
Chapter 21 : The Fall of Yagura(3)

The Hunter-nin Headquarters was a large underground fortress directly underneath the Mizukage's office. It served as both the interrogation center and the Head Hunters base of operations. It served its purpose and nothing more. It was the picture of a perfect and strict militaristic building. Very fitting of Kirigakure, seeing as it was constantly involved in war – be it with other nations or itself.

Currently, a mouse-masked, blond boy was chained to a seat in the middle of a dark room in this building, his body covered in Chakra Suppressing Seals. Yagura, a man of small stature and messy light-grey hair – don't forget his pink, pupiless eyes and stitch-like scar running down from his left eye – was standing in front of this masked blond boy. His child-like appearance did nothing to decrease his powerful Kage presence. He had the eyes of a butcher, a monster, and the Mizukage didn't know, but the boy didn't like what his eyes were claiming to be.

"You know who I am, but I am afraid that I don't know a thing about you." Yagura coughed slightly. "Besides the obvious Konoha affiliation and Jinchuuriki status." He added.

Nezumi was silent for a second before he spoke, his head never changing its position. "I am God's shadow." He whispered softly, yet everyone present in the room heard it clearly. "You've angered my master, so he's sent a real monster to cleanse this land of your tainted soul." The words were obvious to the Kage. There was only one man who never claimed to be a god, but was seen as one anyways. The Lord Third Hokage. Yagura was about to reply, but apparently the boy read his mind. "You're looking at him."

Yagura scoffed. "You claim to be a monster while completely unable to move." The Sanbi's Jinchuuriki shook his head in disappointment. "Such big words for my prisoner." He added. The boy must be delusional; there wasn't a bigger monster than himself.

That thought was the man's fourth mistake.

At the boy's silence, Yagura began again. "I still don't know your name, boy." His voice showed annoyance. The kid was wasting his time with these word games. "Are you going to tell it to me, or not?" He asked with annoyance in his tone again.

The man's feelings were very entertaining if nothing else for the boy. "I will." He whispered again, and like the last time, the softness of it made it no less audible. "Right before I kill you." He finished a moment later just to get on the man's nerves some more. He didn't like Yagura already, but he had made it personal with that monster remark. He took his title very serious, and this man had, in his mind, challenged him.

The Mizukage sighed. "Since you obviously do not wish to share any information with us willingly, I have no choice but to have my men take it from you forcefully." He was sure that if the boy was threatened with torture that he'd break. Even if he was a Jinchuuriki he was still a child, he had to be afraid of something.

Or, so he thought.

"Oh, I'm willing to tell you everything you wish to know, actually. I'm just saving my name for the end." Nezumi replied in a relaxed voice. If Yagura wasn't so annoyed at the blond then he would have noticed the strangeness of the boy's calm demeanor. He was a prisoner, in the heart of enemy territory, and in the presence of a Kage. Warning flags should have gone off at the beginning of the conversation. Apparently, the Uzumaki's plan to get under the man's skin was working beautifully.

Yagura raised an eyebrow at that. "Anything?" He asked, his interest once again piqued. This boy was a Konoha ANBU who had gained the trust of Terumi Mei and her Resistance, he had to have or she wouldn't have accepted his help. That meant that he had to know where his enemy was located and any future plans they may have. He was most definitely going to torture him for more information, but it helped if the person talked a little first. It was always helpful to know what to ask about. When the boy nodded, he continued. "What is Terumi Mei's next plan?" Couldn't hurt to ask and see if the boy was being truthful.

"She plans to come to Kiri." He answered quickly, causing Yagura to actually believe he was telling him the truth.

"What does she plan to do when she arrives?" He asked immediately after, not wanting to waste his chance to learn what the woman was doing. He had only fought the woman once and it ended in a draw. Someone with that kind of power was not someone the Mizukage could let live.

Nezumi cocked his head to the side. "To become the Godaime Mizukage of course." He said genuinely. "Someone has to put Mizu no Kuni back together after you're no longer in this world." He continued. "You know, because I'm going to kill you and all." He added quickly. He wanted to chuckle so badly at this moment. The little man was really annoyed with him now.

"Enough of this. I'm done with your little games." Yagura spat. "I'm done offering you a chance to escape torture." He turned to leave his torture specialists and the two Hunter-nin teams that came here with him alone with the child.

"Ah, but that was never a possibility, now was it, Yagura?" The blond said before he could leave. "Remember, you were most definitely going to torture me." He added emphasis on the two words he knew the man had thought.

The Kage turned, his eyes narrowed. The boy had just, very subtly, hinted that he knew what he was thinking.

"It looks like I've got your attention now." Nezumi continued. "Thankfully it would seem like even without him here to completely pull your strings like the puppet you are, you can still act like a real person." He added, confusing the man.

Nothing could get past his sensory abilities. Nezumi could feel another presence manipulating the Mizukage. He couldn't feel the intruder exactly though, probably because the man wasn't anywhere near them. Mei had mentioned that she thought it might be possible for someone to be controlling Yagura. She thought it was too much of a personality change for the noble man with good intentions to become the thing he was now.

"More nonsense, boy?" Yagura asked. "I really haven't the time for this. If you have something to say, say it."

The fact that the man was being manipulated didn't change what he was here to do. The Lord Third Hokage had ordered him to take the life of the Yondaime Mizukage, and he had a perfect completed mission's record. He would have to tell his leader his findings though.

Someone capable of controlling the mind of a powerful Kage who was also a Jinchuuriki was a dangerous person. They needed to be prepared if the man decided he wanted to try Konoha's Kage out next. It helped that he could tell that the small man had retained most of his personality, even with the man's control. It meant he really had challenged his monster status. He would enjoy proving the man wrong.

"Alright then, straight to business." Nezumi said. "You've made four mistakes, Mizukage-san." Yagura ignored the way he was addressed. Right now he was more interested in what the boy thought he had done wrong.

"Oh?" He asked. "Please, enlighten me." He replied with mock curiosity. The man believed he was speaking with a regular child, even if he was a Human Sacrifice.

"You actually thought you captured me, making me your prisoner." He shook his head slightly. "You were mistaken."

"You're trying to say you wanted to be captured?" The Kage asked in a condescending tone. "Forgive me if I don't believe you, boy."

Nezumi was silent for a few seconds before he began. "Then, you thought this number of seals could suppress my chakra."

"Those seals could hold me and half of my shinobi forces combined." Yagura retorted. "Even if you do contain the Kyuubi, you do not have the ability to break free."

"After that, you said you were the better monster." This was said with a little anger, something his fellow Jinchuuriki didn't miss.

"I don't care what you want to call yourself, kid." His tone now annoyed Nezumi. "You're a prisoner. What you are no longer matters." The Uzumaki could tell he still felt like he was the greater monster. "Now I'm done speaking with you." He said, making his way out of the room. He made it halfway out the door when he heard the boy speak again."

"I still haven't told you your fourth and most foolish mistake." Yagura made his way back to the boy, wanting to hear his final words, slipping his mask off to look him in the face before he left.

His eyes immediately widened when he saw the vicious smirk on the young face. That's when the seals decorating his body lit up, signaling their activation. The room shook and cracked under the pressure of the power the child was emitting, trying, and succeeding, to break from the Suppression Seals. One by one, the many tags burst, sending smoke into air in an impossible show of strength. The blond's eyes were a molten gold, staring straight into the man's soul.

Yagura was the Mizukage, and the Jinchuuriki of the Sanbi. He wasn't scared easily. But when the boy next spoke, he was terrified.

"You fucked with Konoha!"

In the blink of an eye, the now awake Naruto was in front of Yagura, sending him through multiple walls with a single natural energy enhanced punch. He made sure the blow wouldn't kill him; it wouldn't be fun if he died right away.

He wanted to play.

The second his fist met the man's face, three of the Hunter-nin were on him, their Kunai in hand. Their hands were outstretched to slice through him when they heard him whisper a God into existence.

"Bishamon." The golden form of the God of justice and war formed around their target, successfully blocking the blades just with his body. The thing was tangible. Wonderful. What the hell was this kid?

Naruto didn't even turn to face the men behind him; he wasn't here to waste his time with these people. He'd get to them shortly. Instead, Bishamon turned, his entire body now facing the ten occupants of the room his master was previously 'imprisoned' in. When the thing began to go through a series of hand-seals, the men suddenly emitted the feeling of dread. Good.

Naruto uttered the technique being used by the golden construct of natural energy. "Katon: Gokakyu no Jutsu (Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique)." When the golden God brought his right hand to his mouth, the room, along with the men inside, were incinerated into nothingness by impossibly huge, white-hot flames. He didn't know, and really didn't care, but he had just produced the world's biggest fireball in history. He was a monster, he knew he was capable of feats no other could conceive of.

Confidence, not arrogance.


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