
Naruto God Level Modifier

In the world of Naruto, Toyota Hiro got the Super Modifier System! Kakashi's face was dumbfounded: "Why would I be defeated by a C-level ninjutsu like the Fireball Jutsu?" Toyota Hiro: "Sorry, I used the Modifier System to bring the power of the C-level Fireball to S-level Fireball ninjutsu." Uchiha Madara was shocked and said: "Why the hell he can use not only Kamui and Kotoamatsukami but also Amaterasu and Tsukuyomi?" Toyota Hiro: "Because I used the Modifier System, you know." With the Super Modifier System, everything can be modified, he will be unbeatable! Ninjutsu, Kekkei Genkai, Talent, Luck, Charm... everything can be modified. --------------------- Translator: 2stX_A --------------------- Fic's original link: https://wap.faloo.com/book/40950.html ---------------------- Daily Updates ------------------------------------------- Hi, TripleX_HS here. If you are here it means we share similar interests and you want to support us and for that, you have our Gratitude!. These are the Patreon pages for our current and future writings, which you can find here. Currently, we are translating many Fics: 1- Naruto God  Modifier System. (patreon.com/HaOlu) 2- Harry Potter: The legendary Successor System. (patreon.com/Zainal_BL) 3- Coming Soon. 4- Coming Soon. 5- Coming Soon. 6- Coming Soon. Unfortunately, translating is time-consuming, believe us, we have to rewrite, edit, manage the publishing sites, etc... That is why we need your support to hopefully make this a full-time job and make more and better content for our dear supporters and fans. Please understand that you are in no need to do this as I will continue my constant daily updates for free on Webnovel. However, if you want to make our day and be generous enough to support us; you can enjoy 30 chapter updates ahead of the current releases on Webnovel. We also have bought the VIP chapters of these Fics until their 900+ chapters. THEREFORE, we want your support to keep translating until the very end of these Fics. Welcome and more importantly Enjoy!

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146 Chs

Chapter 91 I Take The Benefits, You Take The Blame!

(T/N: Want to see more chapters? Go to my Patreon to see more chapters ahead.

you can see more than 30 chapters ahead of everyone

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Orochimaru took the lead to have a cooperation with Hiro, which was unexpected to Hiro.

Hiro shrugged and said: "If I guessed correctly, there is real cooperation between you and Danzo. And I think you should know the situation between Danzo and me is very bad right now."

Orochimaru narrowed his eyes and said "There is indeed an agreement between us, I didn't expect you to know about it. But don't worry, we don't interfere with each other's business ."

Hiro nodded his head, of course, he knew this.

"In that case, I don't know what kind of cooperation does Orochimaru-sama wants to discuss with me?" Hiro asked lightly.

"I have been studying some kind of forbidden ninjutsu related to regeneration, recently. It is similar to the White Snake ability which can constantly shed its skin and regenerate, cell regeneration."

Orochimaru pondered for a while and finally said.

Hiro was startled, Orochimaru already studying Edo Tensei?

This guy...

Hiro certainly knows what Orochimaru is studying.

Orochimaru saw the death of his parents and companions one by one during the Second Ninja War, which made Orochimaru feel vulnerable to life.

Orochimaru himself is a ninjutsu fanatic, so he began to study immortality and regeneration. And Edo Tensei used to resurrect the dead which made it a perfect beginning point for his studies.

So the "Regeneration Ninjutsu" that Orochimaru currently refers to is Edo Tensei.

Yamato could use Mokuton because Orochimaru transplanted the First Hokage, Hashirama's cells to his body to explore the mystery of immortality.

"So, what do you want from me?" Hiro asked.

Orochimaru should have already obtained the cells of Hashirama, even Hiro's Mokuton is a little significant compared to it.

what Orochimaru is trying to do? Hiro doesn't understand.

Orochimaru said: "I am very interested in your Mokuton, I want to do some tests on it, so I am asking if you can provide me with some of your cells for research..."

It turns out that Orochimaru is still in the exploratory stage, even if he succeeded in Yamato's experiment, But the forbidden ninjutsu that Orochimaru wanted to study has a very long way to succeed perfectly.

Hiro probably understands Orochimaru's way of thinking, but he doesn't want to study the cells with Orochimaru, it makes him very uncomfortable.

"I cannot give you the cells." Hiro flatly refused.

The atmosphere froze, and the air suddenly froze.

Orochimaru narrowed his eyes, looking at Hiro, and seemed a little dissatisfied.

The other party rejected him so readily? Damn...

In fact, Hiro didn't want to reject Orochimaru. Orochimaru is different from Danzo, there is still a cooperating opportunity with Orochimaru.

Hiro is very interested in the forbidden ninjutsus developed by Orochimaru, and perhaps through Orochimaru, many forbidden ninjutsus can be studied.

This forbidden ninjutsu is against the rules in Konoha, but Hiro has other methods.

Encouraging Orochimaru to steal it! If it's good for him, Hiro will just take it, and using Orochimaru is one of the best ways!

This is what Hiro thinks about Orochimaru.

Thinking of this, Hiro made up his mind and said to Orochimaru: "My cells are useless to you."

Orochimaru's eyes flickered but he didn't say anything.

"If you want to study forbidden ninjutsu, there are other good references," Hiro said.

"Oh? "Orochimaru looked at Hiro with interest.

Hiro said with a serious voice: "I remember that the second Hokage created a lot of forbidden ninjutsu. This ninjutsus may have extremely high research value..."

When he heard what Hiro said. Orochimaru's eyes lit up. Orochimaru had always focused on the First Hokage, he even stole the body of the First Hokage Hashirama, because wanted to explore the secrets of Mokuton.

But he has been ignoring the second Hokage Tobirama!

The second Hokage has his own value.

In Hiro's view, although Tobirama in the original work is not as strong as the Hashirama, but he was still an extremely strong ninja.

In the original book, most of the famous ninjutsus and forbidden ninjutsus in the Book of Seals such as the Flying Raijin Jutsu, Edo Tensei, and even the Shadow Clone Jutsu are all created by the second Hokage.

It can be said that the second Hokage is the real forbidden technique expert.

It's just that under Hashirama's light, the light of the Second Hokage was slightly dim.

After Hiro's reminder, Orochimaru immediately understood in his heart that this is a great opportunity for him.

It is not necessary to use Hashirama cells with Edo Tensei.

Thinking of this, Orochimaru's eyes flickered, and he muttered, "Why are you telling me this?"

"Didn't Orochimaru-sama come to talk about cooperation? I am telling you this news, I hope you will share this ninjutsu with me in the future when this ninjutsu research is complete." Hiro said with a serious voice.

It's no problem to cooperate with Orochimaru. As long he gets what he wants.

Anyway, all the risks were taken by Orochimaru. He is just a news teller, why not do it?

"Okay, we have a deal." Orochimaru squinted at Hiro and then nodded slightly.

Now everything is done, Orochimaru didn't want to waste more time, so he immediately turned around ready to leave.

"Wait," Hiro suddenly said.

Orochimaru's body paused, then he turned and looked at Hiro with curiosity.

Hiro said: "Orochimaru sama you seem to be in a very difficult situation."

"En?" Orochimaru looked toward Hiro with a puzzled face.

Hiro said: "Although you are one of the Three Sannin, you don't seem to have received much attention from the third Hokage recently.

Even Jiraiya's disciple Minato went to guard the battlefield. But you as the captain of the Anbu, you still in Konoha.…"

"Hey, thinking about the Sannin back then. How powerful they were, they had attracted so much attention. You won so many battles for Konoha, but in the end, it seems that you can't even compare to Minato in Third Hokage's eyes." Hiro said.

This sentence was deliberately said by Hiro, and the purpose was to weaken the relationship between Orochimaru and Third Hokage and Minato.

"Huh" Orochimaru looked a little ugly and left directly.

Hiro watched Orochimaru's back going away, and gradually a curve appeared on his lips: "Orochimaru, I'm sorry, this time I pitted you."