
NARUTO: Dark Sasuke, starting with an encounter with Kurenai Yuhi.

[System + Multiple Female Leads + Ruthless + Rogue Ninja] On the night of the Uchiha massacre, Sasuke, who was in a coma, suddenly woke up and slowly walked towards Fugaku Uchiha. "Father, don't blame me, this is all for the revival of the Uchiha clan. I'll be taking your eyes." From that moment, the ninja world gained an utterly villainous demon king. Jiraiya: "This is my beloved disciple, Naruto." Tsunade: "This is my direct disciple, Sakura." Orochimaru: "This is my great father, Sasuke." Years later, Sasuke looked back and found that he had become invincible in the world, with many descendants, while Naruto next door was still a lonely old bachelor. Sasuke couldn't help but sigh and say, "I, Uchiha Sasuke, am truly..."

azathoth69 · Komik
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131 Chs

Chapter 93: Prelude to Darkness  

Raikage was unable to dodge and was caught by Shurado(Asura Path)(Asura Path), who had been waiting for an opportunity and hugged him tightly like an octopus.


"Mr. Raikage, goodbye!" Shurado(Asura Path) smiled sinisterly, and under Ay's shocked gaze, the five people on the opposite side attacked without scruples. 


"Are you devils? Even killing your own people?" 


Ay didn't know that the six people in front of him were not living beings but the products of the Rinnegan.


Even if they were crushed to ashes, Jigokudo(Naraka Path) could summon King Enma to restore them. 


"Raikage, today is your death date." 




In Konoha, Tsunade looked at the intelligence report in her hand and frowned.


"The intelligence personnel found that Raikage had left the Hidden Cloud Village, and he headed towards the Hidden Rain Village." 


"Could it be that..." 


"Tsunade-sama, do you think Sasuke will also be in the Hidden Rain Village?" Shizune asked anxiously. 


"Shizune, put away your little thoughts. It's not time to meet Sasuke yet." Tsunade pursed her lips and looked at Shizune unhappily. 


Little flirt, just like that Yuhi Kurenai, she hasn't even met Sasuke yet.


But Shizune has been with her for many years, and Tsunade has long regarded her as her own daughter. Of course, she would share good things with her. 


"Wait a little longer. It will take some time to take control of the village. Danzo and other high-level officials are not easy to deal with." Tsunade held her chin with both hands and looked out the window. 


"Or, let's send a message to Sasuke-kun and ask him to kill Danzo." 


Shizune stopped in time because there was a knock on the door. 




"Tsunade-sama, do you have anything to do with me?" 


Kakashi walked in while looking at the book in his hand. 


Tsunade glanced at the name of the book. She had heard of it. It was a book that spread to many countries, but people who liked it were not good people. 


"I really don't know why you like to read books written by Jiraiya. I remember you used to be quite cold." 


"Ahaha," Kakashi scratched his head


"Jiraiya's book is very philosophical, and people can't help but study it more. Ahem, and I just got into it." Kakashi wouldn't tell others that he got into this habit when he was a minor.


Even if there were no books written by Jiraiya, he would read other writers. However, after reading many books, Kakashi still thinks that Jiraiya's books are the most nutritious.


Not only are the contents rich, but the illustrations that occasionally appear are even more tempting. 


"I can't do anything about you. I asked you to lead the team to the Hidden Rain Village to gather intelligence. It is suspected that the Raikage is there." 


"Raikage?" Kakashi's expression froze. The Raikage must have an ulterior motive for appearing in the Hidden Rain Village. 


"Could it be that Kumogakure wants to attack the Hidden Rain Village? After all, since the death of Hanzo of the Salamander, there has been no famous master in the Hidden Rain Village." 


Tsunade shook her head, "Kakashi, it's not that there haven't been powerful ninjas before, but this powerful ninja deliberately hid himself. He is more difficult to deal with than Hanzo of the Salamander." 


"You probably know that Jiraiya has been observing a certain mysterious organization for many years. This organization is Akatsuki." 


Kakashi did hear Jiraiya mention it casually, but he didn't take it seriously. It seems that this Akatsuki organization is not simple. 


"Let Yamato, Guy, and Sai go with you this time. Gather at the gate in an hour." 


"Kakashi, come back alive." Tsunade's serious words made Kakashi stunned. Come back alive? Is this mission so dangerous? 


"Hehe, Kakashi, the Hidden Rain Village is the headquarters of the Akatsuki organization," Shizune laughed. 


Kakashi thought: It's not your fate to look at my mail. 


"Do what you can. If you really can't do it, put safety first," Tsunade shouted as Kakashi went out. 


"Don't worry, believe in my abilities." 


Sometimes fate likes to play tricks on people. Kakashi didn't know that his fate would change after this trip. He would become the person he least wanted to be. 


One family was happy, and several families were sad. Pain looked at the unconscious Raikage.


He was worried that he had no chance to enter Kumogakure to capture the Eight-Tails. Now, the most important person of the Eight-Tails came to his door. 


Hidan, who had just returned from a mission, ran over with curiosity and rubbed the huge inlaid knife in his hand on the rough face of the Raikage. 


"Fuck, this big muscle guy was actually subdued by the boss. You're worthy of being the boss, please accept my respect." 


Hidan's crispness made Pain tremble. Since he was defeated by Sasuke, no one had flattered him for a long time.


In the past, he thought that these flattering subordinates were all drunkards and useless. But now he actually enjoys this feeling.


If it weren't for maintaining the majesty of God, he would like Hidan to say a few more words. If you can talk, you should say more. 


"Boss, you are so awesome. If I get bullied, will you help me?" 


Hidan's eyes turned. 


"Oh, someone dares to bully my subordinates in my territory. Just tell me, I will take care of it for you." Pain tilted his head at a 45-degree angle, with his hands behind his back, showing the demeanor of a king. 


"Boss is still reliable," Hidan looked around and confirmed that there was no trace of Kakuzu, and said


"Hehe, I want to report Kakuzu to you. I suspect he is a spy."