
NARUTO: Dark Sasuke, starting with an encounter with Kurenai Yuhi.

[System + Multiple Female Leads + Ruthless + Rogue Ninja] On the night of the Uchiha massacre, Sasuke, who was in a coma, suddenly woke up and slowly walked towards Fugaku Uchiha. "Father, don't blame me, this is all for the revival of the Uchiha clan. I'll be taking your eyes." From that moment, the ninja world gained an utterly villainous demon king. Jiraiya: "This is my beloved disciple, Naruto." Tsunade: "This is my direct disciple, Sakura." Orochimaru: "This is my great father, Sasuke." Years later, Sasuke looked back and found that he had become invincible in the world, with many descendants, while Naruto next door was still a lonely old bachelor. Sasuke couldn't help but sigh and say, "I, Uchiha Sasuke, am truly..."

azathoth69 · Komik
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131 Chs

Chapter 99: Natsuhi  

Although Tenten is not very old, her mind has matured a lot. Sasuke is not trustworthy at all.


"Hey, are you really Sasuke?" Tenten looked at Sasuke's handsome face, her face flushed.


How come Sasuke is becoming more and more charming, and she actually has emotional fluctuations when she sees him?


"Of course I am Uchiha Sasuke, but I am not from your world, and I am not as cowardly as the Sasuke in this world."


"How about it, Tenten? Do you want to go to my world with me?" Sasuke asked.


"Ah, no, I think my life is pretty good now," Tenten said with a wry smile. She didn't want to stay with Sasuke. It was too dangerous.


Sasuke didn't mention it again, because Tenten would definitely leave with him, and no one could change this reality.


Neji and others outside were still studying how to break the barrier. Sasuke had already stood up and left, and Tenten was the only one left in the room in a daze.


As Sasuke left, Tenten breathed a sigh of relief. Although Sasuke was very kind, the vague sense of oppression still made her breathless. Tenten breathed: "Neji, you have to work hard!"


The dark night was particularly quiet. The autumn of Bear Country was like this. Every year, a large number of poor people starved to death or froze to death.


Not only Bear Country, but even the five major countries often have this situation. Exploitation and oppression are torturing the weak and low-level people all the time.


"The world is really disgusting," Sasuke said, taking a look at the white-haired old man who starved to death on the side of the road with a purple face.


"Hmm! It's raining!" The fine raindrops fell drop by drop, making the already oppressive atmosphere even thicker.


"It should be here," Sasuke sensed a relatively strong chakra during the day, which was very similar to the chakra of Akahoshi. Natsuhi's hiding place is probably nearby.


"Big brother, can you give me something to eat?" In the dilapidated wooden shed, a little boy with mud on his face ran out and asked Sasuke for food.


Noticing that the boy's bulging clothes obviously had a weapon hidden in them, Sasuke smiled.


"What if I say no?" Sasuke smiled and gently grabbed the boy's wrist that was holding the knife and stabbing at him.


"Ah, it hurts a little bit."


"It hurts, doesn't it? Guys who can't even hide their thoughts won't live long."


Sasuke took the knife off, and with a little force, all the knives were immersed in the boy's body, and blood couldn't stop flowing out.


"If you want to kill someone, your hands must not shake, and your heart must be cruel. If you don't even have this awareness, just die."


The boy's vision was completely shrouded in darkness, but he struggled desperately. He couldn't die. He had to survive well, even if he was the only one left.


Sasuke didn't kill him. He simply stopped the bleeding for him and left him a note: "Little ghost, if you can survive, cross the Pain Mountain in the east, and I will give you a chance to become strong. The price is just your loyalty."


Sasuke didn't have any hidden motives. The look in this kid's eyes was too much like his when he was young, so he didn't mind giving him a little chance.


Sasuke followed a little bit of chakra induction and came to a mountain range, which was connected to the mountain range of the Poison Canyon. No wonder Natsuhi always flew away along the Qi Mountain, it turned out to be here.


If people knew that Sasuke could directly capture the other party's movement signs with just a little chakra induction, they would probably be scared to death. This kind of thing is simply unheard of.


This kind of perception ability comparable to that of a monster is probably something that even a Byakugan ninja would not dare to think about.


Sasuke jumped to a cliff platform in a few steps. There was a cave with pits on the rock wall. It was not difficult to see that this was caused by humans, because a naturally formed cave could not be so ugly.


"Isn't it here?" Sasuke found a photo in the cave, which was a photo of a beautiful woman and a child.


The cave was not as damp as imagined. Perhaps because Natsuhi often lived there, it was very clean and tidy. Sasuke looked up and accidentally found a pink object hanging on a suspended iron wire.


Sasuke took it in his hand and gently crunched it. It was still fragrant! It seemed that Natsuhi had just gone out.


Sasuke lay on a soft blanket, covered his eyes with a pink object, and prepared to sleep, quietly waiting for the big fish to come to him.


For Sasuke, who had not seen the smell of sleep for many days, Natsuhi might be able to satisfy his craving.


At this moment, Natsuhi certainly didn't know that her hideout had been found by someone, and she was still waiting in her home.


She had just sneaked into the Star Ninja Village and wanted to steal the stars again, but unfortunately, she was discovered by Akahoshi, and the two were in a chase.


"Hahaha, don't run, Natsuhi, I know it's you."


Akahoshi did not hide his greed, his eyes kept scanning Natsuhi's tall and plump body. He had defeated Natsuhi a long time ago, but she didn't pay any attention to him. In the past, there was the pressure of the third generation of Hoshikage, and Natsuhi's strength was not bad.


But now is different from the past. He has mastered the entire Star Ninja Village. It will be a natural thing for him to take over the village and become the fourth generation Hoshikage in a short time.


"Peacock Magic Pursuit."


Dazzling chakras changed in the air, and chakra kunai shot at Natsuhi flying forward. Natsuhi was not to be outdone, and the two collided frequently in the air.


Natsuhi shouted: "Akahoshi, what you did will put the whole village in crisis, and then you will be the sinner of the village."


"What a joke, as long as I can study the power of the stars, it will be just around the corner to become a Kage-level strongman. Whoever dares to kill me at that time, whoever can kill me."


Akahoshi licked his lips pervertedly, "What do you think? Natsuhi, for the sake of our acquaintance, as long as you are willing to submit to me and give me the same person, I will not pursue your faults."


"Disgusting," Natsuhi glanced at Akahoshi's disgusting face, no longer showing mercy, and every move was fatal.


However, both of them practiced the Peacock Magic, and their moves were different but ended up in the same way.


In a short period, neither of them could do anything to the other. Seeing that Natsuhi could not be taken down for a long time, Akahoshi snorted and flew away quickly, not giving Natsuhi a chance to entangle again.


"Natsuhi, remember, one day I will make you fall at my feet willingly and beg me to favor you."


Natsuhi snorted, her face was ugly. If it was just a small fight before, this time, Akahoshi really disgusted her, and he dared to have such an idea about her.


"Akahoshi must be eliminated as soon as possible, otherwise Ang will be in danger." Not only because she hated Akahoshi, but more importantly, for Ang's safety.


She must not let her young child be hurt. After making up her mind, Natsuhi flew around the mountains for a few circles before going back.


She was able to survive until now not only because of her strength but also because of her cautious character.


It is better to be safe than sorry. Natsuhi knew that she could not afford to lose and could not lose.


It was not until she walked into the cave that she realized that she seemed to have not been cautious enough.


"Ha, you are finally back, Miss Natsuhi." Sasuke stretched his body, and the bright moonlight shone in, reflecting Sasuke's handsome and evil face.


Such a flawless handsome face, even Natsuhi was a little stunned.