
Naruto Hagoromo: Rinnegan no Kami

After all he’s been through, all that he did to save the world, he couldn’t fulfill his promise to bring Sasuke home. As he was welcomed by death from an attack not meant for him, he didn’t expect to ever wake up again…only he did...to a world where his mother was alive...and a world where he wasn't. !AU Elemental Nations. R-Rated. NarutoxKushinaxMore. At least 3000 words per chapter. Posted at least twice a week (though preferably three times if my schedule allows me).

LostSamurai1974 · Komik
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51 Chs

Chapter 46

When Sakura, in all of her naked glory, revealed herself to him, Naruto felt like someone had just poured an aphrodisiac down his throat. 

His breathing quickened. 

His eyes dilated. 

His blood rushed south. 

Oh. It's a Friday. 

What a coincidence. 

Yet somehow, he managed to reign his lust in, a control he would have never had if he'd not taken that year of abstinence. 

"Sakura by Kami and all that is good in the world, if you do not get out of this room and put on some clothes, I won't be able to say no to…this," Naruto growled as he gestured to her. 

Sakura smirked. "You just gestured to all of me."

"Yes. All of you," Naruto bit. He clenched his fist and controlled his hunger. Not the normal hunger that he was used to. A different type of hunger. One that begged to be satiated. 

And Sakura may as well have been a delectable full course meal. 

Instead of stepping outside, she stepped towards him. 

"What's…happening with you, Naruto-kun?" She asked, a bit worried and very much excited at seeing what she was doing to him. 

She'd expected him to refuse and look away. 

Not to look at her like she was prime meat. 

Naruto had told her of his back story, but he hadn't told her of his Uzumaki lust. 

"It's a condition. Can't control my lust on fridays. If you want to save your chastity, please leave. I'm doing all I can to hold it at bay." Naruto panted. 

Sakura's eyebrows raised but her smirk stretched wider and she daringly stepped up right in front of him, arms behind her back and exposing herself even further.

Sakura's body was incredible. 

A picture perfect definition of a slim athletic build, with just enough fat to not be too defined in her muscles. Her creamy skin was flawless. Her legs were by far her best feature as they stretched for days. 

And her face…don't let him get started on her face. It was the same one that plagued his dreams ever since he was a child. 

"If I didn't want you to fuck me today, I wouldn't have stepped in her and dropped the towel," Sakura stated. 

She was blushing but for some reason, seeing the state that he was in, the state that she'd involuntarily caused, filled her with a sense of power and confidence unlike anything she'd ever experienced. 

"Sakura…last warning," Naruto barely managed to get out. 

Sakura's response to that was to kiss him. 

And that was the final straw. 

Naruto ravaged her mouth with his tongue and the pink haired girl could only gasp at the intensity. 

In the instance of a moment, he went from a polite young man to a different beast entirely. He couldn't help it, not on Fridays, no when sex was practically served to him like this…

He would prove to her that whatever she expected to experience that night, whatever fantasy she'd conjured of her first time, he'd destroy it and give her more than she'd ever dreamed of. 

His hands roamed from the small of her back to her tight, plump rear. He squeezed and Sakura let out another gasp into his mouth. 

She was already looking flushed, his saliva an unexpected aphrodisiac making the sensations of the kiss even more intense than she'd ever felt. 

Naruto could feel her heart hammering through her chest. 

He turned, picked her up in a princess carry, causing her to yelp before tossing her on the bed. 

He took off his clothes in record time as Sakura could only stare in anticipation. 

"You made a mistake coming to me today," Naruto growled as he removed the last piece of his clothing. 

Sakura's eyes scanned his body as if she wanted to commit it to memory. Now she was the one looking unbearable hungry. 

"How so?" She asked, her voice almost a whisper. 

"I will ruin you for everyone else," Naruto simply stated as if it was an indisputable fact. 

Sakura, to his surprise, chuckled. "I can imagine. Too bad I don't want anyone else but you. Take me."

That did it. 

Naruto came atop of her and drowned her in his kisses again. She moaned, already feeling an unbelievable amount of pleasure. 

Her hands raked the back of his head, traversing the golden locks of his hair and bringing him even closer to her. 

Too bad for her, Naruto separated but before she could even ask if something was wrong, he started to kiss the part where her jaw met her neck. 

Sakura moaned even louder than she had with their liplock, her voice unimpeded this time by Naruto's tongue. 

Sakura for the first time tonight, only realised what she'd gotten into. She expected some awkwardness, but all in all a wonderful experience.

She didn't expect Naruto to perfectly know what he was doing. 

It was like she'd thrown herself into the jaws of a tiger expecting it to be a cute kitten. 

Yet she could not say that she liked this alternative any less. 

"Ahh!" She moaned as Naruto's tongue and travelled all the way down to her nipples already. 

She was going to turn into a limp puppet at this rate. 

She looked down and saw Naruto admiring and working on her humble boobs. 

She knew she was far from the biggest out there, being barely above a large A-cup, but she was proud of the way that it still made Naruto seem so mesmerised. 

She arched her back to press her tit further into Naruto's mouth, sending a jolt of electricity down her spine.

Then Naruto bit on the gem that was her nipple and she almost screamed in ecstasy. 

"Unfair," she panted, "you have experience." 

Naruto chuckled as he released her sensitive nipple. "Well now you do, too. You've always been a quick study, so watch and learn."

Sakura watched in anticipation as Naruto went down further and further, kissing and licking all the right spots before he finally arrived at his destination. 

Sakura had no hair down there in preparation for this moment and she was rewarded with a gasp of surprise. 

Her pussy was laid bare before him. It was pink, small, and perfect. 

It was also glistening, covered in her essence of excitement and lust. 

Naruto wasted no time in working his tongue inside of her. 

She actually bucked from the sudden invasion and drove her pussy into his mouth further. She looked like she was already on the verge of an orgasm. 

Normally Naruto would take his time with this, especially with a partner as incredible as Sakura. 

But his lust demanded he go quicker, that he couldn't enjoy some liberties before he needed to fuck. 

And so, pressing his tongue upwards into the fabled G-spot, Sakura screamed from her climax. 

"Ah–Ah–KAMI, WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ME!?" she said to the heavens. 

The heavens would not save her. 

Not from him. 

He continued his motions at that same pace as she rode and rode the waves of euphoria. 

It lasted for three whole minutes and by the time she came down, she looked like she was in a drunken stupor. 

"Shit…" She swore, as she always did when things were far beyond her abilities, "I'm going to die tonight, aren't I?"

Naruto smiled as he got atop her once again, his shadow engulfing her body. 

"No but you'll get close," Naruto playfully said, "At least it wouldn't be the worst way to go."

Sakura giggled before she bit her lip and looked at him with half lidded eyes. 

Then she spread her legs apart like the world's most erotic way to gesture as permission. 

"I'm ready," She said. 

"I have to warn you first," Naruto said, "my bloodline affects my seed. It sounds ridiculous but if I release inside of you, it will change you. My seal would prevent you from getting pregnant but physically you will be different."

Sakura looked taken aback. 

Naruto didn't hold reservations to the changes his seed made in a girl after seeing how happy Tsunami was with her changes. 

But it was always right to gain consent. 

"It will make you stronger, more beautiful, more…well, you. You may grow taller, your boobs may get bigger, your skin more fair, whatever it is, you will get closer to the best version of you," Naruto explained. He was already so close to the brim with lustful anticipation. "Do you want me to cum inside of you?"

Sakura looked a bit taken aback. Then she smirked. "Honestly, I thought you'd offer to stop entirely."

"We can do that too, but I'm fucking someone tonight, one way or another," Naruto growled as his gave her yet another one of those incredibly intense stares. 

She felt so beautiful when he looked at her like that. 

"Like hell I'm giving this up to another girl. Fuck me and do whatever you want. I'm yours," she said. 

That was all Naruto needed to hear. 

He leaned forwards and aligned his adjusted 5 inch cock to her entrance. He knew from previous experience with his world's version of her that she was incredibly tight. So he started off with something more manageable than he was used to. 

He slowly slid inside of her and Sakura let out short gasps with every movement. 

He was right. 

She was so incredibly tight, even with this size. 

Perhaps it was her athletic nature or simply her biology but her pussy was small and basically imprisoning his cock. Then he came upon a barrier of resistance. With a careful push, he was through and hilted himself all the way. 

Sakura let out a satisfied sigh. 

"Hah–haaahh, why–why is there no pain?" Sakura wondered breathily. 

Naruto glanced down and sure enough, there was a bit of blood leaking from her ripped hymen. 

"It's different for everyone I suppose," Naruto said.

"You can move now," Sakura whispered as she tried to relax. 

Slowly but surely, Naruto felt the tension of her pussy relax just enough for him to move. 

When he did, it tightened up again as Sakura moaned. 

"Oh what the fuck?!" Sakura gasped, "why am I so sensetiiiive?!"

Her last words stretched as Naruto quickly drew back and pumped inside her once more. Just once. 

And she was cumming once again. 

"Magic cum," Naruto shrugged, chucking. 

Then, willing his cock to grow just another inch to a perfect six, he used the Uzumaki jutsu that Kushina taught him to stretch Sakura's canal. 

"OAAHH," she screeched as she felt like she'd stepped into heaven. "So full!"

It seemed that this was all she could take comfortably. It was no wonder the Sakura of his world didn't enjoy their experience. He'd tried to slay her with his original 16 incher. 

"D–did you just get bigger?" Sakura asked in disbelief, panting and huffing. 

Naruto shrugged once more. "Magic cock?"

Sakura looked like she was about to smack him.

She couldn't as Naruto began to fuck her. 

As in really fuck her. 

He drew back and hilted himself all the way, making her head snap back to let out a sound of ecstasy. 

Then he did it again and again and again.

Before he knew it he was gaining a steady rhythm and was quite enjoying the sheer tightness of Sakura's tunnel. 

The teal-eyed kunoichi, meanwhile, looked near catatonic in bliss. 

"Look at me," Naruto said, commanding her to do so. 

She did, her eyes unfocused and glassy from the sensations she was feeling. 

"I've waited so long for this moment," Naruto admitted and that brought her to full attention. "I've always wanted to see what you looked like under me, enjoying yourself. Are you enjoying yourself, Sakura-chan?"

He asked that question teasingly as if it was not obvious that she was losing her mind. 

"Fuck yes," she said anyway. "And fuck your world's version of Sakura for missing out on this. For missing out on you."

Sakura then closed up her legs, locking her feet together behind him. "I–Oh my god–I want it inside. I want everything you have to offer."

Naruto chuckled. "What happened to 'do whatever you want?'"

"I changed my mind," Sakura laughed, eyes rolling back up in pleasure. "O want it inside–Ah! Yes!–put it inside of me!–Ah–ah–ah–AH–AH–AH–AHHH!!!!

Naruto obliged as he felt his seed release deep into her womb. 

Sakura, who looked like she was already experiencing an orgasm with every thrust, now looked like a malfunctioning puppet from Suna as she spasmed. 

Naruto held her tightly, letting her ride out the severely intense sensation, as Tsunami had told it was. 

She was…sobbing?

"Are you okay?" Naruto asked, worried.

"Better–hahh–than–ooohhh–okay," Sakura muttered as she looked like she was about to go into the dreamland. 

But then she jerked as she began glowing. 


It was exactly the same reaction that Tsunami had when she changed. 

She growed and dimmed and glowed and dimmed. 

Then she changed. 

Her cherry blossom hair grew longer, more vibrant in colour and silkier. Her already incredibly stunning face expelled itself of tiny imperfections. Her cute A-cup tits perked up and grew to the larger side of B-cups, and can no longer be called small. It was a delicious handful that suited her athletic frame very, very well. Her taut ass looked like it also gained a tiny bit of volume beneath her but what really changed was her height. 

She grew taller from her already decently tall 5 foot 6 to a model-like 5 foot 10. It emphasised her long legs even more as they now were majestic as all else. 

By the end of it, what laid before him was a goddess. She was a goddess in her own unique way. Even more beautiful than Tsunami was. 

When Sakura slowly opened her eyes, her teal orbs glowed with brilliant shine. 

Naruto was left speechless. 

Her now perfectly manicured eyebrows arched up delicately. 

She was no longer a simple teen. She was a fully fledged woman now. 

"What is it?" She asked and even was surprised by the buttery smoothness of her now alluring voice. A word from her would get men on their knees. A sentence would have them grovel. 

She realised that she'd changed and what initially was what she thought was just the fabled incredible afterglow of sex, was something different. 

It was chakra. 

She felt full, more potent, stronger, an entirely different being than what she was a moment ago. 

"I–I want to see the mirror," She said and Naruto could only give a shaky nod. 

When Sakura stood up, she tripped, unused to her new height. 

Naruto caught her in his arms. 

Sakura was once again in the arms of her lover. 

She realised that she was not tired anymore. 

"On second thought…" She muttered as she pushed Naruto back on the bed. "I can do that later…"

It was her turn to ride him. 

With movements more graceful than what she could have ever managed before, she handled his manhood and slid it into her wet folds. 

"Mmmm," She murmured.

Naruto was truly mesmerised this time, enchanted by the sight. A goddess was riding him. He would enjoy this to his utmost. 

Sakura, even with her new body, was still inexperienced with sex. It took her a minute before she found the right angle, the right rhythm, the right pressure. 

And from then on both of them were in heaven. 

"I–mmpphh–I think I can–take more of you now," Sakura said between sheathing herself. 

Naruto felt it too, as even though she was just as tight as before, it was like there was more room. Like her body adjusted a bit for his needs. 

He grew his cock to 7 inches and using the Uzumaki technique once more, encouraged her pussy to stretch. 

"OOOOH YESS!" Sakura screamed into the air as he went even further than before. 

This was now the new maximum. It wasn't a large difference, but it still gave Naruto another inch to fuck her even harder. 

Sakura was playing with her boobs as her hips rolled and moved by itself. 

It felt incredible. 

But Naruto didn't like being an inactive participant. 

So he nudged Sakura forwards, making her almost fall on top of him, and he took her teat into his mouth, sucking and playing. 

Sakura mewled as with the extra space her hips now had with Naruto's, it allowed him to meet her motions with a pump. 

It was an entirely new level of pleasure. 

Even just turned into a better, stronger version of herself, she still felt like she wasn't enough to keep up with Naruto. 

She needed to train harder, get stronger, if only just to be able to match him in bed. 

Sakura climaxed again and her toes curled at the rush. 

She was going to die tonight. 

She was also going to be reborn as a new woman tomorrow. 

For now though, she relented the control as Naruto turned her over. 

Their new position had her facing her face to the pillow and her rear upwards like a dog. 

Yet Naruto didn't take her. 

She glanced back and he looked contemplation as well as full of admiration. 

If he made her feel beautiful before, the way he looked at her now felt like no one could match her. 

Naruto smiled. "Perfect in every way."

Those words left her breathless. 

Then he stuffed himself inside of her. 

Now she just couldn't breathe at all. 

Such was the intensity of his thrusts. 

She could only moan erratically, succumbing to his techniques. 

He pummelled into her. 

She was drenching herself shamefully with her essence. It flowed from her pussy to her legs like a river from a mountain. Yet she didn't care. 

She just prayed that she could just stay here with him forever, fucking like this for all of eternity. 

It didn't take long for Naruto to finish inside of her once again. 

Sakura considered it a miracle that she was still conscious. 

Then he flipped her over and held her legs up all the way to the side of her face. Her own flexibility surprised her and she was already happy with the changes just based on Naruto's reaction. She couldn't wait to see herself. 

Her legs were then raised even above her head and it caused her hips to lift off of the ground. She quickly manoeuvred a pillow underneath her, intuitively understanding what he was trying to do. 

Naruto smiled appreciatively before he inserted himself. 

Whatever the position was called, whether it was just some extreme variation of the missionary, she didn't know nor care. 

Not when she felt him so incredibly deep inside her, it was insane to think that he could reach even further. 

Yet with the slight adjustment of angles, he did. 

She moaned as loud as she could and used the full breath of her lungs. 

'Oh my god, I really am going to die,' she thought and she knew she was going to say those words for the rest of the night.