
Naruto Descendant of Shao Khan

This is not my story just bringing it over to webnovel the original is Uzumaki Kombat by VFSNAKE

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13 Chs

On Cloud Nine

The Shinobi village that was Kumo had a strong rich heritage. Surrounded by strategic, yet natural terrains with rugged hills and tall mountains that rose past the clouds. It had produced countless Shinobi of only the finest quality. Each Raikage that had taken office was competent and strong with the ability to defend their village from any potential threat aimed at it. From an invasion from enemy Shinobi from another village to even that of a Biju deciding to attack on a mere whim, Kumo was a symbol of power, and strength that could not be toppled so easily.

Though at the moment, it seemed even that symbol of power, and strength would not be enough to weather the storm that was coming from United Elemental Empire with its Emperor that was Namikaze Uzumaki Naruto. The very name sent shivers down the current Raikage's spine, as he had some...history with the Emperor's family, and had been increasingly worried when the young man had taken one territory after another. Mostly without opposition though there had been fighting with the Elemental Emperor said to be on the front lines when it happened. It was whispered that this Emperor was a man, nay a God of some kind, who did not hide behind his soldiers, or his large castle when it came to being in the thick of battle. This was someone, who fought on the front lines, stained his body with the blood of his enemies, regardless of how outnumbered he may be, and crushed all that stood again him.

A true God of battle and war if there ever was one.

Not only that, but this Emperor had the support of the people, exposing the corrupt in high places in different countries, their crimes against others, and using each sin as an excuse to invade. To liberate the people from such people in charge over so many and to replace them with competent officials that were loyal to him. A large percentage of the Elemental Countries were nearly his now after over three years of fighting, negotiating, and...other means involving female rulers that would make many males jealous.

And have a certain Super Pervert dying of envy if he even knew half of what this man did behind closed doors with these women.

But the current issue before the Raikage was not the young Emperor himself and what the man does behind closed doors with the women in his life, but rather how to stop what he knew was the inevitable invasion of Lightning Country...and Kumo to that extent. The Raikage knew the invasion of Lightning Country was going to happen, he had felt it deep within his very body that the Emperor would invade whether the Lightning Daimyo was guilty of crimes or not. If anything, Kumo's past actions against Konoha, the Uzumaki Clan, and Hyuuga Clan had no doubt put Lightning Country on the Emperor's shit list in terms of when to invade.

The question now was...how to stop the Emperor?

"You wanted to see us Raikage-sama?" asked Yugito, as she along with Karui, and Samui had entered his office with A looking at the three with calculating eyes.

"Yes. I have an important mission for you three that only you three can perform. It will be treacherous, life risking, and there was a strong possibility you won't survive regardless if you succeed or fail," replied A, as he saw the three frown, and look at each other.

"An all kunoichi team? For this mission? While not unheard of, such missions are very rare, and have a high rate of death for most of the Shinobi who take them," stated Yugito with A nodding.

"Yes. In fact, this mission is so important, its not going to be on record in any sense, and if you fail the mission I will disavow all knowledge of our village's involvement in it. The only people, who will know the truth about this mission are myself, and Killer Bee since he was a teacher to all three of you. Naturally, I will deny everything when accused, and without proof Kumo will be cleared of any wrongdoing," explained A while the three kunoichi nodded knowing the full well that the less proof of Kumo being involved in a clearly sensitive mission like this...the better.

"What is the mission exactly Raikage-sama?" asked Yugito since she was essentially the team leader between all three at this point.

"Your mission...for all three of you...is to assassinate the Elemental Emperor Namikaze Uzumaki Naruto," answered A with the three kunoichi in the room looking at him like he just said his Father was the Sage of Six Paths.

"Assassinate him? Raikage-sama, not to question your orders, but...are you sure?" asked Samui, as she was startled by this, and had an idea on why it was the three of them being assigned to this mission.

"Yes. It is well known that the Emperor has a rather...healthy appetite when it comes the pleasure of the female flesh. He has several wives through various marriages, some of his choosing, and others through arrangements along with two concubines that are also his bodyguards at times depending on the situation. Your mission will require getting close enough to the Emperor to deliver a killing strike if not crippling blow to his body. With the Emperor either dead or too weak to advance his campaign against the other remaining countries, a plan to counter him, or possibly allow the start of some infighting will give us a fighting chance," explained A with Yugito, Karui, and Samui nodding.

"From the way you want things to happen, we will have to seduce him in order to get close, and possibly sleep with the Emperor," said Karui, as she saw A nodding since that was the probably the only scenario he could see them getting close to their target, and completing the mission.

"Most likely. It won't be easy, but I expect one, if not all three of you to get close to him while in that unguarded state, and do what needs to be done," answered A with the three kunoichi looked at each other before nodding.

"We'll do it," replied Yugito with A nodding.

"Very well. Officially, I have the three of you listed as having taken a few days off, and ordered you taken off the roster of Shinobi to use for missions. Now go!" commanded A with the trio nodding once and leaving his office.

(Konoha-Namikaze Estate)

"What are you looking for Naruto-kun?" asked Hinata, as she saw him looking through some documents pertaining to his Father's side of the family, and was looking waaaaay back as far as the documents would be able to willingly show him.

"The name of the very first Namikaze ever on record. Its been puzzling me for sometime now, as I have been going over my Father's notes regarding the Hiraishin no Jutsu, and the name of the Jutsu makes me feel...uneasy," answered Naruto, as he turned to face his stunning, and lovely Hyuuga for a wife.

Hinata had grown into a beautiful woman, as well as a strong kunoichi thanks to Tsunade training the girl as her apprentice. The combination of chakra control, mixed with using the legendary Super Strength the female Hokage taught her, and the flexibility Hinata had been born with naturally made the woman a deadly warrior. Even Shiva had to admit at the show of the girl's power, for all of the personal disbelief she had in the Hyuuga's own strength, could not deny that she was indeed worthy of being with Naruto, and accepted her into the fold.

"You think it has something to do with a certain Elder God still trying to destroy you in some way," concluded Hinata after thinking things over in her mind and Naruto nodding.

"Yes. I know my Mother's side of the family is descended from the Sage of Six Paths and ultimately from Shao Kahn. My Father's side is a mystery. Mere rumors in journal entries and of blurred text pertaining to the ancestry of the Namikaze bloodline. While not as old as the Uzumaki Clan, I suspect Raiden did have a mortal child to form a clan that would one day possibly combat my Mother's side of the family should they ever try anything. Its funny how things turned out between my parents that they should actually get together to create me," replied Naruto while he saw more of the family tree open to him.

"I would say so. Anything definitive aside from rumors in old texts and journals?" said Hinata with Naruto frowning.

"Maybe. This journal is from a second generation Namikaze, who did his own research into the family, and mentions quote: 'a God like being made of lightning has blessed our clan with the knowledge of how to move faster then the eye can see. The ability to bend space and time to move like lightning itself without causing harm to our bodies almost as if it was a natural part of us.' end quote," replied Naruto with Hinata's eyes widening in shock.

"Sounds like Raiden to me," stated Hinata with Naruto nodding.

"Yes. Believe it or not, the Namikaze Clan was originally from Lightning Country, but had to flee due to the conflict rising up there, and most of their clan's knowledge on how to manipulate lightning was taken by the first Raikage when Kumo was first founded soon after Konoha that gave rise to the other Shinobi villages popping up. After that happened, the Kumo Shinobi in that village over time were eventually able to adopt the manipulation of lightning despite the fact it was draining their chakra considerably while my Father's family could use it naturally without the drainage being so taxing," explained Naruto with Hinata looking completely surprised.

"Really? Do you think anyone knows about this in Kumo?" asked Hinata with Naruto now shaking his head.

"I highly doubt it. Even if some of the older people in Kumo do know, they would never admit it on account of how the village would look on building itself on the grounds of a nearly destroyed clan, and using lightning in a way that is not theirs by any blood right," answered Naruto before he paused while looking at some information that nearly escaped his attention.

"What? You look troubled," said Hinata with Naruto handing her the document.

"Apparently, not everyone in the Namikaze Clan left before Kumo was founded, and had actually stayed behind to join the village in secret. Look at this name on the family tree," replied Naruto with Hinata frowning at the name.

"Namikaze Daichi?" questioned Hinata with Naruto nodding and showing her the name of the current Raikage with his own family history he asked Jiraiya to get simply because the man's manipulation of lightning was impressive that the young Emperor suspected made him a descendant of Raiden's bloodline.

Now Naruto understood there was more to it then that.

"This can't be right. The current Raikage Kumo has N ancestor named Daichi while the last name is blacked out!" exclaimed Hinata with Naruto nodding.

"Daichi clearly changed his last name and didn't tell any one that he was a Namikaze. The Raikage's affinity for lightning and speed is said to be almost beyond human. That it is second only to my Father's Hiraishin no Jutsu," replied Naruto with Hinata looking at him curiously.

"What are you going to do?" asked Hinata seeing Naruto looking determined despite the situation in front of him.

"We will clash in battle. There is nothing that can avoid it. When that happens...we will see which one of us stands over the other the victor," answered Naruto with his wife now wrapping her arms around his massive build.

"Just be careful when that happens. The Raikage isn't someone to be underestimated. He may be more like Raiden you know," whispered Hinata while Naruto wrapped his arm around her.

"I know. I suspect we will cross paths soon. Very soon," replied Naruto with his voice becoming a whisper.

Almost as if he had foreseen a glimpse into the future.

(Elemental Empire Capital-Emperor's Palace-Weeks Later)

"Do we have to wear these...outfits?!" demanded Karui with anger in her whispered tone of voice.

"We need to get close to the Emperor, remember? What better way then to pretend I am an envoy from Lightning Country offering you two to him as gifts?" questioned Yugito while she was wearing clothing of an envoy from Lightning Country with Karui and Samui were wearing very skimpy clothes one would normally see a concubine wear when in a royal palace.

"Why are you complaining Karui? You don't have a massive chest like mine causing you back problems," whispered Samui coldly while trying to keep her face expressionless.

"No. I have a massive ass that is shown off in this so called 'outfit' while your breasts are nicely covered despite the size," countered Karui while Yugito sighed knowing these two had this argument well before they arrived here.

Karui had suggested Yugito be the one wearing the concubine outfit, but Yugito being the leader of the trio had countered her argument by stating that she needed to be in a position where she could react should things go bad, and call on Nibi's chakra. There was also the distinct possibility that Naruto would be able to sense the demonic cat inside of her body and become suspicious in finding a Jinchuriki like Yugito being a supposedly submissive concubine being offered to him for some form of future peace between the two sides.

"Its hardly comfortable with these damn things in this outfit. At least your ass isn't being compressed by the chest plating used to hold my breasts," Samui shot back.

"Enough! Both of you! We are here so look your parts," commanded Yugito with the two Kumo kunoichi nodding.

When the trio were eventually granted an audience with the Emperor, they saw Naruto was sitting on his throne, looking down at the three in disguise Kumo kunoichi, and was apparently quite bored. He had been seeing people all day today, asking for favors, and aid in areas where his Empire that were still trying to get use to the transition of having been absorbed into his domain.

'His guard is down. His guards are not here. We can attack soon,' thought Samui, as she saw Naruto looking at her, and Yugito, and Karui with some minor interest.

"Greetings Emperor Naruto, I am Nii Yugito, and an Emissary of Kumo within Lightning Country. We came here to seek an audience with you," said Yugito, as she walked closer to the throne with her two teammates keeping their heads down, acting out their assigned roles perfectly, and awaiting for the time to strike.

"The Raikage sent you here to see me? And who are those two behind you?" questioned Naruto with some minor interest though he was clearly bored.

"Yes. He wishes peace to be kept between Lightning Country and your growing Empire that is taking one country after another. As proof of his intentions, Raikage-sama has sent these two women to be your concubines, and to use how you see fit in return for peace to be kept between us," replied Yugito, as she Naruto looking each woman over carefully, and yet was still skeptical.

"You there! The red haired one of the two. Spin around for me," commanded Naruto with Karui doing what he asked, yet she moved quickly to cover up her exposed ass that the thong part of her outfit did little to cover it up, and fought to keep the embarrassment on her face down.

"Is everything to your liking Naruto-sama?" asked Karui while keeping her tone of voice submissive while playing the part of the possible concubine for him.

While picturing a chibi version of herself slicing up a chibi version of Naruto and then setting the remains on fire before dancing around the fire in a circle in her mind.

"So far. I'll admit you are pleasing to the eyes, but it takes more then your figure to catch my interest. Are they strong? Can they fight?" demanded Naruto with Yugito looking at him in surprise while the two kunoichi behind her exchanged glances.

"Fight Naruto-sama?" asked Yugito while seeing him narrow his eyes at her.

"Yes. Can they fight? Can they defend themselves should someone attack them? I like the women I have around me to be strong and capable of holding their own in a fight should my enemies seek to come after them to get to me," replied Naruto while standing up from his throne and walked toward Yugito with the trio of Kumo kunoichi now seeing why the young Emperor was more imposing up close then what she first saw from a distance.

She honestly didn't think that was possible.

'How is he so fucking tall?! The only one remotely close to being that tall right now is the Raikage and he's a full grown adult while this guy is still in his teen years! He might just dwarf the Raikage by the end of this year if he keep growing and who knows how big this guy is...down there' thought Samui, as she began to blush for some reason at seeing he had quite a few marks on his nearly flawless body to prove he had indeed been in quite a few battles.

"They are former kunoichi of Kumo and they are both Jounin ranked," answered Yugito with Naruto narrowing his eyes at her and then at them.

"Yet they look submissive. Almost...weak looking," commented Naruto with a hint of anger flashing on Karui's face for a second.

"They understand their place in this situation," replied Yugito while looking at her with piercing red eyes.

"Do they?" challenged Naruto suspiciously while giving Yugito a questionable look and making the two-tailed Jinchuriki sweat a little.

'He's onto us,' thought Karui and Samui at the same time.

"Of course Naruto-sama. Why else would we be here?" replied Yugito with Naruto now smiling at her.

"Why to assassinate me of course!" answered Naruto before he quickly grabbed Yugito by the throat while Karui and Samui going pale in the face.

"Now!" exclaimed Yugito while in Naruto's grasp with Samui and Karui quickly bringing out their swords hidden discreetly within seals made on their arms under the disguise of tattoos.

The battle was short yet fierce. The sound of a male screaming as blood spilled and the helmet on Naruto's face fell to the ground. Samui, Karui, and Yugito panting from being exhausted from such a battle that had violently shaken the room they were in. Knowing they had little time to act before guards came to investigate what was happening, the trio began to flee by heading to the door they had first entered, and were completely surprised to see that the very man they had just killed being very much alive.

"Surprised?" questioned Naruto before he shoulder tackled the three of them back into the room with his bodyguards entering the room with him.

"H-How? We all saw you die by our very hands!" questioned Karui, as she saw how they were surrounded, and knew they were doomed.

"I knew that you were coming ahead of time. I knew what you were planning. What you killed...was just a clone," answered Naruto with the clone dissolving into nothingness.

'How did he find out about our plan? No one, but the Raikage, Bee, and the three of us knew about it' thought Samui, as she saw Yugito call upon Nibi's power once more, but was squashed by Naruto's sudden flare of power that swirled around him in a violent storm that made the trio tremble in fear of him.

"You want to know how I found out about your little plan, don't you?" said Naruto, his voice had become cruel, and demonic sounding while towering over the three women.

'I would, but I'm not going to ask,' thought Samui, as she saw him grin down at her, and let out a cruel chuckle.

"Its rather easy to figure out when thinking things over. One of you told me about the plan," declared Naruto while looking at their shocked faces.

"You're lying!" exclaimed Karui with her temper getting the best of the woman while Naruto just chuckled.

"Really? Then how do you explain how I knew you were coming and prepared for your assassination attempt accordingly?" questioned Naruto confidently with the red haired woman finding herself unable to answer.

"Then who was the traitor?" asked Samui seeing Naruto's grin increase.

"Who indeed," replied Naruto before flaring his power to such a level that the trio past out from it.

(Sometime Later)

Karui and Samui awoke from their unconscious nap to the sound of flesh hitting flesh, the sound of a male grunts, and female moans of pleasure echoing around them. Only giving their surrounds a brief once over, finding they were on the floor of a very large Master bedroom, and a very large bed clearly meant to hold more then just two or three people in it. What they saw on the bed made their eyes widen in shock with horror mixed into them and couldn't believe what they were even seeing.

The man the Raikage had told them to assassinate, the Emperor of the Elemental Empire that was Namikaze Uzumaki Naruto was currently having his way with their team leader Nii Yugito.

At first, they thought the large muscled man for an Emperor was raping Yugito, and were wondering why she wasn't fighting back sooner. Or telling them to wake up so they could help get him off of her. Next, they notice that Yugito's face wasn't one of sadness, shame, or even disgust at being taken by Naruto like they expected. Instead, she had a look on her face that told the two that Yugito was enjoying it, and had been for quite some time since they were unconscious.

"Look who is awake Yugito-chan! Your two teammates are watching me fuck you silly!" exclaimed Naruto with Yugito barely having the strength to look at the two.

"Release Yugito-sama at once!" demanded Karui, as she tried to get up, but found herself chained down, and found her chakra was also unusable from the seals on the manacles attach to each of her limbs.

"And why would I do that when she loves it? Do you want me to release you from this Yugito-chan?" asked Naruto, as he didn't stop pounding Yugito, and loving how the woman moaned in pleasure from when he cupped her breasts while thrusting into the woman from behind.

"No! Don't stop! Pound me! Pound this dirty pussy's pussy!" answered Yugito happily, as she felt him increase the power of his thrusts, and felt her eyes roll into the back of her head.

"How did you turn Yugito-sama against us? Against Kumo?" demanded Samui while trying not to look at Naruto's impressive shaft pounding away at Yugito.

"Simple. I saved her from a pair of Akatsuki members trying to kidnap her Months ago," answered Naruto before he let out a mighty roar that shook the room and came hard into Yugito with the woman letting out a scream of pleasure from her own orgasm.

One of many since being in the room with Naruto.

"Months? She's was turned into your sex puppet for past few Months?!" asked Karui in shock with Naruto having moved to the edge of the bed with Yugito sitting in his lap while still attached at the hip.

"Turned? You make it sound like I forced Yugito into being this way," remarked Naruto while one hand was wrapped around Yugito's waist and the other fondling one of her breasts that made the woman moan in pleasure.

"Didn't you?" questioned Karui angrily with her tone of voice accusing the man of just that while Naruto smirked.

"Hardly. In fact, after I killed both Kakuzu, and Hidan for their attempt at capturing Yugito-chan...well let's just say she was overwhelmed with the need to thank me in a very interesting way," answered Naruto with Yugito moaning again while the two kunoichi in front of them blushing from the sight of their naked bodies.

(Flashback-Months Ago)

Hidan was screaming in agony, as he felt his soul getting slowly ripped out of his body before being crush in Naruto's hands, and the other worldly powers of Jashin failing to save the man from tasting death. After throwing Hidan's useless body away, Naruto had turned his attention to a downed Yugito, as she was barely conscious, and stayed awake long enough to see him rip Kakuzu vertically in half before going after Kakuzu. The Jashin Priest actually used his crazy ritual that allowed him to hurt others when hurting himself when in a ritualistic seal made from the blood of his enemy. Almost like voodoo, but on a more advanced level, and with deadly results for those that were victims to it.

For Naruto, he was amused by the priest, as he began suffering various wounds from the foul mouth Hidan's attempts to slow him down, and weaken the former Kyuubi Jinchuriki with multiple life threatening injuries. The Jashin Priest was shocked that despite all the injuries inflicted on his target, Naruto just kept walking toward him, not caring how badly injured his body was becoming, and had walked into the seal before shoulder tackling the man out of it.

"What...are...you?" asked Yugito when the towering form of the Emperor stood over her injured body.

"Your savior," answered Naruto, his body covered in blood from his healing injuries, and picked the woman up with ease.

(End Flashback)

"After I healed her injuries she suffered from those two morons, Yugito-chan decided to pledged herself to me, and we had hot passionate sex right there on the spot of the room I acquired. We have been lovers ever since and she has been feeding me information I might like from time to time. Like the one where you three were ordered to assassinate me to cause my Empire to implode from within and cause the unification of the world to fall apart. She told me of the plan you three were going to use to kill me and I planned accordingly to counter it with my clone. Or course, I made my clone difficult to kill so it wouldn't seem that your temporary victory was easy to obtain, and you were never the wiser," finished Naruto before kissing Yugito's neck and heard her moan again at his affectionate touch.

"And what do you plan to do with us? You can't keep us here!" demanded Karui with Naruto letting out a chuckle.

"Actually, I can keep you here despite your protests," countered Naruto with Karui and Samui frowning from their position on the carpeted room.

"What do you mean?" demanded Samui with Naruto's grin increasing.

"From my understanding, you three officially have been declared rogue Shinobi for your actions, as news of your attempts to kill me have already been made known to the rest of my Empire, and to Kumo as well. Naturally, your Raikage has expressed his sincerest apologies while denouncing any, and all involvement in your attempt to kill me. He sent a message to me stated how the three of you were mine to deal with in anyway I see fit and has of course requested that I return Yugito temporary back to Kumo to have her Biju removed to be put into a new Jinchuriki. Do you know what my response was to his little request in the message?" replied Naruto with the smile on his face never leaving him.

"What?" asked Samui worriedly.

"My answer to him was that the Nibi sealed inside Yugito-chan, you, and Karui...belong to me now. I sent him all three of your headbands to further enforce that fact," answered Naruto with Samui and Karui looking shocked by this since they never truly believed this would be the outcome of their mission.

"This can't be happening," whispered Karui, as she looked down in horror, and then she looked up when she heard him laugh.

"Did you really think I would send all three of you home? That I would simply forgive you for this transgression against me? Do you realize how many people close to my heart would have been devastated by my death at your hands? Do you even realized the horror that this world would have faced if my Forefather and Emperor of Outworld Shao Kahn had come to learn of my death? That it was done by those trying to stop me from trying to fulfill my destiny?" questioned Naruto with the two kunoichi looking down in thought at what he was talking about.

"So the rumors about your ancestor are true," whispered Samui with Naruto scowling at her.

"Indeed they are true and I can assure you Samui-chan...he wouldn't be merciful to you in the slightest," replied Naruto with Samui looking fearful and so did Karui.

"What do you intend to do with us now?" asked Karui before she glanced briefly at the spot between his legs where he was still buried deep within Yugito's sensitive female area currently leaking with sexual juices from both of them.

She had to fight the blush threatening to appear on her face.

"Well that depends on you two. We all know that the two of you can't go back to Kumo, as it would make things look bad for your Raikage, and Yugito-chan here will be more then willing to offer the necessary proof that he did have a hand in ordering the mission to have me assassinated. Even if you didn't go to Kumo, no other Shinobi village will take you in, meaning you have nowhere to go, and thus leaves you homeless while on the run from Hunter Nin from every Shinobi village," answered Naruto with both Karui and Samui frowning before they looked at each other for a second.

"Our only option is to stay here in your palace...as your concubines," remarked Samui while Karui scowled with her temper rising.

"You make it sound like I'm the bad guy here. Besides, Anko-chan and Shizune-chan don't mind it one bit," replied Naruto with a grin knowing those two loved every single second he was with them.

"That's probably because we both still have our pride and dignity as kunoichi!" Karui shot back with anger in her eyes before she shivered in fear when Naruto's glowing blood red ones locked onto hers.

"Are you saying that they don't? That they are just mindless fuck toys to me and nothing more?!" demanded Naruto with his power leaking out of him and unknowingly making Yugito squirm in pleasure of having such power surrounding her.

Nibi was sitting in the seal within Yugito's mindscape acting like it had been given a year supply of catnip.

"N-No! I-I-I uh...that is to say uh...I...," stuttered Karui, as she didn't know how to answer him, and had cursed her pride for cause this situation to occur.

"Enough! Perhaps you should be the first among the two of you to know your place in my house," declared Naruto, as he grinned now, and moved to detach himself from Yugito with the woman whining the whole time.

"Naruto-kun! I want more," pleaded Yugito lustfully while Naruto smirked.

"I've spoiled you enough today Yugito-chan. Rest now. You will get another turn with me later," commanded Naruto with Yugito reluctantly obeying his command and curling up on a section of the incredibly large bed in a very cat like manner that made her two former teammates involuntarily sweat drop.

Karui, who had spoken out earlier, found the towering form of Naruto standing in front of her with his naked sweaty body glistening from the light in the Master bedroom, and was staring down at her with a hungry look in his eyes. She yelped slightly when he picked Karui up so suddenly, freed her from the chains that bound her body to the floor, and had pressed the red haired kunoichi close to his body while she began to blush a red equal to her hair. It didn't help that one of Naruto's hands had moved to her ass and gave it a firm squeeze and Karui realized she still had on the concubine uniform on. That the only thing keeping the man's slick cock from entering her was the slim piece of cloth she had on that was protecting what was between her legs.

"Be gentle. Please!" pleaded Karui, as her pride had been shot, and was now at his mercy in terms of being taken by such an entity radiating pure power.

"I'll try," answered Naruto, as he kissed her passionately on the lips, his hands working their magic on her, and the woman was soon moaning from the pleasure while Samui could only watch them with a blush forming on the busty blonde's usually stoic face.

Samui watched her friend and teammate soon lose what clothing she had on before giving herself to Naruto with one prepared thrust that made the red haired woman hold onto him tightly for a long paused moment. Not surprising since she had to adjust to his size and the sensation of having him inside of her body so suddenly. Still, Karui found that it was not an unwelcome feeling to having Naruto's male pride sheathed inside her own sacred symbol of the female gender. In fact, her body seemed to relish the sensation, enjoying it, and wanting more from Naruto with each passing second. She soon mewed into his ear, the desire behind the sound clear to Naruto that Karui now wanted more, and he had no problem complying.

All the while Samui watched with almost hypnotized fascination, as she saw Karui begin this lust induced intimate moment with the Elemental Emperor, and surrendering herself to the man. This embodiment of a sex God made flesh was having his way with Karui, his pace, his thrusts, power, and positions used were all controlled by him. Samui had never thought Karui would ever be dominated by any man, as the red haired woman had a mean temper when provoked, and always made herself out to be unreachable in terms of having a relationship with anyone.

But now...now Karui had been conquered by this man, this God amongst men, and could no longer say she was a kunoichi of Kumo. Those days were over. Karui's purpose in life now was to proudly serve her Emperor, to fight for him, to die for him, and make love to him whenever he wished it.

It was at this point, watching the red haired woman cry out in pleasure from her orgasm Naruto soon brought to her body that Samui truly understood her new place in life, and that she belonged to the Emperor now. Just like Yugito belong to him and just like Karui now did.

When it was Samui's turn to be taken in Naruto's bed, she did not resist when he brought her body close, when he ripped the clothing she wore from her body, and like the others before the busty blonde formerly a Shinobi of Kumo...she submitted to his touch.

(Kumo-At the Moment)

The Raikage was furious. His plan had failed. The assassination attempt on the Elemental Emperor had ended in spectacular failure, how he didn't know, but the Raikage did know that the Emperor now had ammunition needed to invade, and A could do nothing to stop the man from invading Lightning Country and come for him here in Kumo. To further add insult to injury of his pride as a Shinobi and his village's pride were three headbands with the Kumo insignia on it lying on his desk with a note on the middle one.

You failed Raikage. They belong to me now.

-Emperor Naruto: The Conqueror

"Damn you gaki. Damn you!" exclaimed A before smashing his desk in two with his fist.

War would soon be upon him.