
NARUTO: Dark Sasuke, starting with an encounter with Kurenai Yuhi.

[System + Multiple Female Leads + Ruthless + Rogue Ninja] On the night of the Uchiha massacre, Sasuke, who was in a coma, suddenly woke up and slowly walked towards Fugaku Uchiha. "Father, don't blame me, this is all for the revival of the Uchiha clan. I'll be taking your eyes." From that moment, the ninja world gained an utterly villainous demon king. Jiraiya: "This is my beloved disciple, Naruto." Tsunade: "This is my direct disciple, Sakura." Orochimaru: "This is my great father, Sasuke." Years later, Sasuke looked back and found that he had become invincible in the world, with many descendants, while Naruto next door was still a lonely old bachelor. Sasuke couldn't help but sigh and say, "I, Uchiha Sasuke, am truly..."

azathoth69 · Komik
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131 Chs

Chapter 89: Sasuke Arrives  



"Uchiha Madara, you didn't expect it! I, Ōnoki, have mastered the Wood Release that you fear the most."


"How could this happen? Please, don't kill me"


"Master Mu, I'll give you cut off the Madara's head!"


Kurotsuchi, who passed by the Tsuchikage's office, was stunned to see her grandfather talking in his sleep.


One moment he was arrogant, and the next he begged for mercy.


What did Grandpa dream about? Kurotsuchi covered Ōnoki with his quilt and walked out lightly.


As the Tsuchikage, shouldering the mission of strengthening the village, the old man must be very tired, Kurotsuchi couldn't help but think.


If she could become the next generation of Tsuchikage, she would be much more relaxed.


"Hehe, the Fourth Tsuchikage," thinking of the majesty of the Tsuchikage, Kurotsuchi couldn't help but reveal a smile, but she immediately restrained it, as it was too damaging to her image.


On a stone mountain near Iwagakure, Kimimaro and Kabuto stood and looked at the distant Iwagakure Village.


"There are solid rocks all around, it is indeed a good place that is easy to defend and difficult to attack."


Kabuto moved the telescope in his hand and found that the location of Iwagakure Village was well-chosen, effectively preventing large-scale invasions. But for them, the terrain is useless.


Kabuto was dressed in a black robe, and a huge white snake behind him would occasionally pop out its head, full of style, and it was obvious that he was not an ordinary character.


Kimimaro looked at Kabuto unhappily, thinking, "Bastard, you customized your own battle robe without calling me."


Kimimaro was wearing only a thin coat, which looked very shabby compared to Kabuto's dress.


"We can place a large number of detonating tags on the surrounding rocks, and then detonate them at the right time. While causing chaos, we can also attract the attention of the masters of Iwagakure. When the time comes, we can just go directly into the village to find the Jinchūriki."


The action plan was simple and crude, but Kimimaro was a little suspicious and asked, "Isn't Deidara's clay bomb very powerful? Why do we have to go to the trouble of placing detonating talismans?"


"Well, Deidara refused to come with us, after all, this is where he used to live." Kabuto said helplessly. He couldn't force Deidara to blow up his hometown. It was a bit inhumane.


Everyone went to the battlefield together and walked around the alleys. Deidara had long been a member of the team. This kid usually respected him, so Kabuto didn't care.


"Tsk, a child's mentality," Kimimaro complained and said no more.


The two of them moved in the night and followed the Hidden Rock Village, pasting detonating talismans on several boulders that were prone to collapse.


Kimimaro and Kabuto had worked under Orochimaru before, and there was no need to teach them about this kind of thing. They were habitual offenders.


When they were weak in the past, Orochimaru always taught them various methods of servitude to deal with tough opponents.


For example, the current Kazekage Gaara was attacked by Kimimaro, hit in the lower body, temporarily lost the ability to move, and then the whole body was killed by the bone spear.


Otherwise, it would not be so easy to get rid of a Kage-level strongman.


"Kimimaro, what do you think Sasuke will do to enter the Hidden Rock Village?" Kabuto has never seen Sasuke at full power, especially in the past two years, Sasuke's strength has reached a new height.


"I don't know, why do you care so much? Just follow Sasuke's instructions" Kimimaro seemed to remember something.


"By the way, doesn't Ōnoki have a granddaughter named Kurotsuchi? I heard she is very beautiful. Do you think Sasuke-kun would be happy if I caught her?"


Kabuto raised his middle finger to express his disdain for Kimimaro's idea and continued to paste the detonating talisman. However, he secretly remembered this matter.


The action just now was just to distract Kimimaro. He would search for Kurotsuchi in person when he entered the village.


Kimimaro saw Kabuto's serious face and stopped talking about it. He didn't know that the ninjas who played with snakes had dirty hearts.


The area of Iwagakure Village is very large, and they had to avoid the sight of patrols. Even if the two are Kage-level strongmen, it took a lot of effort.


"Damn, it's finally done. If Deidara was willing to come, there would be no need for such trouble. It would be great if my bones could explode." Kimimaro was stunned.


"Yes, why can't my bones explode? If my bones could explode, my combat power would definitely be upgraded to a higher level."


Kimimaro suddenly looked at Kabuto with a hot look in his eyes. Isn't there a professional here?


Kabuto noticed Kimimaro's intense gaze and his heart started pounding. "No, buddy, I'm not gay, don't have any ideas about me! Kimimaro, I warn you, if you dare to have any strange ideas about me, I will definitely kill you. If you really can't bear it, just find a hole in the ground and drill into it."


As an experienced warrior, Kimimaro knew that Kabuto had misunderstood, and cursed silently.


"Don't worry, I, Kimimaro, am only interested in big blonde waves, and I will never change in this life."


"Hey, didn't you learn the craft from Lord Orochimaru for two years? Can you help me improve my bloodline limit? It's best to let my bones be able to control the explosion freely."


"So you're asking me for help. You should have said it earlier. I was so scared that my ass went cold." It's just a bloodline limit problem. It will take some time to study it.


You can also get some of Kimimaro's bone marrow while he is anesthetized for research. How could Kabuto refuse such a good thing?


"Ahem, what is it? With our deep friendship, I will definitely help you." Kabuto was so excited that he almost revealed his plan to steal bone marrow. Kabuto looked at Kimimaro's strong body.


This time he looked at Kimimaro with burning interest. Great, Kimimaro will definitely be one of the best samples in his research. In terms of physical strength, even Jūgo can't compare.


"Kimimaro, you came to me yourself. Don't blame me for being cruel." Kabuto couldn't hide the smile on his face. Anyway, taking a little bit of bone marrow won't kill anyone.


Kimimaro wouldn't find out. With Kimimaro's monster physique, he will only be in pain for a few months at most.


Kimimaro always felt that Kabuto had bad intentions, but he still chose to believe him. This guy was bad, but he probably wouldn't have any ideas about him. After all, they were so familiar with each other that they were almost wearing the same pants.


"Then it's a happy decision. We'll start after catching the tailed beasts," Kabuto said to Kimimaro with a kind smile.


"Hey..." The two of them waited quietly on a rock peak. Not long after, Sasuke, wearing a black windbreaker, fell from the sky with a cold look in his eyes.


"Are you ready?"


Three people invaded a large ninja village, Iwagakure, which was known for being difficult to deal with. No one would believe it if they were told.


If it were the previous Kabuto and Kimimaro, they would not believe it either, but today they will be the protagonists of this violent chaos.


At the moment when the sky was about to brighten, a cock crowed sounded in Iwagakure Village.


Along with this crow, a deafening explosion resounded through the clouds, and the entire Iwagakure was in chaos.


Ōnoki, who was lying on the table, startled and rushed out in a hurry. A huge rock fell from the mountain peak.


Fortunately, it was not very close to the village, so it only destroyed some buildings and did not affect the core area.


"Someone, come here quickly."


"Call Kurotsuchi here immediately."