
Naruto: Echoes of a Distant Home

Darkness faded into light and he opened his eyes to a world bathed in relentless rain. There he meets those who would bring him to Konoha. Yet, he never wished to be here. What he left was too precious to forget. Too precious to let go. More precious than anything here. 'I need to go back, back to Earth, back to my sister...' So in order to achieve his goals he will do whatever it takes, eventually shocking the ninja world. ** This is a translated novel and I do not own the rights to Naruto ** Check out p@treon.com/saintxi to get up to 40 chapters ahead I hope you enjoy the story

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Chapter 34: Power

In just a few exchanges, Ye Zi had killed two Rock ninjas, creating a heavy sense of oppression among the others. It was a stark reminder that in the world of ninjas, age is never a true measure of one's strength.

"Earth Release: Rock Fist Technique."

A Rock ninja sneaked up behind Ye Zi, his fist covered in rock aimed at the back of his head.

The wind whistled behind him, but Ye Zi seemed oblivious, instead tilting his head slightly to watch the Haibara on the balcony looking down at the courtyard.

Just as the rock fist was about to land, Ye Zi swung his knife back with one hand. Lightning flashed, and the Raiga (his sword) easily tore through the rock-covered arm.

The Rock ninja's advance abruptly stopped as he stared in shock at his severed arm. After a moment, the intense pain hit him, and he screamed. The next instant, another flash of lightning struck his neck, silencing his scream.

Watching this, the remaining Rock ninjas froze in place, as if paralyzed.

On the balcony, Haibara tightened his grip on the hilt of his sword. His calm heart was once again disturbed by Ye Zi's presence; he felt threatened.

Standing beside him were two people: a man and a woman, both students of Tsuchiya Sanzo—Dick and Maoka.

Dick, with a serious expression, observed Ye Zi below. Despite being of similar age, Ye Zi displayed terrifying speed, and his lightning-wrapped sword seemed to be a bane to earth-based techniques.

"Da Iwa, you handle blocking his movements." Dick called down to a sturdy young boy on the balcony.

This boy, Da Iwa, was also one of Tsuchiya Sanzo's students and had used the Earth Release: Rock Tomb to force Ye Zi into the air.

Da Iwa nodded solemnly at Dick's instruction.

"Maoka, the Haibara is your responsibility." Dick said, turning to Maoka.

She twirled a lock of hair, not responding immediately. Her gaze remained fixed on Ye Zi for a moment before she slowly nodded, replying, "Our task is to protect the Haibara, so retreat is the best option right now. But I know you won't choose to retreat, so do as you wish. However, if things go badly, I will immediately take the Haibara away."

Dick looked at her silently before jumping down from the balcony.

Watching Dick approach Ye Zi, Maoka increased the speed at which she twirled her hair. Suddenly, she plucked a few strands of hair, blowing them into the air. The strands slowly floated upward.

"Where does such confidence come from when facing an enemy like this?"

She sighed lightly, looking at Ye Zi wrapped in lightning, then turned to Haibara and said calmly, "Be prepared to escape at any time."

Given the situation, retreating with Haibara was the best choice. As long as Ye Zi could be held back, the surrounding forces of the Land of Earth might secure Haibara's safety and possibly even defeat the enemy. However, Maoka understood Dick well enough not to waste time trying to persuade him. She hoped Dick and Da Iwa would not lose too quickly.

Hearing her words, Haibara was taken aback. He did not understand why she was so sure that so many people could not stop a single Leaf ninja, despite his strength.

"If Dick and Da Iwa can't defeat that Leaf ninja, what about adding you?"

Maoka glanced at Haibara , her tone cold. "Including me, the chances of victory wouldn't be zero, but your chances of survival would decrease."

Haibara fell silent, gripping the hilt of his sword tightly. He was also a ninja and not entirely powerless.

In the courtyard, Ye Zi continued to use his speed and the advantage of his lightning-based techniques to kill several more Rock ninjas. He noticed two new threats: Da Iwa and Dick, one of whom had initially used Rock Tomb against him.

Despite being similar in age, Ye Zi sensed that these two were stronger than the Rock ninjas he had faced before.

Da Iwa looked on in awe as Ye Zi moved swiftly through the courtyard. His speed was astonishing. In a village renowned for its physical skills and defenses like the Rock Village, finding someone faster than this boy seemed nearly impossible. He found it hard to believe that Ye Zi was of similar age.


"Earth Release: Swamp of the Underground!"

Da Iwa performed a series of hand seals and slapped the ground. The large, scorched courtyard instantly turned into a quagmire.

"Not this again!"

Ye Zi immediately stopped moving, concentrating chakra in his feet to stand firm on the quagmire, avoiding sinking into it.

Dick and Da Iwa exchanged glances and nodded in understanding.

"Earth Release: Mud Ball!"

Dick performed a few more hand seals, crossing his palms and shouting coldly. Mud balls erupted from the swamp, flying towards Ye Zi.

At the same time, two other Rock ninjas used Earth Dragon bullets, with dragon heads made of earth flying towards Ye Zi.

Ye Zi prepared to move to the right to dodge the attacks, but suddenly, he felt a strong suction force from the quagmire beneath him, preventing him from moving.

He glanced anxiously at Da Iwa's palm pressed against the ground.

As the mud balls and earth dragons approached, Ye Zi had no choice but to expend chakra to defend against this wave of attacks.

"Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique!"

Ye Zi exhaled a massive fireball from his mouth, its intense heat incinerating the earth dragons and mud balls.

He then expelled chakra from his feet to overcome the suction force of the quagmire and immediately charged towards the two Rock ninjas. Before they could react, he slashed with his Raikiri, ending their lives.

After killing the two Rock ninjas, Ye Zi did not immediately retrieve his Raiga, which was trapped in the earth walls. Instead, he looked up at the balcony, but it was already empty.

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