
chapter 86

"Nothing, again," Tayuya hissed. "When I find these fuckers, I'll put them in a Genjutsu so bad they'll-" From there, Eiji simply tuned out. Maybe he should have told her to keep it down. There were Iwa nin around to witness her outburst and 'manners', after all. However, neither he nor the locals were very concerned with her fool mouth at the moment.

The boy's red eyes scanned through his surroundings. Not only that though, he tried his best to catch something with Web Sense too. He found nothing though. Nothing but the crater that had been left behind by the explosion that had rang the alarm through Han's defenses.

As Tayuya put it, this kind of thing had happened a lot since they arrived. What is more, from the reports he'd read, this had been going on for a while already. What Deidara and Sasori were trying to achieve with this, he didn't know.

Were they trying to bait them out to leave Han by himself? That had been covered, since only Eiji and Tayuya had moved to answer the alarm, leaving the rest with orders to stall and call for reinforcements if anything happened. He also made sure to rotate who moved out. The only constant being that Temari and himself were never in the same group, since they needed to be in charge of one each.

Were they trying to check what the defenses were? That didn't make sense either. They had to know how things were by now. It even showed in the 'attacks' they made.

'They are distracting us, but from what?' Eiji thought with a frown.

"Let's go back," He told the redhead. "If you would let us know if you find something, that would be appreciated," He directed to one of the Iwa nin currently investigating the scene. The only sign that he was heard was a slight grunt, but Eiji simply nodded at that and started moving. At least they were actually working with him, which was all he needed. He wouldn't and couldn't ask for them to like it.

"This is getting really fucking annoying," Tayuya grumbled next to him as they walked back to Han's place where everyone else was waiting. "What the hell are they trying to do?"

"That's what I'm trying to figure out," Eiji mused out loud, long past the point of caring about how the girl spoke. "Once we arrive, I'll be meditating for a bit. I really want to piece this puzzle together before something happens."

"Are you asking me to play my flute? Because you could be more polite about it. Isn't that the shit you are always on about?" The girl asked with a sneer. Eiji simply gave her a lazy smile.

"Well, since you don't care about manners, I guessed I wouldn't either. At least when dealing with you," He shot back before turning to the front. "But yes, that would be appreciated."

Eiji didn't have many clear memories of his past life anymore, but he was pretty sure that listening to music had always helped him concentrate. Or, at least, it would allow him to tune out his surroundings, which might as well be the same thing. He really needed it at the moment, especially if he wanted to think through the current problem.

It wasn't like he was completely against what was happening. The longer the Akatsuki pair took to make their move, the more he could train his team and, more importantly, himself. Senjutsu kept steadily, if slowly, improving and his next original jutsu was almost ready to be used. He just couldn't help but continue making tweaks to it. It had to be as perfect and powerful as he could possibly make it.

He took a deep breath in.

"Good. I was just about to tell you to calm down," Hachi told him and Eiji suppressed a wry smile. He was getting better at keeping his mind calm and pushing away thoughts that could disturb Tsuchigumo. The Beast herself sent a wave of appreciation his way. If only for that, he would try harder.

"Everything alright, Creepy Eyes?" Tayuya asked from next to him. Her tone wasn't one that could be called concerned, not even remotely, but he took it as that. After all, he knew she wouldn't' be caught dead expressing 'soft' feelings.

"I'm fine," He reassured me with a wave of his hand. "I just want to get this over with and go back home. All this playing around they are doing, it's getting on my nerves."

"Just don't let it get to you," She said and he blinked, surprised. "Wouldn't want you to beat the shit out of us if you explode," The ex-Sound nin added and he nodded. That made much more sense.

"Almost worried you had been replaced with a fake one for a second there," He told her with a half-smile. Naturally, she wasn't the least insulted. She knew how she was and she was completely unrepentant. "Anyway," He started, a little louder than necessary as they arrived where everyone else was. "Tayuya, tell Temari what happened. Jirobo, you are training against Kabuto and Yuki again. I'll be meditating for a bit. Temari, I want you to go over what we know once you are caught up and then we'll discuss this together. Tayuya, after you are done, you know what to do."

All of them stood straight as he spoke before nodding. In a matter of seconds, they all went their separate ways to do as ordered, leaving Eiji and Han as the only people remaining. The boy looked at the pair of girls for a moment, ensuring that they were actually going to just talk instead of starting a fight.

"You think this is within your abilities to achieve? This mission?" Han asked, adding the last part when Eiji turned to look at him, confused.

"I'll finish the mission and it'll be a success," He replied. "There's too much at stake here."

"Hm…" The man hummed. Eiji expected him to add something else but, in the end, the Jinchuriki simply turned and went back to his home.

"Alright then," Eiji announced to the people in his mind. "Let's go over the information we have first…"


"Faster, Kabuto!" Eiji called out, as he continued dodging the ex-spy's attacks. "You have the offensive and the mind, but it won't do anything if you can't hit anything," He told the other boy, whose expression didn't so much as twitch. 'Man, he's really scared, isn't he?'

"I know that," Was all that Kabuto said and Eiji was surprised he was even talking.

"Good, then start trying, will you?" The younger boy pressed instead. It wasn't even him being mean. He meant what he said. Kabuto was doing a good enough attempt at training, but he wasn't giving it his all.

"Don't we need to be ready in case something happens?" The med-nin asked, stopping his attempts at hitting Eiji. The leader of the team stopped too, surprised at the inquiry.

"I told you to train and to do your best. If something does happen, then I'll deal with it. The team is here as my backup and in case we need to deal with extra threats. You aren't here to deal with Akatsuki, that's my job," Eiji explained, making the other boy blink and look at him incredulously. That made him smirk. "What? I was chosen for this mission and was supposed to take it alone. You think I was sent here to fail? No, that's not the case. Now, start actually making an effort, will you?"

That made Kabuto frown and Eiji almost wished he could read minds. Almost, because he didn't think he really wanted to know what went on inside the ex-spy's mind. Regardless, what he did want to know was just what he was thinking at the moment?

"I see," Was the slow response he got. Then, without any further comments, Kabuto charged back at him. This time though, he was actually going all out. 'Now, that's what I was waiting for,' Eiji thought to himself, grinning.

"That's more like it," He voiced as he continued dodging strikes. "You are not having trouble keeping up with healing everyone after training, are you?" Eiji asked, both to check on that information and to keep Kabuto's mind occupied even as he fought.

"I'm not," The other boy replied curtly but not unkindly. "It counts as training too, I guess," He added then. "Everything seems to be training with you though."

"You are starting to get it then." Eiji nodded. "There's always a way to improve one's self. We just have to be smart enough to see it."

"I see," Kabuto mumbled before smirking. "Could I suggest that you fight back? I have a technique I'd like to train while we are at it."

'The one that helped him heal from wounds, right?' Eiji realized instantly. After all, he'd read through his notes on Kabuto and he'd been told by the boy himself when he was recruited. 'Guess I'm not the only one that had that idea,' He thought, being reminded of when he'd used training his team to grind World Ender.


"You are doing great," Eiji praised, as his eyes half-closed. 'Man, multitasking is great,' He thought, highly amused. After all, he was both supervising his team's training and hearing Tayuya play music. Maybe it was the fact that he was kind of disconnected from what had been a great hobby of his, but he was certainly happy whenever he could hear some good music.

"You gotta come here and hear Kage play then," Hachi commented in his mind, just as amused as Eiji himself felt. "Otherwise he might get jealous."

"Hachi, I swear to God," The Orochimaru Shard hissed.

Almost chuckling out loud, Eiji continued observing his team members sparing. This time though, he'd changed things up a little bit. He'd let Tayuya use her Doki to fight Jirobo, Kabuto and Yuki, all at once. The fight was surprisingly even. Maybe it was her new technique that allowed her to increase her summon's power and speed, or maybe it was just that she was that good, but it was still quite shocking to see her contain her three teammates alone.

Granted, Eiji had restrained the three a little bit. He wasn't allowing Jirobo to use his Earth Release techniques. Kabuto couldn't use his admittedly not quite as strong Elemental Jutsu. Moreover, Yuki had been deprived of her recently developed Elemental Passing Fang. Not that the last one was a great loss, since it was still a work in progress.

Still, holding up with three oversized puppets against three different opponents was actually a great accomplishment. Judging by the glint that Eiji saw in the girl's eye, she knew it too. That expression alone seemed to make Temari, who was also overlooking the whole exercise with him, grimace quite a bit. Eiji suspected that was because the girl would be insufferable after the whole thing was over.

"Ok then, let's up the stakes yeah!" He called out loud, making everyone pause. Tayuya though, didn't even so much as take the flute off her mouth. "Temari, you are in. You can use your fan. Tayuya," He started adding quickly, seeing the downright furious look that appeared in the redhead's face. "You can use Genjutsu now. If I see things too much in Tayuya's favor, I'll start allowing other things on your side," He said, turning towards the people that had already been part of the spar.

Everyone nodded then, starting the upgraded exercise once more.

"Want an extra two pairs of eyes?" Hachi asked in his mind and Eiji replied by allowing the two shards a modicum of control so that they could all see through his eyes.

"They are good," Kage commented, but his tone was far from happy. "But they aren't good enough."

"As I said, I don't need them to fight Akatsuki," The boy replied.

"Spare us that, Eiji," Hachi snapped at him, making his eye twitch. "We know better, so it's insulting if you even try."

"I'll have to manage. Nothing that we didn't know," He said, trying to keep his thoughts calm.

"Continue as you are," Kage said. "Hone your team enough and they just might be able to help you, if only a little."

"You have to increase Kabuto's combat capabilities. Not only speed, but his power. He has some, but he needs much more to stand a chance. He's been focusing too much on espionage," Hachi suggested.

"Tayuya has a lot of potential, especially with you being as knowledgeable on Genjutsu as you are. You might even be a better teacher on that front than Orochimaru was," Kage mused. "After all, I have a feeling that he didn't put much stock in the art. Before you, the only prominent figure of the art was Itachi and he had a Bloodline Limit that helped him with it."

"Jirobo is actually pretty well rounded," Hachi took over once again, sounding almost surprised. "He just needs more of everything, sadly."

"Temari is smart, but she needs much more on the combat front," Kage pointed out. "Good thing that's not what you want her for. She should do as a strategist, if she can keep herself out of harm's way."

"I'll find a way to work on all that," Eiji replied, seeing that the 'twins' had finished talking. After all, there was nothing to say about Yuki. She was even less intended for combat when she was recruited than Temari was.

"Good luck," Hachi said.

"You'll need it," Kage immediately added.

Eiji could only smile wryly at that.


"That was a terrible idea," Hachi told him as he walked. Although, he sounded more amused than chiding really. Eiji was fairly sure that he didn't actually think it was a bad idea as much as it was a… somewhat risky one.

After all, putting both Temari and Tayuya in charge of the training while he went and did his own private one could only end in disaster, right? Granted, he hadn't really put them on the same level, since he'd still left Temari with the final word, but he'd made it clear that they were supposed to work together. He was very curious about how that would go.

He'd secretly left a clone watching, just to make sure they didn't kill each other.

Both girls had a good head on their shoulders though, so he had faith that they would work with each other, even if they hated it. If they could manage that, then they could make the team a force to be reckoned with, and that without even needing him to be with them. That was the important part, since he wouldn't be able to help or lead them much if he was otherwise occupied with Akatsuki.

This was as good a time as any to try that approach. It also aligned well with his need to train his last original Jutsu. Now he just needed to get to the Training Grounds he'd been told to use if he needed to be a little more… destructive.

"Satou," A voice called from his side and his hand was already on Nuibari's grip before he even thought about it. Seeing who had spoken, he relaxed ever so slightly. "Good to see you are on guard."

"Princess, what a surprise," He said, nodding towards Kurotsuchi. "Something I can do for you?"

"Yes. Grandfather sent me to get you," She replied, nodding her head for him to follow, which he did. "Something about your new teammate," She continued as they started their way towards the Tsuchikage's building. 'Could have had better timing, couldn't you?' He thought, even if he wasn't truly annoyed. "He didn't sound happy, by the way."

"Does he ever?" Eiji asked, earning a snort from the girl. He meant that question though. Onoki had never seemed particularly happy or even calm whenever he'd seen the man. Then again, they usually saw each other for less than desirable situations.

"Sometimes," Kurotsuchi replied after a moment that she probably used to contain her amusement. From there, they continued walking in silence. "I heard you've been training your team."

"I have," He replied, unsure of where she was going. A corner of his mind told him that she could be one of Sasori's puppets. It was a possibility, he supposed. It was also something that he was aware of with anyone he met, but he had to reign in that paranoia a little bit.

"Could I…" She stopped herself, biting her lower lip in hesitation. Eiji, meanwhile, simply continued walking as he looked at her. He knew what she wanted to ask, of course, but he was still rather curious if she would actually go through with it. "Could you train me too?"

"It's up to your grandfather, really," He answered almost instantly. "I don't mind, but if anything happens, my team and I are in the middle of the whole thing. I doubt that's a place the Tsuchikage wants you to be close to, Princess."

The girl growled, but didn't say anything else. She knew he was right, after all. Now, that would be interesting though, if Onoki allowed it. The thought was anything but funny, especially considering the pressure that would be put on him. Furthermore, he rather doubted the Tsuchikage would be pleased when Kurotsuchi asked the question either.

'Guess we'll find out soon,' He thought as the two of them walked through the door. Once inside though, Eiji could only blink, surprised. Shocked, more like. 'What the fuck?' He exclaimed in his mind.

"Well, that's a surprise," Hachi commented, sounding barely more composed than Eiji felt.

"I'll admit," The boy voiced, barely keeping his wits at the revelation he'd just been on the receiving end of. "When I asked A to see if he could send someone to help with my mission… I wasn't expecting you."

"So, this wasn't you trying to make me angry?" Onoki asked, sounding rather… displeased. Which Eiji thought was fair, even if he could do without that. "A, I'll have words with him the next time we see each other," The old man threatened. The boy, meanwhile, simply sighed.

"This isn't gonna be a problem for me, right?" He asked hesitantly, almost wincing when the Tsuchikage's eyebrow twitched.

"You are aware that between you and her, I won't be able to keep your team here for long, yes?" Onoki questioned, making Eiji stand straight and nod. The boy's mind worked a mile a minute, trying to come up with a way to finish their mission if Akatsuki didn't make a move before that time came. "Good, get out of here."

"I guess it's not a good time to ask if he can train me?" Kurotsuchi asked, and Eiji had to stop himself from cursing out loud. 'Couldn't you pick a better time for this?!' His eyes almost refused to look at the Tsuchikage, but they did. The old man looked one breath away from exploding but, visibly trying to calm himself down.

"And why… would I allow that? I could have any Jounin in our village teach you, Kurotsuchi," Onoki asked, which… was fair, really. Why did she want me to teach her?

"Because none of them rose nearly as fast as The Weaver, did they? I want to see if he can teach me, make me rise just like he is doing," The girl explained, standing straight and showing absolutely no hesitation.

For a long moment, the room remained silent. Eiji used that time to ponder how his life had become what it did. He was also wondering what his chances were if he tried to run away from Onoki.

"Next to zero."

"Thanks, Kage."

"I'll allow it."

"Say what?" Eiji couldn't stop himself from blurting out. 'Did I hear that right?' He thought, looking at the man incredulously. The Tsuchikage looked far from happy, but he also didn't look like he absolutely hated the idea. 'What the-?'

"Thanks, grandfather," Kurotsuchi said, beaming at the old man. 'Oh, it's one of those situations, huh?' Eiji realized, looking between the two of them.

"Reminds us of other people, right, Kage?"

"Shhh, he hasn't realized yet," The shard of Orochimaru scolded his counterpart.

"The fuck are you talking about?" Eiji asked, receiving only silence before Tsuchigumo broke it with a bark. "This is why you are my favorite, Tsuchi," He praised, receiving a wave of warmth from the Beast.

"You just need someone from Kiri now," Kage commented, completely ignoring the previous question, making the boy's eye twitch.

"Not helping."

"Well, I'm Eiji Satou, leader of the team you are now part of. I hope we can work together," Was what Eiji said out loud, shoulders slumping down as he looked at his new 'student' and his new teammate.

"Yugito Nii," The woman who had started the whole situation said, taking the hand he'd offered her. "Jinchuriki of the Two Tails and I hope for the same. Ending this threat can only be a good thing," She added that last part with a wry smile. "If it helps, that's the reason they sent me here. I'm one of the best ninja of the Cloud and I'm one of two that benefits the most out of dealing with these… Akatsuki."

That made sense, and Eiji guessed the reasoning of Kumo's leaders was that she would be the safest with a group that was supposed to actively look for and fight Akatsuki. Much better than leaving her to be ambushed somewhere or otherwise attacked. It was a valid strategy, he supposed, even if he'd never do the same with Naruto. Then again, she was more experienced, stronger and older than the blond boy, so there was that.

"Well… I'll just tell you one thing," Eiji started, standing straight. Slowly, he activated and rose the strength of Bloodlust as he stared at her. "You'll listen to me or Akatsuki will be the least of your worries."

"Oh?" She raised an amused eyebrow. "You realize that I've seen much scarier people, right, kid?"

"You realize that, back in Konoha, someone had to interrogate Orochimaru to get information on Akatsuki, right?" He shot right back at her. Everyone in the room seemed to freeze as he spoke. 'Now, that's more like it.'

"You expect me to believe that?" The woman asked, sounding a lot less sure than her words would have one think.

"I can prove it to you, if you really want me to," Eiji offered with what his team had deemed as the 'Creepy Smile'. He still didn't know what was up with that, but if it worked then he'd use it. Indeed, he could almost see her sweating under his gaze. 'Good.' "Now, I think we have to get back to work. I have a technique I want to start training with and I don't want to push it back too much," He said, before turning towards Onoki. "If we are excused, Tsuchikage-sama?" He asked, as politely as he could manage.

"Go away," Onoki grumbled, waving them away. Eiji could relate. He was absolutely done with the whole thing too, honestly. Akatsuki couldn't be dealt with fast enough.

"So, what are we going to work on first?" Kurotsuchi asked once they were outside the building. The girl sounded eager. 'Why can't I have a normal life?' He lamented.

"Should have walked out of the Academy that first day," Hachi commented unhelpfully.

"I do want to know what the team has been doing to better-"

"Shut up," He all but growled, interrupting Yugito's words. He stopped walking and closed his eyes, taking a deep breath in. He needed to calm himself. Once he looked for it, he could feel Tsuchigumo start to get restless. Hachi and Kage were probably a second away from telling him so.

"We were," Kage confirmed.

"You'll both stay silent until we arrive there," He said, starting to walk once more. When the only response he got was the sound of steps behind him, he almost celebrated out loud. Instead, he started talking once more. "Princess, you are at the bottom of the hierarchy here. If anyone else has to do something, then they are free to ignore you. You are only here to train and everyone else is here to work, so you aren't a priority, is that clear?"


"Tsuchikage-sama said that he'd allow me to train you. Not that he was ordering it or that I had to. That means I have no obligation to train you," He interrupted curtly, leaving no room to doubt that he'd very much like to not do this. He was doing so because it would be insulting to dismiss her outright, but if she gave him or Onoki half a reason, Eiji was sure that the old man would take it.

"I understand," The girl growled.

"Good," He nodded. "Yugito… Or do I have to call you Nii?"

"Yugito is fine," The Kumo nin replied, sounding like she really didn't care.

"Yugito. I'll have to see what you can really do. I have some idea, from Invasion," He felt her flinch at that through Web Sense, but he carried on. "But I hardly think that was your full skillset, so I need to know all that you can do."

"Understood," Yugito replied, nodding and sporting a serious expression. That was good. The last thing Eiji needed was someone that actually didn't work with him. He could barely stand Tayuya, and she never really went against him despite her attitude.

"I really should have been a civilian," He lamented with a defeated expression.

He willfully ignored the snorts that came from behind him.