
Naruto: Family System

Uchiha Kaito has lived in the world of Naruto for fifteen years, and during this time, he has not awakened his cheat. With less than a year to go until the impending night of the genocide, Kaito makes a crucial decision. To run away! However, in doing so, he accidentally activates a system that has remained dormant for fifteen years. This system has connected him with the Uchiha clan forever. If the clan lives, then I will be invincible! If the clan dies, then I will disappear forever! Faced with this situation, he strives to restore the greatness and prestige of the Uchiha clan. ... if you are interested, you can get early chapters on my patreon. patreon.com/softcrow

SoftCrow · Komik
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295 Chs

Chapter 55

Kaito continues to impeach Uchiha Fugaku within the shrine, while Shisui has already arrived outside the shrine.

Tonight's clan meeting is extremely important, and Shisui will not allow anyone to interfere, even if that person is Uchiha Itachi!

Moreover, from the beginning of the clan meeting, it has been decided that Itachi would not be allowed in. Now that Itachi seems determined to force his way in, Shisui naturally wouldn't agree.

Quickly reaching the outer edge of the shrine, Shisui sees Itachi, who is currently surrounded. However, he quickly frowns.

That's because he notices many clanspeople lying on the ground nearby. This could only indicate one thing: Itachi has already made his move!

"What are you doing?" Without addressing Itachi's issue, Shisui asks directly, "The clan meeting is ongoing. Why all this noise and commotion?"

"Lord Shisui, Lord Itachi is trying to force his way in," a Uchiha ninja speaks up somewhat reluctantly.

Although he is a Uchiha ninja, it's obvious that he doesn't possess the Sharingan, hence he cannot attend the clan meeting.

Moreover, offending either party in this situation is not something he can afford: on one hand, there's the collective command issued by the elders; on the other, Itachi, who possesses the Sharingan and is the son of the clan leader.

In such circumstances, even clanspeople with Sharingan would feel a headache and a sense of difficulty, let alone him.

"Who made the first move?" Shisui nods and then asks.

"We received orders to not let Lord Itachi in. When Lord Itachi tried to force his way through, we had no choice but to stop him. We didn't expect..." The ninja speaks, lowering his head.

This guy's words were rather vague. He didn't clarify who initiated the confrontation, and it was evident that he was filled with worry.

However, Shisui didn't care about these details. Or rather, he didn't care who threw the first punch. All he wanted was a rough account of the incident and an accurate outcome.

Nodding again, Shisui turned his gaze to Itachi, his expression somewhat complicated at this point.

But he quickly reined in his complex emotions, and in the end, all that remained was a calm sigh: "Itachi, you know the rules. You shouldn't have come tonight."

"Why should I not be allowed?" Itachi's tone was equally indifferent. He stared intently at Shisui and said in a deep voice, "If you can be here, why can't I?"

"This is the elders' command, and the clan leader has agreed." Shisui shook his head, finally providing an answer, "You don't need to attend tonight's clan meeting. Leave, and don't put me in a difficult position. Don't make it hard for everyone."

After saying these words, Shisui turned to leave. At this moment, he suddenly felt a strong surge of chakra brewing behind him.

This immediately made him halt his steps. Slowly turning around, he saw Itachi's eyes had turned a deep, intense red.

"As expected, you have completely changed, Shisui."

Itachi looked indifferently at Shisui, his voice uncharacteristically icy.

"You're no longer the Shisui I remember. I don't know what has caused you to change like this.

But I want to tell you that you cannot stop me from going in. Even according to the traditions of our clan, I, with my three tomoe Sharingan, have the right to enter the clan meeting!"

"Itachi, don't make me do this."

Looking at Itachi's stance, Shisui's heart was filled with bitterness, but he remained incredibly calm and steadfast.

"As I said, this is the collective decision of the clan leader and the elders. Even if you have the three tomoe, it won't work!"

As he spoke, Shisui's eyes also turned a deep red with three tomoe. This was his stance, he wanted to tell Itachi that he could not change this situation.

"As expected, I can't harbor any illusions about you. You're indeed not the brother Shisui I remember."

Upon seeing this, Uchiha Itachi seemed a little saddened but also somewhat relieved. He slowly closed his eyes, his voice still icy and detached.

However, at this moment, a more mysterious chakra began to bloom from him. The dense and cold aura instantly spread around him.

"In that case, there's nothing left to discuss. I'm going in and that's my stance. So, I'll ask you..."

As he spoke, Uchiha Itachi slowly opened his eyes, patterns similar to darts slowly spinning in his eyes.

"Are these eyes enough to let me in?"


Shisui looked on, slightly stunned by the sight before him. He had never expected that Itachi would also have these eyes!

However, beyond his surprise, he suddenly felt even more concern in his heart.

He didn't know how Itachi got these eyes, and Itachi's attitude was clearly antagonistic now!

After a moment's hesitation, Shisui gritted his teeth and quickly closed his eyes. The next moment, when he opened them again, a similarly eerie pair of Mangekyō had appeared.

As he stared, the chakra inside Itachi was also gathering. At this moment, Shisui finally spoke: "Mangekyō Sharingan, indeed you have the qualification to enter forcibly. But there's a question I need to ask you."

Itachi didn't respond, he just silently watched Shisui.

And Shisui didn't mind, he directly asked: "If I ask you not to report anything about tonight's clan meeting, can you do it?"

Outside the shrine, along with the fall of Shisui's words, the surroundings fell into silence once again.

The Uchiha ninjas who were surrounding them had already retreated, they simply couldn't endure the aura emanating from these two young men.

That oppressive, suffocating aura made them feel truly desperate.

"I understand." After a long pause, Uchiha Itachi suddenly spoke, then he turned around and left without looking back.

This move made Shisui's expression darken, he couldn't help but softly call out: "Itachi, you..."

"There's no need to say anything." Uchiha Itachi interrupted Shisui, he walked and slowly spoke: "It's really disappointing that it's come to this. But I've already guessed your thoughts, and the final outcome."

"You, take care of yourselves."

Under the silver moonlight, Uchiha Itachi's figure grew farther and farther, gradually disappearing from Shisui's sight.

At this moment, Shisui felt an intense pain in his heart...


Behind the shrine, the entire venue seemed extraordinarily silent, everyone's gaze was focused on Uchiha Fugaku.

At this point, Uchiha Fugaku remained silent, he was reminiscing about his past, he was wondering whether he was really that unbearable.

After a long while, Uchiha Fugaku sighed, he lifted his head and looked earnestly at Kaito then asked: "So, how do you plan to deal with this incompetent clan leader?"

"Since there's an impeachment, naturally Clan Head Fugaku is no longer suitable to continue sitting in the clan head's position."

After saying these words, Kaito turned his head to look at Uchiha Takechi and Uchiha Sō.

"Two elders, we'll have to trouble you next."

Uchiha Takechi and Uchiha Sō nodded at the same time, they exchanged a glance and then Uchiha Sō stepped forward.

"Given Uchiha Fugaku's various actions that have plunged the family into such difficulties, we have decided to remove Uchiha Fugaku from the position of Clan Head, and..."

At this point, Uchiha Sō took a deep breath, then his voice started to rise.

"We propose, Uchiha Kaito to be the new Clan Head!"


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