
Naruto: Eye of the Storm

Re-born in the shinobi world when just the sparks of the second ninja war begin to form signs to start. Yuki Senju will not sit idly by while waiting for fate to continue its course where only one Senju is left alive. To avoid that, Yuki will eliminate all the deadly obstacles that will get in his way.

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2 Chs

New Life

I was walking down the corridor of my house in the direction of the living room to see some anime with my brother, but suddenly an earthquake hit the city and that caused a large piece of the roof to fall on my head and cause my end... since I didn't wake up in a hospital or at least in my house.

Rather, I was surrounded by darkness and conformity while a rhythmic sound rang out the entire time which calmed me down.

--- Unknown Time ---

It's been a long time and I'm still in the dark place, which I feel is smaller, it's not like I can judge, since I have long intervals of sleep... oh it's coming back.

--- Unknown Time ----

Now I am lying in my crib, since apparently I reincarnated, it was a great surprise, my parents are nowhere to be found, since my mother could not bear the sadness of knowing that her husband died like her grandfather too, she died meanwhile she cried and held her chest tightly by the crib while apologizing to me.

I could only observe her, while watching the light of life disappear from her eyes, seeing that shocked me enough, I did not like the feeling of seeing how she died and the feeling only worsened by not being able to do anything to prevent her death.

I didn't have much attachment to her, but she had been filling me with love for what seemed like a month, it would be impossible not to feel any remorse for her death.

That day I cried for the third time from the anguish and helplessness I suffered, the confusion only filled me, and then it was terror for the realization of reality knowing what kind of world I live now.

All because I reincarnated in a world where ninjas and clans exist and to make my situation worse, I reincarnated as one of the last Senju in the ninja world, where a maniac of peace was ensuring the death of all Senju as well as the cursed manifestation of will of a being who is almost like a god who was forced to be imprisoned on the moon.

Some Anbu did not take long to enter the room when they noticed that I didn't stop crying, I could feel their surprise, without having to see them, it was obvious, a young woman just died of sadness leaving behind a baby who is also the last of their clan.

They were professionals when they started treating my mother's body and I was removed from the place to be taken to the Hokage tower while I was being moved delicately, although we were moving at high speeds, I did not feel the pressure, but although I was recovering my calm Mentally, my body was honest, and it doesn't stop screaming.


"Ha.… I really feel like I don't deserve this position when I see my sensei's clan slowly disappear" The voice of an old man entered in my hearing when I finally stopped crying because my vocal cords started to hurt.

When I was finally able to see Hiruzen, I was able to see how young he looks compared to what the anime showed.

Hiruzen found himself surrounded by documents at his small table in the large empty-room with smoke-smelling.

I never liked the people who smoke, if it wasn't for me being a baby, I would have already left the place to breathe clean air.

While I was flooded with my thoughts, I was taken to Mito Uzumaki, who apparently is in her last moments and decided to try to take care of me to get over her boredom.

I was only placed in a crib on the side of her bed while some maids attended to me and Mito made sure I was being cared in the right way.

But I don't last long with Mito Uzumaki and then I was sent to the Senju clan residence where several servants and Anbu protected me.

The Anbu did not try to hide much, only some hid in awkward places, while others stood guard outside the room.

Apparently I am receiving many surprises this week since another great figure from the world of Naruto came to see me and that person was Danzo, but he only watched from the entrance.

"Keep watching him as you have been doing" Danzo was stoic as always before leaving.

Apparently he only came to check my status as respect for Tobirama Senju, since he was the most respected figure in Danzo's life.

After that, time flew by my daily routine, eating, sleeping, bathing, and sleeping more.

With about three weeks to my birthday to go, Mito Uzumaki dies from the extraction of Kurama and he is sealed in Kushina Uzumaki, although to the general public it was said that she died of natural causes.

My birthday was on January 14th and it passed smoothly without anyone's celebration thanks to the fact that the Second Shinobi World War is started by combat of three nations in the lands of a fourth nation.

Konoha's mood becomes dark and depressing thanks to the war, while this does not affect me since I only live in a room that sunlight only hits during the morning.

After living in bed for a long time, I feel the freedom of being able to walk or run through the corridors of the villa.

Since I managed to walk I have become a little devil for the maids who take care of me.

As a young man inside a baby's body, it was hell to sit still doing nothing with just a boring roof and boring maids who only know how to wiggle my toys in the air to try to entertain me.

The most interesting thing was hearing the gossip from the maids about the outside world or the news of what was happening in Konoha.

So when my 20-year-old self managed to move again, I didn't want to stop, it was an intoxicating feeling, being able to run or walk by myself.

Bored to death, I decided to run all over the Senju villa until I was tired or to be caught by the maids who ran after me as they followed the game of trapped me.

I consider myself guilty of being entertained for playing catch-ups.

Also now that I am a year and a half old, my toys had a change, they stopped being pretty and colorful, to be ninja things, but being toys, like the cubes with the alphabet and the hand seals or the wooden kunais.

When I started playing with them so that I could learn the writing of the language that everyone speaks, I could notice how all the people seemed to enjoy watching me play with my toys, some murmured that I am purifying their hearts.

It was a bit awkward ... as for the language, for some reason I can understand it from the beginning, but not its writing and I realized that when I saw the calligraphy pictures that the Hokage had hanging in his office.

---- [Yuki Senju - Three Years] ----

Time has passed and I am now three years old since I last had my internal monologue where I can sound like an adult or someone over the age of five.

During all this time I have received training in the form of games from the Anbu that watch over me daily.

Yuki cannot be a reincarnation of Asura because Madara is still alive at the time of his birth.

Both reincarnations must be of the same generation so that they appear again in the ninja world.

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