
NARUTO: Dark Sasuke, starting with an encounter with Kurenai Yuhi.

[System + Multiple Female Leads + Ruthless + Rogue Ninja] On the night of the Uchiha massacre, Sasuke, who was in a coma, suddenly woke up and slowly walked towards Fugaku Uchiha. "Father, don't blame me, this is all for the revival of the Uchiha clan. I'll be taking your eyes." From that moment, the ninja world gained an utterly villainous demon king. Jiraiya: "This is my beloved disciple, Naruto." Tsunade: "This is my direct disciple, Sakura." Orochimaru: "This is my great father, Sasuke." Years later, Sasuke looked back and found that he had become invincible in the world, with many descendants, while Naruto next door was still a lonely old bachelor. Sasuke couldn't help but sigh and say, "I, Uchiha Sasuke, am truly..."

azathoth69 · Komik
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131 Chs

Chapter 92-2: The Raikage Invades Rain Village, and is Surrounded by Six Paths  

"Lord Kitsuchi, Lord Kitsuchi, wake up quickly!" 


Kitsuchi, who had been in a daze all day, woke up groggily, which made the other Iwagakure jonin feel relieved. If even Kitsuchi had problems, then Iwagakure would really face a major crisis. 


"Lord Kitsuchi, you should take good care of your injuries. Uchiha Sasuke and others have left," Kitada, the captain of the blasting team, said unwillingly.


When did the dignified Iwagakure end up so miserable, allowing invaders to do whatever they want in the village and leave easily afterward? 


"Well, how is Lord Tsuchikage?" Kitsuchi was relieved when he heard that Sasuke and others were no longer in Iwagakure and then asked for information about Ōnoki. 


"Don't worry, I have sent half of my men to search for Lord Tsuchikage. He is a lucky man, and he will be fine," Kitada reassured.


He finally chose to tell Kitsuchi that Kurotsuchi was suspected to have been captured. 


But his silence did not mean that his men would not leak it out.


Before the spies sent out entered the tent, an anxious voice came in, "Captain Kitada, we have confirmed that Miss Kurotsuchi was indeed captured by someone." 


"What?! Kurotsuchi is in trouble?" Kitsuchi spat out a mouthful of blood upon hearing this and fainted again, covering Kitada, who was supporting him, in blood. 


"Captain, is Lord Kitsuchi still not awake?" the spy asked tentatively, touching his head. He felt that everyone was looking at him with a bit of a strange expression. 




Which ninja village is the most anxious now? It's not Konoha or Kirigakure, but Kumogakure. 


At the peak of the thunder, Killer Bee looked at the letter in his hand with a pale face. He received the news that Iwagakure had almost attacked the Fire Village.


He knew that he had seriously underestimated the power of the Akatsuki organization.


Now the worst news was that the Raikage had gone to the Rain Village two days ago, ready to catch the Akatsuki organization off guard. 


Thinking of his brother running to the Akatsuki organization's lair alone to challenge more than a dozen Kage-level shinobi, he felt depressed. 


"No, I have to go. If something happens to my brother, I will never forgive myself in this life." 


Of course, Killer Bee still remembered that it was his flattery that put his brother in crisis. 


"Notify Darui, the Samui team, and Yugito to go with me." After thinking about it, Killer Bee deliberately brought the Two-Tails Jinchūriki, Yugito, with him.


He didn't believe that so many people, plus two perfect Jinchūriki, couldn't rescue his elder brother. 


"Onii-chan, hold on, I'll be there soon," Killer Bee shed exaggerated tears and looked into the distance tragically. 


The Akatsuki organization was exposed to the entire ninja world for the first time, shocking not only the five major ninja villages but also other small ninja villages.


Even the members of Akatsuki were shocked. 


Kakuzu and Hidan, who were on a mission in the Land of Fire, were shocked. Kakuzu was glad that he didn't get hot-headed and stood up for Hidan. 


"Hidan, when you see Sasuke in the future, remember to keep your distance. Don't let him have a chance to find trouble with us," Kakuzu warned. 


"What?" Hidan was still biting a chicken leg in his mouth, looking at Kakuzu.


"Aren't you so fearless, Kakuzu? Besides, why should I stay away? Why don't you tell him off?" 


Kakuzu pressed Hidan on the table and couldn't move, saying coldly, "Why? Because my fist is bigger than yours." 


Crack, crack, crack! 


After a while, Hidan was bleeding from his nose and walking around with two dark circles under his eyes. Seeing this, Kakuzu sat back with satisfaction. 


After dealing with Hidan, who liked to talk back, Kakuzu was in a particularly good mood. He even stopped his part-time job and rushed back to the Hidden Rain Village overnight. 


The Hidden Rain Village was heavily guarded, but these guards were just a trick. The real monitoring here was the most inconspicuous rain. 


At this time, an uninvited guest confidently sneaked into the Hidden Rain Village.


The Raikage used his speed to drive away waves of guards and successfully entered the Hidden Rain Village from underwater. 


He didn't know that his every move was being watched by Pain in the distance. 


"Raikage? Why is he here?" Konan frowned, her beautiful eyebrows furrowing. 


"The arrival of the Raikage is indeed a little unexpected to me. I thought it would be Jiraiya-sensei," Pain looked indifferent, not taking the Raikage, who had been in the ninja world for many years, seriously. 


"Jiraiya-sensei has been investigating us all these years, but he shouldn't have tricked someone into sneaking into the Hidden Rain Village." 


"Do you want me to go with you to deal with him?" Konan said worriedly. 


Konan's worry was like a sarcasm in Pain's eyes, reminding him of the powerlessness of losing to Sasuke. 


"No, a Raikage can't make much of a difference." Pain, who was furious, just wanted to find someone to vent his frustration on at the moment. Without a doubt, the Raikage was the best target. 


Da Da Da 


Walking in the dark alley, Raikage looked at the huge passage above, squinted his eyes, and his body subconsciously dodged. 


Missiles smashed into the landing point just now. 


"Quite a quick reaction." Pain said, and a laser beam shot out of his head to chase the Raikage. 


"Damn it." Looking at the five people standing on the high ground, the Raikage knew that his whereabouts had been exposed long ago. He was still so complacent; just thinking about it made him blush. 


"You guys who are neither human nor ghost are also members of Akatsuki! After I kill you, I will directly expose you and completely eliminate you pests," the Raikage said confidently. 


The Raikage Chakra mode is fully fired, wanting to decide the winner in a short time. He is very proud of his speed.


After all, he is a ninja who can compete with the "Yellow Flash of the Leaf" Namikaze Minato in speed. 


"Raikage's level of lightning abuse." 


The Six Paths share the same line of sight, and no matter which direction the Raikage attacks from, they can see through their eyes.


To kill the Six Paths, either separate them or use overwhelming force. Sasuke used the complete form of Susanoo and his abilities to forcefully conquer Nagato. 


"Sealing Technique: Absorption Seal." Hungry Ghost Path caught the direction of the Raikage's attack, activated the Rinnegan, and an invisible shield completely absorbed the Raikage's ninjutsu. 


"Fuck, cheat?" Raikage exclaimed and was immediately knocked away by Tendo Pain's Shinra Tensei.