
Naruto: Dragons Blade (Completed)

I’m broke, don’t assume I own anything except my child Take

Oofdiditagain · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
32 Chs


(A/N: The ending to this shitty novel is here , so enjoy after this is finished I may start another or not i don't know yet y'all will know though... you'll be able to smell the trash from quite the distance well enjoy or don't I don't care honestly we all know this isn't within the top hundred thousand when it comes to novels on here so your shitty opinion means jack shit... unless ofcourse your here to praise then by all means let me rob you of your compliments)

As Black Zetsu felt the connection to his white counterpart that was connected to Tobi get disconnected frowned (Can he do that? Well it's a fan fic... he can now) and moved towards his last location... The land of Iron the location of the kage summit


As the Kages reluctantly ignored the peacefully sleeping Dax as they continued their talks over his occasional snoring flinched as a voice rung out from a dark corner of the room they moved to after Dax completely destroyed the last meeting place as a completely completely black being walked out from the corner revealing dark purple eyes and a white slit replacing a mouth with a wide smile the thing spoke

"Since my Messenger seems to have died I will forward the message my self... Turn over the remaining tailed beasts or go to war with Madara Uchiha... Simple right? Just hand over some unruly animals and avoid a world war just send the unruly little things to some secluded part of a forest or what ever and we will fetch them.. the hosts will be dead but they don't matter right? Well baie~"

Seemingly merging with the ground as he disappeared leaving the various people in the room completely gobsmacked as they processed his words


When Dax woke up they was already on the way back to Konoha upon their arrival he saw a large gathering with Naruto standing at the front they were obviously ready for war Dax thought that they was about raise hell through the 5 great villages until Tsunade explained that they are going up against something different...No someone different an old war legend... Madara Uchiha someone everyone thought was dead but apparently isn't although they doubt it's truly him they can't ignore the fact that all but two of the tailed beasts have been captured and there isn't another Mokuton user that could even hold a candle to Hashirama let alone equal him so the next best thing is 'Dax's Crazy Ass' According to the Kage ever since seeing how ruthless he was to the masked man they decided it was best just to let him loose on the front lines but Saya had harshly objected this saying 'Don't make me have Ryu flatten all of your villages' although they doubted that the dragon would've listen they didn't dare test it they saw what the beast could tank so they would rather not know what kind of damage it could deal, but in the end Dax begged Tsunade to allow him to take a front all by himself so he could 'Finally unleash it all no fucks style' she tried to argue that he just did but he kept saying 'Nah that wasn't all I got most of my focus was on not killing everyone' with a simple shrug as he waved that thought off


A month has passed and the Allied Shinobi Force is a few hundred thousand strong and separated across 3 battle fields while the 4th has only 2 people and a tailed beast no introduction needed (Id hope so or what tf have you been reading this whole time?) on all the fronts large armies of all white beings charged forward wrecking havoc on the battlefields with their ability to essentially perfectly transform into who ever is dumb enough to feed them some DNA at least for the most part they were wrecking havoc on 3 of the battle fields the 4th was covered in a dense mist, as Dax went through hand seals '1 million folded sheets: Thunder Gods Wrath' using the Mist as a medium Lightning raged through the battle field as Dax pulled out his sword transforming it into a Great bow and forming a giant arrow from Nature Chakra in the form of a typhoon with a compressed ball of lightning in the head of the arrow as he let it loose a streak of light followed the arrow as it exploded destroying the battle field smiling as he entered sage mode and transformed the sword into two gauntlets and charged forward with Saya at his back scattering petals across the battle field

This continued for days whenever Saya needed to rest shed climb on top of a truck sized Ryu who'd fly up into the air while Dax with his body being fueled with Nature chakra had enough energy to still enjoy the battle of you look past the mental exhaustion he hasn't heard anything from the other battlefields but he can only imagine how chaotic it is over there when suddenly a sharingan like design appeared on the moon as roots grew from the ground as he watched Saya get trapped in this Genjutsu his eyes turned grey with 3 blocks circling the pupil as time stopped and he disappeared heading towards the main battlefield upon his arrival he found a large susanoo in the distance in front of who he could only assume was Madara while time was frozen he approached Madara who surprisingly despite time being frozen and not being able to move saw Dax and his eyes widened Dax who saw this let out a heavy chuckle as he grabbed Madara by the throat and spoke softly

"Time to be erased you emotionally unstable pale ass...(This went on for about 3 days or it would have if time wasn't frozen... Dax really had to vent) so see you later you ugly ass old man"

As the metal plates ran down Dax's arm the forced their way down Madara' throat and destroyed him from the inside as time slowly started moving again and a fruit which Dax just now noticed fell to the floor seeing this caused him to have a bad feeling so he channeled a lot of nature lightning chakra into his arm picked up the fruit and chucked it with all his strength into the sky causing the fruit to instantly explode the moment it left his hand seeing this caused Dax to adopt a wry smile as he scratched the back of his head as he turned around to see a wide eyed Sasuke, Naruto and some others that Dax noticed but didn't care to much about dragging Madaras body behind him a black being appeared at his feet elicting a girly like squeal from Dax the moment it came out of his mouth and he heard the chuckles from the surroundings he frown grabbed the black being by his throat as time froze he once again attempted to throw something into space but this time since time was frozen the moment Zetsu left his hand he froze in the air still carrying all of the momentum seeing this a wide smile grew on Dax's face as he went though hand seals slowly stacking jutsu one after another to further propel this disgusting being who caused him to squeal like a little girl this poor being was Dax's toy until Dax's chakra ran dry the moment this happened a multitude of sonic booms went off as the area around Zetsus previous spot lost all color as light completely left the area leaving only darkness turning around towards naruto and co. He felt a pain in his chest as he looked down he saw a spike of wood piercing his heart

"Well fuck... God damn it...

As he slowly bleed out cursing everyone and every thing with his whole being tsunade walked up to his pale body seeing the pool of blood she shook her head as he knelt down attempting to save his life but he grabbed her hand and shook his head

"Tell Saya that I love her and make sure to pass my legacy onto our child... funny huh I never got to tell you..."

As Dax's breaths slowed the pool of blood started to rise as visible traces of chakra funneled into the ball of blood as a cracking was heard looking down the semi transparent gauntlets broke into fragments only to be picked up by the chakra and fused with the blood forming a small whelp and a black bracelet that oozed a humongous amount of chakra


(A/N: yep that's the end what's next G.O.T or Naruto ? Tell me so I know what y'all want the worst that can happen is me disappearing soooooooooo)

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