep, not giving them chocolate.


In less than twenty seconds, the man had traveled 50 meters even with his broken leg.

"You didn't answer our question, we asked.... does it feel painful?" She asked with a kunai in her hand, piercing the same spot again.


"Arghh," the man yelled in agony.

"Do you think I am going to answer your questions?" he cried.

"Wrong answer," she said, throwing another kunai at his other leg, cutting the toe neatly.

"Arghhh," his painful screams echoed in the forest. It was still the Hyuga clan's property, so there was no problem.


"Yes, yes, it felt painful," he cried out, causing a smile to form on Hinata's face.

"Now tell us who sent you," she asked him with a kick to his chest. The man hit the ground, leaving another trail of blood behind.

Despite this, the man smiled, "Do you think I am going to tell you? Even if you search my memories, you won't be able to find out about the lord, bitch."


But such blunt disrespect caused Ren and Kimimaro to act on their own, especially Kimimaro, who had devoted his whole life to her.

Raising her hand, she spoke, "Let him."


"Oh, I see. Then who might be this so-called lord of yours? Certainly, it's not Danzo, and nor are you from Kumo, so who might it be," she started to rack her mind, but no one came to her mind.

This was completely new for her.

"So you're not going to tell us. Very well then, but just for the crimes you committed, laying your hands on the things I love, you have to suffer, and certainly, it's going to be painful,"


"Haha, you think I am afraid of you, little bitch. Do your worst, I was prepared for this day," the man said, showing his bloody teeth.

"Oh, I like your confidence. It will be fun to break it."


With a flip of a senbon needle on her fingers, she pierced both of his cheeks, connecting them with the needle. And with a brute yank, she ripped his cheeks.

"This is for hurting them," she smiled sweetly, but there was pure rage behind it.


Before the man's brain could process anything, he felt another painful stab near his heart.

"Have you ever thought of your family, your father, mother, brother, or sister? I am going to murder them in front of everyone. How do you like my idea?" she whispered in his ears.

"I am an orphan, bitch."


There was silence, but rage started to build up in Kimimaro's eyes. No one should address her like this. 

"Ohhh," Hinata's eyes widened in shock as she dramatically put her hand on her mouth.

"Good for them, but bad for you."


Chuckling, she looked at Kimimaro and nodded to him. And as if a leash was removed from his neck, he disappeared from there.

Appearing in front of the man, he started to do some hand signs and extended his palm towards the man.


With a crunching sound, razor-sharp bone exited from his palm and pierced almost all of the man's bones, taking the shape of an unbreakable cage.

The man was placed in a bone cage, leaving only his head, but with every passing moment, the cage started to shrink, causing the man to painfully cry in agony.

"You shouldn't have called her like that," he whispered.


Hinata appeared beside him and looked at the man. With a smile, she asked, "Do you know, in the Hyuga clan, there is a punishment for traitors? Do you want to know….. tell him, Ren."

With a cold tone, he spoke, "We put molten iron in their eyes."


The man was horrified beyond belief. He was sure he was going to die, but this was inhumane.

"Bingo, your answer is right."



She flipped a coin and raised her palm vertically, a small flame appeared on her palm, and the coin engulfed in the hot fire.

In just a few seconds, the coin melted.



In slow motion, the melted drop touched his eyes, and everything went black for the man.


His painful screams lit up the beautiful night.

"You monster, let me go."

"Tell me how does darkness feel. I am sure it feels great, right? To me, it felt like home," she whispered in his ears.


"Now, I want to ask a final question," she said. The man remained silent, causing her to chuckle.

"Die," she coldly spoke.

"Huh… that's not a question," the man weakly said.

"That's because we don't do requests."


Saying this, she put her hand on his head, and her chakra started to invade his body.

In an instant, the man was on fire. He died as painfully as he could, and after that, not even his ashes remained.



Blood dripped from her palm due to the insane heat.

"Lady Hinata, your hand," Kimimaro quickly grabbed her hand and started to bandage it.


"It's a small price to pay."

As he bandaged her hand, she looked into the sky with a pensive look before taking a deep breath.

"If you are done watching, you can come out," she said to no one in particular.

But soon, more than 50 clan members appeared. Leading them was her father.





End of the chapter, how do you like it? 

here is a thing, due to my upcoming exam I might not be able to upload daily(but I will try my best). maybe one chapter per 2 days will you still support me? (with your comments and powerstones.) 


I should take a two-month break and then continue it regularly. 

click on the "vote" button and give your brother some powerstoens..

Devils_handcreators' thoughts